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Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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As title says.


This is going to be a long *********** grind for one character, not to mention the rest of my alts.


Unless something changes I doub I'll stick around, anyone else feel the same?


PS. Also, DPS guarding in pvp. Seriously?


You do know that someone did the maths on it, and one character to level 300 command rank would take over a year. And that was with constant queue pops and massive amounts of play time every single day. This whole system is one giant dev troll on us.

Edited by Darkside
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You do know that someone did the maths on it, and one character to level 300 command rank would take over a year. And that was with constant queue pops and massive amounts of play time every single day. This whole system is one giant dev troll on us.

Yeah I did a quick run of it myself in my head. It is utterly retarded.

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My thoughts exactly, I'm wondering why I even thought about resubbing for this. I feel like there hasn't been a whole lot of thought that has gone into this system. If it were legacy-wide, with gear tokens that you could trade around between characters, I could've kinda understood it. This, this is just complete crazyness. And that's just with a day's worth of playing, getting the command system up to level 6. I can't for the live of me imagine having to do this crap for all my alts.


Wish I had a timemachine to go back and slap my past self for even thinking about resubbing for this ****.

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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.

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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.


So I understand why they did it, and it is normal carrot stick design to ensure subs times and help drive cm sales from boost, but the sheer amount of time required for this is absurd. If they had at least made it legacy wide, then I think people wouldn't be nearly as mad. But as it stands now, casual, or even regular players, will be stuck grinding this for almost two years for each character. Then throw in RNG on top of that.......and well, we get the outrage.

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I just dinged rank 10 and logged out, I was so disgusted. Crap gear drops. Endless grind. PVP was getting me the fastest, most consistent cxp and I hate PVP. Heroics gave ****. Story gave ****. I don't even want to play. With 100 levels I could at least see the end. 300? Per TOON?! I've already played for five years. Am I just supposed to play this game to the exclusion of all but eating, breathing and expelling waste? You've made the game MORE boring and actually oppressive the farther along I get. It's like getting punched in the junk every time I advance through one of your hoops.


Why is it you want to force me to play the game the way YOU want me to play, instead of how I want to play? Do you want me to go play other games where I'm allowed to do what I want? Your strategy here makes NO SENSE.


Oh, wait, I forgot. You guys don't actually PLAY your own game. You console command your way to 90 command rank and stumblebum through content without any clue what you're doing, because, once again...you don't play your own game.


Simple salve: make it legacy wide. I'd like to play my other 50 toons besides my main sometime in the next century.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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Definitly doesn't seems to be worth the effort, the RNG is really bad and the lack of cross legacy makes playing alts impossible. Guess it's the final nail in any kind of end game activity in this game, seeing finding replacements for any kind of endgame raiding is going to be impossbile with this system.
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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.

I can live with the RNG. I'll hate it, but I'll manage.


My issue is with how much time it will take to get one character BiS not to mention the rest of your alts. I do both PvE and PvP. Used to do ranked at high level. Now it's retarded because the amount of time you need to put in to actually be able to get the best gear for max performance is just not acceptable. Maybe that's fine for PvE, but for PvP? Hell no.

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I think the main thing that kills it for me is the utter lack of legacy/alt support. Playing different characters helps me keep the game interesting. If I'm stuck on one toon all the time because it's insanity not to commit to one character for GC levels, then I just get bored more easily with that toon.


The cosmetic drops are nice, but the fact that they are just another set of items I need to organize in my bank space and there is no way to account unlock them is off-putting in its own way as well. The last thing I want is another set of alliance crate disaster to try to organize. It's a nightmare keeping track of what I have and don't have, want and don't want, etc.


They really need to give that **** a spot in collections and then allow us to pay credits to account unlock. The problem is, legacy gear and binding don't mix, as evidenced by the explanations surrounding the character-binding DvL event fiasco, so we're stuck with mounds of legacy gear, with a meta-game all its own just trying to keep track of them if we want to collect.

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It's like getting punched in the junk every time I advance through one of your hoops.

That's pretty much my reaction to 5.0 overall. I want to play the game, there are things in it I want to enjoy, but it feels like the dev team is fighting me every step of the way. Eventually it's just not worth the struggle.

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level 10 : 7 green 3 blue no purple or set bonus yeah....im alrady bored i have a sub until dec 7 and after that im gone


same here, it is just chapter hype then lot of people will leave. I really wish that. This garbage must end! Star Wars deserves to have excellent MMO. This is joke since 3.0.

