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Timeline ... 3000 years and still the same tech/clothes/cultures...


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Moore's Law...google it. Obviously in Star Wars they are close to the peak, so new developments are slow.


Yes I thought that also... but... I dont know how can a civilization reach so far without any concept of "aerodynamics" lol


But yes, in the core you are absolutely right. Moore's law is the only plausible explanation...

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Yes I thought that also... but... I dont know how can a civilization reach so far without any concept of "aerodynamics" lol


But yes, in the core you are absolutely right. Moore's law is the only plausible explanation...


Do you mean aerodynamics on the star ships? Because that wouldn't make any sense. There wouldn't be any air resistance in space.


But if you mean vehicles like transports and such on planets, they are pretty sleek. They seem aerodynamic to a point to me. You could also take the ship used in Episode 1 of the Star Wars movies, though the ship was meant for space travel, it had the aerodynamics of a modern day stealth plane.

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It's called 'grandfathered technology'. Warhammer 40k has the same thing.


It's the idea that they've reached such a high level of technology that they can't invent new stuff unless some very huge breakthrough happens.


We will probably, at some point, reach a similar level of advancement where technological advancement grinds to a halt.

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In fact, fashion is only a giant circle, they just happen to have ran around it a few gazillion times in the meantime, and they're back to square one! :jawa_biggrin:


Seriously, though, Lucas have explained that even between the prelogy and the trilogy, there has been a decline under the stern and grim imperial rule, hence the quite similar designs, only blockier-uglier.

Keep in mind that three millenia is a long time, leaving plenty of room for decay, revival ; and decay over again. You can't really compare it to the last fifty years of human technological progress (which have been pretty straightforward and without much set backs, unlike previous examples in history).

And besides, I imagine there's only so far you can go when you've mastered lightspeed, anyway. Dudes are pretty much on top as it is.


Even more seriously, though, I call you nitpicker. :jawa_wink:

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Probably because I have not seen one TV screen that any character is watching with a reality show on it or any commercials. They have lost the need to find something new and trendy.


Fashion is more about functionality ... once you can fly through space in a ship with hyperspeed capabilites, find many planets where you can breathe in the atmosphere and the gravity doesn't kill you or let your float away, have a translater that allows you to under stand tones and beeps from a rolling trash can, and have a stick that will cut through anything as well as toast your bread ---- I would say at that point logos and zippers vs buttons went out the window ... at light speed

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There are also scientific errors in Star Wars as well, that a more "hard" sci-fi story probably wouldn't have made. For instance, in the movies, you hear them talking about jumping to light speed. First of all, it is not possible for any object with mass to travel at "c". (c is the variable used in physics denoting the speed of light. Only massless particles such as photons can travel at c).


I was watching "Empire Strikes Back" a while back and heard an imperial commander say "they jumped to light speed, they are probably at the other side of the galaxy by now." Hardly. Even if you could travel at "c", it would still take you 4 years to get from earth to our nearest star. A mere blip in the size of the galaxy. If you wanted to travel across our galaxy, it would take you roughly 100,000 years at "c".


But there's another problem. Einstein's relativity tells us that time is not universal, but only relative to your reference frame. The faster you move, the slower time ticks for YOU relative to someone outside looking in. So, if you accelerated to 90% the speed of "c" and went to our nearest star and back, it would take you 10 years YOUR time. But when you got back to earth everyone you know will be long dead and thousands of years would have passed. Yes, you would have essentially traveled forward in time. This is not disputable, it has been proven mathematically and by countless experiments since 1905. Physicists didn't want to believe it for years, but the data is plenty. You will find this info in any introductory physics class or in any physics text book, btw.


My point is, physics would limit what happens in Star Wars dramatically. So if you are told by a Jedi council member that you better hurry and get to Tython, by the time you get there, it will be thousands of years later to THEM, but maybe only a couple of years to YOU.


