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How's the warzones, operations, conquest for republic?


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Can't say anything about conquests but for operations, republic is roughly the same in terms of pug groups as the imp side (don't know if you're coming from imp side or another server). When it comes to any hm raiding, pub side has a much larger capable population than imp side. With warzones, pubs have been historically bad but since the expac launched, it seems that pub side has made it more even (at least the warzones that i'm in). It's probably because a lot of the imp pvpers have pub mains but pvp'd on imp side but since using alts is terrible now, the pub skill level has increased a bit (except for dps, they still suck)
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For pvp, impside is generally stronger as they have more pvp-oriented guilds, though pubside also has its strong players that queue up. Lately I've been in a lot of pub vs imp matches where the imp team has had poorer players, so really it just depends on who is queueing. Ranked is definitely happening more on impside though. As for ops, both pubside and impside have seemed pretty equal to me, but pubside has more HM raiders and guilds. Both pubside and impside have conquest guilds that regularly conquer planets and are relatively easy to join.
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I can largely reiterate what has already been said. Pub and Imp side have roughly equal PvE activity.


Generally speaking Pubs suck at PvP but as of recent, due to the pain of the CXP grind and the need to level mains, PvP seems to be balanced depending on who's queuing, for once.


Pubs usually win GSF early and Imps usually win late, but that also depends who's queuing.


~ Eudoxia

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