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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.


That doesn't help the people with heaps of Alts

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So I understand why they did it, and it is normal carrot stick design to ensure subs times and help drive cm sales from boost, but the sheer amount of time required for this is absurd. If they had at least made it legacy wide, then I think people wouldn't be nearly as mad. But as it stands now, casual, or even regular players, will be stuck grinding this for almost two years for each character. Then throw in RNG on top of that.......and well, we get the outrage.


None of you are touching on the MOST IMPORTANT aspect to all of this: barely any new content.


If BW released 5.0 with 5 new flashpoints, new unique story arches for each class, and some sort of innovative end game option (Uprisings are pretty sad) grinding for a year of Command Rank wouldn't be that bad.


Instead, they think they're justified adding a year of grind with no new flashpoints, 9 chapters of story that doesn't differ between classes, Uprisings (a lazy joke), and an entire game of 5 year old content that hasn't seen any real change in the last three years.


Subscribers just spent two years playing the same sh*t over and over with only KOTFE qualifying as a "real" update. Now we have KOTET and are left to grind the same old sh*t for another year.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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I think the main thing that kills it for me is the utter lack of legacy/alt support. Playing different characters helps me keep the game interesting. If I'm stuck on one toon all the time because it's insanity not to commit to one character for GC levels, then I just get bored more easily with that toon.


The cosmetic drops are nice, but the fact that they are just another set of items I need to organize in my bank space and there is no way to account unlock them is off-putting in its own way as well. The last thing I want is another set of alliance crate disaster to try to organize. It's a nightmare keeping track of what I have and don't have, want and don't want, etc.


They really need to give that **** a spot in collections and then allow us to pay credits to account unlock. The problem is, legacy gear and binding don't mix, as evidenced by the explanations surrounding the character-binding DvL event fiasco, so we're stuck with mounds of legacy gear, with a meta-game all its own just trying to keep track of them if we want to collect.


This is a huge problem. It's a system that discourages having a lots of alts. This game has always rewarded one way or another having lots of alts, but this CXP garbage goes againts it.

And yeah, playing different toons, different roles kept the game interesting and fun, even on really old content.


My main role is healer,but also can tank and dps decently. Same with my friends and guildies, we all played different roles, sometimes just for teh lulz.

Many runs were possible due to our ability to jump to whatever is needed to get the group going. If you were short one, didnt matter, you looked just for one more body and it was enough. But now that's not going to happen. Not very often.

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Let's run some numbers, shall we?


It takes 1.23 million CXP to get to 300, meaning roughly 23,800 CXP a week.


I farmed the crap out of 3 ops and played through 5 story chapters last night. Ravs, DP, and DF. In roughly 2 hours of ops and 4 hours of story I made command rank 8, so roughly in the vicinity of 6,000 CXP. And the amount to the next level keeps scaling up.


It's possible to do 24,000 CXP a week that means, but an absolute pain in the butt to do so, especially considering we can't do HM ops because literally in the time we could have gotten 15 pieces of story mode ops grade (232) gear for our HM/NiM raiding team, we got a bunch of green and blue trash pieces we threw away.


AFAIK (correct me if I'm wrong), but I read Set Bonus pieces don't start dropping until Command Rank 180, and BIS Gear at Rank 240.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Posted this in the PvP section but I might as well post it here too:


To reach maximum Command Rank 300 you need 1.230000 CXP.


You'll get approximatelly 500-600 CXP from one regular warzone.


1230000 / 600 = 2050 warzones


Let's say the average reg warzone takes about 10minutes to complete. In one hour you'll get 6 warzones done and dusted.


If you play 8 hours every day for a month you'll have about 1344 regular warzones completed.


Remember that there are other acitivities such as raids and ranked that rewards you with more CXP to speed up the process.

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the new loot system, is on my top 3 of worst decisions ever made in any MMO. Been a gamer for over 20 year with several MMO behind me and this is loot RNG is really stupid. Cancelled my sup because of this, SWTOR in 5.0 is just not worth the grind/effort :(


About the same feelings I have. Also cancelled.

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Well, not to be a troll, but who was complaining at SWTOR launch that there is not enough content to grind and left in droves?

There, this is when you get, what you asked for.

Too bad those are not even near, and those get the shaft who remained loyal.

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