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Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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You have two options at this point. Exactly two:


Oh yea of little mind. I've got more than just two options bit I'll address yours.


You continue to complain on the forum and pay a subscription, hoping against all odds that Bioware will release a bunch of new content/an operation/a PvP overhaul anytime soon.


Did they or did they not change the RNG once already to what gamers were stating would be a problem? One such problem being the RNG based off the entire advanced class. It was changed at player request and the negativity RNG gearing was going to bring.


What happened was a change for the better but not nearly enough adjustment to make RNG gearing worth running the massively old content SWTOR is plagued with. So your option one is wrong because it has already been proven complaints can change things if the complaints are negative enough.


You quit your subscription and are gone by this time next month, and we don't see you posting here after that date.


Quitting is always an option but I get enough free coins that it out weights my sub cost enough for me to stay around and play with that few real friends are left. So, until those last remaining friends vacate and those free coins stop being more than my sub cost. I'll be posting about the changes in swtor next months as well as this one.


There is no option in this that sees you continue to pay a subscription and getting this system changed. Period.


I guess you were not around when we did that very thing with out complaints. Got part of the system changed. Now we need to up the complaints and work on getting mire changed for the betterment of the game.


By paying a subscription each month, you are passively enabling Bioware to use your subscription money to justify that the current system of content recycling works. Every subscription that is active during the next few months will be seen as an acceptance of the GC and content model, whereas all cancelled subscriptions will be seen as a decrease in revenue - thus a decrease in support for the system.


Sorry but you are mistaken. They can delude themselves into that warped line of thinking but a simple read through of the forums tells otherwise. Your line of thinking does sound like something a poorly managed business might warp into a positive though. While that forum number may not be some massive number, it has gotten things changed in the past for RNG so no reason it wont work again.


The option many people here seem to take is to ask: "We would enjoy to play the game, but what is there to do? I'll rather stalk the forums and post that question to everyone. That'll show them!"


You can complain about how "worn out" the content is all you want. If you would consider equipping your character if the GC system wasn't around/changed? You are enabling the system. If you continue a subscription despite missing changes, hoping that simple words on a forum change anything? You are enabling the system.


Well then lets make a movement to get more to cancel and leave the game. That seems to be where you are going with this. What better way to do it than posting on these very forums as well as others. Which I guess I should be doing. Thanks for the ideas. The more that leave the better option we have for getting things adjusted.


She is exactly right in this matter. If you do enjoy the content there is right now, do play the game. If you don't enjoy the content for whatever reason, don't play the game. And don't use "But I love the game!" as an excuse to stick around. You cannot love again, but at the same time despise anything you can do in this game as "stale and old". You loved the game. You might love what it could be. But you clearly don't love what you're doing right now if your post boils down to the idea that "everything is stale and old. There's no reason to play it, it's all boring."


Most end game is stale and old but what you cant seem to comprehend is part of it as still entertaining. It was entertaining to run 16 man EV with 8 people. EV is old and stale but gearing out of it was entertaining. Gearing for alts that I like to play and switch to. Some things players can do to make things more entertaining and fun. That cannot be done for RNG casino gearing bw turned swtor into. Thats a problem.


There is no way you are so short sighted to not see the difference in what you say vs the reality of playing a game and like some but not all of its parts.


This is why I don't take some of the complaining veterans here seriously. I also loved the atmosphere of BDO - the game was gorgeous, and I loved my witch. When the game went P2W and subscriber bonus (against everything Pearl Abyss announced prior to launch), I quit. Period. I didn't stick around in the hopes it would get better. I stopped spending money, stopped playing, and I made the resolve to check back in exactly eight months. Then read the reddit whether something has changed. That's worth more than copying the same rant of stale old content over and over again.


P2W is a fundamental no no. Just like relying on to old of content and doing things to get players to run it again and again. Gamers tend to hate that and will only take so much. I expect to seem harm done to swtor because of that. Just as if it went full P2W the harm that would also be done. You quitting a game because of your dislikes doesn't mean thats someone elses line in the sand. They you add in what some have accomplished, collected and bought and deciding to just up and leave it even for some dislikes doesn't mean it will happen. Especially so if there isn't another game you plan to move to. Better to stick around and hope to voice a change for the better and until the cons do out weight the pros. The decision to leave is always an option.


I get more bang for my buck in coins to stay. Much more so because I get to say why I think parts of the game are atrocious.


She has a good point: If you don't enjoy playing the game, you should take a break. If you do enjoy playing the game, go play the game. If you don't enjoy anything in this game right now, paying a subscription for trying to change the game is like paying UKIP money to make their programm reflect a pro-EU stance. You're giving them money while doing an anti-EU rant. Why change it?


Her point is to just pack up and well thats doesn't make sense if I want something to change in a game I liked days before. I play the game but the there is a part of it I dislike and want changed. Things have changed in the very system we dislike. Now it needs to change more.

