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Off Story Companions

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I know you guys want this as much as I do with some charcters xD But most just put limits to that wish by saying stuff such as "wont happen", "that's a main character", "they won't do it", "can't he/she is dead". But what if we could get them anyways. I mean, most of us regrect being unable to side with a villain we admire, or to be unable to save certain character that gets killed or has to die no matter what we do. Or more into the topic who of you guys haven't wanted or begged the devs to allow "X" or "Y" character join as a companion everytime a new story expansion is announced?.

Some we actually get them, Lana in my case :) but some we don't.


This is mainly due to the devs trying to keep what we get in game loyal to the story we are living in the game.

But I'm sure it doesn't hurt to allow us to get some main characters whose role has already been played in the story and is now pretty much forgotten.

I want to suggest that we get these companions on cartel packs as we are getting the beasts and droids right now. This companions are merely for us to enjoy, they shouldn't impact the story in any way.


Here's a list of some I would love to see, if you guys have other's you can comment them and add them to the list:



Darth Malgus

Satele Shan


Darth Baras

Darth Zash

Darth Jadus

Darth Vowrawn



Lemda Avesta

Lord Cytharat


Dread War

Dread Master Styrak

Dread Master Calphayus

Dread Master Brontes

Dread Master Bestia

Dread Master Raptus

Dread Master Tyrans



Both Imperial and Republic GSF crews






Lana's SOR customization

Revan's Reborn customization

Kai Zykken




Darth Marr (As permanent companion with a possible ghost customization)

Satele Shan's (KOTFE Customization)

The Alliance Specialists (Minus Dr. Oggurobb)


KOTET (Hidden to avoid spoilers to those who are yet to play it)





Arcann's KOTFE customization (the one with the mask)


Lord Dramath


^I'd LOVE to see Arcann's mask in game.

^I'd LOVE to see Malgus return and utterly wreak havoc in a new expansion, and light fire under everybody's @sses. There's definitely potential there. ~"Did you find his body?! ... Then he's not dead!!"


My dream blast from the past would have to be seeing a Tulak Horde storyline. As he's probably the most obscure and underrated bad@ss in all Star Wars.

Edited by Willjb
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^I'd LOVE to see Arcann's mask in game.

^I'd LOVE to see Malgus return and utterly wreak havoc in a new expansion, and light fire under everybody's @sses. There's definitely potential there. ~"Did you find his body?! ... Then he's not dead!!"


My dream blast from the past would have to be seeing a Tulak Horde storyline. As he's probably the most obscure and underrated bad@ss in all Star Wars.


Didn't his spirit end up on Yavin?

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If not appearing in the story again anytime soon:

Master Sumalee

Jonas Balkar,






Eleena Daru,

Darth Malgus,


Marka Ragnos,

Naga Sadow,



Captain Phasma,

Mandalore The Ultimate,

Mandalore The First,

Father (Mortis),



Darth Bane,


Woah Woah Woah... hold your horses Mr. Disney... This game is Star Wars "THE OLD REPUBLIC" I don't mind seeing off story companions from KOTOR games since they are still from the Old Republic era even though most died a couple hundred years before SWTOR, but seriously dont expect to get characters from the movies nor the Clone Wars/REBELS series as companions here.

Aside from that your characters from SWTOR are fine, I'm sure even Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow could be some interesting companions if they are presented as force spirits or something like their Yavin ghosts. But don't go ahead of the script lol. Its still thousands of years to the movies from here.

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Woah Woah Woah... hold your horses Mr. Disney... This game is Star Wars "THE OLD REPUBLIC" I don't mind seeing off story companions from KOTOR games since they are still from the Old Republic era even though most died a couple hundred years before SWTOR, but seriously dont expect to get characters from the movies nor the Clone Wars/REBELS series as companions here.

Aside from that your characters from SWTOR are fine, I'm sure even Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow could be some interesting companions if they are presented as force spirits or something like their Yavin ghosts. But don't go ahead of the script lol. Its still thousands of years to the movies from here.


Off-story. It doesn't matter who they are even if they aren't Star Wars Characters. It's off-story so everything goes. Everything applies. You don't like it? That's fine but that does NOT make it "invalid". Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow does NOT need to be "force spirits" when other companions like Dramath exists in a "solid form". What do you think "off-story" means?

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Off-story. It doesn't matter who they are even if they aren't Star Wars Characters. It's off-story so everything goes. Everything applies. You don't like it? That's fine but that does NOT make it "invalid". Marka Ragnos and Naga Sadow does NOT need to be "force spirits" when other companions like Dramath exists in a "solid form". What do you think "off-story" means?


Characters that appear in game but are no longer relevant to the SWTOR plot.

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Nah, I am against that. For me companion with none lore is meanigless and useless.

That's why I have no desire to have companions from CC.

Alliance Alerts or just getting them through story is something I want and need.


Lord Cythyrat and Lemda Avesta for respectivly for Empire and Republic characters is not only wanted, but possible and through story as well.

Darth Marr, this is possible as well. How? He is dead. Sooo, bind his spirit to (his) armor and here we are.

Satele is possible as well, but after 6.2 we see she returned to Coruscant and probably to Jedi Order so hmm. Not yet it seems.

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Nah, I am against that. For me companion with none lore is meanigless and useless.

That's why I have no desire to have companions from CC.

Alliance Alerts or just getting them through story is something I want and need.


Lord Cythyrat and Lemda Avesta for respectivly for Empire and Republic characters is not only wanted, but possible and through story as well.

Darth Marr, this is possible as well. How? He is dead. Sooo, bind his spirit to (his) armor and here we are.

Satele is possible as well, but after 6.2 we see she returned to Coruscant and probably to Jedi Order so hmm. Not yet it seems.


Thats why they are OFF story, its most likely for them to be added via CM so you wont have your experience messed up by having them unless you personally purchase them.

As for other players you should respect that some of us would've love to take choices we were unable to in order to hang out, save or in any other way ally up with a SWTOR character we loved.

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Personal I think they should keep the CM companions they way they are, droids & animals. And the 'named' companions should be sub rewards type of thing, or with the new galactic thing, maybe part of that. Well the ones we won't get through story anyway :)
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Personal I think they should keep the CM companions they way they are, droids & animals. And the 'named' companions should be sub rewards type of thing, or with the new galactic thing, maybe part of that. Well the ones we won't get through story anyway :)


That would be nice, although I'm always aganist limited time stuff, while I dont mind myself as I'm capable of mantaining my subb and get all the content I want that is for subs only I always feel bad for people who are not capable of affording to be subbed as outside the US, SWTOR is a really expensive game to play with way long waiting time for playable content updates.

I prefer CM stuff as people can always save their money and pay for the stuff they want when they feel ready without worring about items leaving for good while still supporting the game generating an income for the devs.

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Probably too late to do so now in game for class-specific characters, but it would be cool if at the completion of the class story, you could have gotten one of the class-story supporting cast as a new companion as a reward for completing the story.


Who you got depended on who was still alive at the end of your run through. Plus, like the reward companions, you would be able to unlock them as part of collections. That way you could theoretically add them to different characters (with different class stories). It would also give someone incentive to replay the class story again to unlock new companions.


This might be possible with future expansions.

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