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Your Choices Matter


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So one the main themes for KOTFE and KOTET is the your choices matter that they shape the galaxy . So is there a way to view your choice cause when you run threw KOTFE with multiple toons you forget what you done in that character. I forget if i let kaliyo blow up somthing in chapter 10 or if i romance lana in that charater. Recently i just start to keep note on my decisions in a notebook to keep track.

Is there some where in game that keep track of your choice to remind you of what you done that i am unaware of?

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The Lana question is fairly simple to deduce. Just highlight her name in the companions window and read what it says. Down near the bottom it should tell you if your character is in a romance with them. Edited by Keta
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I'm actually in support of the OP. I sometimes don't quite remember which alt was making which choices and whether I was steering them towards Light or Dark. There's some info in the companion windows and it's guessable through your current alignment on the character sheet but it wouldn't be such a bad idea if BW could implement some type of log book or journal that keeps track of such decisions. More extensively than the companion window does.
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just imagine the howling from the "i love theron" camp when all those dark side characters end up killing theron in the throne room because choices actually mattered :D.


it would make my entire month to see all that howling on this forum!

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just imagine the howling from the "i love theron" camp when all those dark side characters end up killing theron in the throne room because choices actually mattered :D.


it would make my entire month to see all that howling on this forum!


They give me the choice, my DS Wrath is killing Lana. If we get a situation where everybody can die except Miss Super Sith- let's just say she evokes painful Liara T'Soni flashbacks.

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Thats true but I would almost expand it to, play as a force user or else.


Yep. This, in my opinion, is probably the biggest failing of the KotFE storyline. I can't wait to see what sorry decision puts my bounty hunter on the throne. :t_rolleyes: If choices matter, shouldn't there be a choice to not rule this tiny empire?

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Do any of you watch the stream they make ? and if yes , did anyone bother ask them if they tried running Kotfe with something else then their precious Jedi Knight ?


Dunno , I though maybe they bother answering . Or even give it a try themself lol



They probably did/would change the subject. Bioware gets pissy if people dont love their "artistic vision" :(

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Do any of you watch the stream they make ? and if yes , did anyone bother ask them if they tried running Kotfe with something else then their precious Jedi Knight ?


Dunno , I though maybe they bother answering . Or even give it a try themself lol


They tend "not to see" critical questions in the stream chat. They do sometimes answer some safe questions though. And they tend to laugh a lot at jokes probably not even half the audience understand.


Here's the link to their Twitch-channel, where you can can watch the previous livestreams, complete with chat replay and all: https://www.twitch.tv/swtor/videos/all


Most of the streams are about 40 to 50 minutes long.

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Sometimes i wonder if we are playing the same game. There have been some huge choices so far in the Kotfe story line, some of them partially resolved during the 12 chapters for the story and a bunch of companion choices keep/refuse.

For me losing both Senya and Arcann was totally unforeseen. Even more so at +50 influence!!

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Do any of you watch the stream they make ? and if yes , did anyone bother ask them if they tried running Kotfe with something else then their precious Jedi Knight ?


Dunno , I though maybe they bother answering . Or even give it a try themself lol


I watched Eric Musco stream playing a trooper from chapters 1-14 i think in a 15-ish hr stretch once. So yes, they've played it with other classes.

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Sometimes i wonder if we are playing the same game. There have been some huge choices so far in the Kotfe story line, some of them partially resolved during the 12 chapters for the story and a bunch of companion choices keep/refuse.

For me losing both Senya and Arcann was totally unforeseen. Even more so at +50 influence!!


Sorry but that's not a choices matter plot point...(happens EVERY time no matter what).


That being said, I think the biggest problem people are having with "choices matter" is that our choices are not making ground shattering epic alterations to the story. And being completely candid, those that thought/think this was what BW meant were/are deluding themselves.


Look at the more subtle differences one's choices can make:



Ralo – seal the hatch and kill defenders or save them – alters the confrontation with ralo on Asylum

Ramming speed vs escape pods – alters the confrontation with ralo on Asylum

Save the city or not – alters the conversations with Koth in the Swamp

Kill knight or not –old world knight encounter changes

Reprogram HK-55 to obey your orders no matter what

Koth vs Lana parts vs water: 2nd determines who is with you when you meet the refugees

Tell lana about valkorian in your mind

Leave the refugees or not

If you choose to leave them: Kill them or not

Use of valkorian’s power – alters the initial conversation with lana after

Kill Tanno Vik or not – Scion conversation change; if kept alive you see him again (he’s helping Koth get to the control spar)

Senya or Koth to talk to heralds – the one you do not choose gets caught by Scorpio

Use valkorian's power in control spar – yes: kill all civilians in spar’s area or get stabbed (either way weakened on run back) Koth see’s “valkorian”

State HK is “just a driod” lana gets pissed at Scorpio for scorpio’s confirmation comment

Allow Kaylio to destroy the city Koth leaves

Swamp refugees – Disavowed – train or don’t train…consequence unknown

Visions in the Dark – Kalyio vs Jorgan and Havoc…when they return the conversation is vastly different depending on your initial response

Gemini deception escape pods

Koth returns and steals the gravestone

Programming HK-55 during his return recruitment mission influences stand alone chapter




Again very few have immediate ramifications and none of them are cataclysmic, but the overall story is different.


And this is as good a place as any to say this:


I am pleasantly surprised at how much I am in fact enjoying replaying KotFE. In the past three weeks I have gone through chapters 1 through 16 on three characters. YES, I am skipping (AKA spacebarring) through a lot of the content that is the same, but with each character that has a different class and a different personality, the differences I am seeing are fun and interesting.



No matter how many times I play through Profit and Plunder I laugh my *** off - Vette is an absolute hoot. The romance bits are great (My Sage and Lana are back together; so is my BH and Torian; my SW romanced Koth); just enough of them to know the romance is active. Funny thing is even on my LS5 JK I shot at Senya trying to take Arcann away.


And I disagree that the JK is the "canon" class; chapter 12 is the linchpin of this entire argument, and YES a non-force user being "trained" by a Jedi and Sith and building a weapon is a little awkward, but put that aside and tech user classes fit just fine in the rest of the story.



Getting back on topic...


OP I'm afraid there is no tracking mechanism in the game.

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