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How do you defeat Vaylin's spirit


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How do you defeat Vaylin's Spirit? I've tried and tried and can't do it.:):)


Having same issue. She keeps knocking me over the ledge every time I get her to about 15-25% of her health. If not for that I think it be easy. I use the green health and use the interrupts but the cooldown is to long. Only tried on my commando but as a player who has lots of alts not looking forward to this multiple times over. Hope its easier on other classes. Still I can get better gear and I can augment the gear which I have never had to do before so may well just leave it for a while.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I have come around and love the Vaylin fight now. It is one of the very few remotely challenging story mode fights. You just need to learn her mechanics and use your DCDs.


- she can only be damaged from within that little circle around her, otherwise she reflects 100% back to you

- the healing orbs do immense damage to her while healing you, kite her into them

- the base of the stairs is close to two healing orb spawns, and convenient so that you can:

- avoid her AE by running up the stairs

- use your DCDs


I think one reason people have a hard time with this fight is that the story mode game is so easy that PvE players have never needed to learn how to use their DCDs.


Fight at the base of the stairs, use your DCD's wisely, kite her into the orbs, run upstairs when she does her big AE (it has a long activation time). You'll get it after a few tries.

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I get the impression that this fight is really easy for some classes and really hard for others. Not balanced at all. I understand it is a "gimmick fight" where you have to have a certain strategy to win, but certain classes are at a huge disadvantage.


If you don't have any ability to heal yourself, and do not have Lord Dramath as a companion, you typically don't last long, especially if you are a casual player that isn't really into crafting and such.


Example: Level 70 Sniper

  • Kiting doesn't work that well since she can jump to your location and damage you too quickly. Even if you stay ahead of her for awhile, eventually she catches up to you. And without cover, a couple hard hits from Vaylin will take you out.
  • Taking cover and shooting from one location works pretty well since the shield slowly heals you, but she usually damages you much faster than you can damage her.
  • When you see the red circle, running outside of it does avoid the hit, which helps you last longer.
  • Having "Escape" at the ready will interrupt her thrashing you around. if you do it fast enough, you won't die.
  • Having a repair droid you can summon after you respawn from dying helps. it might cost you 35,000 credits in repairs, but you can't fight very well with a broken rifle.


And with all that, I haven't been able to beat her even after about 20 tries.


I have decent "Outlander" gear and it doesn't appear to be enough, so I will see if I can get something better and try again.


Hopefully that works, because having the fight this hard isn't really that fun. I come home feeling like the world kicked my butt, so I play SWTOR to let off some steam. I don't want to get my butt kicked on here too.


There has to be some way a DPS character with no healing can beat her. without having to respawn 50 times.

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Haven't done it as sniper but with Entrench plus all its utilities that buff it and give extended CC immunity I would think that you have fewer worries about being thrown around than any other class? Does Diversion have any effect on her as well? Plus of course the shield.
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Having same issue. She keeps knocking me over the ledge every time I get her to about 15-25% of her health. If not for that I think it be easy. I use the green health and use the interrupts but the cooldown is to long. Only tried on my commando but as a player who has lots of alts not looking forward to this multiple times over. Hope its easier on other classes. Still I can get better gear and I can augment the gear which I have never had to do before so may well just leave it for a while.

I guess you didn't read what I wrote above about a Lightning Sorc who didn't have Lord D. Much of that advice applies to ALL classes. And Commando (all specs) has effective self-heal abilities.


DO NOT STAND BETWEEN HER AND THE EDGE. Stand between her and the staircase. That way, you get knocked back into the staircase instead of proving HK-55 right. ("Meatbags can't fly.") Or run out of the red circle. The knockback takes about ten seconds to cast and is blindingly obvious (she curls into a ball and floats in the air and doesn't attack you).


Do not interrupt the knockback. Reserve your interrupt for Force Slam (you are stunned and bouncing up and down taking huge damage).


But yeah, up your gear. Full 228 with full 228 augments is perfectly achievable if you have enough characters to craft all the pieces.

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Example: Level 70 Sniper

Hmm. I'll have to crank my level 70 Gunslinger through it, then. She's at the beginning of KotET, so it's just a case of crankety-crank until she gets there. I'll let you know how I get on when I do it. (My main's guild is having a "let's do vet flashpoints together" week this week. No guarantees before the weekend.)


