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It's not very good now. probably worst class to queue rated as. Worst defenses against being focused-burst down now out of all classes. You're gonna get focused first most of the times and there will be little you can do about it. Just ask Nightrain (DerSchneider), top jug atm, he's gonna give you a rant about it.


Also, Rydarus, as a class rep please help and do something so they fixed pooled hatred...

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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It's not very good now. probably worst class to queue rated as. Worst defenses against being focused-burst down now out of all classes. You're gonna get focused first most of the times and there will be little you can do about it. Just ask Nightrain (DerSchneider), top jug atm, he's gonna give you a rant about it.


Agreed with this. We are in spot of PT in 4.0. You are the target now. You have to survive as long as possible.


But keep in mind, you can use this as your advantage. Do not rush first, if you know you have the big marker on your head. Stay behind, let them go through your teammates, who already start doing dmg to them, while they try to chase you. If you are not target, strike them hard.


If they switch to you, use mad dash to get out. If they open a first stun on you, and you can survive it (with full HP, 2-3 DPS should not kill you in 4 seconds), wait it out. If you feel like you know burst is coming, break it, and immediately pop reflect (5 sec preferably). Even if you get second stun right after, direct damage will not hurt you.


After that, you should have full resolve. With that, use your Saber Ward, while returning the favor of DPS.

If you are Vengeance, use your force charge passive (20%dmg reduction) to it's max potential. Do not be affraid to mad dash or force push, and charge back (in case you have dots, or pressure is still on you) just for that reduction.


If you are rage, you need to get out asap, if you see you are dropping more than target of your group.

If you are rage, and you think that kiting will not work as well as the other primary target, go for him. Help with the dps, and burst the force out of him before you die. In case you are geared properly, and use your dcds right, he dies before you. You are Still jugg.


Second, if they go for you, feel free to AOE mezz them while they are chasing you. That one guy, who is target will probably not go for you as the other guys. So get them away, AOE mezz. Either with your Intimidating Roar, or Grenade. Use them Both if possible.


When it comes to DCDs, you need to know what each blocks, and how to use. Try to use your healing adrenal when your Endure Pain is ON (to maximize heal). Use your defense adrenal either while pressure is applied to you (before you are very low on health), or while you have enraged defense up (so you are not bursted through it)


Take these as a hints, and/or topics for discussion about how to get the maximum of the situation we are currently at.

Edited by winky
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