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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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I have to agree. By the time you hit level 60 you should be seeing only purple+ gear, and by the time you hit 90, you should only be seeing set bonus gear.


Only further proof that 1. the RNG system is terrible and 2. Ops should drop Ops gear.


~ Eudoxia

Agreed! Well said!

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Puhlease. I returned to the game two months ago after long long hiatus and only had 500,000 credits in my bank. I currently already have ~30 million credits and I've made a ton of high value GTN cosmetic purchases. Are you trying to convince us "repair costs" are even a thing to worry about anymore? The market is way too saturated with credits at the moment, repair costs shouldn't even be in the game anymore as they are a joke credit-sink.


Exhibit A: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=901053


Exhibit B: we ALWAYS have players creating threads in the forum specifically complaining about the cost of maintenance on their gear.


FACT: not all players are wealthy in this game. It's beyond me as to why... but it remains true.


Take a chill pill. You completely missed my point and jumped at least one shark. My points were two: 1) raging based on color coding of an item is silly 2) Green itemization, particularly modable items, represent a lower cost curve to transfer gear up an alt from GC drops mods that can be easily transferred around a legacy.

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Exhibit A: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=901053


Exhibit B: we ALWAYS have players creating threads in the forum specifically complaining about the cost of maintenance on their gear.


FACT: not all players are wealthy in this game. It's beyond me as to why... but it remains true.


Take a chill pill. You completely missed my point and jumped at least one shark. My points were two: 1) raging based on color coding of an item is silly 2) Green itemization, particularly modable items, represent a lower cost curve to transfer gear up an alt from GC drops mods that can be easily transferred around a legacy.


I didn't miss your point, I was pointing out that one of your arguments was a non-issue. I guess that qualifies as "missing my point" to someone having trouble with reading comprehension.


Your argument: Green gear might be more preferable than Legendary gear.


Your reasoning: repair bill of Legendary gear is way too high.


My argument: Your reasoning is bullsh*t.


My reasoning: It's way too easy to make boatloads of money to cover the minor repair costs.


Your knew reasoning: look at this shiny link proving my theory of repair costs being too high.


My new refutation: there are more people in your provided evidence actually stating that they have tons of money and repair costs are stupid to complain about. Just look at the FIRST reply to the OP in that thread lololol. You linked evidence that helped my argument more than yours.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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Just watched through the part again, freezing every few frames, and I have some more details. First of all, the green gear is in fact moddable, so you can move the mods into your legacy gear. I missed that earlier, my bad.


Musco started out at rank 93 with 2266 of 3970 Command points. He was using a few "Large Bonus Operation CXP Pack", those gave 440 CXP each. At the end, he was at rank 96 with 3456 of 4000 CXP.


You can only have 25 items stored in your Command Stash but there's a button to increase the limit, probably similar to inventory/bank slot unlocks. (i.e. choose between paying credits per character, or Cartel Coins for a character or account unlock)


In addition, he got a few warning messages:

"You are very close to reaching the 100 Light Side Token maximum."

"You are very close to reaching the 100 Dark Side Token maximum."

Therefore, the Dark/Light Side Tokens will be placed in your currency tab, not in your inventory. In other words, there's no way to move Light/Dark tokens to other characters, and you should spend them often so you don't reach the limit.

Based on the blog post, it seemed that these tokens only dropped from the world bosses but it looks like we can get them from opening crates as well.


He opened four "Command Crate - Tier 2" in total. It looks like each tier 2 crate will contain the following:

  • Always a gear piece. Either green 232 without setbonus or legendary 236 with setbonus. Can be disintegrated for 200 CXP.
  • Always a cosmetic armor piece (orange BoE with no mods). Can be disintegrated for 100 CXP.
  • Always either a companion gift (rank 5 purple or rank 6 legendary), a reputation trophy or 8x Jawa Scrap. Can be disintegrated for 10 CXP each, so 8 Jawa Scrap give 80 CXP.
  • ~50% chance at a schematic for a non-moddable 234 gear piece. Can be disintegrated for 150 CXP.
  • Always a Dark/Light Side Token. Is immediately picked up and cannot be disintegrated.