Warning: She'll have probably 228-with-Augs gear, and GC-crate RNG willing, perhaps a few bits of 230 (she got her first at Command rank 5). Bear in mind that 228-with-Augs is crafter stuff, and doesn't require 24x7 play to construct.

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I get the impression that this fight is really easy for some classes and really hard for others. Not balanced at all. I understand it is a "gimmick fight" where you have to have a certain strategy to win, but certain classes are at a huge disadvantage.


If you don't have any ability to heal yourself, and do not have Lord Dramath as a companion, you typically don't last long, especially if you are a casual player that isn't really into crafting and such.


Example: Level 70 Sniper

  • Kiting doesn't work that well since she can jump to your location and damage you too quickly. Even if you stay ahead of her for awhile, eventually she catches up to you. And without cover, a couple hard hits from Vaylin will take you out.
  • Taking cover and shooting from one location works pretty well since the shield slowly heals you, but she usually damages you much faster than you can damage her.
  • When you see the red circle, running outside of it does avoid the hit, which helps you last longer.
  • Having "Escape" at the ready will interrupt her thrashing you around. if you do it fast enough, you won't die.
  • Having a repair droid you can summon after you respawn from dying helps. it might cost you 35,000 credits in repairs, but you can't fight very well with a broken rifle.


And with all that, I haven't been able to beat her even after about 20 tries.


I have decent "Outlander" gear and it doesn't appear to be enough, so I will see if I can get something better and try again.


Hopefully that works, because having the fight this hard isn't really that fun. I come home feeling like the world kicked my butt, so I play SWTOR to let off some steam. I don't want to get my butt kicked on here too.


There has to be some way a DPS character with no healing can beat her. without having to respawn 50 times.


For a sniper/gunslinger:


Stay in melee range. Interrupt Force Blast. If your interrupt is down when force blast is about to go off you can do a few things. My first choice is to wait for the cast to almost complete and then use my roll. That makes you resist the attack. Or you can hunker down and use a defensive. When she does the slam for a million seconds use your cc break. If she's doing her huge knockback, hunker down and keep dpsing her. When you're in melee range her damage output is minimal. As always, watch your surroundings, have your back facing to a safe location if something fails and you get knocked around. For utilities, take ballistic dampners, snap shot, and hot pursuit (or if needed the self heal) in skillful. Heads Up in masterful. Holed up and Lay Low in Heroic, and bait and switch and shield reserve in Legendary. Don't forget that your roll heals you for 10 percent of your health with the hightail it utilityy, and the sniper/ slinger shiled will heal and increase damage reduction if you need to use it.


If you need a healing circle take it for yourself, although these I find are more important for Valkorian. Against Vaalyn, if you use the above strategy and cycle defensive cool downs you'll find you do just fine. She is quite easy if you follow the mechanics of her fights. Regardless, do not be at range. Be in melee range inside her purple circle.

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I guess you didn't read what I wrote above about a Lightning Sorc who didn't have Lord D. Much of that advice applies to ALL classes. And Commando (all specs) has effective self-heal abilities.


DO NOT STAND BETWEEN HER AND THE EDGE. Stand between her and the staircase. That way, you get knocked back into the staircase instead of proving HK-55 right. ("Meatbags can't fly.") Or run out of the red circle. The knockback takes about ten seconds to cast and is blindingly obvious (she curls into a ball and floats in the air and doesn't attack you).


Do not interrupt the knockback. Reserve your interrupt for Force Slam (you are stunned and bouncing up and down taking huge damage).


But yeah, up your gear. Full 228 with full 228 augments is perfectly achievable if you have enough characters to craft all the pieces.


I did read your post, but after I posted mine. It was 4am so only read the OP's post at the time. I don't have the comp on my commando as I tend only to pick lightside options and to get the comp for the fight was a darkside choice. However may change that next time. It was the first time I tried that chapter so considering I was under geared I did not do all that bad for my first attempt considering it was 4am so was very tiered.


