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How do you defeat Vaylin's spirit


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Try this.....Here


In essence keep outside of the big red circle and use the green circle to heal yourself or hurt Vaylin.


I kept most of the fight at the bottom of the stairs and when the red circle showed up ran up the stairs. After the knock back, Vaylin jumps to you....run to the bottom of the stairs again.

Edited by Belegnole
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I tried over 20 times so far. Can not move five feet without her stunning me every three seconds. The healing circles are not enough to compensate for the damage she is doing & if I try to lure her into the circles it does do damage to her, but my health is still down & am dead before I can get to the next circle
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I tried over 20 times so far. Can not move five feet without her stunning me every three seconds. The healing circles are not enough to compensate for the damage she is doing & if I try to lure her into the circles it does do damage to her, but my health is still down & am dead before I can get to the next circle


If you are playing a class with a healing spec, switch to that, you should be able to heal yourself faster than she can damage you. Worked like a charm on my sorc.


I think its also possible to trigger the healing circles when Vaylin is really close to damage her and get healed, though timing it would be tricky.

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I did it on my smuggler, she's a healer and if you find it hard to stand next to her and go toe to toe when you can damage her try moving around and keeping out of her way but note this will take awhile for the fight to be over. If you don't need the healing circles bring her into them and let them damage her.


For some they find it easier to stay there and fight her but if you can't try moving around a bit at least until you can heal. Some of her stuns are interrupted so use your interrupts when she does that and stay out of her knockback especially if you are close to the edge.

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timing i guess i didthis a dozen times before i got her. using the healing circles on me the most but got her in 3 that helped


i kept my cc's and breaks when i needed healing. i even used an ability to get to the circle



i was on a jedi knight

Edited by Mounds
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I tried over 20 times so far. Can not move five feet without her stunning me every three seconds. The healing circles are not enough to compensate for the damage she is doing & if I try to lure her into the circles it does do damage to her, but my health is still down & am dead before I can get to the next circle

You have to interrupt her ability when she cast.

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Stay in melee range at all times, except when she's channeling Force Overload (the big red circle), otherwise your damage will be reflected at you. Well, you may of course also run to the green Memory of Healing circles.



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likely a free lvl 65... this is the problem.. people don't know how to use their class, don't know how to interrupt, don't know how the stay out of the bad.. I fought vaylin and thought it was way too easy, a joke even, i didn't even use healing pods.. meh
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am unable to defeat vaylin as a trooper vanguard, I've tried at least 15 times and only end up dead. I've tried the green circles, I am dead fairly quickly, I have tried staying close to her, dead. I've tried staying far away, dead. I have no idea what to do.
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I think I commented on this before, but this is my advice.


You have to kite her.


You keep your distance and run around the stairs. As the healing memories appear, walk her into them. Every once in a while you will have to grab one of them yourself.


DO NOT ATTACK HER. Just keep kiting her, walking her into healing memories, and escaping her clutches when she tries to stunlock you.


It takes about 4 to 5 healing memories to take her down, and patience of course.


Ive done it twice already...it most definitely works.

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  • 4 weeks later...
here is how to defeat vaylin i lost everytime untill i reset my skill tree to a tank with that you can stun her a few seconds walk behind the stairs make sure she cant hit you if she comes closer move arround when the 2 healing circles arive dont walk in it let vaylin walk in it repeat that dont hit her dont listen to the people that say hit her when you are close to her keep your distance you cant lose then:)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Same here as a Jedi Sentinel 30 times and failed I give up. This is NOT fun anymore.


totally agree with the NOT fun anymore part. beat her ONCE by pure accident. green blob hit her and killed her. only took 35hrs (4-5 days) of trying. I've decided to quit playing because of this fight. the fight is TOTALLY unbalanced what with you being 20ft from the blobs yet getting healed but when you NEED to be healed, BADLY, the blobs go the other direction. vaylin getting hit by them with NO damage at all. then the every 3 second stuns that as soon as you break them, if the game ACTUALLY lets you, get reapplied before you can move.

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for some clases it's uber easy for others not so much if down right impossible.. My lightening scorc gets noth'n but punked by her.


Knew I shoulda made the dark side choice of leaving daddy in the holocron..he's a pretty serious advantage..in fact he's pretty much EZ mode. Without him, it's much much tougher..


I haven't been able to advance my main past that fight since it came out.. It's very frustrating..prolly never finish that chapter because of it. Kinda ticks me off..