So disintegrating a crate gives 310-530 CXP. At Musco's rank, you would need to disintegrate all contents from 7-13 packs to get one additional pack.


Full crate contents below.


First crate:

  • Eternal Commander MK-15 Enforcer's Jacket, legendary rating 236 with setbonus
  • Rishi's Lightsaber MK-1, cosmetic armor
  • Vial of Gree Nanite Paste, Purple Companion Gift, Rank 5


Second crate:

  • Eternal Commander MK-11 Enforcer's Belt. green 232 belt
  • Savage Despot's Lower Robe, cosmetic armor
  • CZ-198 Lab Records, green reputation item
  • Schematic: Eternal Commander MK-14 Initiative Focus, craftable unmoddable 234 offhand (Artifice)


Third crate:

  • Eternal Commander MK-11 Initiative Package, green 232 implant
    401 Mastery, 433 Endurance, 186 Accuracy, 215 Power
  • Mandalorian's Blaster Pistol MK-1, cosmetic armor
  • Zeltronian "Week of Escape" Voucher, legendary companion gift
  • Schematic: Eternal Commander MK-14 Quick Savant Device, craftable 234 earpiece


Fourth crate:

  • Eternal Commander MK-11 Eliminator's Blaster Rifle, green 232 weapon
  • Darth Praetorian's Chestguard, cosmetic armor
  • 8x Scrap: Assorted Droid Parts, blue Jawa Junk


Props for taking time to peel through this and look at what was actually being presented in the demo, rather then the 5 thousand instagram photo spam of jerking knees, AND taking time to post it here. :)


It's not much different then I expected other then seeing no set bonus "leet cookie num nums gear" that everyone wants on day one, for no more then 8 hours effort in total to fully gear. But a sample of 4 or 5 GC crates is simply too small a sample to draw conclusions from... so again.. we are stuck with wait and see on that part.


I do have concerns about how buggy their loot tables will be at launch, but at least that is something that can be quickly bug reported and since it will affect many players, will get fairly quick action to fix. I learned years ago to expect bugs at a major release in MMOs, and to not try to monkey-rush to get all the content done and capped asap. I don't like that they drop 5.0 right before the holidays though... as history has shown that severely impedes bug fixes during the holiday season. But it is what it is.

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How everyone is talking about moving the mods to legacy gear...it would not surprise me if they even go one step farther in this and make it so that if you bind mods into legacy armor it binds it to your character untill you pull those mods back out.

It really would not surprise me one bit.

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I didn't miss your point, I was pointing out that one of your arguments was a non-issue. I guess that qualifies as "missing my point" to someone having trouble with reading comprehension.


Your argument: Green gear might be more preferable than Legendary gear.


Your reasoning: repair bill of Legendary gear is way too high.

My argument: Your reasoning is bullsh*t.


My reasoning: It's way too easy to make boatloads of money to cover the minor repair costs.


Your knew reasoning: look at this shiny link proving my theory of repair costs being too high.


My new refutation: there are more people in your provided evidence actually stating that they have tons of money and repair costs are stupid to complain about.


Feel better now? You might want to pick up your spleen before you lose it completely.


I extremely glad to hear that you have no issue with the upcoming repair costs. I don't either, but I know some

people do (some for true economic reasons, but most ... just out of principle). None of which by the way invalidates my earlier comments in any way either, so if that was your objective... keep whiffing a way there pal.


Have fun with the costs to pull and reuse mods on that legendary gear. It's not regular maintenance costs that will get the complaints about cost so much (though PuG raiders often do complain about the collective costs of wipes in an Ops group), its the costs to reuse mods that will begin to irritate some.

Edited by Andryah
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I didn't miss your point, I was pointing out that one of your arguments was a non-issue. I guess that qualifies as "missing my point" to someone having trouble with reading comprehension.


Your argument: Green gear might be more preferable than Legendary gear.


Your reasoning: repair bill of Legendary gear is way too high.


My argument: Your reasoning is bullsh*t.


My reasoning: It's way too easy to make boatloads of money to cover the minor repair costs.


Your knew reasoning: look at this shiny link proving my theory of repair costs being too high.


