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Help me please, Could a BH beat a force user in a fight?


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Like anything else, I think it depends on the skills, experience, and/or equipment of the Jedi and BH in question.


For example, a novice or poorly trained Jedi would lose against a more seasoned BH; a Jedi with a ****** or broken lightsaber would lose against a better-equipped BH; a Jedi who isn't that great at straight up combat or is too arrogant to think creative would lose against a BH who is more pragmatic, plays the field to their advantage, etc.


While I think Force-users are on average much stronger than the average non-Force user, I don't think it's universal. It's not like "the weakest Force user is automatically stronger than the strongest non-Force user." I think on average way more Jedi would win in a fight against bounty hunters than the other way around, but with the right skill and circumstances there are still bounty hunters who could win against them. It would probably take more skill and experience and the right equipment, but it's still possible, and while not super common, also not unheard of.

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Like anything else, I think it depends on the skills, experience, and/or equipment of the Jedi and BH in question.


For example, a novice or poorly trained Jedi would lose against a more seasoned BH; a Jedi with a ****** or broken lightsaber would lose against a better-equipped BH; a Jedi who isn't that great at straight up combat or is too arrogant to think creative would lose against a BH who is more pragmatic, plays the field to their advantage, etc.


While I think Force-users are on average much stronger than the average non-Force user, I don't think it's universal. It's not like "the weakest Force user is automatically stronger than the strongest non-Force user." I think on average way more Jedi would win in a fight against bounty hunters than the other way around, but with the right skill and circumstances there are still bounty hunters who could win against them. It would probably take more skill and experience and the right equipment, but it's still possible, and while not super common, also not unheard of.


Or even in a match against equals. Look at the fight between Jango and Obi-wan. I call that one a draw. Both gave as good as they got. I mean Jango is holding his own against a seasoned Jedi Knight/new Jedi Master during their scuffle.


What many seem to think is that if you have the force, you're onipotent. Really you're not. Sure you're stronger than the standard person, but people with the force still have one handi-cap they simply can't get rid of. Their own mortal brain. Even with the force, there's only so much you can focus on at one given point. If you're in a heated duel with a BH as a jedi, and he's launching a blaster barrage so hard, you have to focus on just deflecting all those shots and moving towards him, you could completely miss the fact he mined the ground. Or a half a dozen other things.


BH could play possum, let you get close and gas you before you know what hit you.


Sentient brains ladies and gentlemen. Just because you have the force doesn't mean you can simply ignore the laws of physics and biology.

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Idk, in a fair fight an elite BH would have a good chance of beating a run of the mill Jedi Knight, but little chance of beating a Jedi Master in a "fair fight". In this case I'm defining a "fair fight" as a non-ambush engagement where both combatants are aware of their opponents before engagement and occuring on neutral terrain. That being said, many BH excelled at hunting through the use of ambush tactics, traps, and high tech weaponry. Organizations like the Genoharadan were known to use operatives specially trained to hide their presence in the force to hunt and kill Jedi.


I think the best examples from the movies are a young Obi-Wan vs Jango Fett on Kamino where Jango gave Obi all he could handle and then some before ultimately fleeing, and Jango Fett vs Mace Windu (an incredibly powerful Jedi Master) where Mace Windu pretty much mopped the floor with Jango in a very one sided contest. I say it was one sided because if i recall Windu defeated Jango without even using any form of direct force attack (simply using his lightsaber).


To sum it up, I believe that under the right circumstances an elite BH could defeat an elite Jedi/Sith but there would need to be x factors like the element of surprise and meticulous preparation in play. In the case of the most powerful force users ever (ie Darth Sidious, Darth Bane, Grand Master Luke Skywalker, Marka Ragnos, Exar Kun, etc) it would literally take a miracle for even the best non-force user to stand a chance.

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Im gonna be that guy and say no way whatsoever.