Edited by Quraswren
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I completely agree, I am sick of these changes already!


I have 34 characters on the Shadowlands server and others scattered on other servers. I have been a consistent PAYING customer, supporting this game for years.


I have met some wonderful people, but it seems, very sadly, this is at an end. :(




It is extremely obvious that EA/BioWare does not care about players. They leave many bugs, these changes are HORRIBLE, the grinding of the new changes are ridiculous. I am not sure who thinks this amount of grinding is fun, but it is not me or for many other players I know. :mad:




ALL this grinding, NOT FOR NEW CONTENT, but ONLY to get back to the OLD CONTENT that I and others WANT to DO, such as Hard Mode Operations. :mad::(



This has broken apart our guild, and ran good players off. Some have come back to do the story only and due to these horrible changes are leaving right after this. :(




They have effectively PUNISHED players, pushing them back and not allowing them ACCESS to OLD CONTENT, things we were ALREADY doing, but now CAN”T do because of GEAR CHANGES which KEEP US from doing what we were doing before this stupid “expansion.”




I have been a continuous subscriber for years, but for the first time, I am now considering ending my status, unless some extremely drastic changes occur, or they revert the gear system back to crystals and operations drops.


There are NO REWARDS left in the game and the rate of gaining command points, especially for players who do not have a lot of time to play, is horrible.




Many of my friends have cancelled their subscriptions or will be gone when their time cards run out in January or so, and I may go with them. I pay for this game and I don’t have to!


So to sum it up: It is not fun, my friends are leaving, and I can’t do the OLD CONTENT I want to do BECAUSE EA/BioWare decided to PUNISH the players! :(


So yes tired of these changes . . .

Edited by NaiadL
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Do not take the following seriously. Ranting would've done nothing to the discussion so I tried for humour instead.


SWTOR 5.0 in management or, a short tale of how the loot system would work if implemented in a fictitious company. In this comedy of one act we have a prominent duo and a few others. The duo is:


Central-planner Manager(CPM): thinks he knows best at all times, for everyone involved. Some think he’s eccentric, others that he’s just plain insane.


CEO: has a good BS detector, returning from well-deserved vacations.


Without further ado, onwards with the show!


Location: Big Listed Company, Casual Meeting in the CEO’s office.


CEO: Dear CPM, I heard that a certain system of rewards was implemented recently for our employees, and yet I see less of them now than when I left on vacation. Point if fact, this stack right here, about a foot high, is the amount of two weeks’ notices we received last week alone. Care to enlighten me about it?


CPM: Certainly sir! This plan, dubbed 5.0 is an in-company reward system designed to promote the very best efficiency and happiness of our employees. It is not based on merit, dedication, skill, or entrepreneurial acumen. No sir! We’ve done away with these banalities! The reward system is such that no employee shall receive a salary, or a wage or any of that rot. They’ll receive beautifully, purple-wrapped boxes so long as they achieve the goals set to them.


Intern: Sorry to interrupt sir, I have a few more notices to add to the pile.


CEO: Not a problem son, put them with the others


Intern: Right away sir.


Stack Height: 1.3 feet.


CEO: As you were saying CPM, I’d really like to know how it works. Don't leave anything out.


CPM: See, here is the geniality of it all. The 5.0 reward system is divided into three tiers. In the first tier, say the first hundred boxes or so, the rewards are utter crap for the most part BUT, they have a chance of getting a brand new Honda Civic 2003!


CEO: Hmm. I see some flaws with that design. How can you expect our employees to come back to work, if there’s no salary or wages paid, but just a promise that they MAY get a “brand-new” honda civic 2003? And how’s a 2003 car “brand new” by any measure?


CPM: They’re creatures of habit. They’ve been doing the same stuff for years and years now, they won’t get any less motivated at this point so that even a 2003 honda civic will feel like a novelty! Also, I forgot to mention, there’s an incremental goal-scale they’ll need to complete before getting the next box! Isn’t that just wonderful?


CEO: So, let me walk through the steps of your plan. It was your idea, correct?


CPM: Yes sir!


CEO: Firstly, you abolished all money payments to all employees, be they salaries or wages.


CPM: That’s correct.


CEO: Then, as compensation for their time, regardless of the role they have in the company, from janitorial staff to software engineering, they all receive the same reward.


CPM: Precisely sir! You’re cut to the quick!


CEO: Not only the reward is the same, but all are…


Intern: Sorry to interrupt again sir, but these notices are coming faster than our HR department can manage. In fact, right at the top of this pile, is the notice from our HR department head.


CEO: So, that leaves you and…


Intern: Evelyn sir, the other intern.


CEO: so, you two are in charge of Human Resources for the time being? Just the two of you?


Intern: unfortunately, yes sir.


CEO: I see. Put them on top of the others then.


Intern: Right away sir.


Stack Height: 2.6 feet


CEO: Ok CPM, moving on… not only the reward is the same for all employees but they’ll all need to work even more to receive the next one, correct?


