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Level vs Content (aka So Much Green)


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I finished off Taris last night on my Jedi Guardian, and I was almost finished with 24 by that time. I did every mission (story and general) on Tython, Coruscant, and Taris (including the bonus section). I also had completed Esseles (twice I think), Hammer Station, and Athiss (once each). I did not do any of the space battle missions yet (because I was so far ahead of the content), but I did complete every heroic mission I came across during all that time. I helped some guildmates with some missions as well, but without a mission to complete myself that XP was pretty negligible.


So I did each of the space battles once to complete the missions, which also got me to 25 so I'd go into Nar Shadaa with a speeder. I've listed this preface to see how many others are experiencing the same thing? Every quest is incredibly green; I'm actually surprised they aren't grey at this point. I'm doing level 20-21 missions at 25 now, closing in quickly on 26. It's not a complaint, but does this gap close more in the future?


I like having the option to skip some content when I'm ready to move on to the next world (because of level or motivation), but I really want to do all the missions on my guardian. Am I going to be destined to fight enemies 5+ levels below me all the way to 50? Or will I get to Tatooine and see the leveling curve slow down, and my enemies start to get closer to me in level?

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Yeah I'm slightly ahead I think (went to Nar Shadaa at 23), I've not done any heroics yet either and only one FP. I think I've done most of the normal quests along the way though. I notice quite a few players on Nar Shadaa are 20/21, given the number of mobs you have to wade through I'm actually glad of it though really as otherwise it would be pretty painful (rather than being a fun challenge...).
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By Tatooine the mobs will have catched up on you, mostly because the smuggler's moon is a real quick zone to go through.

And this above poster is right, it's sometimes good to be able to do two or three fights in a row without having to go all introspective on yourself and re-think your life every two minutes.

Edited by Shornaal
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Currently on Nar Shadaa I don't have to stop for anything short of an elite. I'll drop 3-4 normals with a strong thrown in over and over without pause. Granted I'll smash Force Leap right into a Strong with 40% health, too.


Whether or not the mob difficulty is going to catch up to Lorkeon or not doesn't affect my decision to not skip anything while leveling, but I was just looking for some insight while I'm sitting here at work. I wouldn't mind if things were a little more difficult, without having to artificially handicap myself. (Just about ready to buy that slave outfit for Kira! *rowr rowr*)


Wow, my nerd-dom is complete. :facepalm:

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In my experience, things will slow down dramatically once you finish Tatooine and head on to Alderaan. Likely you'll be about level 30 when you hit Alderaan (though in your case maybe level 32) which will have your quests back to yellow and some even orange.


Don't worry too much about it. :)

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