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Chapter III: Dark Reunions -- power relay mission


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I was having a lot of problems with this also on my Commando. It seemed only my explosive round was actually working to blow up the barrels, and had all the other issues as already discussed.


Finally figured out that AOE abilities work almost every time and have less issues with LOS, "target not found", etc.


Using only AOE abilities (no cool down on commando) I was able to finish pretty easily.

Edited by Gzerro
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I was having a lot of problems with this also on my Commando. It seemed only my explosive round was actually working to blow up the barrels, and had all the other issues as already discussed.


Finally figured out that AOE abilities work almost every time and have less issues with LOS, "target not found", etc.


Using only AOE abilities (no cool down on commando) I was able to finish pretty easily.


My twin saber throw does not always work in the center room nor the others I am so frustrated and ready to quit. They have got to take that timer off or give us maybe 10 or 15 mins to do it. I am old and not quick to the draw on these timer things


Update the center room is the worse and I don't know what to do anymore

I am a Jedi Knight


Update 2 did it but barely by 1 sec. saber throw has a 18 sec cool down with makes it harder. still needs to have a longer timer

Edited by Varune
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Jedi Knight.


Go into first room on left. Throw saber at relays. Relays explode. Character rubberbands across the room, into the relays and instantly dies. Spent an hour on this last night trying every room from every distance and never got past it. Armor dropped to 0% and the repair droid is a long way away. Tried it once today with the exact same results and immediately logged out. I can go no farther until this is fixed.

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Jedi Knight.


Go into first room on left. Throw saber at relays. Relays explode. Character rubberbands across the room, into the relays and instantly dies. Spent an hour on this last night trying every room from every distance and never got past it. Armor dropped to 0% and the repair droid is a long way away. Tried it once today with the exact same results and immediately logged out. I can go no farther until this is fixed.



Out of my 12 attempts, this happened 7 times. Instant death for no reason. I also got stuck in relays, after being rubber-banded across the room. The only thing I could do was wait for the timer to end.


These "bugs" are preventing players from playing the game. I call that game breaking. Maybe as they are shutting down the game to nerf CXP they might want to consider this. I'm not waiting for long.


Also, how in hell did this get past their QA anyway? Do they even play their own game?

Edited by cagthehack
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This mission is extremely frustrating...and not in a good way. This doesn't make me think: I need to improve. This makes me think: no one did QA testing on this mission using every class. Bad programming is bad. My suggestion: take away timer. Easy fix. Thanks.


I totally agree. I hope the Devs are listening

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So I assume this hasn't been addressed for melee? or do I keep trying until i get it?


What's your class? Basically run to room three. Stand inside the relays. Do your biggest attack. Do the same for the other. Run back to room 1. Do the same here. Sometimes both will blow up, sometimes not. Run to room 2. Run around smashing every relay area into pieces. Done. I've done it on my sentinel and on my inquisitor. I struggled on my sent until I realised that you can plop yourself in the relays and smash.

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Jugg.. oh so I can sit inside the relays without dying?


PS: THANK YOU! I just assumed since I kept dying outside the relays I could not jump inside them. But that does work. Got it on my first attempt. Thanks again.

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I instantly die every time i try and complete the mission, am i doing something wrong? here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WOEohhApK8 i tried to restart several times ect, is there another way i can complete this so i can progress the story because i cannot continue without finishing this, right?


EDIT: just read previous post, ill try stand inside the relay and reply with my findings.

EDIT: Just followed previous post and stood right at the relay when attacking and i managed to get through the mission thank god. Video of me completing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-cozaFwi8


Hope the videos help!

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So standing on/inside them is the key for melee. But really.. this is a terrible mechanic. There are so many little gimmicks in this expansion but to add a time is just mean.


It''s poorly designed, full og bugs and needs to be redone. But given BW;'s history, nothing will happen

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So standing on/inside them is the key for melee. But really.. this is a terrible mechanic. There are so many little gimmicks in this expansion but to add a time is just mean.


It''s poorly designed, full og bugs and needs to be redone. But given BW;'s history, nothing will happen


I've been playing the game on/off since beta and its the only real issue i've ever had questing, so i can't get that mad i guess. I think the overall grade of developing in games all together over the last 4 years has drastically dropped. Remember the days when you just put a disc in your PC and play? no need for an internet connection either.

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I seem to have a unique issue. While I'm melee, I swear I've killed every one, but it doesn't register. It's mainly the second room I'm having this issue. I finish the 1st and 3rd easily enough, but the 2nd I'm at a loss. There's literally not a single power relay left to kill and the timer just keeps going?


As casual friendly as Bioware is, I'm stunned they let something like this go live.


Edit: To help compile successes, for me this was just a matter of banging your head against the wall until you finish it.

I had best results doing: Furthest room away 1st, then the closest, then the middle room. I kept running into issues where they wouldn't chain detonate and had to hit them again. Not too mention being melee and having LoS issues

Also: As an assassin, Lacerate would not hit any of them for some reason. That shouldn't matter as long as they chain detonate correctly.

I'm also fairly certain this could not be completed unless the middle room was entered last. Even after all relays were destroyed it wouldn't register.

Edited by DWillikers
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Same issue, Jedi Knight, Guardian (so obviously melee): power relays aren't hostile, aren't marked on map - and when I target those that I can, and try to use my abilities it says "Target not enemy.".


