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Option to change Adv Class?


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Will we have the option to change our advanced class? Especially since Assassins are totally getting shafted? I'm cool with the other changes really, but it seems to me that Assassins (and pub counterparts) are getting more abilities taken away than they're getting in return? Why play them any more? Either that or a level 65 token and all armor changing to bound to legacy :p
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I'm really hoping that the upcoming changes in 5.0 mean that they'll allow us to respec between the "advanced" class.

I wouldn't expect it to be free.

It'd make an excellent credit sink.


Since it has zero impact on your story, the only thing they'd really need to make available is some sort of 'starter gear' bag when you respec just like you get when you pick an AC now so you're not suddenly caught without an offhand.

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I think with command crates. Advanced class change has even lover chance to be implemented. Because it would make grinding gear faster. You could get to max CXP on lets say sage, and then change to shadow and start to farm max gear for him without need to go though lover tiers. So dont have any hope guys.
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In 5.0 there will no longer be Advanced Classes as they will be Classes from level 1. So really, roll another toon now with double xp and that 50% xp armour from the dvl event as long as you still have the chance. It goes really fast like that.
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I wouldn't mind an introduction of a change of advance class through CM, at 2k CC or something. But at the same time, I feel like the players who complain about the changes the most are playing the class far below the level at which the minor nerfs to a class are visible. This is of course not only directed towards OP, but most of the players who are complaining about their class getting nerfed in 5.0 or have complained following earlier patches. :jawa_angel: Edited by RikuvonDrake
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I wouldn't mind an introduction of a change of advance class through CM, at 2k CC or something. But at the same time, I feel like the players who complain about the changes the most are playing the class far below the level at which the minor nerfs to a class are visible. This is of course not only directed towards OP, but most of the players who are complaining about their class getting nerfed in 5.0 or have complained following earlier patches. :jawa_angel:


Undoubtedly, I must be because my assassin does not come anywhere near my mara and sentinel. In fact, my operative was even better. Those are my "main/alts" that are ready for kotet. I even posted on another thread that I'd be posting in the assassin class as to how to efficiently play her. Without question, I suck, albeit I do well enough that she doesn't/hasn't died in any kotfe chapter. However, I still find her weak. I've researched things on dulfy and the whole she can be multitalented tank/dps thing confuses me. I can't even say what discipline I have her set at. Whatever dulfy says is a good one. To be honest, she's an old character I picked back up for kotfe. At some point, I chose tank armor for her for whatever reason but I am switching over to dps. My sentinel was fairly simple to learn, maybe because I leveled her recently. I know her abilities, how her buffs etc work. With my sin, not a clue, but I'm pretty sure I had some of the abilities I'm losing in my rotation. If dulfy has it in the rotation, then I do. It just seems to me that the sins are losing quite a few abilities and not getting much in return.

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To be honest, the guilds I've joined, they ask...oooh SI, sorc or assassin? I say assassin and get "Aw too bad. Sorcs are the way to go." (this was 4.0 mind you) I just thought, ah well, doesn't matter. Everywhere I saw "sorcs are awesome. Sorcs own this. Sorcs...sorcs...sorcs..." That's how I learned you couldn't change your advanced class, sorc envy in 4.0 because everyone told me that they were more awesome and I made a mistake choosing an assassin some 4 yrs ago. (Yes, last time I played my assassin I won so many huttball games and mvps with my bubbles and ability to stealth/speed boost. Then I return, no more bubbles :( LOL) And now with the 5.0...well there you go, sorcs get it all. :p
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To be honest, the guilds I've joined, they ask...oooh SI, sorc or assassin? I say assassin and get "Aw too bad. Sorcs are the way to go." (this was 4.0 mind you) I just thought, ah well, doesn't matter. Everywhere I saw "sorcs are awesome. Sorcs own this. Sorcs...sorcs...sorcs..." That's how I learned you couldn't change your advanced class, sorc envy in 4.0 because everyone told me that they were more awesome and I made a mistake choosing an assassin some 4 yrs ago. (Yes, last time I played my assassin I won so many huttball games and mvps with my bubbles and ability to stealth/speed boost. Then I return, no more bubbles :( LOL) And now with the 5.0...well there you go, sorcs get it all. :p


A lot of it is perception. I my guild we had more assassin DPS and they rocked DPS numbers more than any sorc ever did in our guild. It's all about how well you can play your class in the end. We had this one assassin DPS that just pulled DPS numbers that nobody could get near and we used to joke how he could solo all bosses. Of course the content drought killed our guild a couple of months ago but up to then assassin DPS were most welcome in our main raid team.

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A lot of it is perception. I my guild we had more assassin DPS and they rocked DPS numbers more than any sorc ever did in our guild. It's all about how well you can play your class in the end. We had this one assassin DPS that just pulled DPS numbers that nobody could get near and we used to joke how he could solo all bosses. Of course the content drought killed our guild a couple of months ago but up to then assassin DPS were most welcome in our main raid team.


Good to know. I will definitely be looking into playing her better once 5.0 drops and we know what's what for certain. Don't worry, I only solo her so as not to inconvenience anyone. :o Since transferring her over to harb from the bastion, she's not even in a guild, so I can perfect her as needed on my own time. The forums were a fantastic help with learning to play my operative efficiently. I can't pull mara or sentinel dps on my operative, but my operative is like a bug that refuses to die against all odds (except the gemini constructor lmao) that was learning how to set senya more than learning to play my operative. I will learn my assassin as I cannot be bothered leveling a sorc up through kotfe (maybe with a lvl 65 token later or something but not now, I need to finish leveling a couple other classes first)

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Good to know. I will definitely be looking into playing her better once 5.0 drops and we know what's what for certain. Don't worry, I only solo her so as not to inconvenience anyone. :o Since transferring her over to harb from the bastion, she's not even in a guild, so I can perfect her as needed on my own time. The forums were a fantastic help with learning to play my operative efficiently. I can't pull mara or sentinel dps on my operative, but my operative is like a bug that refuses to die against all odds (except the gemini constructor lmao) that was learning how to set senya more than learning to play my operative. I will learn my assassin as I cannot be bothered leveling a sorc up through kotfe (maybe with a lvl 65 token later or something but not now, I need to finish leveling a couple other classes first)


It's a matter of opinion of course but I love sorcerers...as healers. As DPS I always found them a bit boring and though I never quite fell in love with assassins overall, I find them far more interesting as a DPS class than the sorcerer. I've just had the experience of knowing assassin DPS players who really could play them in an amazing way. Excellent DPS.


