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Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


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I have no idea and don't really care. To me it's the journey not the destination. If I'm having fun doing story and playing warzones then who cares whether it takes me one month or twelve?


You're avoiding the question, it must be hundreds of hours for 1 character whereas in 4.0 I could have 208 set bonus gear in say 10 hours. This is an issue.


Fun doing story over and over again? If you can play a story like kotfe more than 2-3 times well all I'll say is that you're not representative of most players. And with pvp you'll be playing against players luckier than you killing you over and over again purely because they are lucky enough to have got gear quicker than you or purely because they have grinded all aspects of the game.

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You're avoiding the question, it must be hundreds of hours for 1 character whereas in 4.0 I could have 208 set bonus gear in say 10 hours. This is an issue.


In my opinion, 4.0 was the issue. I geared my main in max pvp gear in no time at all. Guess what I did with him after that...nothing. My ping doesn't allow me to play ranked and because I had max gear, commendations were useless to me. So I just parked him up and played alts. Gearing, especially in pvp, was way too quick and easy in 4.0.


I remember in previous expansions, gearing up in pvp took what seemed like forever. Countless hours spent grinding warzones inching towards enough commendations to buy elite war hero gear. And winning was everything back then cos you got buggar all for losing.


You want a full set in 10 hours? I played when it took 10 hours just to get elite war hero braces.

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You can only have 25 items stored in your Command Stash but there's a button to increase the limit, probably similar to inventory/bank slot unlocks. (i.e. choose between paying credits per character, or Cartel Coins for a character or account unlock)

F* that...


[*]Always either...a reputation trophy...or

I guess actually running Rep content for Rep is out of style...

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In my opinion, 4.0 was the issue. I geared my main in max pvp gear in no time at all. Guess what I did with him after that...nothing. My ping doesn't allow me to play ranked and because I had max gear, commendations were useless to me. So I just parked him up and played alts. Gearing, especially in pvp, was way too quick and easy in 4.0.


Nope I played pvp with them took them trough kotfe did heroics and FPs. So no issue for me at all. And it was what the pvp community wanted. And this is not even getting to the issue of getting enough gear to do hard mode ops, FPs and the new master mode uprisings and story. Multiply that when having multiple toons.

Edited by Morrolan
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In my opinion, 4.0 was the issue. I geared my main in max pvp gear in no time at all. Guess what I did with him after that...nothing. My ping doesn't allow me to play ranked and because I had max gear, commendations were useless to me. So I just parked him up and played alts. Gearing, especially in pvp, was way too quick and easy in 4.0.


I remember in previous expansions, gearing up in pvp took what seemed like forever. Countless hours spent grinding warzones inching towards enough commendations to buy elite war hero gear. And winning was everything back then cos you got buggar all for losing.


You want a full set in 10 hours? I played when it took 10 hours just to get elite war hero braces.

Agreed. The only reason why PvPers liked the 4.0 gearing was because there was no gear. You could have the top gear so fast that there wasn't much of a gearing process; the devs could just as well have made bolster ignore your gear and give you static stats so everyone is equal.

And in a way, that is good because then PvP depends purely on skill and not so much on gear.


With 5.0, we are going back to how gearing was before, in 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Some players may not like it but it's not the end of the world.

Since PvE and PvP gear are now shared, the devs had to find a middle ground between the gearing speed in PvE and PvP. And for PvE, the gearing speed will be totally acceptable in 5.0 from a design perspective. But of course players will cry because the devs are nerfing something. Same old, same old. :rak_03:

Edited by Jerba
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In my opinion, 4.0 was the issue. I geared my main in max pvp gear in no time at all. Guess what I did with him after that...nothing. My ping doesn't allow me to play ranked and because I had max gear, commendations were useless to me. So I just parked him up and played alts. Gearing, especially in pvp, was way too quick and easy in 4.0.


I remember in previous expansions, gearing up in pvp took what seemed like forever. Countless hours spent grinding warzones inching towards enough commendations to buy elite war hero gear. And winning was everything back then cos you got buggar all for losing.


You want a full set in 10 hours? I played when it took 10 hours just to get elite war hero braces.