Just about to try again. :eek: I will follow your advice. So thanks for posting it.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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for some clases it's uber easy for others not so much if down right impossible.. My lightening scorc gets noth'n but punked by her.


Knew I shoulda made the dark side choice of leaving daddy in the holocron..he's a pretty serious advantage..in fact he's pretty much EZ mode. Without him, it's much much tougher..


I haven't been able to advance my main past that fight since it came out.. It's very frustrating..prolly never finish that chapter because of it. Kinda ticks me off..


My lightening Sorceress had absolutely no trouble and that is without using the holocron. She was able to match Vaylin toe to toe and have her pull into the healing circles and damage her worse. My sorceress did this fight a lot faster than my smuggler healer.

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nope just not possible with my character, no matter what i do cant beat vaylin spirit, i have tried following the mentioned tips but still to no avail, why is the dark side easier than the light side:mad::(

Tell us about your character, please. Class, level, Discipline, some info on gear ratings (the number inside the gear tooltip that shows its strength - could easily be up to 228 and should be for this fight, beyond that's a little harder - not any number in the name of the item), anything else that might have an influence.


To recap, if you followed the advice above (and a few common-sense things):

* you ran out of the red circle when she curls up into a ball.

* you stayed inside the purple circle when you were attacking her. (If you don't, it's like you're attacking yourself.)

* You used your CC break (ability that purges incapactiating effects) when she was bouncing you up and down.

* If she killed you, you waited before re-entering combat so that all your interesting abilities were off cooldown. (Sorry, that wasn't mentioned before, but it's common sense.)

* Etc.

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Hmm. I'll have to crank my level 70 Gunslinger through it, then. She's at the beginning of KotET, so it's just a case of crankety-crank until she gets there. I'll let you know how I get on when I do it. (My main's guild is having a "let's do vet flashpoints together" week this week. No guarantees before the weekend.)


Warning: She'll have probably 228-with-Augs gear, and GC-crate RNG willing, perhaps a few bits of 230 (she got her first at Command rank 5). Bear in mind that 228-with-Augs is crafter stuff, and doesn't require 24x7 play to construct.

Hmmm. OK, this is a little harder than the Sorc was. (Neither character kept Lord D around.)


It's almost as if she stands back a little from Slingers and Snipers, so you're kind of on the edge of the purple circle, and end up catching reflected damage. I have a horrible feeling that these characters will have to do pure-kite against her, or maybe a sort of reverse-kite, where you push and push and push so that you can stay fully inside the purple circle.


OK, so I'm saying that it's a gimmick fight, which is the same thing I've been saying all along, but, as with the Doppleganger in GW1's Augury Rock, the gimmick depends in part on your class. Sigh..

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Hmmm. OK, this is a little harder than the Sorc was. (Neither character kept Lord D around.)


It's almost as if she stands back a little from Slingers and Snipers, so you're kind of on the edge of the purple circle, and end up catching reflected damage. I have a horrible feeling that these characters will have to do pure-kite against her, or maybe a sort of reverse-kite, where you push and push and push so that you can stay fully inside the purple circle.


OK, so I'm saying that it's a gimmick fight, which is the same thing I've been saying all along, but, as with the Doppleganger in GW1's Augury Rock, the gimmick depends in part on your class. Sigh..

OK, it's done. I reset my utilities and picked what was evidently a better combination than she had been previously using. I had picked up two additional pieces of 230 with set bonus (she's had four in total, two hats, a jacket, and a belt) and a few other oddments, and tuned up her augments and stuff.


And then I went to my guild bank and picked out a purple Versatile stim (Mastery/Power).


And stomped her. (OK, not as easily as "stomped" makes it sound, but I won.)


But it's still a gimmick fight. You have to bring a correctly-tuned build to it, and use fight-specific methods. That's a gimmick fight. Arcann iin Chapter XVI is, by that measure, not really a gimmick fight, except for the very last phase (but even there, the gimmick is an object you pick up during the fight). The earlier part is fairly conventional attack attack attack don't stand in stupid attack attack attack.

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hye, i'm a jediguardian and i can't seem to defeat her, watched for some tips on the internet managed to get her on 20% of her hitpoints left before she killed me. i have no companion or healing capacities

Read *everything* in the rest of this thread. You can use the green circles to heal yourself. Tune your gear correctly. I don't recall having any special difficulty on my Guardian, but she did have Lord D around.