I have played sorc DPS but currently all my sorcerers are healers. What I really hate though is this class elitism. Sure not all DPS can pull the same numbers but in reality all classes have their strengths and weaknesses and there are ideal combinations and less ideal combinations. It just sounds to me though that you were in a type of guild that I wouldn't want to be part of.

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Switching ACs should be something you can do at will. In Destiny you can just equip a sub class. You can also equip shaders at will. SWTOR wants to suck your wallet dry for trivial crap and then they sit around a board room and wonder why it's failing.
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Switching ACs should be something you can do at will. In Destiny you can just equip a sub class. You can also equip shaders at will. SWTOR wants to suck your wallet dry for trivial crap and then they sit around a board room and wonder why it's failing.


Go play Destiny then if you feel it's such a superior game.

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Switching ACs should be something you can do at will. In Destiny you can just equip a sub class. You can also equip shaders at will. SWTOR wants to suck your wallet dry for trivial crap and then they sit around a board room and wonder why it's failing.


Sub classes in Destiny are like Disciplines in SWTOR. Which you can freely change in the same way.

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I would be pretty surprised if they ever decided to let us swap advanced classes, though many people certainly wish they could -- in particular those with old, rare things no longer in the game or titles that are not easily obtained a second time. We stick with our old mains for the simple fact that it would be a monumental waste of effort to move on now, leaving behind all these rare and interesting things that most players do not possess. Edited by Essodu
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It's funny. Every time we get one of these threads, people go on about MMORPG class systems as if your class is obviously going to be unchangeable (aside from specialisations like Disciplines, or "tree resets" in skill-tree games).


And it's not true.


Guild Wars 1 allows (and, indeed, almost forces) you to choose a "secondary" class, and then provides mechanisms to learn additional secondary classes and switch which secondary you use whenever you are in town. Given that different zones of the game impose different requirements for an "optimised" build, this is important. Sometimes you want access to the range of debuff skills offered by Necromancer secondary, while other times you want access to, say, long-range, low-cost Ranger skills, all on your Warrior. And you can.


Runes of Magic goes one further. You start with a single class. At level 10 you are allowed to learn a second class, and you can switch which one is your primary any time you are in your house(1) (or at any house-entry NPC). Once your second class is level 10 as well, you can choose a third class, and now you have the option of one of the three being primary, one secondary, and one idle.


Furthermore, because only your primary RoM class gains experience, and your secondary contributes a list of skills whose power depends on *its* level, you *must* switch which class is primary from time to time, or you will be gimping yourself.


And finally, the RoM cash shop sells an item that allows you to forget a class (any of the ones you currently have, if you have more than one) so that you can replace it with a different one.


(1) RoM player houses are free, and the game almost forces one on you. You'll typically get your house at around level 7 in the lowbie zone appropriate for your choice of human/elf/dwarf.

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It's funny. Every time we get one of these threads, people go on about MMORPG class systems as if your class is obviously going to be unchangeable (aside from specialisations like Disciplines, or "tree resets" in skill-tree games).


And it's not true.


Guild Wars 1 allows (and, indeed, almost forces) you to choose a "secondary" class, and then provides mechanisms to learn additional secondary classes and switch which secondary you use whenever you are in town. Given that different zones of the game impose different requirements for an "optimised" build, this is important. Sometimes you want access to the range of debuff skills offered by Necromancer secondary, while other times you want access to, say, long-range, low-cost Ranger skills, all on your Warrior. And you can.


Runes of Magic goes one further. You start with a single class. At level 10 you are allowed to learn a second class, and you can switch which one is your primary any time you are in your house(1) (or at any house-entry NPC). Once your second class is level 10 as well, you can choose a third class, and now you have the option of one of the three being primary, one secondary, and one idle.


Furthermore, because only your primary RoM class gains experience, and your secondary contributes a list of skills whose power depends on *its* level, you *must* switch which class is primary from time to time, or you will be gimping yourself.


And finally, the RoM cash shop sells an item that allows you to forget a class (any of the ones you currently have, if you have more than one) so that you can replace it with a different one.


(1) RoM player houses are free, and the game almost forces one on you. You'll typically get your house at around level 7 in the lowbie zone appropriate for your choice of human/elf/dwarf.


Oh yeah. I know that your specific character "Sith Inquisitor" is permanent, but I agree, changing your advanced class really isn't any more work than changing your discipline.

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It's funny. Every time we get one of these threads, people go on about MMORPG class systems as if your class is obviously going to be unchangeable (aside from specialisations like Disciplines, or "tree resets" in skill-tree games).


And it's not true.



To add to your list, FFXIV allows a single character to be all classes in the game.


You can switch at any time with two clicks. Each class you level has it's own set of gear, and your ability bar configuration is saved separately. You do have to level each one separately, of course.


Now, it doesn't bother me that SWTOR doesn't allow one to change advanced classes. But I do find it extremely silly that one of the biggest arguments against AC switching is "tradition". We're not living in Anatevka, people. :rolleyes:

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