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Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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As people in reply to my earlier post have said. It is a different system but my point was there has always been some form of randomness to the loot.


Yes the Loot tables are now insanely large and we have a cat in hells chance of getting what we actually want. The examples I used were not the best. I am simply posting how it seemed to me with previous loot drops as I always seemed to get stuff I didn't need or endless dupes.


I completely understand why the new system is hated and I agree it should be fixed in some form be it a legacy version so it shared across all characters etc. or complete removal.


But as I posted I didn't do the grind or do FPs and OPs all that often if at all. So you probably all know more than me. There is no need to be an *** about when ive given my opinion and then said I agree that its not the best system but hey it's the internet so troll away!


I'm personally saying that if FP boss X dropped 8 possible chest pieces (one for each class) then it might suck to not see it drop for a while (or losing the roll to another player), but at least it was a much more tolerable roll of the dice. I admit when I first heard about this system I foolishly thought the only drops would be gear like the heroic crates with a chance of set bonus gear- not green gear, orange shells, jawa junk, and gifts thrown in as well.


Also, I had the same chance for boss loot with my knight as I did when I used my rarely-played smuggler. Now, I would need to choose one character if I actually wanted to grind out levels in an attempt to get any gear higher than tier 1 (and likely not get a full set of even that). To me this new system is far worse than any of the random loot tables from the past (with perhaps the exception of the reviled pvp gearing at the game's launch). Many players with often-played alts seem to be metaphorically throwing up their hands and walking away, and I don't blame them a bit.

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Well I was never under any illusion with command, as a casual who only tends to play at weekends, who dislikes PvP and avoids it as much as I can and who has only ever run 1 operation the likely hood of me ever getting level 300 on any 1 character is very low anyway let alone on multiple.


Yeah you could argue that given the content that I do does not warrant higher end gear anyway and yeah I kind of agree but would love to be able to solo Star Fortresses (tried one and failed right at the end) so I do want some better gear to do this with.


Obviously this hits those players who wish to do hard mode content but I don't have any figures about how many players that might be, I only know those on the forums but again I don't really know what % of the total population that makes up.

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I can't see what I am grinding for and relying on random chance is not enough reason to play. There is nothing to do but what has always been available to do in the game so I am out to play Elder Scrolls. I'll subscribe again when the next story expansion is released again.


I fully understand.


The RNG gear grind is just amazingly bad. It's one thing to know what your end game reward will be but to play SWTOR and have no clue what the reward is for your time. Thats some pretty bad design for SWTOR.


Then you add in the content that you are running is mainly the same content you have been doing for 2 years and that content only gives you a chance at gear and part of that chance is also NOTHING OF USE.


SWTOR isn't a strong enough game for the design bw has created.


I made it to command rank 4 and realized the RNG is worse than I could have ever imagined. Thinking it could easily be 6 months to a year before I see similar gear to when we started OPS in kotfe is disappointing to say the least.


Our tank only made it to rank 2 before he realized it and promptly quit SWTOR. With no ability to plan gear or plan out how you want to get gear to do his role pushed him into leaving for something designed a bit more intelligently.


bw should have taken the old gearing system and designed it into command ranks with enough change to give them more control of gear distribution and the time to gear up but not the entirely random piece of crap RNG gearing we have.

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Let me just add my voice to the roar and say this system is pretty darn awful. The number of command ranks need to be cut to a 1/3 of what they are now or the CXP gained needs to be multiplied by 3. The RNG is bad enough but the other crap in the packs is just useless.


I do not know how any game designer would think this system would be a good one.

Edited by Kawiki
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Yeah, with old system I could have done plenty of OPS already in this time, even on underlvl alts and still gain loot I know I would have done SOMETHING with ANY character in my legacy, thanks to getting to choose what class and spec to exchange it for.


Instead I've done plenty of ops and gained exactly one usable relic on my only one character that I got to lv 70.


This expansion isnt for me endgame wise, so little I can control myself. Not a fan.

