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Stop worrying about the server population


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What server are you on, out of curiosity? Six to nine hour waits for a queue to pop is insane.


Unfortunately there are 4 servers right now that you will probably not get a queue pop at all. There are no players on them. Roll a toon and see for yourself. You wont believe that these servers are still online. And sadly he probably was not on one of the four I am referring to. He was probably just playing off peak on one of the others. If your not on Harbinger or Red Eclipse off peak times, you might as well just solo play the game because group content off peak is near impossible and on certain servers it is impossible. Just the state of the game at this point.


I have fully geared toons on Jedi Covenant. I went on there at about midnight EST 2 night s ago. I sat in PVP queue for 2 hours while I played some other content. No queue pop and I logged back to Harbinger. That's a sad state of affairs in my opinion.

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I did not read all seven pages of this thread, and I am one of the most optimistic players you will meet on these forums...


YES, there will be a significant bump in population when 5.0 comes out, but it won't last....never does. I have been playing MMOs for 16+ years and in every instance when an expansion is released there is a population boost. However, a month after the expansion is released most of those players are gone. They either consume all the content and move on, or they return in hopes what drove them away has changed and it has not. Some will stay, but not nearly as many as you think.


As for the movie, I do not think the movie will be a significant draw for the simple fact that there are a LOT of people who LOVE the Star Wars movies, but have ZERO interest in playing a Star Wars video game.



Though... for all the grumpy bears complaining about server transfer options, and feigning concern for returning players ........


They have a super low cost character transfers on sale with the release of 5.0. It runs for 7 weeks, and includes a new cross region discount, and is plenty of time for returning players to server hop in conjunction with their game play of 5.0. Sale will run from Nov 29 to Jan 18. 90CC transfers. 150 CC for cross-region transfers. Source: http://dulfy.net/2016/11/23/swtor-kotet-qa-and-wrap-up-livestream-coverage/


Which pretty well short circuits the constant grousing about how the sale being long gone penalizes returning players.

Edited by Andryah
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Though... for all the grumpy bears complaining about server transfer options, and feigning concern for returning players ........


They have a super low cost character transfers on sale with the release of 5.0. It runs for 7 weeks, and includes a new cross region discount, and is plenty of time for returning players to server hop in conjunction with their game play of 5.0. Sale will run from Nov 29 to Jan 18. 90CC transfers. 150 CC for cross-region transfers. Source: http://dulfy.net/2016/11/23/swtor-kotet-qa-and-wrap-up-livestream-coverage/


Which pretty well short circuits the constant grousing about how the sale being long gone penalizes returning players.


Except the DvL event ends the 29th, so if you want to xfer a character to another server and get all your bonuses (well, almost all), so you have to pay full price for that. While I'm not sure of the timing, I'd be surprised if the xfer sale started at 12:01 am and was available for the few hours before downtime and end of DvL.


That said, unlike selling CXP boosters (and the entire RnGearing scheme), I can't say that's any cheesier than me wanting to get extra DvL packs for 90CC instead of 1000CC :)

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I'm sure that there really are a few dead servers, but to say any server except Harbringer has unacceptable q times is ridiculous. MY metrics tell ME that I've never had to wait a large amount of time for pve or pvp ques and I'm not on Harbringer. There are PLENTY of people on fleet spamming their weirdo things and plenty on starter planets weirding me out there, too.


In fact!!!Since they're doing transfer discounts, I have been thinking of transferring to a lower pop server so I can do my heroics in peace! But that's just because I'm grumpy. :mad:


This is only one real metric any player can really refer to and that is Torstatus. Personal metrics are based on your time zone and time of play, not server populations or over all queue times




I'm on harbinger and as you can see, even Harbinger, which is the most populated server, doesn't even reach half full. Even people who play in the US prime time window will tell you that the cross selection of players available has dropped for all group activity. It is nearly always a small selection of the same people. Sure things seem to pop at a reasonable rate in US prime time, but with a smaller population, there are a lot less people to play with. This means it only takes a few people to stop playing and the queue times can go from 30secs to 1 hour in a very short time.

