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Stop worrying about the server population


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Even if people come back they're not going to stay when they find that their old server is dead, and only way to get out is paying yet even more real life money for transfers.


So no. Server merges need to happen. Preferably quite a while ago. Anything else and you're deluding yourself.


Or free transfers

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Raiding has killed itself with jerkwad elitists that complain that they can't get a group together because they keep dismissing and passing up on the "scrubs" that wanna join them, and PvP killed itself with a sub-population of sore winners and losers, that typically tell newbies they should just give up and have no business playing PvP...


This, a thousand times over. They have made it well-nigh impossible to break in, to get started. If you have 208/216 gear and know nothing about raids/ops/PVP, you're hosed. Nobody wants you, nobody will teach you, nobody has any patience at all.


So eff 'em all. They killed their fave content with their own arrogance.

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The only way to check populations accurately these days is to go to -


This will show you the state of the servers are in. Most are ghost towns.


Well, that's interesting. Last time I had checked, Shadowlands was right behind Harbinger.


Now it's Harbinger, then Ebon Hawk, and Shadowlands is tied with Jedi Covenant for 3rd place. Revenge of the RP'ers, I guess. How sad and embarrassing.


Damn, now I'm discouraged big time. This is serious, people. We have a problem.

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This, a thousand times over. They have made it well-nigh impossible to break in, to get started. If you have 208/216 gear and know nothing about raids/ops/PVP, you're hosed. Nobody wants you, nobody will teach you, nobody has any patience at all.


So eff 'em all. They killed their fave content with their own arrogance.


And how do you think those people you swear about right now learned the OPS themselves? By practicing. Besides, there is a whole community that took their time to make sure new people will understand mechanics in Operations. So not only do you get a gift from that community, it's also possible to train yourselves with other people who do not know the mechanics. Exactly like these "elitists" started back in the day. All it takes is to create a group, be friendly and tell people: let's help each other out by getting to know the mechanics. You see, when SWTOR became a real MMORPG this was common knowledge, to help each other out and getting to know mechanics. But with all of the singleplayer changes, people are more keen on swearing on each other because in the end they don't need each other. But that's ok, 5.0 will bring you exactly what you need, best gear in the game with singleplayer content.


If you need help? Check A LOT of kill videos on YouTube, check Dulfy.net guides, check guides on Vulkk or any other SWTOR community. There is A LOT of information out there for you to practice with. Need more links for help?

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This, a thousand times over. They have made it well-nigh impossible to break in, to get started. If you have 208/216 gear and know nothing about raids/ops/PVP, you're hosed. Nobody wants you, nobody will teach you, nobody has any patience at all.


So eff 'em all. They killed their fave content with their own arrogance.


uh, maybe the problem wasn't in gear but because no one wanted to play with you as, you know, you can start your own group. How do you think raiding groups started?


Just my wild guess...

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This, a thousand times over. They have made it well-nigh impossible to break in, to get started. If you have 208/216 gear and know nothing about raids/ops/PVP, you're hosed. Nobody wants you, nobody will teach you, nobody has any patience at all.


So eff 'em all. They killed their fave content with their own arrogance.


This must really vary by server and by group. To a certain extent it depends on what raid you're trying to do. I've never personally witnessed someone kicked from a SM for lack of gear. I'm sure it happens, but I pug often and just haven't seen this In most cases (not all) when someone says they're new to the raid, someone will explain it. Now if that person is trying HM, then yeah different story.


I've had pugs that didn't know HM. If its a simple op like EV or KP, then no problem. If its a complex op with complex explanation, then voice is a better communication tool. we will ask well do you have voice chat? If the answer is no, then we usually ask them to leave as typing takes longer than voice to explain mechanics. If a new raider is unwilling to learn the mechanics, doesn't follow directions, doesn't bother to learn basic gearing, doesn't bother to learn basic rotations, doesn't bother to get voice chat, well then they're going to slow down the entire team. At that point, the new person is slowing down the team. Is it really fair to chastise the raiders for not wanting someone to negatively impact their experience?