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level 70 Jedi, and I keep getting wrecked by her. I've gone back thru and kept the one guy in the holocron from mission 7. I've upped all my armor and weapons, even Augmented them to 220 and I'm still getting messed up. I've tried to lure her to the pools which works for a split second til she slams me on the ground. My commander points are up to level 10. The most I've been able to damage her is about half until she messes me up. I've tried running, and standing my ground, no dice. WTH am I doing wrong? Do I just suck that much? I am beyond frustrated at this point. What am I missing? How do I interrupt her? Some secret jedi mind trick I'm missing? Edited by patrickmenadue
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  • 3 weeks later...
EA need to realize that we arent all 18 years old with fingers that hit in milliseconds the keys or have extra advanced focus ability.


need to make it easier

No. (For reference: I'm 50, nearly 51, and I don't have the kind of reflexes you're alluding to.)


It's a gimmick fight. All gimmick fights (SWTOR doesn't have many, not like GW1) require you to bring *something* to them. Something out of the ordinary, that is. Augury Rock in GW1 requires you to tailor a skill set that you can use effectively but the foe cannot, for example (it is a doppleganger, and uses the same skill set you have, but with special conditions on how it uses skills). You'll use this skill set once per character unless you repeat the mission, but you must do it.


Like all gimmick fights, the Vaylin fight in Chapter IX is straightforward if you play according to its rules, and catastrophically hard if you decide to reject that idea.


Let's take the example of a Lightning Sorc who LSed Lord Dramath in Chapter VII, the otherwise aggressively DS Yerka Kolar. (She decided not to trust him. Silly girl.)


So, what did I do? Well, I watched what went on. I read about the fight after I had problems. And then...


OK, so she has a long-throw knockback, longer than the distance to the edge of the allod.(1) That means you don't stand between her and the edge while she casts that ability. But it's easy to tell she's casting it (she curls up into a ball and floats in the air), and it takes ages for her to cast, what feels like about three days when you're waiting for her to get on with it but is, in fact, only around ten seconds. DO NOT INTERRUPT THIS ABILITY. If you don't want to get knocked back into whatever obstacle is behind you and stunned by the impact, run out of the red floor-circle. It's large, but it's easy to get out of in time.


Watch what she is doing as well as watching your ability buttons for procs and recharges.(2) If she curls up into a ball and floats, she's casting the knockback, see above. If she stands there while you bounce up and down (Force Slam), INTERRUPT NOW. Interrupt ONLY Force Slam.


To fight her to death, get inside the purple floor-circle attached to her feet, just like in the fight at the end of Chapter VIII. If you are outside this circle, she reflects your damage onto you.


If you don't want to do that, kite her into the green circles that wander around the allod. She loses 20-25% health each time you kite her into one.


Yerka Kolar just went toe to toe with her, inside the circle, and ran away during the curled-up cast. She also applied the supplementary rules for Lightning Sorcs against heavy foes:

* Use the Bubble. There are actually two. One is an ordinary instant-cast, while the other has a longer cooldown but can be cast while stunned.

* Use Affliction. (Read its tooltip: it puts a DoT on the target; it procs Thundering Blast (?name, the purple-circle-in-front-of-you cast) to always get Critical hits; the DoT recharges each time you hit the foe with Chain Lightning.)

* Because you've used Affliction, make sure to use Chain Lightning and Thundering Blast to benefit from the debuff on her.

* Being Lightning Sorc, Yerka also has effective self-heals. If you have the same, use them. If not, use the green circles when you run away from the knockback cast.


(1) Allod: Island in the sky. Term from Allods Online, which takes place on a world that has been shattered into allods.


(2) You should watch the foes in ordinary fights as well, but it's more important here.


SUMMARY: Never lose sight of the fact that it's a gimmick fight.

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Last post, great tips. My sentinel beat her 2nd try. When you need to get away, remember every class has some sort of speed boost. Or troopers have hold the line. I don't know if it works in this fight but it works in nearly every other fight in the game. Gslingers have the one that keeps from getting knocked back too.


Learn to use: Adrenals, stims etc. Be adequately geared, and repair your gear. You should have a repair droid by 55. Buy it. It's worth it. Level it to lvl 3 and you'll always have whatever crafting supplements you need, wherever you are. Use everything the game gives you. Respec for the best breakaway skills.


You can respec your skill points to have 2 or 3 ways to clear debuffs. Most characters can. They're great for pvp, and they're great for this fight. If all else fails, respec completely. If you ever do any raiding, you'll want field respec anyway and learn to play other specs.


I used the healing bubbles about 50% of the time, and kited her through them the other 50%. JK is a melee char so I did have to fight her inside that bubble. But they also have a speed buff. And I did NOT use Valkorian, ever. Or the other guy. Just a straight up fight. And yes, heroic moment. I've also beat her on heals, and that was easier. Always, always always repair your gear if you die more than 2 or 3 times. It erodes and dosn't protect you if you don't.


Familiarize your self with all the ways the game gives you to help yourself.


Now, all this is being for story mode. I hate to see this fight in master. That woudl be...ridiculous.

Edited by PatT
used wrong word.. heal instead of repair.
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