Obviously, physics puts a dent in making it feasible for a civilization to control a whole galaxy. The only way around the "light speed" barrier would be to find a short-cut, like a wormhole. But that's another story that could go for many pages in this thread.

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You guys are looking at it through the eyes of Earthlings whose "modern" age has lasted roughly 100 years.


Star Wars takes place in a GALAXY! There are SO many factors to consider.


For one - all those civilizations we encounter in SW have been traversing the galaxy for thousands and thousands of years spreading their culture and influences. In the case of SWTOR, a galactic "culture" of "cultures" has already been established.


Those new Nike Jordans that are popular in a fishing village 400 miles East of Coronet City on Corellia MIGHT not catch on to the rest of the GALAXY. Just my assumption.


Star Wars pretty much consiststs of 3-5 different time zones:


25,000 BBY - 7,000 BBY - much of it was unknown, dark times of tyranny (rakata empire), not much space travel or interaction on the scale that we see now.


7,000 BBY to 5,000 BBY - This is the time when more and more civilizations and cultures of the Galaxy are interacting with each other, but there does not exist a Galactic culture just yet.


5,000 BBY to ~30 BBY - This is the time where culture and advancement has been relatively stagnant simply because all space faring civilizations have mingled to the point where they are almost one united people.


The Star Wars that we see in the movies, the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War was almost like the onset of a SW version of the Dark Ages. The Jedi's have been purged from the Galaxy, the Empire holds the planets under a sphere of tyranny, etc. The Time before the Clone Wars was the Galaxy's Rennaissance era, and what we see in the prequels is the ending of that era and the beginning of the Dark Ages.


At least that's my theory.

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There are also scientific errors in Star Wars as well, that a more "hard" sci-fi story probably wouldn't have made. For instance, in the movies, you hear them talking about jumping to light speed. First of all, it is not possible for any object with mass to travel at "c". (c is the variable used in physics denoting the speed of light. Only massless particles such as photons can travel at c).


I was watching "Empire Strikes Back" a while back and heard an imperial commander say "they jumped to light speed, they are probably at the other side of the galaxy by now." Hardly. Even if you could travel at "c", it would still take you 4 years to get from earth to our nearest star. A mere blip in the size of the galaxy. If you wanted to travel across our galaxy, it would take you roughly 100,000 years at "c".


But there's another problem. Einstein's relativity tells us that time is not universal, but only relative to your reference frame. The faster you move, the slower time ticks for YOU relative to someone outside looking in. So, if you accelerated to 90% the speed of "c" and went to our nearest star and back, it would take you 10 years YOUR time. But when you got back to earth everyone you know will be long dead and thousands of years would have passed. Yes, you would have essentially traveled forward in time. This is not disputable, it has been proven mathematically and by countless experiments since 1905. Physicists didn't want to believe it for years, but the data is plenty. You will find this info in any introductory physics class or in any physics text book, btw.


My point is, physics would limit what happens in Star Wars dramatically. So if you are told by a Jedi council member that you better hurry and get to Tython, by the time you get there, it will be thousands of years later to THEM, but maybe only a couple of years to YOU.


Obviously, physics puts a dent in making it feasible for a civilization to control a whole galaxy. The only way around the "light speed" barrier would be to find a short-cut, like a wormhole. But that's another story that could go for many pages in this thread.


You assume that our limited understand of physics, that has only been studied for few hundred years is as, knowledgable as accurate as a galaxy where it has been studied for 100s of 1,000s of years...


tl;dr Trying to apply our physics to a fantasy world is silly.

Edited by iain_b
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Blah Blah applying "in character" logic to an out-of-character decision.


You could have a completely different style than what we expect of star-wars movies, and it would be more logical, but then it wouldn't be star-wars as we know it, and that's what sells boxes.

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There are also scientific errors in Star Wars as well, that a more "hard" sci-fi story probably wouldn't have made. For instance, in the movies, you hear them talking about jumping to light speed. First of all, it is not possible for any object with mass to travel at "c". (c is the variable used in physics denoting the speed of light. Only massless particles such as photons can travel at c).