Its an easy stand to say "raiders are elitists". While some are, and it can turn off people to raiding, there are also many that try to help people out. So to say F them all, they get what they deserve, makes you closed minded and not even thinking about how you can have a negative impact on others.

Edited by curulz
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I don't think anyone is "worried" about server populations. The server populations are in horrible shape and getting worse by the day. We are simply TELLING bioware to do something about it. The worrying part was 2 years ago. We are long past that stage in the game. We are now in the warning stage that if you (bioware) do not do something quickly about this that we are leaving this game like so many people before us have. But unlike the millions that just said f-this crap and unsubbed, we are here giving bioware the courtesy of heads up. Basically fix this or else.


To ask people to stop worrying is about 2 years too late. That ship has long ago left the docks.

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Well, that's interesting. Last time I had checked, Shadowlands was right behind Harbinger.


Now it's Harbinger, then Ebon Hawk, and Shadowlands is tied with Jedi Covenant for 3rd place. Revenge of the RP'ers, I guess. How sad and embarrassing.


Damn, now I'm discouraged big time. This is serious, people. We have a problem.


Harbinger is nearly always number one, but occasionally one the others sneaks ahead for a few weeks and then back to Harbinger again.

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Majority of people who came back for 4.0 quickly left in january. You can check peak levels in a year period and you'll see that. The game cannot hope to gain new or retain old players only based on marketing.


There is an entire economic theory surrounding that practice.....

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There is an entire economic theory surrounding that practice.....


Maybe i'm wrong. I read somewhere about people selling jars of british air in china, so anything is possible. I just don't believe it will work for swtor based on last year expansion.

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I don't think anyone is "worried" about server populations. The server populations are in horrible shape and getting worse by the day. We are simply TELLING bioware to do something about it. The worrying part was 2 years ago. We are long past that stage in the game. We are now in the warning stage that if you (bioware) do not do something quickly about this that we are leaving this game like so many people before us have. But unlike the millions that just said f-this crap and unsubbed, we are here giving bioware the courtesy of heads up. Basically fix this or else.


To ask people to stop worrying is about 2 years too late. That ship has long ago left the docks.


I am worried about them. I am worried about all of the returning players that log into empty servers and quit again. I am worried about all of the new players that pick an empty sever and have a miserable experience because there are no que pops, no guilds recruiting an nothing affordable on the GTN, so they too quickly quit. How many of these disgruntled new and returning players will reasearch severs and either pay 10$ to transfer one character or start all over? Only a fraction.


Pot5 is now in worse shape than my first pvp server was just before the first round of mergers. I think there needs to be free transfers off of the dead servers so no one feels stuck. (And then close them). We can't afford to keep losing players over something that is fixable. Of course cross-server ques & gtn would also help, but we are as likely to get those as a hood toggle :rolleyes:

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So best case scenario is people will see the film, install this game, and hear all about... the Eternal Empire? A group that isn't Republic or Empire but a third party that spanked them both?


What exactly is going to entice them to stay-the brand?


While having brandy and cigars looking down on the unwashed masses after one of our elitist raids, this same topic came up.


the KOTFE and KOTET story lines are so unlike the more traditional Star Wars themes that anyone initially attracted by the new movies will not likely stay. Some may like it and stay, but it will be interesting if the new slant on story telling will retain the majority.


I kind of accept the story because I like the game overall, but I don't really dig the story itself. But anyone wanting to jump into the latest and greatest could easily be disappointed. If they start from scratch and run vanilla, I think the retention would be higher. But many will want to jump right into the new story to see the latest and greatest.

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If a new raider is unwilling to learn the mechanics, doesn't follow directions, doesn't bother to learn basic gearing, doesn't bother to learn basic rotations, doesn't bother to get voice chat, well then they're going to slow down the entire team. At that point, the new person is slowing down the team. Is it really fair to chastise the raiders for not wanting someone to negatively impact their experience?


That's a classic Straw Man argument. You postulate a long string of inadequacies, and then attack that assumption, with no factual basis.

