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KOTET Livestream - 11/3


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And pray, do tell, why would we need this?


So we can prepare and burn through whatever little content we get even faster?


Yes, that is the reason that I want more information. As it is I plan to spacebar through the ET story so that I can get to level 70 as quick as possible so that I can start earing command xp. I will probably even use the xp boost armor that I got from doing dvl and a major experience boost token that I have leftover from leveling in order to make the leveling process even quicker.


At that point I want to have a plan that will start getting me command crates as fast as possible, but I lack sufficient information right now to develop a plan, and so yes, I do want more information about the command xp system so that I can work on my plan to get back to a gear equivalency level comparable to the one that I have today so that I can get back to playing the content that I like best in this game as quickly as possible.

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And pray, do tell, why would we need this?


So we can prepare and burn through whatever little content we get even faster?


You mean the cliched drivel of a story that we can repeat over and over and over to our hearts' content?


Why not burn through it if a player doesn't care? It's bad enough that gear will be RNG, but you want to make it a slog to get to 70 to be allowed to start playing the lottery- all because a story that doesn't interest a lot of players is all EA can bother to create?


Why should pvpers care about whichever distant cousin of Valkorion pops up at the end of chapter 9 to kick off Knights of the Endless Expansions next time? They want their gear so they can go back to doing what they subscribe for, just like raiders apparently want to grind Karagga's Palace yet again.


Actually I don't see how it's such a problem in the first place-pvpers with gear will be on even footing in warzones, open pvp is deader than Malgus, in pve it doesn't matter (unless someone is whining that it isn't 'fair' that player X got 'welfare epics' before they did- and why pander to that sort?).

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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As it is I plan to spacebar through the ET story so that I can get to level 70 as quick as possible so that I can start earing command xp.


Why though? So you can quickly get top end gear to do the content you've been doing for years? To do the uprisings even easier ( judging by their designed length I don't see spending hours wiping is going to be a thing and you'll still ideally need a group )? Making an assumption you want to do raids here of course otherwise why rush for gear you won't ideally need?

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Why though? So you can quickly get top end gear to do the content you've been doing for years? To do the uprisings even easier ( judging by their designed length I don't see spending hours wiping is going to be a thing and you'll still ideally need a group )? Making an assumption you want to do raids here of course otherwise why rush for gear you won't ideally need?


Maybe it's for pvp, where the gear is merely the price of admission?

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And pray, do tell, why would we need this?


So we can prepare and burn through whatever little content we get even faster?


I never knew there was a problem with planning things. Usually, planning and preparation are considered virtues in life. :rak_01:


Personally, I want the information so I'll know how badly I'll be gimped as a solo player. To determine if I want to jump on the treadmill or not, or keep giving Bioware $15.00 a month. If the process isn't too terrible, I might stick around. If it's a horrible GW2 HOT level of grind, I won't. So far, all signs point to me cancelling. But I'm open to staying subbed if it isn't. Detailed information helps people make such choices.

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Hey folks,


We are making a slight change in the schedule for weekly livestreams. Originally tomorrow's stream was going to cover combat changes. We are going to move that stream out and we are replacing it with repeatable Chapters. We are going to showcase a KOTFE Chapter and show the difference between story and veteran difficulty along with answering any gameplay questions you may have about Chapters. Also, Charles will be answering story questions about KOTFE and how they tie into KOTET!


Here are the stream details:

When: Thursday, November 3rd

When: 4PM Central, 2PM Pacific

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


We know that everyone is anxious to hear more about the Class/combat changes coming with KOTET. We will be making posts throughout the week, next week, with a highlight of some of the changes we are making.






If even half of what I have read about the combat/class changes is true the only thing I am anxious to hear is that you have seen sense and cancelled them.


All The Best

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