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Easy guide to BoR Bonus Boss Mokan

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The thread about nerfing HMFPs inspired me to give people a simple guide to kill the probably least done bonus boss in the game. If done right this boss is actually trivial and much easier than the walker at the end.


The most important part about this fight is positioning. You want everyone to be as spread out as possible. The Tank should start the fight from behind the Boss. there is plenty of room to just walk arround him and start the fight behind him. After starting the fight the tank has only one thing to remember. NEVER lose aggro. Apart from that the tank has nothing special to do except for his normal defensive/threat rotation.


The DPS and Heals should stand spread out from each other. Everyone who doesn't have aggro on the boss will get a green circle on them that generates stacks. The order of people getting the circles is random. After 3 circles a "red aoe gas phase will come (boss has a channel for it). You will need a minimum of 3 Stacks to survive the red aoe gas phase. 5 stacks will instantly kill you. Therfore you want either 3 or 4 stacks.


The optimal way to achieve this is by counting circles. The person getting the 1st circle gets 3 stacks and runs out of it and grabs a 4th stack in the second circle. the stacks have a cooldown. Getting another stack refreshes it. By refreshing it in the second circle you will have exactly 4 stacks for the red aoe phase and your stacks will run out after.


The person to get the second green circle is golden. They can just get 4 stacks and live through the red aoe phase and will have lost the stacks after.


The last person to get a green circle must only get 3 stacks. no more no less. Since the circle placement is RNG there is a risk of being the first to get a green circle in the next round. Thus you would have 4 stacks with the first circle. In this case run out quickly or you die. in order to survive the red aoe gas in this pecific case you need to run into the 3rd circle and get 3 stacks. Alternatively (only if you are not the healer) if you can clense yourself, remove one stack with your cleanse and grab your 4th stack in the second circle.


Dps: This is not a dps race. If your tank is weak in building threat then wait until you start combat. Let him have a nice threat cushion. Doing the mechanics right matters here. Not high numbers.


Heal: While the dps and healers are getting their stacks from the circles. The tank will get them from Mokan himself, to many in fact. Thats why it is imperative to cleanse on cooldown. Cleansing on cooldown will assure that the tank has always at least 3 stacks but never 5. Priority for the healer is thus as follows: Cleanse tank > heal tank >heal yourself> heal dps.


All this being said. Positioning is key. NEVER stack up. (well you could in the red phase for aoe heals). This is easiest with 2 ranged dps. if you have 1 or more melee make sure that all melee and the tank are at 4 meters range from the boss and that tanks and dps are as far away from each other as possible.


If you fail at getting the right amount of stacks for the red phase, some abbilities like guarded by the force or the sages god bubble allow you to live through one red aoe phase.


EDIT: I find it helps to count out loud (for yourself or if you are in TS for your group) the circle you are on so you never forget what you or others have to do.

Edited by Drake_Averrod
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Why so complicated?

Get out of circles asap, gather 3 stacks in the third.


IF you happen to get too much and can't cleanse yourself, use the Red thingies on the table

The problem is, if you stay in the third circle too long, the stacks won't have fallen off by the time the red cloud attack is over, and then you risk getting a 4th stack in the next phase. The average players are too slow to move out of the circles, and will then not get one but two stacks which instantly kills them.


My preferred explanation for new players is: "Get one stack in each of the three circles", this is quite foolproof. Though this boss remains one of the hardest flashpoint bosses IMO; even with guild groups I rarely kill him on the first try, it always takes a few wipes.

Edited by Jerba
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Play an assassin tank (why anyone would play anything that can't stealth out of combat is beyond me). Ensure you picked up the utility Shroud of Madness. Force Shroud immediately after the first two stacks. Cooldown may delay a bit every time, so Force Cloak + Mind Control every third time.

Removes the hassle for the tank.


Play an operative healer (why anyone would play anything that can't stealth out of combat is beyond me). Ensure you picked up the utilities Evasive Imperative and Evasive Screen. Evasion immediately after each red cloud. Cooldown may delay a bit every time, so Cloaking Screen as necessary.

