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Chapter III: Dark Reunions -- power relay mission


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On the "Deactivate the Shield Power Relays" mission... This is not ready to play. I've attempted it half a dozen times. The relays only target correctly half the time, generate "Cannot see target" errors when they shouldn't, and often "evade" attacks. The groups do not consistently all explode once the first one goes, so you have to wait and be sure, and exploded ones can make it impossible to get line of sight on intact ones. The incredibly short time frame does not allow players -- especially melee players -- to overcome these defects plus the convoluted layout. I'm stuck and furious. Please fix this.
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Same issue, Jedi Knight, Guardian (so obviously melee): power relays aren't hostile, aren't marked on map - and when I target those that I can, and try to use my abilities it says "Target not enemy.".


As a side note, the sirens aren't going and there's no flashing lights, so the ambient 'urgency' during the previous part of the chapter is totally gone like the whole section is not ready or not working properly.


Guessing I'm stuck here for a while, unless anyone knows a workaround?

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I am also playing as a Jedi Knight. This has proven to be very frustrating.


There are power relays in the first room that are green. Nothing happens when I try to interact with them. Oh. I'm supposed to leave the room? Okay. Why didn't Koth say?


I run up to a relay and destroy it. Maybe the whole six pack goes. Maybe it doesn't. Get to the next stack. Hurry! You don't have much time! I...wait... How did I end up back here? I was halfway up the ramp.


Huh. Rubber-banded. Oh, well. Keep moving. The next stack is right there...blow it up. No wait. I can't. I'm "Not Ready". Oh. Oh...okay. I'll just...umm...wait then? How long do I have to wait? Click. Click. Click. Clickclickclickclickclickclick! Oh, finally!


Okay. Hurry! There's the next stack. "Cannot see target". Cannot see it? It's right in front of me! I am practically on top of it. Let me move. "Cannot see target". What?! But the target is right there. Gah! Clickclickclick. "Too Close".


Fine. Move, move, move. It exploded! Yay! Oh, look, rubble fell where I wasn't standing. It rubber-banded me back to where it fell. Oh, and now I'm stuck!


It just feels broken.




1) No conveyance that I should be leaving the room rather than interacting with the Shield Power Relays right in the room with me;

2) Sometimes the relays all explode, sometimes they do not with no conveyance as to what will happen without standing and watching;

3) No conveyance of how long I have to wait until I can Force-explode the next stack (I mean c'mon...there are visible cooldown timers on EVERYTHING! Not to mention how silly it is to have a CD on this mission.)

4) Line-of-sight targetting does not seem to be consistent with what I could target in normal combat;

5) No conveyance of what is "too far" or "too close" on what should be a pretty natural action for a jedi;

6) Several instances of Rubber banding, especially into non-navigable spots.

Edited by BiggerChickens
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I have the exact same issues with not being ready or not all blowing up. it also REALLY likes to throw me into exploding objects and kill me or get me stuck. Or just for kicks it throws me across the room, normally right near exploding ones. I doubt anyone's gotten past this and its SO annoying.
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Thanks for the replies - its actually helped me get through it this afternoon. It registered finally as I walked miles away from the 'fight room' (where you fought Vaylin), the suddenly Koth emotes to hit the power relays and I get a time counter(2min, 08 sec and counting...), with a bit of back and forth running and making liberal use of saber throw I barely scraped through in time.


However - all is not right with the chapter: having advanced onwards (presently at chapter V) it still says "Chapter III: Dark Reunions; Return to Koth" on my quest log, if I look at chapters the round icon for completing chapter 3 is NOT present so I'll have to do it again at some point. :rolleyes:


There were other very minor errors like Koth being to the side of the room when you go back to him, despite the mini-map and map icons being dead centre of the room, and he had no quest objective mark over his head - I suspect these are part of why it did not officially complete.

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Same here..rubber band right into the explosions IF I get them to explode. haven't been able to play the game because of this. Unable to explode the barrels, receive "Not Ready Yet" which is tied to my force leap cooldown for some reason. logged re-logged still no help.

So much for my early access...

Sad state of affairs with this game :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Right... this part is completely unplayable. 49% of the time, it kills me at a random point for no reason, and another 49% of the time, it pulls me inside of a power relay barrel (?) where not even /stuck works to get out of it. And the other 2% of the time when it doesn't bug blatantly, I either "cannot see the target" or "not ready yet". This is really needlessly convoluted.


