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Producer Livestream 12/15


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I really hope that we don't end up with some kind of hacked up compromise with RNG still being the main mechanic. This new "system" is a total mess and RNG is the #1 reason with a bullet.


Do the right thing here. Acknowledge that this wasn't the correct design, fix it and move on.

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"We hear you and we will keep monitoring the game to see how it is all shaping up. After all, our models showed us that this would be a great system and we still believe that. "


"But we will continue to monitor and see if that is the case or not"


"More to come in January's stream"




That's all I expect to be said about the RNG system. And I in turn will continue to monitor the game when my subscription runs out. The goodwill to stay subbed and hope/believe them is gone. I've reached the point where I now require seeing actions (Not hearing actions will come soon/being planned) for me to continue paying to sub.

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Says a lot when you can earn more cxp throwing damn snowballs at people than actually doing any quests.... again logic


I wish this wasn't so true lol. We had a group last night run an operation and then do some pvp. Another guy decided to farm cxp by staying on fleet and throwing snowballs. 3 hours later, I had gained 1.5-1.75 levels. The snowball dude? About 2.5 levels.


Of course, now that I've dumped the numbers here, they'll probably nerf snowballs :p what I'd really like is for operations to have a point again. I enjoy doing 8 man stuff with guildies. But pvp and uprisings give far more return for less effort.

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I wish this wasn't so true lol. We had a group last night run an operation and then do some pvp. Another guy decided to farm cxp by staying on fleet and throwing snowballs. 3 hours later, I had gained 1.5-1.75 levels. The snowball dude? About 2.5 levels.

Need a bit more context. The more ranks you have the more CXP is needed to earn the next one. What were your respective starting Galactic Command ranks?

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Need a bit more context. The more ranks you have the more CXP is needed to earn the next one. What were your respective starting Galactic Command ranks?


Me 47. The other dude, not sure but he plays at least as much as I do, so he should at least be similar.

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Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying.


I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck.


Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so.


Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic.


OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that.


Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP.

Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz.


Fix some dang glitches.

Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon)

Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.

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Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying.


I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck.


Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so.


Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic.


OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that.


Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP.

Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz.


Fix some dang glitches.

Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon)

Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.




well seems like you dont understand why people are so unhappy .

its not because people who dont do ops or pvp can get good gear now too.

im happy all can have good gear :-)

it is because its a neverending grind of old content again and again and again.

after dvl event they come up with galactic command and the rng system.

sry but thatsa too much of slaps they give especially long term players at the moment.

2 years no new ops,no new fp is just a no go !!!!!

and them uprisings sorry they ok for 1-2 times but then they get pretty boring as it isnt a challenge at all.not even in hm mode.

no special mechanics at all just run through them in 5 min and thats it. no fun at all.


the only reason which keeps me in this game at moment is my guild i have since 3 years and all the aweesome people in it.

because me and all members investet so much heart and time in it .


would be nice to see that developers do the same and invest stuff with their hearts and not bring out one heartless and cheap stuff all time.

Edited by tonitirola
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While the crates aren't great cause it seems to be a very arbitrary way to get gear and more often than not it is junk gear.


The reason it has become so noticeable is that to grind out the 1.23 million xp (or whatever number you so want) aside from 4 new uprisings (that seem poorly balanced for all DPS groups so can be a slow way to grind) and the new chapters (story was great but once again a slow way to grind) you are stuck doing very very old content and a hell of a lot of it.


Come the end you will have to clear 9 planets worth of dailies/heroics to level to get a chance at possibly getting some gear you wont disintegrate. 5 Hours of grinding old content more or less and you got some junk. Now if the grind was enjoyable on its own that crate would be a bonus (i.e. if there was 50 hours of new content you would be well on your way there before you had to repeat old content and you might even mix it up a bit). If Galactic command offered advancement points to make each rank worth getting on its own then the crates would be a bonus as each rank got me 5 extra mastery points or whatever.


But to make it a massive grind of old content with the sole reason to do it being the crate and the crate being full of junk, does make it a hard sell. But even should it hold the BIS gear you hoped, cause its gear and the way the game works next level increase basic crafting will be better. I can purchase a 228 hilt from the GTN for under 50k so its a good bet next increase I will be about to purchase a 248 for 100k or so (SWTOR Inflation) or I can grind out 300 ranks which will take 1000 hours or so (so about 3 hours a night every night for a year) and hopefully get a 244 hilt. Which of course will be mostly pointless as any new story will be completable by a token bought character in blue gear and that 1000 hours will have basically no impact on the story and just make easy fights a touch easier but not nearly as much as getting my companions influence for 1 to 20 would do.


