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Just imagine the CXP grind on few year old content :)


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So I was thinking of how it might look like.


I have heard that Uprisings wont be the best source for CXP at the start, but instead it should be HM operations. So to imagine I have 10 toons I really play from which 2 are unique (Sentinel, Scoundrel) and 8 are mirror rep/imp classes. This means IF (and that's a BIG IF) I want to have them geared just as I do now, what I need to do is go and do many years old content just do first of all get my GC level up and then to actually start getting top tier gear.


For those 2 unique toons it wont be such an issue as I will grind till I get most of the gear pieces. However the issue will be the 8 mirror toons. I have to grind GC rank on all 8 in order to be getting the left side since thats not legacy transferable. I mean OK, ill grind my Shadow to GC max level, get all the tank gear, then grind dps gear (but no sure since Serenity will be nerfed) BUT then i send the gear to my Assasin on which I again have to grind to max GC level and start hoping for left side. Each time i get a piece which I dont need ill dissintagrate it for CXP again and keep on doing until I have left side too.


Generaly speaking this aint THAT BAD when you look at it. However what you have to imagine about this is that you will be doing the grind on Content which we have all done a zillion times!! Operations have lockout so there is a limited amount of how many you can do, which also make sence why CXP gain should be large. Yes, Uprisings can be spammed forever and will be until achievements are done then they will be deserted places like Starfortress and we will be back at griding EV and KP HM for CXP!!


As I said, I take the grind (I dont like the RNG) but to do it on old content again...... please...... not again.....

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Generaly speaking this aint THAT BAD when you look at it.


From my "generally speaking" it is that bad when you look at it. :p


The part you find not so bad reads like a nightmare of monotony to me and the rest is basically ... erk kill me now.


I'll do new story, I'll do some uprisings ... whatever gear I get in the time my subs lasts for is what gear I end up with. I am not gear grinding through this grindy system in content we've done to death.

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So I was thinking of how it might look like.


I have heard that Uprisings wont be the best source for CXP at the start, but instead it should be HM operations. So to imagine I have 10 toons I really play from which 2 are unique (Sentinel, Scoundrel) and 8 are mirror rep/imp classes. This means IF (and that's a BIG IF) I want to have them geared just as I do now, what I need to do is go and do many years old content just do first of all get my GC level up and then to actually start getting top tier gear.


For those 2 unique toons it wont be such an issue as I will grind till I get most of the gear pieces. However the issue will be the 8 mirror toons. I have to grind GC rank on all 8 in order to be getting the left side since thats not legacy transferable. I mean OK, ill grind my Shadow to GC max level, get all the tank gear, then grind dps gear (but no sure since Serenity will be nerfed) BUT then i send the gear to my Assasin on which I again have to grind to max GC level and start hoping for left side. Each time i get a piece which I dont need ill dissintagrate it for CXP again and keep on doing until I have left side too.


Generaly speaking this aint THAT BAD when you look at it. However what you have to imagine about this is that you will be doing the grind on Content which we have all done a zillion times!! Operations have lockout so there is a limited amount of how many you can do, which also make sence why CXP gain should be large. Yes, Uprisings can be spammed forever and will be until achievements are done then they will be deserted places like Starfortress and we will be back at griding EV and KP HM for CXP!!


As I said, I take the grind (I dont like the RNG) but to do it on old content again...... please...... not again.....


This was their goal actually - to make everyone play 1-2 classes instead of making 8 classes and even more because it is not normal... they thought that people are starting new chars because there is nothing to do on their previous chars and when they done with all classes - they leave the game, so they needed to provide something that will make interest in playing their main chars and not leaving the game... but i hate rng system and j think they will fail

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From my "generally speaking" it is that bad when you look at it. :p


The part you find not so bad reads like a nightmare of monotony to me and the rest is basically ... erk kill me now.


I'll do new story, I'll do some uprisings ... whatever gear I get in the time my subs lasts for is what gear I end up with. I am not gear grinding through this grindy system in content we've done to death.


According to people on PTS its fine and the grind is not that long. However, you get most CXP by NOT doing Uprisings, thats what bothers me, you have to do old content again :(


For one toon you get gear pretty fast, thats why im saying "its not that bad" but in order to get it for other toons, its the same grind, over and over.

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According to people on PTS its fine and the grind is not that long. However, you get most CXP by NOT doing Uprisings, thats what bothers me, you have to do old content again :(


For one toon you get gear pretty fast, thats why im saying "its not that bad" but in order to get it for other toons, its the same grind, over and over.


Define "not that long" - just saying someone on PTS told you is a pretty weak basis for any pro or con argument to this update.


We have an actual stream showing Uprisings not being that great for leveling chests ( but within the realms of 1 per 60-90 minutes for later levels and quicker for earlier ) as well as devs saying uprisings to be the best source other than/or on par with ops.


Based on what I've seen so far and those truths we've been given officially the grind is ludicrous to me.

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I believe they have something like the HLHM in 4.0 (every day or maybe week here will be different activity getting boosted).


Yes, there will be but like I said Uprisings are not the only thing giving good CXP and therefore its back to old stuff again!! Thats what we get for lack of content.

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For the mirror alts, wouldn't you just use legacy gear?


Yes left side only, the main issue is relics, as you will be waiting for them for a long time and then you need the right one, not the one giving crit, but the one giving mastery and power, will be crazy.

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Just imagine the CXP grind on few year old content :)


I'm not going to bother, I have no interest in another gear grind without new content...


I did 4.0, that was enough, call me when this becomes a MMO again...


I'll do the story launching with 5.0, that won't take anything special, after that, I'm out...

Edited by TX_Angel
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Or, you know, the real issue is a lack of anything to do with said gear :)


Oh, yes. The total lack of anything new to do with this gear is the elephant in the room. Well, maybe for the hordes of new players flooding the servers, the same old content would be totally new. The funny thing is that's how i feel in WoW - I've never played it and the amount of content just for leveling is astonishing.

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According to people on PTS its fine and the grind is not that long. However, you get most CXP by NOT doing Uprisings, thats what bothers me, you have to do old content again :(


For one toon you get gear pretty fast, thats why im saying "its not that bad" but in order to get it for other toons, its the same grind, over and over.


Since you have pts people that talk to you, could you pretty please ask them to confirm or deny that the only story content that gives cxp is KotFE and KotET? I and other story players would be very grateful for a definative answer!

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Oh, yes. The total lack of anything new to do with this gear is the elephant in the room. Well, maybe for the hordes of new players flooding the servers, the same old content would be totally new. The funny thing is that's how i feel in WoW - I've never played it and the amount of content just for leveling is astonishing.


Oh, are they coming again like when 4.0 dropped? Cool! :D

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Since you have pts people that talk to you, could you pretty please ask them to confirm or deny that the only story content that gives cxp is KotFE and KotET? I and other story players would be very grateful for a definative answer!


Im sorry i even got carried away saying what i said, actually i didnt say anything :D

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