I was watching "Empire Strikes Back" a while back and heard an imperial commander say "they jumped to light speed, they are probably at the other side of the galaxy by now." Hardly. Even if you could travel at "c", it would still take you 4 years to get from earth to our nearest star. A mere blip in the size of the galaxy. If you wanted to travel across our galaxy, it would take you roughly 100,000 years at "c".


But there's another problem. Einstein's relativity tells us that time is not universal, but only relative to your reference frame. The faster you move, the slower time ticks for YOU relative to someone outside looking in. So, if you accelerated to 90% the speed of "c" and went to our nearest star and back, it would take you 10 years YOUR time. But when you got back to earth everyone you know will be long dead and thousands of years would have passed. Yes, you would have essentially traveled forward in time. This is not disputable, it has been proven mathematically and by countless experiments since 1905. Physicists didn't want to believe it for years, but the data is plenty. You will find this info in any introductory physics class or in any physics text book, btw.


My point is, physics would limit what happens in Star Wars dramatically. So if you are told by a Jedi council member that you better hurry and get to Tython, by the time you get there, it will be thousands of years later to THEM, but maybe only a couple of years to YOU.


Obviously, physics puts a dent in making it feasible for a civilization to control a whole galaxy. The only way around the "light speed" barrier would be to find a short-cut, like a wormhole. But that's another story that could go for many pages in this thread.


A galaxy far far away, it might aswell be a different dimension where the rules of physics don't apply...


Seeing how there is a theory that for every event there is a universe created to accommodate each possible outcome.


Now that I think about it if you throw the dice an infinite times there is a possibility that the dice have rolled in such an order that the Star wars universe might be Reality in a galaxy far far away...


Besides, I could claim the world we live in is a MMO called World of Worldcraft, and no scientist would be able to deny it. Hell they would probably even have to declare it plausible when they think about it >.>


Btw. when did you hear Einstein talk about "The Force"?

Edited by Wiggletphyre
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Keep in mind the Republic was 25,000 years old thats 5 times older then our oldest civilizations too! so a lot of the stuffs in the movies could have been based on ancient things and with the invention of the hyperspace drive pretty much what technology could be found could have been discovered thousands of years ago i think :-) as they say the game is fantasy more then sci fi :-)
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Keep in mind the Republic was 25,000 years old thats 5 times older then our oldest civilizations too! so a lot of the stuffs in the movies could have been based on ancient things and with the invention of the hyperspace drive pretty much what technology could be found could have been discovered thousands of years ago i think :-) as they say the game is fantasy more then sci fi :-)


In ancient Alexandria they already had knowledge of Hydraulics something that we didn't really rediscover untill like the 19th century. And some ancient greek 3000 years ago already invented something that made use of steam power, but he did not see how he could harness this creation and only used it for show.


Point is that Technology gets lost and forgotten or people discover it and do not see there full potential.

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Why assume there have been no tech advances?


A blaster in the Old Republic timeline might only be doing half the damage of blaster in the New Hope timeline, and perhaps taking fewer shots too. A ship might be going half the speed, or only have half the total distance before needing to refuel.


Look at our own planet and culture. For thousands of years weapons like clubs, spears, swords, axes, and bows were used. Yes there were technology improvements but armies 2000 years apart would basically be using the same kind of weapons.


Horses were still the primary means moving equipment during WWI.

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Call me a nitpicker ... but *** have they been doing the last 3000 years leading up to Anakin and luke!?!?

SWTOR is said to take place some 3000 years before Darth Dodo, JarJar and the likes... but they seem to fly around in the same kinds of ships, wear the same clothes, use the same tech and run around on the same planets with the same cultures... (Except for the ewoks :( )


*** have they been doing all that time??... you would have thought they'd evolve a LITTLE in that time.

I mean, if i run around in the same style shirts for 3 years its long.. let alone 3 millennia!!