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This fight is similar to the heroic star fortresses or the Eternal Championship in that the class you take into the fight has an impact on how easy or hard the fight ends up being.


I have done a vigilance guardian, a sharpshooter gunslinger, an engineering sniper and a telekinetic sage in the Vaylin fight. All were able to complete it in 200-230 gear, but the sage had a noticeable harder time. This struck me as odd since she even had self heals in addition to the green circles! I can only assume it's a result of sages being a light armor class, because the amount of damage Vaylin was able to do to her was worse than on any other class I tried. I never even had to use to the green circles on my guardian (220 gear, no Lord Dramath either!) yet my sage needed both self heals and circles to keep her health up (all purple 228's.) It has to be he armor making the difference.


It does seem like most of the people struggling in this fight are sages and sorcs. I would think though, that by that logic, non-tanking assasins and shadows would have just as much trouble too.


How I did it on my sage:


1) Get in purple circle, fight Vaylin, try to maneuver into green circles whenever possible.

2) Bubble yourself up whenever that skill is off cooldown

2) When red circle shows up, use the run speed boost to get away, hide behind something (like under the stairs, anything to LOS her) and heal up until she jumps to you again.


Rinse and repeat. Took a while, but as long as you keep up a regular schedule of healing, you should wear her down eventually. I also wouldn't recommend wearing anything below 200 gear rating, preferably, 228. On all my characters now I take them through heroics from levels 65-70, then I get into KOTFE/KOTET. This allows you to pick up plenty of blue 220 gear drops to update with, and also lets you take advantage of getting CXP for each chapter you do.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Well, I run to the stairs, turn and have my back to them, then start burning. If I am playing a class that cant heal too well like my mara or sin, I keep an eye on the purple circles. They heal ya a bit. if i get to about...80% I los her with the stairs. it buys me some room to safely grab a heal. And then it is back to the stairs.
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Read *everything* in the rest of this thread. You can use the green circles to heal yourself. Tune your gear correctly. I don't recall having any special difficulty on my Guardian, but she did have Lord D around.


the thing is, she uses a lot of her force abilities to stop me in my tracks, she doesn't seems to follow me in my tracks directly so walking her into a green circle has been a hard issue any tips to make that easier, i know it's a good tactic, don't know to make the timing right

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the thing is, she uses a lot of her force abilities to stop me in my tracks, she doesn't seems to follow me in my tracks directly so walking her into a green circle has been a hard issue any tips to make that easier, i know it's a good tactic, don't know to make the timing right


To be honest, I never bothered with the circles. Being a healer or having a healer companion is fine. All you need to do is only DPS here when you are standing next to her. She has a small circle around her and you need to be in it or damage gets reflected or something. And when she starts the long cast just get the hell away from her outside that circle.


That's all that matters really. Of course you want your comp at least at around 20 influence. But from what I see one big mistake that people make is to damage her from a distance and that's just the last thing you want to do.

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guys, all thx for the tips for some reason i found the right way, and finally defeated her, after defeating her i winned her over to my side with the help of arcann against valkorion, if you know the right way, the fight isn't that difficult, just longer than normal.


ps: i never went for a distance damage, there is need of a good timing for going into the purple cirkel and getting out for taking a green one or letting walking her into one. a little bit of fighting at close combat, good timing and a lot of walking around is enough to take her down relatively easy.

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To be honest, I never bothered with the circles. Being a healer or having a healer companion is fine. All you need to do is only DPS here when you are standing next to her. She has a small circle around her and you need to be in it or damage gets reflected or something. And when she starts the long cast just get the hell away from her outside that circle.


That's all that matters really. Of course you want your comp at least at around 20 influence. But from what I see one big mistake that people make is to damage her from a distance and that's just the last thing you want to do.


There is no companion in this fight unless you keep Valk's father in the datacron, no other companion is allowed to be used in this.


The healing circles are not just for healing, but they also damage Vaylin if you can get her into them. I am a healer and didn't need the circles to heal myself but they are helpful in damaging her especially.

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