Removes the hassle for the healer. Allows to cleanse someone else.


For those poor souls who play the wrong classes though (especially dps who for some obscure reason neither play assassin nor operative):

The person receiving the third circle may (and should!) reach four stacks by one using of two simple ways.

Either move into the second circle and get any number between one and three stacks, then use your own circle for the last one. I'd suggest two and two for easier timing.

Alternatively just get all four stacks and remove one as soon as the red cloud dissipates. Regular cleanses work fine here. If *somehow* nobody in your group including your healer can't cleanse you, use one of the red injection needles on the tables.

Just make sure you stay on the move if you have three stacks and may get the next circle, as standing still and receiving the fifth stack instantly kills you.


On a related note: Actually the easiest way to do this is with two people (tank and healer) without companions. This way there is no third circle, so while the healer just waits to get four stacks in the second puddle, the tank requires one cleanse after the third or fourth stack and keeps moving. There is no enrage.

Edited by lcharas
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Why so complicated?

Get out of circles asap, gather 3 stacks in the third.


IF you happen to get too much and can't cleanse yourself, use the Red thingies on the table


That would work too of course. But this is supposed to be easy or rather pug freindly. Running to the tables for scrubs and pugs, probably isn't (maybe I am giving to little credit to them).


Also 4 stacks give less damage than 3 stacks so people who can get 4 stacks should do so. Not every healer is as strong as the other but less burst heal will be required. I wouldn't have any problems keeping everyone alive with every healing class and I main a sent and suck at healing. But other people are not as profficient as we are.


My general intent is and was to keep required general skill level as little as possible and make it passable for as many people as possible. No shortcuts nothing.


If people know easier ways please post them.

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Also 4 stacks give less damage than 3 stacks so people who can get 4 stacks should do so. Not every healer is as strong as the other but less burst heal will be required. I wouldn't have any problems keeping everyone alive with every healing class and I main a sent and suck at healing. But other people are not as profficient as we are.

Keep in mind that the green debuff is a DoT, and 4 stacks deal more damage than 3 stacks. While 4 stacks will reduce damage from the red cloud, from my experience it's better to only have 3 stacks because the 4 stacks tick too high.

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Thing is, your approach may be the best in terms of healing needed, but it's a lot more to remember than simply stating "get 3 stacks in the third circle" ;)

Pugs like it simple:)

Edited by Torvai
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I don't know. I expect healers to be able to heal through a 4 stack debuff and I like giving pug a reason as to why they do stuff. In my experience it helps them actually doing things.



On a side not and because I am too stupid to write pms: Torvai: can you please in the "Roles" forum make an "official" thread about the absorb shield overlap issue. Even if they don't fix it, it should be so prominent that people know about it and as far as I can tell you have the most data to back it up.

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On a side not and because I am too stupid to write pms: Torvai: can you please in the "Roles" forum make an "official" thread about the absorb shield overlap issue. Even if they don't fix it, it should be so prominent that people know about it and as far as I can tell you have the most data to back it up.

I could. But why would I? Nobody seems to read this section anymore anyway. At least not the kind of people that would be interested in such information(think of KBN, dipstick, Bant etc)


AND I deleted my combat logs a few days ago, so I don't have any hard evidence on it, only my word ;)

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I could. But why would I? Nobody seems to read this section anymore anyway. At least not the kind of people that would be interested in such information(think of KBN, dipstick, Bant etc)


AND I deleted my combat logs a few days ago, so I don't have any hard evidence on it, only my word ;)


Weil du so super duper nett und freundlich bist uns loosern zu helfen :D?


But seriously if there is a bug affecting absorb shields people should know about it. currently it renders an obvious guardian tank utility useless (well most guardian utilities at that level for a tank are also starstarstarstar). People should know when they screw up their healers because of bugs.

Edited by Drake_Averrod
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Why so complicated?

Get out of circles asap, gather 3 stacks in the third.


