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Defeating the GenoHaradan Scouting Party


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I generally punch below my weight (currently level 67), but I am failing this over and over again, and wonder if anyone has any tips? I usually set my companions to tank (I'm a Smuggler Sawbones), and have had the empress as all three options. Is it better to concentrate on the Scout leader, or the source of the lightning energy that seems to help him?


(Even though I know I will lose her as a companion, I even spent a bunch on companion gifts on the Empress and got her up to level 23. But when I logged back in, the extra weapon that had appeared in the jungle was gone.)

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I usually put the companions on Tank only if I'm a heal myself . So on my Sorc who is heal , I put her as a Tank . I sent Acina toward the big guy , while I got ride of the droids around . And made sure to keep her healed .


That's what I did .


In the next camp you will find more of those guns , make sure you pick them up . They are good against a Horror monster inside .

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i set acina to heal stance (it should be like that by default) and then charge into the scout and her droids. it have not had any issue defeating the party to date. i do suggest you take out the probe droids though, they can take your health at a fair pace on story mode.


at least as a dps or tank.

Edited by Celise
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