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Ignore list size needs to be greatly improved or uncapped


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the kager the list the larger the database ... larger database slower server ...


just a reason


and 2 day to fill whole ignor list ?


when you wake up in the morning and meet an a-hole - you met and a-hole

when you wake up in the morrning and meet a-holes all day long ... you are one...

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the kager the list the larger the database ... larger database slower server ...


just a reason


and 2 day to fill whole ignor list ?


when you wake up in the morning and meet an a-hole - you met and a-hole

when you wake up in the morrning and meet a-holes all day long ... you are one...


I agree with this. Sounds overtly sensitive to me.

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Gotta admit that I just go through and remove all the lovely folks every so often. Chances are they've probably moved onto another game anyway.


Sorry but I'd rather not have to sit there and read about how the cute blond sitting across from some random user needs to be raped.


edit: And then a graphic description of how they would do it.

Edited by dr_mike
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Sorry but I'd rather not have to sit there and read about how the cute blond sitting across from some random user needs to be raped.


Kinda wish there was a way to 'report' people who said stuff like that to the authorities. There should be a 'sex offender watch list'. Like, we don't *know* this person is a sex offender, but based on their behavior and attitudes, someone should keep an eye on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy sensitivity batman! Who all fits your ignore criteria? Like seriously just don't look at the chat window or cut out gen chat in settings.


I literally only ignore credit spammers or the one person who decided they needed to whisper me and tell me that 27 is far too young for me to be married and that I should be ashamed of myself for it.

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Just moved server and filled the ignore list within 2 days. Can this please be looked at? I don't see a reason for it to be limited. Thanks!


This plus Export ingore lists function.


There use to be files in the swtor settings that listed this and friends per toon you had that file is gone

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