Didnt they have anything else to do besides worry about The Force being used for making peoples heads explode!?


100 years ok.. hell, even 200 years... but 3000!!??


No creative mind on any of the known planets?? :(


The comics start about 5000 to 7000 years ago, and honestly it's all exactly the same, except Korriban is a bit Tribal... really, that's how Star Wars has always been. I think you just have to accept their technology has supposed to have reached a level where there is just no need to change or "improve" it anymore. Least that's how I justified it...


I do love the EU stuff, but you just gotta role with it in the end :)

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Call me a nitpicker ... but *** have they been doing the last 3000 years leading up to Anakin and luke!?!?

SWTOR is said to take place some 3000 years before Darth Dodo, JarJar and the likes... but they seem to fly around in the same kinds of ships, wear the same clothes, use the same tech and run around on the same planets with the same cultures... (Except for the ewoks :( )


*** have they been doing all that time??... you would have thought they'd evolve a LITTLE in that time.

I mean, if i run around in the same style shirts for 3 years its long.. let alone 3 millennia!!

Didnt they have anything else to do besides worry about The Force being used for making peoples heads explode!?


100 years ok.. hell, even 200 years... but 3000!!??


No creative mind on any of the known planets?? :(


Chinese medicine would disagree wth you.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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Call me a nitpicker ... but *** have they been doing the last 3000 years leading up to Anakin and luke!?!?

SWTOR is said to take place some 3000 years before Darth Dodo, JarJar and the likes... but they seem to fly around in the same kinds of ships, wear the same clothes, use the same tech and run around on the same planets with the same cultures... (Except for the ewoks :( )


*** have they been doing all that time??... you would have thought they'd evolve a LITTLE in that time.

I mean, if i run around in the same style shirts for 3 years its long.. let alone 3 millennia!!

Didnt they have anything else to do besides worry about The Force being used for making peoples heads explode!?


100 years ok.. hell, even 200 years... but 3000!!??


No creative mind on any of the known planets?? :(


What did you want cavemen with sticks instead of lightsabers? LOL

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not 300 year ago all we had for the past 1700 year as mean of locomotion were dark horse , light horse , brown horse and white horse for the white knight :)


true, however, 3000 years ago (The Old Republic) they had(have) incredible technology. that lends itself to the idea that it'd be easier to progress in that line.


HOWEVER, i haven't seen anything like the Death Star in TOR yet... that's pretty advanced...

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This is pretty much my entire problem with star wars, the tech level hasn't changed in 10,000 years. Think about that, 10k years ago man had yet do truly harness farming, or metal working, even with copper tools.

As for dark ages and whatnot, I could see that setting tech back by a few centuries but not millenia. Even the sacking of rome didn't set us back that much (sidenote. That ancient greek steam engine never took off because slaves were cheaper) and with the advent of the internet there's no excuse for "lost knowledge".

This is also the reason star trek would win in a battle vs star wars. 'Wars simply hasn't developed any new weaponary or tactics in hundreds of generations while trek has to develop new tactics on the fly. Sidenote: trek and 'wars are both considered to be science fantasy because of the inclusion of supernatural abilities and focus on story over tech.

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Maybe just just hit the pinnacle of technology.


I mean, what can they possibly make that's better than guns that shoot lasers and laser/plasma swords? Laser nukes? lol


The only thing they can do really is make bigger weapons, which they do try. See dooms day weapons like the Death Star. But those weapons are constantly fought over and destroyed or never get past the schematic phase because of constant war.


Except that's not true. Technology improved between Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi. Even excluding all the expanded universe stuff like the TIE Advanced/Avengers/Defenders, you still had X-Wings as cutting edge in Ep 4 - and non-existent in the prequels, and A and B-wings in Ep 6 - and that's in the poor, beatdown ragtag Rebellion!


The Super Star Destroyer might have been vaguely angular in shape, but it alone showed more differentiation from the Imperial Star Destroyers of Ep 4 than the ISDs showed from the Sith battlecruisers.

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