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5.0 Sent/Mara changes.....


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Wow, i would have thought Lance/Gore would have a higher priority then that considering the sunder.

Gonna give it a try. Thanks

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Wow, i would have thought Lance/Gore would have a higher priority then that considering the sunder.

Gonna give it a try. Thanks


My clipping rotation should be prioritizing it higher. Haven't parsed it yet, and haven't thought about execute phase yet, but if it all goes down like I have it written down, should work out.

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My clipping rotation should be prioritizing it higher. Haven't parsed it yet, and haven't thought about execute phase yet, but if it all goes down like I have it written down, should work out.


This is a theoretical rotation I came up with based on yours and datamined stuff but I too need to parse it.

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I actually based it on yours, but I too need to parse it. Lance can only be used once per cycle but the armor debuff lasts 45sec.


This is essentially what I got https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10SGRuvSxZwFqTLn9a0FChRUhBr9UABVDgqy9OoIWpxM/edit?usp=drive_web


It's a little messy and I haven't bothered to clean it up as I definitely recommend finishing each ferocity window with db and starting each berserke'd one with gore, but the idea is pretty much the same

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So... I am having a feeling I'm going to hate the new lance ability and trying to fit it in our rotation. Reason why I loved combat so much was because it had less abilities in the rotation.


I know right. But a smooth and fun rotation is a big no no in swtor , so they jammed an ability in there that doesnt really line up with anything just to clunk it up a bit.


It's a shame, dont really feel like playing anything else.

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Have to say I'm not at all a fan of the new ravage. At first I didn't really mind the change....but now that I see how much lower the damage is I don't at all understand how they thought this was beneficial. The mobility doesn't even come close to making up for how much damage was lost.
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My clipping rotation should be prioritizing it higher. Haven't parsed it yet, and haven't thought about execute phase yet, but if it all goes down like I have it written down, should work out.


Beast I've parsed about 20 times now with your google doc rotation and am averaging slightly higher than our best parses for 4.0. This is of course with 224 min/max'd 4.0 gear so depending on stat distribution figures for 5.0 this could change things. Just wanted to give some feedback on it in case you and Don still have yet to Parse it and try it out.


My preliminary analysis thus far has shown the following for a few key aspects, specifically Precision ability usage.


Precision + Blade Barrage:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 9443.6875

Median - 9019.5

Minimum - 6919

Maximum - 13420

Miss Percent Average - 13.5%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 10169

Median - 10170


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 7.13%


Precision + Lance:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 10951.5625

Median - 9486

Minimum - 7808

Maximum - 16375

Miss Percent Average - 31.20%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 12090

Median - 12089


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 9.41%


Precision + Clashing Blast:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 16661.8125

Median - 16480.5

Minimum - 15768

Maximum - 18483

Miss Percent Average - 0%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 17126

Median - 17125


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 2.71%


Precision + Dispatch:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 10282.3125

Median - 9059.5

Minimum - 8378

Maximum - 16190

Miss Percent Average - 0%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 12283

Median - 12283


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 16.29%


Total Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 8.89%


So first off at least we know the priority inside of Precision. After doing some parsing myself i'm thinking the rotation is going to need to be built around two distinct windows.


Window 1: Clipped Dispatch or Twin Saber Throw > Precision > Lance > Clashing Blast

Window 2: Clipped Dispatch or Twin Saber Throw > Precision > Blade Barrage > Clashing Blast


More times than not Window 1 was clipped with Dispatch and Window 2 with Twin Saber Throw. Haven't really felt out the build up in between those but i started to get a pretty cyclic rotation going for a few parses. Dispatch is definitely floating. I haven't played with the timing of everything yet on paper, more so just hitting the dummy and feeling it out. Using those windows however it's front loading our hardest burst followed by mediocre burst. Over time that definitely starts to drop the DPS more often than not it was around 4 to 6 Million damage done. Of course all of this was without any 5.0 gear and no applied Shattered Armor debuff, i wanted to keep things as bare minimum as possible.


Oh before I head out for the evening the miss percent on Lance seemed unusually high to me. If anyone cares to test it out over a good amount of Lance uses i'd be curious to see if others percent miss is as high. Anyone who knows me knows my RNG in this game is horribly legendary LOL so if it's just me I would not be surprised at all.


Anyway i'm off to bed. Let me know what you guys think about this info/data.

Edited by Bahadori
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Have to say I'm not at all a fan of the new ravage. At first I didn't really mind the change....but now that I see how much lower the damage is I don't at all understand how they thought this was beneficial. The mobility doesn't even come close to making up for how much damage was lost.