So it is really hard to see the selling point of this system, more so when the life day event is once again throwing snowballs, or you can look to Elder Scrolls Online who have a myriad of activities for their new life festival and an end game progression system that starts with a lot of the game left to explore and tangible rewards every level. Which shows what can be achieved but for some reason we get sith throwing snow balls at each other and random junk in creates.

Edited by Costello
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Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying.


I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck.


Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so.


Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic.


OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that.


Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP.

Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz.


Fix some dang glitches.

Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon)

Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.


The only serious bullying I'm seeing is coming from the white knight brigade. You get told you're a whiner, a **** player, a liar, stupid, worthless, rude, entitled, pathetic, etc., for daring to speak out against GC. Sounds like bullying to me.


Also, I am very tired of this 'vocal minority' nonsense. White knights keep repeating that the only people who are unhappy are the 'vocal minority', but they have zero numbers or evidence to back this up. While I don't have any stats either, I do know that of all the guilds I'm in and all the people I run around with and talk to in game, no one actually likes this system. Most of them hate it. Also, I sincerely doubt EAWare would be holding all these last minute livestreams full of reassurances if they weren't seeing sub numbers drop.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying.


I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck.


Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so.


Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic.


OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that.


Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP.

Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz.


Fix some dang glitches.

Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon)

Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.


Since you claim those who hate the gxp crate garbage are the vocal minority could you give me the numbers, you know percentages of those who do like it verse those who do not? I mean you made the claim so clearly either you know the numbers or you are not being honest. Which is it, honest or not?



We all know the answer to that question already. You just came here to shout down those who dislike the galactic crate garbage. Typical bully tactics.

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Thank you for making it possible to get gear from Ops bosses again!

^^ THIS ^^ !!!


Thank you! I hope it works well...


The one question I had is, will PvP tokens be retroactive as well?


edit: I actually had two questions...can I trade in a PvE Tier 1 gear piece for the PvP Tier 2 piece??

edit 2: They seemed to answer this...I should be able to trade in PvE or a PvP tier 1 for a PvP tier 2 from my understanding.

Edited by TUXs
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Watched the stream.Well done...You guys shouldn't have created this mess in the first place but better late than ever i suppose.

I will resub after this.


Not me. I still don't trust them with how many "Command Tokens" gear will cost. This system is just going to get more convoluted as they try to patch it again and again.


They still have not addressed the atrocious grind (for all characters). Where is the crate an hour they promised. They are still avoiding at all costs addressing this. If a piece of specific gear costs you the piece from the Op and 50 Command Tokens are you going to be happy. You will need 700 levels for a set of gear. Can you hear me now?


Second, they completely refuse to address the atrocious RNG. Basically, they are putting a band aid on the frustration of getting nothing.


Third, they are not reducing the grind on alts AT ALL. They are just making Command Tokens Bound to Legacy so you can use them on any character.


Nothing improved the main contentions with the system at all.


I will stick to moving on.

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Putting tokens back on ops bosses is a good first step. Keeping those tokens random on everything but the last boss cuts into that though. Players don't want RNG gearing, they made that pretty clear.


I'd also still like to see the Command Level become legacy-wide, like Legacy levels already are. I don't want to feel like every moment not spent on my main is a waste of time in terms of gaining points.

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So the 4.0 Gearing was too complicated.


But this new collect umpteen bits of gear and components and combine them with token to get something that may just be better that what you already have is sooooooooooo simples.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


KotFE Gearing wasn't broken.


All The Best

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^^ THIS ^^ !!!


Thank you! I hope it works well...


The one question I had is, will PvP tokens be retroactive as well?


edit: I actually had two questions...can I trade in a PvE Tier 1 gear piece for the PvP Tier 2 piece??

edit 2: They seemed to answer this...I should be able to trade in PvE or a PvP tier 1 for a PvP tier 2 from my understanding.


That went with one of my questions about PvP gear returning. It's the same gear, just 2 different paths to get to it. As is my understanding.

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So the 4.0 Gearing was too complicated.