Even a jedi adept, which was teached only how to combat with Lightsaber and basic of the force is still extremly dangerous combatant. Because of how murderous weapon he wield is.

Jedi knight / Sith with a full completed training is terror for any non force user to fight. How you can fight somebody who propably can read your mind, force you to lay down and cry or just break both of your arms with a simple thought. Jedi, as a non lethal option could do just that, break both of you arms. Presto. Now you are useless. Or just force you to sleep. Or remove his image from your mind making him practically invisible to you.

Sith would just use BH armor to crush him and make canned meat. Or break his neck. Or spine. Or collapse his chest. Or force him to commit suicide. Or wipe his mind clean and make him his puppet.

Nope, there is no way, other than plot armor that non force user could defeat fully trainer force user. And i dont talk about masters of the force. Also, they wore armor propably faaaaar better than anything BH can even hope to archive having the full might of Republic/Sith Empire behind them.


Saying that they can be killed BUT NOT ON 1vs1 FIGHTS. A full squad of elite jedi/sith killers, using everything at his disposal can kill them. Having heavy casualties propably but it is doable. And most of those attempts would fail against masters.


Sorry but any operative or bh killing a jedi/sith is wearing cortosis infused titanforged plot armor comparable to that of Sylvanas in WoW.

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Im gonna be that guy and say no way whatsoever.


Even a jedi adept, which was teached only how to combat with Lightsaber and basic of the force is still extremly dangerous combatant. Because of how murderous weapon he wield is.

Jedi knight / Sith with a full completed training is terror for any non force user to fight. How you can fight somebody who propably can read your mind, force you to lay down and cry or just break both of your arms with a simple thought. Jedi, as a non lethal option could do just that, break both of you arms. Presto. Now you are useless. Or just force you to sleep. Or remove his image from your mind making him practically invisible to you.

Sith would just use BH armor to crush him and make canned meat. Or break his neck. Or spine. Or collapse his chest. Or force him to commit suicide. Or wipe his mind clean and make him his puppet.

Nope, there is no way, other than plot armor that non force user could defeat fully trainer force user. And i dont talk about masters of the force. Also, they wore armor propably faaaaar better than anything BH can even hope to archive having the full might of Republic/Sith Empire behind them.


Saying that they can be killed BUT NOT ON 1vs1 FIGHTS. A full squad of elite jedi/sith killers, using everything at his disposal can kill them. Having heavy casualties propably but it is doable. And most of those attempts would fail against masters.


Sorry but any operative or bh killing a jedi/sith is wearing cortosis infused titanforged plot armor comparable to that of Sylvanas in WoW.


Again NO. Even with the force the human and or humanoid mind can only FOCUS on so many things at once. A Jedi Knight who's in the heat of battle can't block a hail of bolts, throw a telekinetic blast and read your mind all at once.


Simply can't be done. Again, force does not make you onipotent, just makes you strong. But even a Jedi can be overwhelmed.


Because with your logic, Obi-wan should of mopped the floor with Jango Fett and not even gotten his shoes wet while doing it instead of being dragged around like a doll and being hit has hard as he was hitting Jango.


Sorry but you're wrong pal. Period.

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My personal opinion is that the effectiveness of a non-force user against a jedi or sith kind of depends on the era we are talking about. In the Old Republic style era, I think it makes sense that techniques and specific training in dealing with force users would be kind of normal for anyone who might possibly have to cross them (bounty hunters, agents, mercs, etc.). It would still be an uphill battle, but sort of like an infantry that specializes in fighting against the superior cavalry out of necessity.


Now in the more traditional New Republic era, where jedi are fairly common but sith are basically unheard of, these kinds of techniques wouldn't really be standard training and possibly lost to the ages due to never being needed enough to be improved upon. So while certain examples of elite mercs or soldiers or something (such as Fett Sr.) might exist with the natural skill or training or experience in dealing with force users, it would be considered fairly useless for the vast majority.

Edited by discosoc
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