CPM: Indeed sir!


CEO: hmm and at what points do they receive their… purple boxes? I mean, since we are in an incremental scale here, they’ll take more and more time to get the next one. So, presumably, at some point in that scale, they’ll have to work for days just to get a single box. And that box has a chance to, at best, give you a used car?


CPM: A brand new Honda Civic 2003 sir! And yes, at some point it’ll take them days, perhaps even weeks to get a new box.


CEO: I s…


Intern: Sorry to interrupt yet again sir, but we just lost Evelyn to a competitor and I’m having to drag these invoices by myself.


CEO: In an industrial trolley?


Intern: It’s more efficient sir.


CEO: And you’re still here… why?


Intern: It’s my first job sir.


CEO: Your dedication is commendable Intern. Please leave it… well not on top of the others we are not trying to replicate the twin towers with two week’s notice forms…


Intern: Not a problem sir


Stack Height(s): two stacks, nearly 4 feet tall


CEO: Well, I do have one last question for you CPM. Who authorized the implementation of this plan while I was away?


CPM: the CFO Sir! He said it’d do wonders for the balance sheet!


CEO looks around the office, mystified at the splendorous stupidity of the human race: I see. As my last act as CEO of this company I just need to do two things, first the good news… for you that is.


CPM shivers with anticipation: What good news!?


CEO: Yes my dear, you’ve just been promoted!


CPM: I have!?


CEO: Yes, this right here, is my letter nominating you for my post. With such startling brilliance it’s a wonder you haven’t replaced me already.


CPM: And what was the other thing you mentioned er… sir?


CEO: Oh this piece of paper right here?


CPM: Yes sir.


CEO: Well, this is my… oh, hey Intern, I see you’re carrying only one form now. Have people stopped filling in forms?


Intern: No sir. There’s no people left. This is my own form.


CEO: In that case – signs the piece of paper and hands it to the intern – drop this with the others will ya?

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I finally got a character to 70 today (because of the Heroic Quests thing I posted about) and did LITERALLY all the heroic quests IN THE ENTIRE GAME (with the exception of the 4+ Heroic in Sector X and Makeb's Heroic and it's Dailies cause those aren't part of the GC thing for some reason...basically everything else, including Revan stuff, is). I also did all the daily hubs (again, except Makeb). I did all this after I hit 70 and I also did 1 Uprising in Story Mode.


That was enough to get me from GC Level 1 to GC level almost 11 (I need like another 200). I disintegrated any duplicate green items I got and ALL cosmetic shells (because I didn't like them) and Jawa Junk (only green). Everything else I kept. Probably about 1k GCEXP in disintegration, aka not very much. The levels are getting bigger and bigger at a noticeable rate even this far down (remember, cap is 300). And come this tuesday, the majority of what I did today can only be done once a week (you'll be able to do CZ-149, Oricron, Black Hole, Sector X, and Zoist every day and still get the 450 CEXP bonus, cause the Planetary GC quests for those places only care about the dailies).


So yeah, I'll be able to keep doing completely solo content for a small # of GCEXP every day for the rest of the week if I want (each of those daily areas has 4 daily quests, I think, + the bonuses, so that's 530 x 5 GCEXP from doing all 5 daily areas every day). But still, even if you could get 11ish levels every week from doing all the Heroics, that'd be bloody awful. But you can't, as the requirements for getting your next chest keep going up and yeah, it's going up pretty quickly.


Once I'm done with ALL the heroics once a week, I can get that measly 2700ish a day from the doing all 5 daily hubs and if I want to keep soloing, I can either do Story or...uhm...nothing. That basically leaves PvP (I hate PvP) or grinding out the same Flashpoints I've already played a bunch. Sure, there are the new Uprisings too, but the Storymode is crazy boring easy and I doubt I'll have the gear for Veteran for a long, long while, giving that gear is RNG and if my first 10 levels are any indication, I'm screwed.


So yeah, I'm adding my voice here. I was pretty sure I would hate this new system. It's out now and after getting my first 10 GC levels, I do, in fact, hate it. I just came back semi-recently (beginning of October). I was a Founder and pre-ordered the deluxe mega edition of the game back in the day (the one with the Malgus statue I think?) When I returned, I got a month of normal subscription which I canceled after I heard about the 5.0 changes. Got a 3 month Amazon deal so I could see the new content and stay subbed through Nov for the bonuses, but yeah, that'll be the end of my sub again.


And that's a real shame. I was having a lot of fun and was so happy to be back. But seriously, I said it before 5.0 was released and I'll say it now that I know it to be true for sure:, "Galactic Command is the worst decision any major western MMO has ever made ever in the history of major western MMOs." It's awful, and the ONLY solution is to scrap THE ENTIRE THING and take things back the way they were. Since there's absolutely no way that's gana happen...well...I guess we'll see how well this game survives with no subscribers or players in a couple months, won't we?

Edited by DragonDai
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