But this new collect umpteen bits of gear and components and combine them with token to get something that may just be better that what you already have is sooooooooooo simples.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


KotFE Gearing wasn't broken.


We all know that 'gearing was too complicated' argument was just a red herring. Gearing was simple as pie in 4.0. I admit it was too easy, but they could have fixed that and slowed down BiS gearing considerably by not having those highlighted HMs every week and only dropping 224 gear from NiM ops instead--or at the very least not having EV and KP in the highlighted HM rotation, that was silly.

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Not me. I still don't trust them with how many "Command Tokens" gear will cost. This system is just going to get more convoluted as they try to patch it again and again.


They still have not addressed the atrocious grind (for all characters). Where is the crate an hour they promised. They are still avoiding at all costs addressing this. If a piece of specific gear costs you the piece from the Op and 50 Command Tokens are you going to be happy. You will need 700 levels for a set of gear. Can you hear me now?


Second, they completely refuse to address the atrocious RNG. Basically, they are putting a band aid on the frustration of getting nothing.


Third, they are not reducing the grind on alts AT ALL. They are just making Command Tokens Bound to Legacy so you can use them on any character.


Nothing improved the main contentions with the system at all.


I will stick to moving on.


They are addressing the "atrocious RNG", though. In this system, command tokens are guaranteed and unassembled gear pieces drop from Ops bosses just as before. If the price of the gear pieces isn't unreasonable for the time spent in an op (which I won't immediately assume like you did in your first point), it's not going to be much different from how gearing worked before.


As for gearing alts, this absolutely does help with that if you do Ops or PVP. Those gear tokens will correspond to the set piece gear that you'd have bought previously. That presumably means you could do what you used to be able to do in previous expansions, get the tokens on one character, buy the armor for a different character, rip the mods, and move it via legacy armor. That's not possible right now, but will be under this system. Maybe it's not a legacy wide CXP system like most would like, hopefully they can still add that in or do something to that effect, but it does help with gearing alts compared to where we're at now.


As far as I see it, this takes care of some of the issues people were having and comes close to what I considered to be the best first step (adding tokens back to Ops bosses) while also adding something in for PVP. There are still issues, certainly, but to say it improves nothing for the main contentions or doesn't address the RNG or gearing alts is simply untrue. Will it be enough to make the gearing system agreeable for those that don't like it now? There's no telling right now, but they did address that stuff.

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This is a repost from my thread, but I want to be sure there's at least a chance someone will see it:


The past two weeks have been great for GSF. People are playing more than they have in years, and it's because ti's actually been worthwhile to do so. I love the changes you talked about on the stream, but if you don't increase the rewards for GSF as well, people are going to stop playing it. Again.


We're not even asking for new content. That would be great, but realistically, we understand that we are never going to get it when the player base is so small. That's fine; it makes sense. But we are asking you to give people a reason to play. Offer some sort of reward for playing a minigame with a punishing learning curve and a community so small that matchmaking is impossible. It's not easy to keep people around through the learning period.


Help us out? No, you don't need gear you get to play GSF, but the whole point of the system is that you can play the way you want to and get gear that way, right? Since bolster is still a thing it would be pretty easy to argue that you don't need gear to play unranked PVP either.


Those of us who still play GSF love it. We don't ask for much. Help us keep getting new players interested.

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So what I gather, is that the last boss of an operation will drop a guaranteed unassembled token of a specific type. This token will then buy you gear like before with an added price in the new command tokens that all GC crates will drop.


Since the earlier bosses won't drop unassembled pieces reliably like the last boss, I expect people to get a lock on the last boss and teams just doing multiple runs on the last boss only using locks so they can bypass the rest of the operation to gain loot reliably.


Now, I am sure that some people would want me to shut up about that and maybe even you would wish I hadn't posted this here but I asked the question like 7 times during the livestream to no avail. But I'm pretty sure this will happen and I'd rather that you guys at BWA think about this before this happens rather than after and you do some crazy nerf because you freak out over it like you did with the people grinding Champions in KP again ticking a lot of people off. I think it's the right time to be smart about these sort of things.


Overall though the changes you propose are very encouraging and I am going to think about whether I will resub and when. I think this might do the trick but not sure if I trust things enough yet to resub before the patch in January, but if I do resub I will post it as promised in another thread.

Edited by Tsillah
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