My new refutation: there are more people in your provided evidence actually stating that they have tons of money and repair costs are stupid to complain about. Just look at the FIRST reply to the OP in that thread lololol. You linked evidence that helped my argument more than yours.

You are 100% correct. Don't let him get to you.

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Note: I am not in any way stating that they will get the loot tables properly tuned prior to release. I am simply stating that none of us have seen enough yet to draw the conclusions that are constantly being drawn in the forum about GC crate drops. Personally, I think what we will see is somewhere in the middle ground, slightly pessimistic loot table settings at 5.0 release. In other words, it will need a bit if fine tuning for irregularities in the loot tables that escaped QA, but it will not be the mega-nightmare that some are concluding from watching one person play through a demo with who knows what current build and loot table settings that were used for the demo.


When this system was 1st announced and estimates of timing were done, it was assumed that we'd be getting set bonus gear right from command rank 1 along with left hand side gear. IIRC the estimate to be completely in set bonus gear was an average of over 50 hours this is set bonus gear spread amongst the new gear levels so it would be a mix of 238 and whatever. I think it was also assumed that we'd be getting lvl 3 gear after about level 70.


Now factor in that we're not guaranteed set bonus gear and that we won't get lvl 3 gear until minimum lvl 100, that time estimate is going to blow out, probably exponentially. I wouldn't be surprised if it was on average 400-500 hours for 1 character, let alone all the alts BW has encouraged us to create.

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When this system was 1st announced and estimates of timing were done, it was assumed that we'd be getting set bonus gear right from command rank 1 along with left hand side gear. IIRC the estimate to be completely in set bonus gear was an average of over 50 hours this is set bonus gear spread amongst the new gear levels so it would be a mix of 238 and whatever. I think it was also assumed that we'd be getting lvl 3 gear after about level 70.


Now factor in that we're not guaranteed set bonus gear and that we won't get lvl 3 gear until minimum lvl 100, that time estimate is going to blow out, probably exponentially. I wouldn't be surprised if it was on average 400-500 hours for 1 character, let alone all the alts BW has encouraged us to create.


My fear us that Operations will now have a base gear level of 236 (240 for Veteran and 244 for Master). The livestream showed him getting one piece of 232 gear at CXP level 93! According to their timing, that will be 45-90 hours of grinding for one piece that isn't even raid level. Worse, you can't stop grinding until level 70.


If this is indeed the case, I have a funny feeling this is going to cause the loss of a massive amount of subs.

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Agreed. The only reason why PvPers liked the 4.0 gearing was because there was no gear. You could have the top gear so fast that there wasn't much of a gearing process; the devs could just as well have made bolster ignore your gear and give you static stats so everyone is equal.

And in a way, that is good because then PvP depends purely on skill and not so much on gear.


It's not just "in a way" that it's good, it's why it's good. And yeah, [PVP] Bolster should just give you top stats (especially with the removal of Expertise) since it's on'y useful in PVP. In 4.0, 208 is the top BiS crafted gear (from trainers, not counting RE'd operations drops that need special mats), so anybody can get it easily. PVP gear is 204/208 BiS with set Bonus. To get actual end game gear with set bonus you need Tiered operations gear. There is no good (for the players) reason to change this for 5.0.

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Yeah, people need to get off their color fixations and actually look at the itemization of the item. A 232 modable green is not bad gear, and not reflective of what we would normally see from "green" gear.


They moved off of color coding being very reflective of actual item value back in 4.0. And this looks to be a continuation on that principle. Now.. why would that matter to players? What's good about green rather then blue or purple? Simple... costs to maintain are likely much lower. Also lower cost to pull and reuse the mods.


Whereas... they have already tipped to us that the set bonus items in tier 3 will be legendary, right? Ouch on the repair costs for sure. I remember back in the early days, during the Chevin event, when I saw legendary drops for the first time and went to pull a mod from a weapon to reuse and it was extremely expensive by the standards of the day to pull a mod.


TL;DR; fixating on colors coding of items will lead the careless player to wrong conclusions as to the value of the item. Green moddable drops = great fodder for forwarding mods for alts.


