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Companions Attacking random mobs again


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Hey all,


Since the start of KotET I have noticed on my tanking toons that when I start attacking mobs my companions are attacking mobs other than my target. Has anyone else noticed this on their tanking toons or any toon for that matter?


Its a bit annoying but not game breaking lol. But I am trying to get used to my new AoE Vangard/Powertech tanking and having them just grab what ever is both annoying and helpful in learning better crowd management

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Hey all,


Since the start of KotET I have noticed on my tanking toons that when I start attacking mobs my companions are attacking mobs other than my target. Has anyone else noticed this on their tanking toons or any toon for that matter?


Its a bit annoying but not game breaking lol. But I am trying to get used to my new AoE Vangard/Powertech tanking and having them just grab what ever is both annoying and helpful in learning better crowd management


I'd rather they did that than attacking a mob I just CC'd, TBH

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As a tank, is this not preferable? You want your companions to tunnel or peel? My guess would be to peel. This seems good to me, less micro-management required.


I do actually like the idea of them attacking random mobs as it teaches me to keep a better eye on all targets. But as the other poster said, I would rather them not hit a target that is CCed. I have not noticed this on my DPS manndo as I am AoEing everything down but as tank I am seeing this ALOT.

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I've not seen one specifically take down an individually cc'ed target without being directed to do so using their commands. They do and will break cc through doing aoe abilities, but one on one against a cc'ed mob, the comp will stand there looking at it, waiting for you to do something.


The point I am making is: why as a tank when confronted with a number of mobs, is your dps companion attacking the same mob as you are? This is a noob tactic, tunnelling. It is not how best to be effective in combat, the companion seems to have a better understanding of the tactics than the OP.


The only time a tank and dps should be fighting the same mob, imho, is when its the last mob. Boss fights can be different, but tbh, mostly then too.

Edited by leehambly
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