Well part of what's contributing to the upset is that they have had major character slot sales, they forced us to make new characters if we wanted to participate in DvL. And 4.0 in general has been very alt-friendly (I don't know about prior to that.. wasn't really here).


But this new system, from the look of it so far, is very alt-unfriendly. So now you have all these players with a bunch of alts, who are probably never going to play those alts because they'll need to invest so much time just to gear up one character.


And the thought of that being the case leaves a bitter taste because it feels like a sort of bait-and-switch maneuver. Draw us into a sense of ease and then throw the kitchen sink grind at us? It's jarring, to say the least.


They need to understand that when people get used to a certain level of "normal," you can't just switch it up and expect them to adapt. Some will adapt, statistically speaking, but many will not. The spell that the game had them under will be broken and they will leave. I'm only half kidding about using the word spell, too, considering how addictive games can be.


If they were going to go this route, it should have been far more gradual. Introduce command crates, but maintain a token system underneath. Then slowly phase out tokens as people get more accustomed to the command crates design. This sweeping stuff is make or break, high-risk decision-making and though I've always been the type to embrace change if it makes sense, this change has "too far" written all over it:


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With 5.0, we are going back to how gearing was before, in 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. Some players may not like it but it's not the end of the world.


No we aren't, in 3.0 if you managed bolster correctly you would have max level expertise or close to it so the issue of being undergeared was lessened. Not to mention getting the 1st level of pvp gear still wasn't that bad so you could have a set bonus relatively easily. In 5.0 there is no bolster at lax level, it will take hundreds of hours of play to get full set bonus gear. If you only stick to pvp it will take longer since you will gain cx slower. those who want to do hard mode PvE will be in the same boat. its a monstrous grind pure and simple.


And this is not even mentioning the issue of trying to do it on multiple toons.

Edited by Morrolan
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In 5.0 there is no bolster at max level, it will take hundreds of hours of play to get full set bonus gear.

How do you know that? For all we know, bolster is still in there and you will be probably be bolstered to 228 rating.

In fact, bolster will be even better now because you no longer have to fear that having wrong gear will mess up the bolstering since there is no more difference between PvE and PvP gear.

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How do you know that? For all we know, bolster is still in there and you will be probably be bolstered to 228 rating.

In fact, bolster will be even better now because you no longer have to fear that having wrong gear will mess up the bolstering since there is no more difference between PvE and PvP gear.

"For all we know" is hardly reassuring at this point. You'd think they would have found a moment to mention it if it was going to be in a good place.

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Green, Blue, Purple... I'm not concerned with what color gear I'm wearing. What I am greatly concerned about is the potential to have bad luck and end up behind others that are at equal play time/effort.


RNG could really ruin a players fun in this scenario...Dude is Command Rank 90+ less than 10 levels from max and he is getting a high percentage of greens? Seems off yeah...But I'm much more comfortable with it if everyone is getting relatively the same thing......at the same ratio per Time/Effort....


If some lucky mouth breather ends up max geared while others are expending more time and effort for less....I do not even need to write what will happen if that occurs.....

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Green non moddable non set gear is not better, assuming you have purple set gear currently. it actually wasn't better ,than what he had, but he did have the BIS gear already. But rank 80 and he was still getting green gear?


Rank 93 to 96 i think. They were only Tier 2 crates, so we probably have like 250+ levels of galactic command before we start getting 242 (244?)


RNG could really ruin a players fun in this scenario...Dude is Command Rank 90+ less than 10 levels from max and he is getting a high percentage of greens? Seems off yeah...But I'm much more comfortable with it if everyone is getting relatively the same thing......at the same ratio per Time/Effort....


Assuming there are 5 tiers of gear, 228, 232, 236, 240, 244 (Though they were showing 242 in stream) But that doesn't fit with the every 4 ilvls, anyway. Odds are there are more than 100 levels of GC. If it was a tier per 100 levels I would say there's 500 ranks, but he was in tier 2 crates at 90, so less than 500 but more than 100.

Edited by Krazhez
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I have no idea and don't really care. To me it's the journey not the destination.