Edited by Kiesu
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Totally ridiculous to grind and grind in the hopes that you a) get something of good quality and b) that object of good quality is actually something you can use. If we wanted to be at the mercy of random chance, we would go gamble in Vegas. We want to be able to plan a way to gear our toons that doesn't involve having to spend every free moment slogging through CXP levels to get a crate and pray luck is with us. We want to actually be able to have a life outside of game.
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So I understand why they did it, and it is normal carrot stick design to ensure subs times and help drive cm sales from boost, but the sheer amount of time required for this is absurd. If they had at least made it legacy wide, then I think people wouldn't be nearly as mad. But as it stands now, casual, or even regular players, will be stuck grinding this for almost two years for each character. Then throw in RNG on top of that.......and well, we get the outrage.


The question to ask yourself is...What is not having top tier gear (Right now) keeping you from doing in game?


I am running all the content I normally would with my 208 Ex-PvP gear and a couple upgrades with no issues including PvP.....


So if you are unable to play the game because of the "The Grind" then I get it...that has not been my experience so far...My Sentinel is level 70 and playing any content I have time for with no issues....PvP I was hitting top 3 to 5 and having a decent time even on losses....


So all I'm saying is look at why you are unhappy with the grind? Is it the idea that they used to basically give gear away and now it takes time? Or is it actually preventing you from doing what you like to do in game? What is the actual problem with it?


If you are playing the game and having fun and gear itemization is not a problem then why is the grind even an issue?


My guess is the endgame raider crowd might have some issues because they actually have to gear up to reach their old position and there are no new raids....That I get.

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Horrible decision Bioware.. Im off to Age of Conan, Game is nearly 10 years old and has more to offer me than 5.0, hell, it actually just got meaningfull ENDGAME content (New tier of raid/gear) Not to mention its not a RNG grindfest. Bye Bye.
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The question to ask yourself is...What is not having top tier gear (Right now) keeping you from doing in game?


I am running all the content I normally would with my 208 Ex-PvP gear and a couple upgrades with no issues including PvP.....


So if you are unable to play the game because of the "The Grind" then I get it...that has not been my experience so far...My Sentinel is level 70 and playing any content I have time for with no issues....PvP I was hitting top 3 to 5 and having a decent time even on losses....


So all I'm saying is look at why you are unhappy with the grind? Is it the idea that they used to basically give gear away and now it takes time? Or is it actually preventing you from doing what you like to do in game? What is the actual problem with it?


If you are playing the game and having fun and gear itemization is not a problem then why is the grind even an issue?


My guess is the endgame raider crowd might have some issues because they actually have to gear up to reach their old position and there are no new raids....That I get.


Just wait untill you get facerolled by someone in pvp that has better luck with RNG than you, or has more time to grind thier life away in meaningless old content.

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I am leaving swtor as well and GC is the prime reason. I am GC 14 and I have received the same empty revanite rifle 6 times. The same green pants 4 times, and the same blue head piece 3 times. I have received ZERO real gear.


At least in 4.0, I could have used my comms to outfit myself in full PURPLE 208s and begin grinding the FPs for 216 and ops for 216 set gear. It would have taken 6 months for me to min-maxed a fill end game set since I run a casual raiding guild.


There is no point to GC. I will not be able to run HM ops because I have a life and a family. I have been a sub since pre-launch and been in the game since beta but I am not playing under this system.


I have already seen 500 guild members departs since March and none are returning so it is time to find a new game.

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I don't ever post or even these forums (or Reddit) because I generally stay away from all the negativity. I'm another one of those beta/pre-order/CE/Founder players that has never let my sub lapse. I've been a paying sub since day one. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing this game over the past 5 years (5 years!). It's actually crazy to think how much my life has changed in the past half decade (marriage, owning a home, a 2 year old son and another on the way) and I have had SWTOR as an escape from all the craziness of life.


I'm done.


First off let me detail how I play this game. I am a solo player. I been here since day one and never once hit the que button for an Operation. I have a guild with 5 members - me and 4 alts. Just recently during the DvL event I finally got around to seeing every Flashpoint. I've enjoyed PvP (I'm at Valor 98) and played Warzones exclusively for like a year. That ended when the messed around with arenas and bolster. Honestly that was the first time i said "eh...not really cool". I admittedly don't really support the Cartel Market. I pay my sub and I don't see much value in the items. I personally like to collect the vanilla gear sets/weapons/items. For an example I prefer my Forceslayer to the Tythonian Forcemaster. While I could go buy a set of the Jedi Battlelord gear from that vendor I wear the original orange gear that was a real pain to obtain. I have some of the rarer initial Cartel items (Revan armor, Nihilus mask) but for the most part I steer clear of the Cartel Market. As cool as some of the CM mounts are I zip around on my CE STAP.