Well, as i understand it, BW was trying to balance the damage for ravage while making it 1 gcd, and this resulted in them overnerfing it. If that's the case it will possibly be buffed in the future (but probably not till my sub is out :()


As for they're justification, it's mainly because they redistributed the dps elsewhere

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Beast I've parsed about 20 times now with your google doc rotation and am averaging slightly higher than our best parses for 4.0. This is of course with 224 min/max'd 4.0 gear so depending on stat distribution figures for 5.0 this could change things. Just wanted to give some feedback on it in case you and Don still have yet to Parse it and try it out.


My preliminary analysis thus far has shown the following for a few key aspects, specifically Precision ability usage.


Precision + Blade Barrage:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 9443.6875

Median - 9019.5

Minimum - 6919

Maximum - 13420

Miss Percent Average - 13.5%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 10169

Median - 10170


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 7.13%


Precision + Lance:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 10951.5625

Median - 9486

Minimum - 7808

Maximum - 16375

Miss Percent Average - 31.20%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 12090

Median - 12089


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 9.41%


Precision + Clashing Blast:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 16661.8125

Median - 16480.5

Minimum - 15768

Maximum - 18483

Miss Percent Average - 0%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 17126

Median - 17125


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 2.71%


Precision + Dispatch:


Parsing Stats:

Average - 10282.3125

Median - 9059.5

Minimum - 8378

Maximum - 16190

Miss Percent Average - 0%


Matlab Model (10 Million Trials):

Average - 12283

Median - 12283


Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 16.29%


Total Average Percent Difference (Parse vs. Model): 8.89%


So first off at least we know the priority inside of Precision. After doing some parsing myself i'm thinking the rotation is going to need to be built around two distinct windows.


Window 1: Clipped Dispatch or Twin Saber Throw > Precision > Lance > Clashing Blast

Window 2: Clipped Dispatch or Twin Saber Throw > Precision > Blade Barrage > Clashing Blast


More times than not Window 1 was clipped with Dispatch and Window 2 with Twin Saber Throw. Haven't really felt out the build up in between those but i started to get a pretty cyclic rotation going for a few parses. Dispatch is definitely floating. I haven't played with the timing of everything yet on paper, more so just hitting the dummy and feeling it out. Using those windows however it's front loading our hardest burst followed by mediocre burst. Over time that definitely starts to drop the DPS more often than not it was around 4 to 6 Million damage done. Of course all of this was without any 5.0 gear and no applied Shattered Armor debuff, i wanted to keep things as bare minimum as possible.


Oh before I head out for the evening the miss percent on Lance seemed unusually high to me. If anyone cares to test it out over a good amount of Lance uses i'd be curious to see if others percent miss is as high. Anyone who knows me knows my RNG in this game is horribly legendary LOL so if it's just me I would not be surprised at all.


Anyway i'm off to bed. Let me know what you guys think about this info/data.


ATM I haven't parsed it and I won't until Sat when I'm level 70. The biggest difficulty I've found in doing a new rotation is that Lance fills the second gcd of Master Strike with the caveat that it does cost focus. One thing though is that the combo Lance+Blade Barrage is higher damage than the old Master Strike.


I will note that you will parse higher with the same gear at level 70 than 65 since the base level damage has gone up considerably.

I'll be willing to calculate dps numbers for any rotation you guys come up with.

Edited by g_mK
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ATM I haven't parsed it and I won't until Sat when I'm level 70. The biggest difficulty I've found in doing a new rotation is that Lance fills the second gcd of Master Strike with the caveat that it does cost focus. One thing though is that the combo Lance+Blade Barrage is higher damage than the old Master Strike.


I will note that you will parse higher with the same gear at level 70 than 65 since the base level damage has gone up considerably.

I'll be willing to calculate dps numbers for any rotation you guys come up with.


*sighs* the parse testing I did was at level 70 :'(


Take 1 Tank, 1 or 2 Healers, and rest DPS into Bestia SM and just stuck once you hit phase 2 and repeat. Went from 65 to 70 in 16 minutes.

Edited by Bahadori
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Is it possible to have lance in both precision windows? Can't remember the cd but i think it's 3s longer than precision, so in theory if we delay precision 0.1-0.2s it'd be possible to squeeze it in


Yes, it's possible, but the only time you could really chance it would be in an actual fight/phase where you take consistent damage (brontes burn, hello!!!).


The reason you can't really reliably use gore in both windows, at least with this rotation is twofold:

1. Fury gen is fairly

tight, and with the extra rage cost of gore vs massacre, you'll need assault to make up for it. Now, if you check the repeatable blocks I made, you'll notice that it's 2 blocks where u generate 1 extra rage and then one block where you burn off 2 rage. Now, if you added a 4th block on to it and had 3 rage positive blocks then used the extra gore on the 4th when you're pushing up on 12 rage, that could be feasible, but the dps gain would be small at best and it leads in to the second and more important issue...


