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Returning and wanted some info


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Will try this question here guys.


Was going to be returning into the game after having to have been away for a time, and so wanted some class info. I mainly do PvE stuff and focus on the whole DPS side of the house. I have wanted to pick up a force user and run with it, but have been confused trying to read up on the state of them in the new expansion. I actually like the Shadow, the Guardian, and the Sentinel each for their own reasons (They all bring something neat to the table). I don't know their viability though in the light of 5.0 in terms of soloability in the PvE environment, and also for joining in Op's to be able to see that side of the storyline also. It seems from what I have been reading that the shadows are in a good place, Guards seem to be in a good place, while the Sentinels seem to have taken a nerf bat (That might be just people being upset with the changes though). So I just wanted some advice from the community on which of the three might be a good option to make a run to 70 with. Hope that you guys can help me figure out how things are with the classes. lol. Thanks in advance.



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You didn't mention OPs in your original post. It may be too early to get a definitive answer about what works best in OPs post 5.0


But as far as general PvE goes - levelling, heroics, KoFE, KotET, etc - any class is fine. Personally, I like the Sentinel best out of the classes you mentioned.

Edited by JediQuaker
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