KOTFE was a real let down for me. The chapters were so annoying. So much trash and just lazy design. The story never really caught me and the whole Valkorian/Vitiate thing still doesn't make sense to me (granted I haven't touched the KOTET story yet). I accepted the fact that I lost my companions (it makes some sense story wise) but to not have Kira or Scourge back yet when they both have direct ties to Vitiate is infuriating. Speaking of Scourge - ***! How was he ignored during SOR! I won't even attempt KOTFE with any of my non-Force alts - there is no way it could make any sense at all. As far as gameplay and game improvements with KOTFE... I HATE level sync. I liked being all powerful and ripping through old planets.


Now for this expansion. I am at Command Level 3...and that is it. I don't mind the gear factor so much. I've been a solo player that has always been ok with good enough stuff that if I was in a FP I could carry my weight (plus I know what I am doing with my class). However this grind is just stupid...can't this be legacy wide? Give me some incentive to play my alts. The way the CXP is just a trickle is nuts.

Edited by RicKomi
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I am leaving swtor as well and GC is the prime reason. I am GC 14 and I have received the same empty revanite rifle 6 times. The same green pants 4 times, and the same blue head piece 3 times. I have received ZERO real gear.


At least in 4.0, I could have used my comms to outfit myself in full PURPLE 208s and begin grinding the FPs for 216 and ops for 216 set gear. It would have taken 6 months for me to min-maxed a fill end game set since I run a casual raiding guild.


There is no point to GC. I will not be able to run HM ops because I have a life and a family. I have been a sub since pre-launch and been in the game since beta but I am not playing under this system.


I have already seen 500 guild members departs since March and none are returning so it is time to find a new game.

Your post reflects what I'm seeing too. Why Bioware thinks this is a good idea is beyond my comprehension.

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I am leaving swtor as well and GC is the prime reason. I am GC 14 and I have received the same empty revanite rifle 6 times. The same green pants 4 times, and the same blue head piece 3 times. I have received ZERO real gear.


At least in 4.0, I could have used my comms to outfit myself in full PURPLE 208s and begin grinding the FPs for 216 and ops for 216 set gear. It would have taken 6 months for me to min-maxed a fill end game set since I run a casual raiding guild.


There is no point to GC. I will not be able to run HM ops because I have a life and a family. I have been a sub since pre-launch and been in the game since beta but I am not playing under this system.


I have already seen 500 guild members departs since March and none are returning so it is time to find a new game.


So true, mate... So true... :(

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Your post reflects what I'm seeing too. Why Bioware thinks this is a good idea is beyond my comprehension.


Well, I think they want to pull the plug on the game. But previous sub numbers was still too high to "legitimately" do it. With this they expect sub numbers to drop enough to say with a shred of legitimacy "see the game is not bringing in enough revenue, sorry guys but we have to shut down the servers"


It is really the only plausible idea I have to this mindnumbing decision and the overall "work" that has went into Kotet.

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. . . you guys do understand that this system is meant to not be something you max out right? It's like the paragon system in Diablo, the higher you go the better it gets, but you're not expected to actually 100% cap.

Except there is a fair amount of content that more or less require you to have the best gear to actually be able to do it succesfully? NiM Brontes, Council, Styrak, HM Revan.. What's the point of doing group ranked now, if people like playing more than one character and subsequently splits the time commitment up?


One team who focus solely on one character VS a team who play alts. The team with gear advantage will (assuming equal/comparable skill mind you) win the majority of times just because they can dish out a few extra percentages as sheer pressure damage or in burst windows. Group ranked will just become a tool for guildmates to sync up against other guildmates for lols. Solo ranked is just another way to get access to the presently fastest way to get CXP. So any competetiveness there is severely diminished.


This system is not alt friendly at all, nor is it very friendly to a person who plays one character either because of the time commitment and lottery.