Pvp is great example. You can be getting regular pops, but nearly always with the same smallish cross section of players. It's possible you may have 2-3, 8 man Imp teams and "maybe" 2-3 reps (more likely 1-2). This means that if one group or faction really starts to dominate another, people rage quite and stop queuing in that bracket or altogether.

So pops go from fast to long. Then when you finally pop its with exactly the same people nearly everytime. Even "if" teams are sort to balanced in skill, it starts to get stale and boring. Sometimes they swap classes because they know exactly who they are playing. Next thing you have 8 stealth against 8 ranged.

Now if you play outside of that now shrinking US prime time bracket due to region time zones or work rosters, the queues are nearly dead. We used to have similar pop times for the whole 24 hours, maybe a few hours here and there were slower, but the pops were a max of about 10mins. Not everyone one can play in US prime time and while "you" may see what looks like a healthy queue, in reality it is based on when you play, not on server population.

My normal play time is about 8pm PST to 4am PST because I play from Australia. In the last 12 months the pop times in that bracket have gone from 30secs - 2mins to 5mins - 1hour. Obviously the early the time, the shorter the pop times and the later the time the longer the pops. But 12 months ago I was getting 1min - 2mins pops at 2am PST. Those people were also mostly NA and Asian players. 99% of my pvp guild was NA/US players and they no longer play.

People are now sick of sitting around for 30 mins to get a pvp pop and then only have 7 vs 8 or the same noobs or the same rofl stomp each match. So like me they get bored and end up logging off. This has a ripple effect that increase pop times even more and they blow out to more than an hour sometimes.


As far as server transfers go, anything other than free transfers to get off any of those low population servers is dispicable and an example of a bunch of greedy crooks. I have 30+ toons on Harbinger and if I had to transfer because it wasn't the most populated, it would cost me $100s, even with discounts. That also doesn't include strong holds or guild banks/ships if your guild needs to transfer.


To sum up, it is irrefutable, based on the torstatus, that none of the more active servers ever get higher than the low side of medium activity and the low population servers never make it out of low activity.

Based on this information, even "if" they had an influx of players for the expansion, it would need to be a massive increase. Even servers like Harbinger should be able to handle a 100% increase before hitting the high volume mark. The lower population servers would probably need a 300-400% increase to hit high volume and a 100-200% increase wouldn't even make them as populated as Harbinger currently is.

So keeping all that in mind, they could easily merge all the low population servers per region into 1 - 2 servers per region. Then when Biowares miraculous influx of players they said will happen for the expansion doesn't pan out or they all leave in a month, they can merge servers so that there is one per region. This "may" give an average to healthy population, depending on how many of the current players leave over the controversial changes in the 5.0 expansion.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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the servers aren't dead, it's just the PvP & Raid cues that are dead... i log in and see people on every planet happily playing the actual game... it's all a skewed perspective, when people say the servers are dead what the really mean is nobody cares about their favorite side-content, players or devs... Raiding has killed itself with jerkwad elitists that complain that they can't get a group together because they keep dismissing and passing up on the "scrubs" that wanna join them, and PvP killed itself with a sub-population of sore winners and losers, that typically tell newbies they should just give up and have no business playing PvP... in kind it appears the devs have stopped caring about the toxic activities as well, since nobody except a handful play them, why bother making new ones if the elitists are just gonna run off anybody new... otherwise play the actual game and see how many people are on the planets playing the actual game as opposed to standing on fleet looking for a group and trash-talking any "scrubs" that wanna join... the only servers that are truly abandoned were originally PvP servers, that's telling in and of itself...


Errrrrr.... You can frequently log in to Jung Ma, type /who and see fewer than 60 players online on the ENTIRE FACTION. Not just fleet, but in the whole game world. Right now as I write this in the middle of prime time, there are 62 level 65 imperials online on JM across the entire galaxy. 16 people on fleet (any level).


If that isn't a dead server, I'm not sure what would possibly qualify.

Edited by Jherad
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What server are you on, out of curiosity? Six to nine hour waits for a queue to pop is insane.