2. If you use gore in back to back windows, you won't be able to use it on the next. I.e. you use gore on the 1st and 3rd windows with berserk, but if you use it on the 1st and 2nd you won't have it for the 3rd. This leads to gore floating just like vt. So if you want to track both vt and gore AND pay attention to raid mechanics and can make it all work for more dps, then I will concede you are a better marauder than me :p

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Yes, it's possible, but the only time you could really chance it would be in an actual fight/phase where you take consistent damage (brontes burn, hello!!!).


The reason you can't really reliably use gore in both windows, at least with this rotation is twofold:

1. Fury gen is fairly

tight, and with the extra rage cost of gore vs massacre, you'll need assault to make up for it. Now, if you check the repeatable blocks I made, you'll notice that it's 2 blocks where u generate 1 extra rage and then one block where you burn off 2 rage. Now, if you added a 4th block on to it and had 3 rage positive blocks then used the extra gore on the 4th when you're pushing up on 12 rage, that could be feasible, but the dps gain would be small at best and it leads in to the second and more important issue...


You may be able to come up with a way to use Gore/Lace 3 times per two cycles, maybe, idk, I'll have to check

2. If you use gore in back to back windows, you won't be able to use it on the next. I.e. you use gore on the 1st and 3rd windows with berserk, but if you use it on the 1st and 2nd you won't have it for the 3rd. This leads to gore floating just like vt. So if you want to track both vt and gore AND pay attention to raid mechanics and can make it all work for more dps, then I will concede you are a better marauder than me :p


No one is a better Marauder than your, maybe except Trillog, may he rest in peace.

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Yes, it's possible, but the only time you could really chance it would be in an actual fight/phase where you take consistent damage (brontes burn, hello!!!).


The reason you can't really reliably use gore in both windows, at least with this rotation is twofold:

1. Fury gen is fairly

tight, and with the extra rage cost of gore vs massacre, you'll need assault to make up for it. Now, if you check the repeatable blocks I made, you'll notice that it's 2 blocks where u generate 1 extra rage and then one block where you burn off 2 rage. Now, if you added a 4th block on to it and had 3 rage positive blocks then used the extra gore on the 4th when you're pushing up on 12 rage, that could be feasible, but the dps gain would be small at best and it leads in to the second and more important issue...


2. If you use gore in back to back windows, you won't be able to use it on the next. I.e. you use gore on the 1st and 3rd windows with berserk, but if you use it on the 1st and 2nd you won't have it for the 3rd. This leads to gore floating just like vt. So if you want to track both vt and gore AND pay attention to raid mechanics and can make it all work for more dps, then I will concede you are a better marauder than me :p


I wasn't criticizing your rotation, just throwing a wild idea. Thanks for clarifying it.

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No one is a better Marauder than your, maybe except Trillog, may he rest in peace.


Awww, that makes me miss the early days of Zorz :( Me, yolo, trill, and kesmet, soooooooo much deeps


I wasn't criticizing your rotation, just throwing a wild idea. Thanks for clarifying it.

Naww, don't worry mate. I just wanted to clarify why I didn't use it. I made up this rotation a couple months back with the information I had from a friend that was on pts, and when it came live I too noticed that you could do two Gore's back to back while I was grinding out these god forsaken crates. But I sat there a little while and realized the major drawbacks to doing that and just wanted to list my concerns

Edited by WiththeForc
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This is essentially what I got https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10SGRuvSxZwFqTLn9a0FChRUhBr9UABVDgqy9OoIWpxM/edit?usp=drive_web


It's a little messy and I haven't bothered to clean it up as I definitely recommend finishing each ferocity window with db and starting each berserke'd one with gore, but the idea is pretty much the same



I am super confused by your rage management. I'm following your opener, and there I keep ending up with 5 rage coming out of it, and that's NOT using Ferocity. What am I missing in this google doc post?


Edit: Is your "Gore" Ferocity?

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I am super confused by your rage management. I'm following your opener, and there I keep ending up with 5 rage coming out of it, and that's NOT using Ferocity. What am I missing in this google doc post?


Edit: Is your "Gore" Ferocity?


Ferocity is the 3 sec buff for our burst that costs 1 rage for our burst, so if you're not using it, then that's why you have extra rage


Also, it could be that you're looking at the 4.0 rotation. Look at the bottom and you'll see there's a second page for the 5.0 rotation.

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