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Well, I think they want to pull the plug on the game. But previous sub numbers was still too high to "legitimately" do it. With this they expect sub numbers to drop enough to say with a shred of legitimacy "see the game is not bringing in enough revenue, sorry guys but we have to shut down the servers"


It is really the only plausible idea I have to this mindnumbing decision and the overall "work" that has went into Kotet.


I'm not so sure about that. There are many other ways to purposely tank your own game that are much faster, less expensive, and less obvious. I think the game's management team is delusional and cannot see past their own nose despite what all evidence is saying.


I honestly believe this current team of developers want to do good work and make this game fun. I absolutely believe the team of management for EA/BW Austin has no idea what they are doing and should be removed from the company immediately. It is clear that management of this game has lost its way and is doing nothing more than doubling down on failed and ripped off ideas moving forward.

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I cannot agree more. It's horrible. Got rank 15, bored, disgusted.


Please Bioware shut down this game already. It's pathethic and you are pathethic and greedy.


No, dont shut down the game, YOU just move to another that you will be happy with, k?

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I'm not so sure about that. There are many other ways to purposely tank your own game that are much faster, less expensive, and less obvious. I think the game's management team is delusional and cannot see past their own nose despite what all evidence is saying.


I honestly believe this current team of developers want to do good work and make this game fun. I absolutely believe the team of management for EA/BW Austin has no idea what they are doing and should be removed from the company immediately. It is clear that management of this game has lost its way and is doing nothing more than doubling down on failed and ripped off ideas moving forward.


I agree with you, why put all that work into a suped up engine for new faces etc if you were closing the game, makes no sense to bean counters. Yes, remove the mngmt team as they are hopelessly lost.

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Well, I think they want to pull the plug on the game. But previous sub numbers was still too high to "legitimately" do it. With this they expect sub numbers to drop enough to say with a shred of legitimacy "see the game is not bringing in enough revenue, sorry guys but we have to shut down the servers"


It is really the only plausible idea I have to this mindnumbing decision and the overall "work" that has went into Kotet.

I think you may be on to something actually...they needed to drive off more before Lucas Arts lets them close it down? That is a very interesting suggestion...but it's logical...and it's the only logical thing in the cluster **** of horrible mismanagement that we've seen. Great theory!!!

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Well, I think they want to pull the plug on the game. But previous sub numbers was still too high to "legitimately" do it. With this they expect sub numbers to drop enough to say with a shred of legitimacy "see the game is not bringing in enough revenue, sorry guys but we have to shut down the servers"


It is really the only plausible idea I have to this mindnumbing decision and the overall "work" that has went into Kotet.


Hanlon's razor:

"never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence"

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I think you may be on to something actually...they needed to drive off more before Lucas Arts lets them close it down? That is a very interesting suggestion...but it's logical...and it's the only logical thing in the cluster **** of horrible mismanagement that we've seen. Great theory!!!

It's mostly sad that this is actually believable theory.

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Yeah, this crap RNG crap is crap. I'm already heading back to Destiny and Overwatch, etc. I forgot about the CC as well in PvP LOL. Every time I come back to SWTOR from another game it takes me a few days to get used to standing around stunned/snared/knocked back, etc. for like 80% of a WZ. Total garbage system.
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So here is my summary.


Got rank 20 and what have i got so far?


1x 230 relic

5-6 schematics

tons of green and blue horrible implants no use at level 70 (no upgrades)

bunch of same pets

Many jawa scraps


So no sets, no gear upgrades and no MH or OH nothing.


Here is proof what i get 95% times and 5% time i get 4th extra item that is usually schematic or purple rep item http://i.imgur.com/kbzYXAP.jpg

I leave it up to community to decide if you want to play this game longer period like this. I remind you all this is just for one character. If you play alts then prepare to grind all command ranks again - the joy!



Yeah, this crap RNG crap is crap. I'm already heading back to Destiny and Overwatch, etc. I forgot about the CC as well in PvP LOL. Every time I come back to SWTOR from another game it takes me a few days to get used to standing around stunned/snared/knocked back, etc. for like 80% of a WZ. Total garbage system.


Today is also pvp bonus! Seems some players enjoy the cc fiesta. Endless slows, snares and stuns.

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