Lawls! Ok. When you've finished all new KOTET content after 6 hours of gameplay, you're only at Command Rank 35, and you ask General Chat: "what else there is to do?", tell me again how you care more about "the journey". Then after you've played all old content over, and over, and over for 6 more hours, and are only at Command Rank 45, tell me again how it's really just about "the journey".


They estimate it'll take around 90 hours to get Command Rank 90. That's playing 8 hours a day for almost two whole weeks, and you'll still get green gear that you'll disintegrate. Yes, but OH that Journey! What a wonderful Journey!

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And I don't think this is too bad. By the time you reach tier 2, you will already have a few setbonus items from tier 1. So you'd obviously not replace a tier 1 setbonus armoring with a green tier 2 armoring, but maybe you'd replace the mods with green tier 2.


Alternatively, if Bolster is adequate, you could probably speed through a bunch of SM ops with pre 5.0 gear and get several ranks just by disintegrating most if not all of the tier 1 stuff.


I guess actually running Rep content for Rep is out of style...


It may be that this is the way players will get reputation trophies for the defunct Cartel Market rep organizations (that you have a small chance of getting from the controversial slot machine post nerf). Or, as a way for newer players who might be locked into KOTFE/KOTET because of start at 60/65 tokens (they're not truly locked, since they can always roll a toon from 1, but whatevs)?


Let's say rank 60 for tier 2, and rank 100 for tier 3 which is a good estimate I'd say. The devs said you get 1 rank per hour in a SM raid.

I'll probably play 40+ hours a week when KotET drops, and being a progression player I'll go through the harder content, so I expect to get the first tier 2 gear on my main character by the second week. That is more than acceptable.


If I want to gear up my alts, I can get tier 2 setbonus within one week. And I'll only need the new setbonus armorings since I can send BiS mods/enhancements from my main, and craft the left side. I may even have the 224 armorings left from 4.0 so my alt will at most be 5% DPS/HPS below BiS. So I can immediately take my alt into VM/MM content and farm at the highest CXP/hour rate to get to tier 2 and above.


Of course, any casual player will take longer to gear up but it's always been like that. The more you play and the harder content you play, the faster you get gear.


So for someone like me, who will have say, maybe 1.5-3 hours per day, less than half of what you are able to put in, it could take 8 weeks.

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Lawls! Ok. When you've finished all new KOTET content after 6 hours of gameplay, you're only at Command Rank 35, and you ask General Chat: "what else there is to do?", tell me again how you care more about "the journey". Then after you've played all old content over, and over, and over for 6 more hours, and are only at Command Rank 45, tell me again how it's really just about "the journey".


They estimate it'll take around 90 hours to get Command Rank 90. That's playing 8 hours a day for almost two whole weeks, and you'll still get green gear that you'll disintegrate. Yes, but OH that Journey! What a wonderful Journey!


Actually, it's worse than you put it.....


By Bioware's own estimate, you'll get about 1 crate per hour; and since you only get a crate when you gain a new CXP level, that means that after the "6-hour KOTET story" you'll only have Command Level 6.....


After another 6-hours, you'll still only be Command Level 12.....


I agree with you about the grindfest-nightmare-RNG-BS.


The worst part about this system is that when people start hating it.....I mean REALLY hating it.....they can't just remove it from the game and replace it, you're stuck with this stupid system.


And we KNOW a majority of people will end up hating it.....we've already had both parts of this system in the game at one point, both the RNG and the horrific gear-grind style of gameplay, and Bioware ended up removing both. They seem to be the only ones that don't remember that part of the game's life.

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I just don't know what the f*ck they are thinking. The vast majority of game tards play for the feeling of progression. Those tards feel a minor amount of progression by gaining levels, but when there are no more levels, they gain 100% of their progression by obtaining gear. To get ONE piece of throwaway trash gear after an hours worth of work, how the F*CK does BW believe people will retain interest?


Mentality of 99% of the playerbase: No feeling of progression = No point in playing

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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So is it upsetting that you get green modable gear instead purple modable gear? I watched the video and like the person above said the green gear appears modable.