I looked at the green 232 implant


Mastery 401

Endurance 433

Power 215

Accuracy 186


vs 220 token

Mastery 318 (so +83 here)

Endurance 380 (+53 here)

Power 231 (-16 here)

Accuracy 160 (+26 here)


Nice increase in Mastery, but less impactful compared to the -16 loss in power. +26 on the tertiary stat is good, but assuming they're increasing the stat cap for accuracy, maybe just keeping up with the trend though.


But a +5 toon level, +12 set level increase to be basically a side grade? after 90 hours of game play? and that's 220, I haven't checked 224 yet

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He got a bunch of greens and cosmetic shells. Where the hell is the set gear?


Well that's the nail in the coffin. Way to F it up Bioware. You can't even roll good armour yourselves. Now any remaining hope has flown out the window. Good luck keeping this game alive past January.

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They'll probably end up fine tuning the drop rates or quality as it's used wide spread and people provide feedback on it.


They won't though or it won't be near enough. Then if they decided to fix it after launch, it will be Christmas and they won't do any work till mid January. Which means March till any possible fix.


This was the dumbest idea they have ever had. People should be fired over this.

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Is this system supposed to be fun? Because I thought SWTOR was a game.


Quoting because I hope it sticks in someone's mind at Bioware. This is the crux of it.


No one - and I literally mean no one - wants a gear grind. We want to play the parts of the game that we enjoy.


If you, Bioware, as a studio can't do better than this you don't deserve this IP. This game has been gutted over the last few years as you've taken the easy, lazy, cheap way out. This game should be great. Truly, great. This is *********** Star Wars.


It blows my mind you've let it devolve into a random gear grind. Every single one of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is garbage.

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Having to potentially do raid content only to get random green gear and random worthless crap nobody wants. Like...What the heck are they even thinking?


Drop the RNG system. Period. Why is this such a hard thing to understand? Nobody wants it.


Just give us something like "Command Coins" with each level that we can use to buy stuff we actually want. Or don't change anything at all.

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at this point i thing they rly want to kill **** game so EA can make some crapy mobile game with S-W licence im disgusted...like i said in previous post i have a sub until dec 7 that 10 days to prove me swtor worth it if now im gonna play ****in farmville lol i dont know...im out of here Edited by scardera
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Quoting because I hope it sticks in someone's mind at Bioware. This is the crux of it.


No one - and I literally mean no one - wants a gear grind. We want to play the parts of the game that we enjoy.


If you, Bioware, as a studio can't do better than this you don't deserve this IP. This game has been gutted over the last few years as you've taken the easy, lazy, cheap way out. This game should be great. Truly, great. This is *********** Star Wars.


It blows my mind you've let it devolve into a random gear grind. Every single one of you should be ashamed of yourselves. This is garbage.


and this x 1000 *** happened with you guys shame on you.....

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at this point i thing they rly want to kill **** game so EA can make some crapy mobile game with S-W licence im disgusted...like i said in previous post i have a sub until dec 7 that 10 days to prove me swtor worth it if now im gonna play ****in farmville lol i dont know...im out of here


Have you heard of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes? They already did this :)

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i posted a potential lockbox chance the other day at 2016/1 for an ops gear piece, but now i have seen the opening of a few crates,i suspect the chances are even worse than i realized with loot trash masquerading as gear, pieces of cc gear and other types of trash, jawa trash, comp gifts.


A guaranteed slot for fully decked out custom gear all artifact quality would be an ideal idea.

i have no idea why bioware decided on loot trash for as a gear alternative, remember that the GC is an sub only thing now, so it wouldn't make any sense putting loot trash in. the system has to be worth something.

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at this point i thing they rly want to kill **** game so EA can make some crapy mobile game with S-W licence im disgusted...like i said in previous post i have a sub until dec 7 that 10 days to prove me swtor worth it if now im gonna play ****in farmville lol i dont know...im out of here


Yup I have read throught he EA quarter reports and SW was optimistic at the start but after first 6 monhts it was only going down the drain. When Battlefront launched the reports were full only of that and then the other SW games, which are a total success and have overgrown swtor totaly in the reports.

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