Just got to this part myself on my assassin and having the exact same problem. Nothing showing on the map, power relays showing as friendly so I can't attack.

Edited by MollyDresden
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It obvious they hate melee, tried over and over, saber throw did nothing!!! ever!!!!!!, can't see target all to often, get inside of them and kill, all explode on one, never for me, I need to continue individual targeting so then the visuals affects mask next target or moving in a prompt way to the next set with added bonus of getting hung up on the wreckage or an object like a pipe you can't see because of the explosions occurring , I was never killed by them, just ran out of time over and over again, always half way. I stopped and will not continue, I no longer care.


Sub, phsst I returned, feel it was a waste of money, over produced cut scenes, WT? you couldn't allow us to play for more than 1 minute with out another, and this, a mission that fails either through bugs or just poor programing. Yes lovely cut scenes, seems its all they are good for, making movies.. :mad:

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It obvious they hate melee, tried over and over, saber throw did nothing!!! ever!!!!!!, can't see target all to often, get inside of them and kill, all explode on one, never for me, I need to continue individual targeting so then the visuals affects mask next target or moving in a prompt way to the next set with added bonus of getting hung up on the wreckage or an object like a pipe you can't see because of the explosions occurring , I was never killed by them, just ran out of time over and over again, always half way. I stopped and will not continue, I no longer care.


Sub, phsst I returned, feel it was a waste of money, over produced cut scenes, WT? you couldn't allow us to play for more than 1 minute with out another, and this, a mission that fails either through bugs or just poor programing. Yes lovely cut scenes, seems its all they are good for, making movies.. :mad:



Does Bioware even read these posts? They have been going on since the expansion was released and I see no resolution, much less any acknowledgement that we, the paying customers, have a complaint! At least tell us if we are doing something wrong. Leaving us with no response at all is a, at the least, bad customer service.

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The third time I ran through it was on a mara, on one Power Relay I was insta killed, which was quite frustrating. I began again and although the previous runs were with ranged chars and relatively easy, after hitting one it didn't trigger the rest exploding. I got stuck between them trying to hit them. It took me 6 attempts to complete it as they were 'cannot see target' or simply not chain exploding.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I seem to have a unique issue. While I'm melee, I swear I've killed every one, but it doesn't register. It's mainly the second room I'm having this issue. I finish the 1st and 3rd easily enough, but the 2nd I'm at a loss. There's literally not a single power relay left to kill and the timer just keeps going?


This is the problem I'm having right now and I can't figure out how to reset or get past the mission. The green arrow is showing me that the second room isn't completed, but after running around the room 3 times, I can't see a single power relay that hasn't been blown up. I already did this on a previous character, so I know where all the relays are.


Now I'm stuck though, because I can't move forward in the story and I can't go back. The reset mission button is grayed out, even after leaving the instance and going to my stronghold.


Has anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it?


Oh...the timer also appears to be broken. Was this changed intentionally at some point or am I just bugged? The timer ran out and nothing happened. I'm still running around quite alive.


Edited to add: Not only can the mission not be reset, but I can no longer use the "launch" button to start the chapter. I thought if maybe I left and went back in, that would reset it, but I am locked out of KOTET completely. :(

Edited by CloudCastle
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The anticipation of this frustrating speedbump is preventing me from running two characters through KotET. Actually it's even killed my desire to finish KotFE with one of them, and she's on chapter 15.


This mission is not fun, it's not challenging, it's not even interesting. Missions with timers need to have some kind of unique appeal or they just become nothing but frustrating speedbumps. This mission is just plain bad with the timer and can be completely fixed by simply removing the timer. It adds nothing but frustration to an already buggy mission.

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As a Jedi Shadow, I jumped into the middle of each relay and used my #1 basic attack. Hitting one caused the group to blow up. Hope that helps a few.


The problem is, they don't, not always. And it isn't always obvious when you miss one. And sometimes it instakills you. This is what is frustrating people.

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This is the problem I'm having right now and I can't figure out how to reset or get past the mission. The green arrow is showing me that the second room isn't completed, but after running around the room 3 times, I can't see a single power relay that hasn't been blown up. I already did this on a previous character, so I know where all the relays are.


Now I'm stuck though, because I can't move forward in the story and I can't go back. The reset mission button is grayed out, even after leaving the instance and going to my stronghold.


Has anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it?


Oh...the timer also appears to be broken. Was this changed intentionally at some point or am I just bugged? The timer ran out and nothing happened. I'm still running around quite alive.


Edited to add: Not only can the mission not be reset, but I can no longer use the "launch" button to start the chapter. I thought if maybe I left and went back in, that would reset it, but I am locked out of KOTET completely. :(


So, my ticket hasn't been answered yet, but I discovered a solution today and so I wanted to give an update on how I solved it in case anyone finds themselves in the same position.


One way to force a reset of a chapter is to change the difficulty mode and then change it back. I was given a message that this would reset everything and I said yes. I had to replay the chapter again from the beginning, but when I got to the replay mission, it updated properly this time when I finished it. I was concerned though, because the timer was still wonky. There was no count down available on my screen, although I continued to get red floaty text messages for updates. Also, as some others have noted, I did the rooms in different order this time. I started from the back first and did room 3, then room 1, then entered a tunnel that takes you to the back of room 2. I had to hit some of the relays several times because the chain reaction didn't always work. Thankfully, I was able to complete the mission this time.

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