Does it matter if it's green, blue, purple, orange, etc. As long as the stats are better then current gear and you can swap mods for better ones it shouldn't matter.


Or is it a visual issue like if it's blue or purple it feels like it's better regardless of what the stats are it's a visual we are all used to.


Isn't that how normal expansions work usually green or blue gear is better then the purple from the previous expansion. Wow does that all the time. Why should icon color matter


Yeah, people need to get off their color fixations and actually look at the itemization of the item. A 232 modable green is not bad gear, and not reflective of what we would normally see from "green" gear.


They moved off of color coding being very reflective of actual item value back in 4.0. And this looks to be a continuation on that principle. Now.. why would that matter to players? What's good about green rather then blue or purple? Simple... costs to maintain are likely much lower. Also lower cost to pull and reuse the mods.


Whereas... they have already tipped to us that the set bonus items in tier 3 will be legendary, right? Ouch on the repair costs for sure. I remember back in the early days, during the Chevin event, when I saw legendary drops for the first time and went to pull a mod from a weapon to reuse and it was extremely expensive by the standards of the day to pull a mod.


TL;DR; fixating on colors coding of items will lead the careless player to wrong conclusions as to the value of the item. Green moddable drops = great fodder for forwarding mods for alts.

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...What's good about green rather then blue or purple? Simple... costs to maintain are likely much lower. Also lower cost to pull and reuse the mods.


Whereas... they have already tipped to us that the set bonus items in tier 3 will be legendary, right? Ouch on the repair costs for sure...


Puhlease. I returned to the game two months ago after long long hiatus and only had 500,000 credits in my bank. I currently already have ~30 million credits and I've made a ton of high value GTN cosmetic purchases. Are you trying to convince us "repair costs" are even a thing to worry about anymore? The market is way too saturated with credits at the moment, repair costs shouldn't even be in the game anymore as they are a joke credit-sink.

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Green, Blue, Purple... I'm not concerned with what color gear I'm wearing. What I am greatly concerned about is the potential to have bad luck and end up behind others that are at equal play time/effort.




RNG could really ruin a players fun in this scenario...Dude is Command Rank 90+ less than 10 levels from max and he is getting a high percentage of greens? Seems off yeah...But I'm much more comfortable with it if everyone is getting relatively the same thing......at the same ratio per Time/Effort....


Thing is.. we are looking at an artificial play through, on a non live build, to give us a basic demo of 5.0 features and mechanics. In other words, it's an incomplete and not statistically significant sample during the demo to make conclusions from... one way, or the other.


We are going to have to play 5.0 and collectively as a community see how it plays out and exactly how rich the GC loot tables actually are.. on average. And average is what counts.... as most players will fall within the normal distribution (ie: there will be few who get easy pickings, and few who get "screwed over").


Note: I am not in any way stating that they will get the loot tables properly tuned prior to release. I am simply stating that none of us have seen enough yet to draw the conclusions that are constantly being drawn in the forum about GC crate drops. Personally, I think what we will see is somewhere in the middle ground, slightly pessimistic loot table settings at 5.0 release. In other words, it will need a bit if fine tuning for irregularities in the loot tables that escaped QA, but it will not be the mega-nightmare that some are concluding from watching one person play through a demo with who knows what current build and loot table settings that were used for the demo.

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I would just like to congratulate bioware on its second expansion in a row with removal of New Operations. Obviously its game play they are not capable of providing anymore.


Even with a prog team, and set pieces decided before hand, in a month u could have people in the gear they need to do the job. Now everyone gets a chance to earn "green" gear? I'm sure those lucky mofo's that don't prog will get a chance at something.


Need I even mention how they pretty much bent PVP over for this one to?

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It seems that they are out of ideas for content so they have turned to pure grinding. Why? I just don't get it.



Do they think that people will be satisfied by playing a short single player story line in a tunnel (new areas are not open areas) and infinite grinding on each toon for gear hoping you get lucky? If at least they were dropping unassembled pieces so you can pick the class you wish to use the gear on so as to play with friends (anyway, who wants to re-gear again to play the same group content). People who will still play will end up with one toon only...

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