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Changes to Gearing through Galactic Command


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Eric we understand that some people like the GC system with the RNG element - we're not asking for that to be removed as it works for gearing the non-raiding PVE guys.






I'm a casual, story centric, PvE player. And I will NOT even login to partake of a deliberately extended grind to get an RNG chance to have a 95% chance of getting UTTER RUBBISH. It will not happen, EVER!


If RNG grinds work at all (and I contend that they do not for Western audiences) the they far better suit Raiders than PvE Casuals; because Raiders tend to consume more for content (Hrs played so CXP earned) they then have a correspondingly greater number of chances (and more frequently) to get what they want from any RNG system.


Given that solo and most PvE content has just had its CXP nerfed through the floor PvE and Casual Players are being doubly punished by this moronic gearing system.


PS: I don't want it all handed to me on a plate, I'd be happy logging in to this grind-fest if the payoff was a Token we could trade in for the specific bits of gear we want/need. But to couple a total Koreanesque grind-fest with a lazy, badly implemented RNG gearing process is just not in any way acceptable, in fact it beggars belief.


All The Best

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Funny how they notice it now huh?


Don't worry Bioware is come to save us in their golden armor from their mistake in the first place! *eye roll*


I don't understand how developers can't learn from past failures. I feel like it just gets repeated over and over again. I don't know if they are doing it out of laziness or what. Regardless it's us that suffer in the end.

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Furh, this is a thread posted by Bioware that specifically requests direct feedback about the Command system. This is not your playground in which you can forum PVP to your hearts content.


You already have plenty of threads to do that. I would request that you move back to those threads and let these folks post their feedback in peace.

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Don't worry Bioware is come to save us in their golden armor from their mistake in the first place! *eye roll*


I don't understand how developers can't learn from past failures. I feel like it just gets repeated over and over again. I don't know if they are doing it out of laziness or what. Regardless it's us that suffer in the end.


Well, in this case there could be many reasons why they may be resistant to changes. Pure speculation naturally, but I could say perhaps that they really like the system, put quite a bit of work into it, or perhaps they simply had to do it to reduce the strain on the database (all that vendor armor).


Again, pure speculation, and by no means an excuse.

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Well, in this case there could be many reasons why they may be resistant to changes. Pure speculation naturally, but I could say perhaps that they really like the system, put quite a bit of work into it, or perhaps they simply had to do it to reduce the strain on the database (all that vendor armor).


Again, pure speculation, and by no means an excuse.


I am confused why you are not asking the person you are replying to leave this thread? He is not providing any constructive criticism but trolling EA and their decision to keep RNG.

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Reading comprehension buddy...I didnt say anything about feedback. I said the 20 or so complaining nonstop doesnt make the system crap.


You are correct.


The fact that it is RNG gear "progression" gated behind a Koreanesque uber-grind is what makes the system crap.


And players with an IQ higher than their main's level have been saying exactly that since the 5.0 GC Crate system was first announced.


All The Best

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It's great you are listening and willing to make changes but you still need to create an alternative for the casual players with less time on their hands that grinding isn't such an option.


Previously I could spend my limited time with my guild targeting the hardest content gear would allow to earn better gear to do that content or harder content and do that week to week knowing I'm getting stronger ( on the chance I got nothing or couldn't afford a crystal piece that week I know my team was improving and thus my chances of getting the gear needed improved the following week as less people to get that piece ).


As it stands now I basically have to spend 100s of hours doing other content I don't really want to do as I've done it all before and that's just not an option.


5.0 gave just enough content for me to grab a 2 month sub but beyond that I would have nothing more to do really as the goal posts have moved too far.


I get you found it too easy to gear in 4.0 but honestly you just had to fix the problem ( tougher ev/kp hm for example ) than remove those methods of gear achievement entirely.


Rethink this direction - forcing people into 1 gear gain method that requires grinding is just not smart business practice especially in light of this modern age of players being far more casual with their time.


If you want to target the die hard grindy niche then fine but expect that's all the players you will get money from in the long term.

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Request denied.


I am also giving feedback...now if Eric changes the title to complainers safe space I may leave you guys too it.


You are not posting any feedback, you are kicking and screaming and making accusations towards the honest folks whom come here to post their feedback and their opinions. Perhaps if you did not take everything so personal, and posted comments with an inkling of self respect and decency, then perhaps folks might respond to you in a more civil manner, but until then, knock yourself out...

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That type of talk gets people reported for violating forum rules.


It does not offend me naturally. However it is completely unnecessary AND against forum policy.


It is very simple. If folks do not wish to face possible sanctions for rule violations...simply abide by the rules. There is nothing wrong with discourse...there is something wrong with violating forum rules at bay.

