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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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This is because 1 guy maxed CXP in 3 days farming gold's. :cool:

318K CXP and Command Rank 100 in 3 days. :)


That is an awesome achievement but not something the other 99.9% of the subscriber player base would do.


It's a knee jerk reaction from an inexperienced developing team leadership. It highlights the huge disconnect EA and Bioware employees have with the gaming community. They do not understand what it is like to be a new player in this game let alone an experienced veteran player.


Looks good on paper but in the real world, fails and alienates the paying community.


Go home BW you're drunk!


game has 5 year anniversay yet people call the team leadership inexperienced :) I would call them stupid by now.

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What's so interesting to me is:


Why is Conquest so much better designed than Galactic Command?


Why was the first instinct to (mostly) eliminate CXP gains for elite mobs, instead of, oh, I don't know, capping the daily number of elite mobs that give CXP at some number? You know. Like how Conquest works...



Max CXP from open world at 5000 CXP a day. That way if you are farming you can only gain 1 CXP level at level 300 from OW farming.

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game has 5 year anniversay yet people call the team leadership inexperienced :) I would call them stupid by now.


That is because more than 90% of people got changed over the years - it's not the same team that launched the game. The 10% remaining is probably all in marketing :D Bioware is a big company people come and go and the ones that really knew what they where doing have left SWTOR a while ago.

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they apparently hate open world players in favor of group finder players, I guess SWTOR isn't the game for an open world play style


That's true, Swtor was never an open world game. But this change also effects all other forms of content - Heroics, Flashpoints, etc.


It was a knee jerk reaction that made an already awful system worse.

Edited by micnevv
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That is because more than 90% of people got changed over the years - it's not the same team that launched the game. The 10% remaining is probably all in marketing :D Bioware is a big company people come and go and the ones that really knew what they where doing have left SWTOR a while ago.

SUre, but there has to be someone who knows what happened 2 years ago, or 4 years... oh, obviously not if they reintroduced RNG box gearing. Sure, you are right and I was wrong.

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Maybe you people will finally smarten up and unsub and show them what you really think about this system. I remember patch 1.1 with the RNG boxes those we're 10 times better then this garbo system.


That's what you get for spending all your cash on the Cartel Market , enjoy the grind now.

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SUre, but there has to be someone who knows what happened 2 years ago, or 4 years... oh, obviously not if they reintroduced RNG box gearing. Sure, you are right and I was wrong.


Oh I completely agree that inexperience is not a good defense, ESPECIALLY whey people seam to lack basic common sense and knowledge of how MMO work... anyone who played any MMO ever would be able to predict this things.... Or so we think.

Not to mention the hiring policy - being a company you would think Bioware would hire someone who knows what they doing to run the game... But no, that is clearly to much to ask.

All I'm saying is that they do have a lot of inexperienced people steering the boat, so it seams... I'm NOT making excuses for them or saying it is right - it's the companies job to make sure people they assign tasks to CAN do them. Players are a paying customer in this case, their issues are not our problem - we ARE entitled to a good service. And we ARE entitled to live when we are not getting it. We are the ones who have to pay after all.

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funny but really these kinds of decisions make you wonder if they want to kill their own game.


The impression I'm getting isn't far off from that. In EA's eyes, this game is a cash cow. They seem intent on determining just how little effort they can put into it and still generate a profit. Constantly tweaking it to see just how much easier they can make it on themselves (i.e. cutting costs, etc.) while still making money off it.


I've worked at large companies so I know there's always more going on than the customer can see. But from the customer's point of view, the perception is often enough to make a judgement on a product or company. Most of what we're seeing is generating a very poor perception of the company.


It's really a shame, too. I've not been a fan of the whole KotFE expansion, often describing the playing of 7 alts as "dragging them through the new chapters". But I actually enjoyed KotFT, aside from the ever-present time wasting parts (I call it Fights of the Eternal Trash Mobs). It seems like they are able to do some good story-telling (that has to be the Bioware remnants), but the overall management of the game leaves much to be desired.

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Ran heroics prior to the nerf and was able to get a character up to level ten, including the last three chapters of KOTET. Ran one last night after the nerf: gained 49 points. Under the old system it would have been worth 130 points.


Way to go Bioware. I guess the answer is to PvP and get a few medals and sit on my *** for the remainder of the match.

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This article over at MassivelyOP shows just how far in the tank these guys are for this garbage.



We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”


Delusional. That's me be nice about how I view them if they think this is an improvement on the game.


We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game.


Even more delusional. I haven't played enough of the game Ben? Why would I want to grind out (and it is a grind with the CXP system and how much you earn) 200 levels of Galactic Command Experience Points? To play the content I find fun? Why would I do this? Per character?


Come on Ben, come back to the realm of being a gamer and then tell me this system is an improvement on what we had previously? I could earn gear faster than this for the content I wanted to run, I'm not even going to entertain providing you with metrics aside from one for this system, that one metric is a subscription lost.

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What, was needing a year to grind this crap out too little?


Why was this nerfed and what does the team expect us to do to get CXP in a reasonable time frame? Can we get some sort of response on this?


THey are crazy and i expect they want us all to do ranked

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One other thing that I've been thinking about, and I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet...


After what is looking to be at least a year-long grind to hopefully get some barely usable gear, there's a very good chance the level caps will be raised again, totally negating that grind.


Granted, gear obsolescence has always existed in some format, but it's looking like we'll have even less time to work with merely average gear before having to start all over again.

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This is what we get for accepting Musco's and the dev's challenge to try and do better then they can at gaining CXP/levels. Seriously.. what company releases a game changing product and then leaves for a whole month.. here is another instance of Bioware ******** on its community.


