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Does the Odessen lightsaber have any actual benefit?


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In chapter XIV of KotFE, you gain special abilities if you have the saber equipped. The abilities you gain depend on the choices you made when creating the weapon.


For example, I chose to focus on "Transcendence" and that gave me the ability to increase my movement speed during the Arcann fight.


The abilities pop up on your temporary bar.

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In chapter XIV of KotFE, you gain special abilities if you have the saber equipped. The abilities you gain depend on the choices you made when creating the weapon.


For example, I chose to focus on "Transcendence" and that gave me the ability to increase my movement speed during the Arcann fight.


The abilities pop up on your temporary bar.


Awesome. Perfect answer. No effect in KOTET to your knowledge?

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Awesome. Perfect answer. No effect in KOTET to your knowledge?


Since the Chapter 1 quest reward was a green weapon that was better than the 'special' weapon I'm going to say probably no effect. I swapped it out and didn't have any problems on the rest of the expansion.

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