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REALLY hoping for the following:


1. Set armoring slot restriction removed.

2. Set armorings are craftable.

3. A legacy-based CXP system.


1. Could work if thei don't remove rng.

2. Not going to happen.

3. Would help people with lots of alts.

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So you think there are only 20 people in all of SWTOR who have a higher IQ than their main's level? Thats not very nice...LORD again with these people claiming those who dont agree with them are less intelligent. That type of talk is supposed to offend you.


I seriously doubt that there is anyone here who knows me well enough to offend me.


It is true that most MMORPG fora are not inclusively representative of their actual playerbases; however as posting on the forum requires active participation we can assume that the forum is representative of those who feel most strongly about the game and/or certain issues, whether they are pro or anti. Much like in an election, you can assume that those who vote actually care enough to go out and vote (unless you live in one of the handful of places where such voting is compulsory).


For every one person on these forums I have seen point out the obvious flaws with the GCC system I have seen at least another 4 or 5 players comment in game; and some of the initial threads on this issue had much more than just 20 posters - as you would well know if your forum account wasn't only 48 hours old. Did you create the account just to defend this debacle? If so why would you do that unless you being paid to do so?


All The Best

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Pre-testing 5.0 - Players told Bioware how this gearing system was a bad idea.

PTR testing 5.0- Players told Bioware how this gearing system was a bad idea.

Pre-5.0 - Everyone begged Bioware to not release this terrible gearing system.

5.0 went live - Everyone told Bioware how this gearing system IS A bad idea.


Bioware - "Oh I guess gearing was too RNG lawl".


As much as I want to thank developers for finally coming to their sense, this was something that should be been discussed and talked about in PTR. Not after you release your huge update. This gearing system failed before and you brought it back and it still failed in 5.0 (imagine that!). I would have GLADLY waited for 5.0 if RNG wasn't as **** as it is now. Get your act together.


Funny how all that came about but HEY!. bw is listening this time. Right?


Listening but not understanding is more like it.

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Yes calling the developers "LAZY" is definitely not against the rules...to you I guess.


Doing it out of laziness or what is what was said....that is a far cry from a direct insult, calling them lazy as you put it.


If you say a post is foolish, or an act is foolish, that is one thing. It is a gray area, sometimes it is sanctioned, sometimes not. To say someone IS foolish as a direct insult to them personally is a direct violation of forum rules.


That is the difference.

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I would encourage you to look at what is being said in game as well. Your forums are the most "sanitized" form of feedback I have ever seen ever. People in game are infinitely more outspoken and honest about how they feel. I think you would be surprised even taking into account the watered down version you are getting here.


People HATE this system. Period.

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I would encourage you to look at what is being said in game as well. Your forums are the most "sanitized" form of feedback I have ever seen ever. People in game are infinitely more outspoken and honest about how they feel. I think you would be surprised even taking into account the watered down version you are getting here.


People HATE this system. Period.




In game chat is full of people pointing out how bad the rng grind is.


All The Best

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There should be lots of options of ways of how people want to gear up.


1. remove RNG


2. Have tokens drop that you can turn in from every few levels like every 7 levels or something.


3. put the tokens back in op bosses for people who like to do operations and it will be a faster way for teams to gear up for harder content.


Overall GC is a good idea for people who play casually, there needs to be a way for people to get gear guaranteed and ways for people to gear up faster.

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Dear Eric,


I think I can safely state that I've been one of the biggest voices against the RNG application within the GC system. But as such I also stated various times that if things changed enough for me to be able to enjoy the game again I would reactivate my sub and I stand by that as well.


So, I cannot promise that what you will tell us on Thursday will be enough, but considering that you've correctly identified the sorest points, I am hopeful. I will join the livestream with an open mind.


I do also appreciate that you've addressed the topic here now. So we'll see, but if 5.1 proves to be good enough for me to start playing again, then I will also write a thread here about why I resubbed. Fair is fair after all. ;)

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In game chat is full of people pointing out how bad the rng grind is.


All The Best


I would love for one of you guys to post a screenshot of all this bad talk...now make sure you get your guild or other forum posters to help you out since this actually isnt happening.

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Dear Eric,


I think I can safely state that I've been one of the biggest voices against the RNG application within the GC system. But as such I also stated various times that if things changed enough for me to be able to enjoy the game again I would reactivate my sub and I stand by that as well.


So, I cannot promise that what you will tell us on Thursday will be enough, but considering that you've correctly identified the sorest points, I am hopeful. I will join the livestream with an open mind.


I do also appreciate that you've addressed the topic here now. So we'll see, but if 5.1 proves to be good enough for me to start playing again, then I will also write a thread here about why I resubbed. Fair is fair after all. ;)


I look forward to that thread from you...but I am not hopeful you will follow through with it.

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