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Are Rep/Imp Advanced Classes the same and only themed differently?


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Title says it all.

With the bonus exp event currently in its last stages I want to level up a few alts before it runs out - but I don''t know if I might miss out on additional fun if the classes are not exactly the same.


They've different stories 1-50. That was / is and will be the biggest draw for SWTOR.

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if you mean in ablities etc then yes they are mirrored versions of eachother.. only thing different are animations.


To a point, anyway. I have no clue if this is still the case or not, but there was a time when vanguards and gunslingers were slightly stronger than their imperial counterparts.

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To a point, anyway. I have no clue if this is still the case or not, but there was a time when vanguards and gunslingers were slightly stronger than their imperial counterparts.

There's a post somewhere that implied that for at least one case (not specified outside the linked video) there is an Imp class that is better than its Pub equivalent.

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To a point, anyway. I have no clue if this is still the case or not, but there was a time when vanguards and gunslingers were slightly stronger than their imperial counterparts.


Back when the game first launched, some classes had faster animations than their counterparts. For example, the animation for shock was much faster than the Consular's rock throw, and so was their telekinetic slam. Some classes had a small advantage over their mirror classes, simply because their animations were executed faster.

Edited by cool-dude
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Back when the game first launched, some classes had faster animations than their counterparts. For example, the animation for shock was much faster than the Consular's rock throw, and so was their telekinetic slam. Some classes had a small advantage over their mirror classes, simply because their animations were executed faster.



the difference was actually large and contributed to a substantial dps difference between nearly all of the mirrors.


heat vs. energy cells - heat dissipated faster than energy cells recharged, making bh>trooper before animations were even considered.


you mentioned project, which had a animation almost 6x longer than it's mirror


operative vs. scoundrel - nearly every single scoundrel animation was up to twice as long as the operative version which meant that in a pvp situation - in a vacuum and given same gear and same skill - the operative always won. The animations for the shotgun blasts and other abilities were longer than the 1.5s GCD, but none of the operative abilities were.


A keyboard turning ability clicker generally didnt notice the difference. anyone who uses keybind did and it took bioware a long time to fix.


Today, there is a difference between serenity shadows and hatred assassins that is working majorly in the assassins favor. It's unclear if this is a bug.

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the difference was actually large and contributed to a substantial dps difference between nearly all of the mirrors.


heat vs. energy cells - heat dissipated faster than energy cells recharged, making bh>trooper before animations were even considered.


you mentioned project, which had a animation almost 6x longer than it's mirror


operative vs. scoundrel - nearly every single scoundrel animation was up to twice as long as the operative version which meant that in a pvp situation - in a vacuum and given same gear and same skill - the operative always won. The animations for the shotgun blasts and other abilities were longer than the 1.5s GCD, but none of the operative abilities were.


A keyboard turning ability clicker generally didnt notice the difference. anyone who uses keybind did and it took bioware a long time to fix.


Today, there is a difference between serenity shadows and hatred assassins that is working majorly in the assassins favor. It's unclear if this is a bug.


Don't forget to mention that troopers made up for that with their ability to murder people -- even tanks -- in warzones in two to four GCDs, depending on the circumstances. Scoundrels, however, didn't really have anything going in their favor. Operatives were just straight up better at everything. Rock throwers (as someone else already mentioned I believe) also used to have an edge up over lightning bots, but that has (to my knowledge) long since been resolved.

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Don't forget to mention that troopers made up for that with their ability to murder people -- even tanks -- in warzones in two to four GCDs, depending on the circumstances. Scoundrels, however, didn't really have anything going in their favor. Operatives were just straight up better at everything. Rock throwers (as someone else already mentioned I believe) also used to have an edge up over lightning bots, but that has (to my knowledge) long since been resolved.


everything a trooper could do, a merc did better due to better resource management inherent to faster heat dissipation vs. cell cost and cell regen. I mained vanguard, commando, merc, sage, scoundrel at launch. I was unemployed at the time :p

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