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Harbinger is nearly always number one, but occasionally one the others sneaks ahead for a few weeks and then back to Harbinger again.


Yes, thank you, understood. Harbinger has been #1 forever and a day. But Shadowlands up until 3 months ago was always a solid #2 and usually no more than 3-5% behind.


I dread the thought of another server change. At 1K per toon, that would eat all my CC just to move 3 toons, and they're designed to work together for Crafting purposes.Then again, it looks like Crafting is about to be messily butchered into irrelevance with 5.0 so perhaps that argument is moot. Maybe I should just transfer all my best gear to one toon and move that one to Harbinger, abandoning the rest to dusty obscurity. It would be painful, but better than getting stuck on a ghost town server with no company but crickets and tumbleweeds.

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That's a classic Straw Man argument. You postulate a long string of inadequacies, and then attack that assumption, with no factual basis.


You specifically stated that "nobody will teach you". I was demonstrating that it was not entirely true, that I am one that helps those that are willing and circumstances surrounding that. You were citing your assumptions based on experiences, and I was countering with mine.

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I keep seeing people say their servers are dead and what not....yes I agree they should merge all servers and make 1 east coast server and one west coast and do the same with other servers around the world. But people, you shouldn't worry. Here's why.


People will flood back to the game for 5.0 (dooms day) and then when rogue one comes out players that haven't played in a while will come back and stay. When episode 7 came out that's what happened to me. It inspired me to play again and I've been back since december. So stop worrying I think we will be ok....it also wouldn't kill swtor to put a commercial or two out on the tv so we get more players BUT NO.


What server did you play on after TFA brought you in? Did you shop around before deciding on one? Of course back then we had 90cc transfers but did you use any of those?

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This, a thousand times over. They have made it well-nigh impossible to break in, to get started. If you have 208/216 gear and know nothing about raids/ops/PVP, you're hosed. Nobody wants you, nobody will teach you, nobody has any patience at all.


So eff 'em all. They killed their fave content with their own arrogance.


if one wants to learn hm ops, one can join a guild.there are dozens of people recruiting. just be honest while applying.there are a lot of guilds that are still learning hm ops, and will teach.


i am no professional raider, but i will admit: with my limited time if one cant jump to a vocal system, its probably a drag, and therefore it will be removed. if one weants to learn, installing a teamspeak, or discord, are great tools.


one cant simply expect for others to teach them if one isnt in the mood to install TS , because it lags.. :D

Edited by Threjyan
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Maybe I should just transfer all my best gear to one toon and move that one to Harbinger, abandoning the rest to dusty obscurity.

Not based on anything other than pure speculation but I think the price bump in the transfers came around because of the DvL event. There were ways to short circuit the event and get a full set of packs on any server you transferred to. We might see the return of 90cc transfers in the near-ish future once the event ends next week.


Either way, I'd start a new toon or two on your target server just to get a feel for things. With 2xp you'll be able to blow through level 50 on two classes over the weekend which should get you most of the DvL xp boost armor. Heck you might even be able to burn through Champion (or Eternal) level if you're really motivated.

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the servers aren't dead, it's just the PvP & Raid cues that are dead... i log in and see people on every planet happily playing the actual game... it's all a skewed perspective, when people say the servers are dead what the really mean is nobody cares about their favorite side-content, players or devs... Raiding has killed itself with jerkwad elitists that complain that they can't get a group together because they keep dismissing and passing up on the "scrubs" that wanna join them, and PvP killed itself with a sub-population of sore winners and losers, that typically tell newbies they should just give up and have no business playing PvP... in kind it appears the devs have stopped caring about the toxic activities as well, since nobody except a handful play them, why bother making new ones if the elitists are just gonna run off anybody new... otherwise play the actual game and see how many people are on the planets playing the actual game as opposed to standing on fleet looking for a group and trash-talking any "scrubs" that wanna join... the only servers that are truly abandoned were originally PvP servers, that's telling in and of itself...



the "jerk-wad" elitist raiders weren't the ones pugging on fleet. They already had teams and Guilds to pick up alternates in.

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