I did a test recently on what ever the old designated RP server was on the west coast can't be bothered looking up the name). 1-2 hour pvp pop times for lowbies, 2 hours for mids, after waiting for 4 hours in 65s I gave up.

Now considering Bioware have made it so every server is supposed to be the same, no RP or PVP servers, but all PVE with PVP instances, so people can't use the excuse that I was trying to pvp on RP server. "Technically speaking", according to how Bioware have now set them up, I should get the same pop times for pvp as any other server.

So this tells me that the server pvp population is dead. I didn't do any FP or Operations, it's not my thing. Pve XP boost got me to 65 fast. The whole time I saw people commenting on how this game was dead or there was no population. There was no general chat on the fleet and rarely on planets. Any chat was what I tried to instigate with basic questions on the game or Star Wars. Even that chat only lasted a couple of mins from 1-2 people and then it died.


That server and a bastion should either be merged together or merged with Harbinger.

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Though... for all the grumpy bears complaining about server transfer options, and feigning concern for returning players ........


They have a super low cost character transfers on sale with the release of 5.0. It runs for 7 weeks, and includes a new cross region discount, and is plenty of time for returning players to server hop in conjunction with their game play of 5.0. Sale will run from Nov 29 to Jan 18. 90CC transfers. 150 CC for cross-region transfers. Source: http://dulfy.net/2016/11/23/swtor-kotet-qa-and-wrap-up-livestream-coverage/


Which pretty well short circuits the constant grousing about how the sale being long gone penalizes returning players.


They should be free for subscribers on low or dead servers. But only to designated higher population servers. Asking players to pay for something that Bioware should fix, is dispicable behaviour. Not everyone can afford to transfer their toons. Imagine if you had 20 or more than 30 like me. That would cost a lot even with the discount.

The simplest solution would be to just merge servers.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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They should be free for subscribers on low or dead servers. But only to designated higher population servers. Asking players to pay for something that Bioware should fix, is dispicable behaviour. Not everyone can afford to transfer their toons. Imagine if you had 20 or more than 30 like me. That would cost a lot even with the discount.

The simplest solution would be to just merge servers.


It's ok - alts are being phased out in 5.0 anyway. :p

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If the DVL showed me any thing is this old PVP severs are low and the old RPPVP ones even more low pop. 1 of 3 on KB and if lucky there was 5 on DK imp side and fleet think there was 8 at one point. When my friends left swtor over the year leading up to 4.0 and even more post 4.0 Key points where PVP and OP's and the 4.0 ones the lack of game play for there sub. When your account soon well hit the 5yr mark and have run the same end game over and over and back then we could easy solo old flash points and OP's then bug that still show up and yet new shine ui for pack opening and yet No real replay in the 4.0. To now see come 5.0 every thing gets up to 70 and now gain CXP for running stuff. But yet something they called GSF not seen any love from DEv other then putting in game and taking ship and stuff on and off the CM. So if you can not even get a pvp or worst a GF pop then your sever is in need of player to be playing to make that happen and the look at conquest leader board tells the truth of if its got full 10 on all planets or just showing 1-3
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I myself found this game last December after the 7th Episode )) And stayed. At the moment nothing to complain about, but maybe I'll switch server from The Progenitor to Red Eclipse since I'm not really into RP thing and want to do more ops and FP.
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It's ok - alts are being phased out in 5.0 anyway. :p


Is it because of the gearing grind? Because I have 3 of each class for PVP for the classes I play a lot. I have 3 BHs, 3 Mandos, 3 Sages, 3 Sorcs as an example so when we are Pvping and need heals for instance, I just log in and go. I have always found that easier then switching gear around, changing disiplines and all that. So now that's all over for me?

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Is it because of the gearing grind? Because I have 3 of each class for PVP for the classes I play a lot. I have 3 BHs, 3 Mandos, 3 Sages, 3 Sorcs as an example so when we are Pvping and need heals for instance, I just log in and go. I have always found that easier then switching gear around, changing disiplines and all that. So now that's all over for me?


Same 😢

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