The management of this game is a complete joke. To challenge a playerbase to do something, then nerf **** into the ground when the playerbase actually meets that challenge, is just asinine. The development team is run by a bunch of children with no foresight.

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The management of this game is a complete joke. To challenge a playerbase to do something, then nerf **** into the ground when the playerbase actually meets that challenge, is just asinine. The development team is run by a bunch of children with no foresight.


I'm challenging BioWare to earn back my and my husband's subscriptions. The gold mob nerf was only the last drop, so unnerfing them isn't an automatic resub. Far from.

But in the spirit of things, I won't tell Bioware exactly what they need or don't need to do for me to resub.


...that IS how it's done, is it not, Bioware?

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I'm challenging BioWare to earn back my and my husband's subscriptions. The gold mob nerf was only the last drop, so unnerfing them isn't an automatic resub. Far from.

But in the spirit of things, I won't tell Bioware exactly what they need or don't need to do for me to resub.


...that IS how it's done, is it not, Bioware?


You're probably right. Incidentally I did tell them exactly what was needed, but I don't think that it really made a difference.

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I'm challenging BioWare to earn back my and my husband's subscriptions. The gold mob nerf was only the last drop, so unnerfing them isn't an automatic resub. Far from.

But in the spirit of things, I won't tell Bioware exactly what they need or don't need to do for me to resub.


...that IS how it's done, is it not, Bioware?


A) nothing wrong with taking a break when frustrated, and check back later when improvements to your liking are made. I have done that with this MMO myself. It's actually a healthy thing to do in my view. It is certainly a healthier decision then some players are exhibiting in the forum this week.


B) 5.0 just released. It will be a while before they get it dialed in completely and to the best satisfaction point they can for the broadest part of the player base. I would not expect them to ever meet special interest groups needs/wants perfectly though. MMOs are imperfect by their vary nature.... primarily because of widely different tastes/wants/needs in the player base.


As to this particular quick nerf... I don't think anyone believes/feels it was handled correctly. That includes myself and I have said so in the forum.. despite people insisting on labeling me a white night.


I DO think this was a quick and dirty band-aid to something they really should have seen coming in advance (shame on the studio for that part), and that they will come back with a different approach to caps and readjust Cxp rewards.


Of course doing the nerf on Saturday morning and then leaving the players to wallow in self-pity and dev-hate all weekend is not the best way to even do a Band-Aid. AND.. if they just hunker down and leave the Band-Aid on.... all of us will be at their throats over it to some degree or another. Most players though will just move to a different type of content unless/until the Band-Aid is pulled and something better is applied.

Edited by Andryah
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I`m with the rest of the community in calling out a rethink to this unfair nerf to Command Points gains. It is leaving a very sour taste in what was otherwise a thoroughly enjoyable expansion. Please do not slap your entire honest player base in the face like this for the sake of hammering down on those that would exploit a steady gain from gold mobs. Surely there has to be a better way!
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I've already unsubbed, so not going to preach about that. However, just want to add why I think golds being dropped from 10 down to 1 is unfair.


I have spent the past two days running the planetary missions non-stop (okay, I did take a few breaks to eat, bathroom, tell kids goodnight, etc.). I have gotten three different star fortress companions to 1000 kills (didn't have the achievements). I've killed more golds than I can count and I have only gained 5 levels of command rank.


On top of that, I have only been awarded one piece of set bonus gear. Everything else was crap green stuff that could not beat my 216 gear I earned with crystals.


Had the golds still been at 10, I bet I would have gained 10 levels at least. Some of those heroics have a LOT of golds (alderaan for example).

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You're probably right. Incidentally I did tell them exactly what was needed, but I don't think that it really made a difference.


Well, I might have tried to give them some ideas too, in an objective and constructive manner, but that post is already buried, so...

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Adding one more voice to the thread.


10 CXP per gold wasn't event that great already. People would start to realize when they hit the higher levels.


Simply because as with every leveling curve in this game (and others MMO) the XP requirement follows more an exponential curve than a linear one.

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I unsubbed yesterday, and I put the CXP nerf down as my reason when asked on the form. However, I want to make it clear, that I'm not quitting SOLELY because of that. It's simply the last bloody straw. The reasons are many


1) No new FP/OP content in years.


2) Barely any new PvP content.


3) GSF has gone ignored since release.


4) The horrible F2P model that I refuse to acknowledge. If I play, I sub. If I don't sub, I don't play. Period.


5) The largely awful "subscriber rewards." The only ones I got that actually meant anything were vehicle and the bonus chapter. The rest was all garbage.


6) The never-ending stream of gambleboxes.


7) The fact that decorations for Strongholds are almost exclusively gamblebox content, meaing I have to spend real cash for a chance get them, or pay vastly over-inflated GTN prices for them. Basically, rendering another feature I should adore nothing but a time/money sink. No thanks.


8) The constant "class balance" changes that seem to be done by someone who's never actually played the game in a live environment.


9) The new entirely RNG-based gear progression system that runs off STILL MORE GAMBLEBOXES.


10) Nerfing the progression to RNG progression system.


Seriously, fsck these devs. Fsck their corporate overlords. I'd rather play a P2W Korean import MMO like BDO or Archeage than give them one more dime of my money.

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I unsubbed yesterday, and I put the CXP nerf down as my reason when asked on the form. However, I want to make it clear, that I'm not quitting SOLELY because of that. It's simply the last bloody straw. The reasons are many


I didn't even GET a form to explain why I unsubbed. Neither did my husband.

...when I stopped subbing from RIFT back in the day, they sent me a mail with a questionnaire. (I think it was RIFT...? Don't think it was after I visited WoW last time, but anyway, doesn't matter.) It was a nice one too, where they started by saying they won't get butthurt if I tell them I like some other game better.

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