Update: I've finally managed to complete this mission without bugging by using *only* the Twin Saber Throw ability (Watchman) and minimizing my movement (standing in one place where I could reach multiple barrel batches).

Edited by dbrant
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I'm still having no luck with this quest. The between the random deaths, lag, cast time, line of sight, server lag, and the horrible camera angles I don't know how anyone with any type of visual impairment is expected to be able to finish this quest. I've been paying since open beta and this is the fist time that I have ever encountered a road block like this. It is one thing to have content that is not for everyone, but it is another thing to have the main story line barred in such a way. There have been a number of other timed quest in the game, but in my experience they were all timed in such a way that you could very easily complete them, or they did not bar you from moving along with the rest of the story.


PS. The random deaths seem to happen at every point in this chapter. I was walking down a hall at one point and I just died. There were no NPCs in the hall and it was not part of the timed event. I just dropped dead.

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You're going to be annoyed by the ease of it, just as I was. You only have to hit one relay per set, it will destroy all in the chain. You can move on much faster that way.


...then it's not bugged for you like it is for us.

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The rubber-banding into the wrecked cylinders is making this quest impossible to do. I tried four times before quitting in frustration, and each time I went through it was getting worse.


Also, on my quest-log it's listed as a 'Bonus' quest, but is required to go forward. Need to take 'Bonus off the title.

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I keep getting, "target not enemy" and cannot attack the power relays at all. If I leave the room, the sirens and timer starts, but still can't target the relays. I've tried restarting the chapter and all, still no luck.


Somehow got it to finally target the relays, but I died randomly. But, hey, progress.

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I'm putting my experience all up to "I suck." I get down to 10 seconds and he says we're "Halfway there" this mission is literally impossible to complete for me with my skill level and lack of coordination.


Can we PLEASE get a way to skip it or do it without the timer? I want to continue the story but that particular mission being timed completely ruins it for me.

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This entire mission is bad should simply be removed.


It's just bad. It's bad from a mechanic standpoint (running through narrow areas with lots of obstructions on a timer is neither fun nor challenging, it's just frustrating); an implementation standpoint (it's buggy and the chain reactions often do not go off correctly); a design standpoint (timed missions have to have something really interesting about them to be made not to be a frustrating suckpit; this one is simply a speedbump); and worst of all, it just is kind of nonsensical to begin with.

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Right... this part is completely unplayable. 49% of the time, it kills me at a random point for no reason, and another 49% of the time, it pulls me inside of a power relay barrel (?) where not even /stuck works to get out of it. And the other 2% of the time when it doesn't bug blatantly, I either "cannot see the target" or "not ready yet". This is really needlessly convoluted.


Update: I've finally managed to complete this mission without bugging by using *only* the Twin Saber Throw ability (Watchman) and minimizing my movement (standing in one place where I could reach multiple barrel batches).


Yeah I'm currently bashing my head against this on my Jugg. (My Vanguard had no trouble, I guess because she has more ranged attacks.) I've mysteriously blown up twice, had the power relays evade bug on me, and about 90% of the time I get stuck within the cluster of them and can't get out. Going to try using saber throw I guess.

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On the "Deactivate the Shield Power Relays" mission... This is not ready to play. I've attempted it half a dozen times. The relays only target correctly half the time, generate "Cannot see target" errors when they shouldn't, and often "evade" attacks. The groups do not consistently all explode once the first one goes, so you have to wait and be sure, and exploded ones can make it impossible to get line of sight on intact ones. The incredibly short time frame does not allow players -- especially melee players -- to overcome these defects plus the convoluted layout. I'm stuck and furious. Please fix this.


Same here. hit them and hit them and nothing. Very very annoying! I don't think they tested this new expansion out before they went live. There are wayyyyyyy too many bugs/issues.

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Getting frustrated isn't fun. Paying to get frustrated is even worse. Either fix this stupid mission or watch the players stop paying. Really easy to figure out.


You can add me to this list. After 12 tries on my Jugg and I just gave up. So now he's stuck. I have one range that doesn't require rage and its on a time (saber throw).


So I can not complete this quest. Between being bounced around the room, instant death (for no reason), not having good range, and not being able to target them all (and whoever said the explode in a chain reaction - they do not) I just got fed up.

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I was able to complete this after maintenance with far fewer bugs, but I did still have one cascade failure (luckily at the very end) and obviously it's still having all kinds of problems for others. It's good to know that you can pull other players in to help, though!
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