IF you happen to get too much and can't cleanse yourself, use the Red thingies on the table


There is one phase that is basically being repeated over and over.


1.Tank gets 2 times a cone attack on him, giving him 2 stacks each time (4 in total)


2.each member of the group gets one pool which gives him stacks, based on how long he stands in it


3.in the end the boss does AOE dmg which hurts based on stacks, if you have 4 stacks it hurts the least, if you have less than 4 it hurts too much, thats why you want to have the 4 stacks


Then you repeat the whole process. You dont need those stims from table at all, only if you have a non cleanseable class. If you cleanse u remove one stack, which is very good for you.


The problem is right after that AOE dmg, since you still may have 4 stacks and if you get a pool u die, so its necessary to cleanse yourself OR use the stim, but cleansing is better and you mostly dont have stacks anyway. So thats all for the tactics on that. Problem is also when a person dies, that means the tank gets a pool and the tank gets 4 stacks so a pool kills him :)

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But seriously if there is a bug affecting absorb shields people should know about it. currently it renders an obvious guardian tank utility useless (well most guardian utilities at that level for a tank are also starstarstarstar). People should know when they screw up their healers because of bugs.


Well, I posted this in Bants "Optimal stats" and in dipsticks tank stats thread as well as in the bug report forum. Should be enough. And I'm not even sure if it's really a bug:D

And Guardianship was never a good utility to begin with. Even if it would work, it's ~800 damage absorbed per player per mass taunt. So, assuming all 8 players get the full benefit, it's 800*8/45seconds=142dtps less for the whole group. That's so marginal that it's not really worth picking this even if it would work properly(completely ignoring the fact that, aside from warbringer, all other utilities in this tier suck as well for tanks in PvE :D)

The bigger issue is with shield probe and the reactive warding relic. But tbh, who uses RW relics anyway? Dps relics all the way :D

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Well, I posted this in Bants "Optimal stats" and in dipsticks tank stats thread as well as in the bug report forum. Should be enough. And I'm not even sure if it's really a bug:D

And Guardianship was never a good utility to begin with. Even if it would work, it's ~800 damage absorbed per player per mass taunt. So, assuming all 8 players get the full benefit, it's 800*8/45seconds=142dtps less for the whole group. That's so marginal that it's not really worth picking this even if it would work properly(completely ignoring the fact that, aside from warbringer, all other utilities in this tier suck as well for tanks in PvE :D)

The bigger issue is with shield probe and the reactive warding relic. But tbh, who uses RW relics anyway? Dps relics all the way :D


Hmm didn't it affect the sonic barrier too. I pretty much use scream on cd so it would be quite bad to replace static barrier every 12s.

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It does affect the sonic barrier. According to my tests with Torvai, all absorb shields are mutually exclusive.

So do not put Juggernaut tanks and sorcerer healers in one group. Shield probe, static barrier, Sonic barrier, Sonic Wall, reactive warding - apparantly anything absorbing a set amount of damage. If you can choose between different "shields"only use the one with highest capacity.

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Hmm didn't it affect the sonic barrier too. I pretty much use scream on cd so it would be quite bad to replace static barrier every 12s.


Simple solution: Just use scream if you have the deionised debuff :D


Edit: Alright, you guys convinced me. It's posted in the roles section as well now.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

TLDR: Take one stack from pool, then hug tank on third scatterblaster conal. Unless you get the third pool - then you take two from third blaster and one from your pool, away from the others. Don't die, or your tank will hate you.


While wiping for a bunch of hours on Mokan I found a couple of fun effects:


1. The green cleave does no damage. It just puts on stacks. That means you can use the conal to get stacks instead of puddles. The cleave puts on one stack about 0.4 seconds in, and another one at the end (1.7s).


2. Mokan only seem to make a single target ranged attack besides the pools and the green cleave. Thus, standing in front of him is harmless apart from stacks.


3. The third cleave is your friend. As the tank always pass the compound 17 release without his/her stacks falling off, this is the perfect way to get your last stacks. If you get your last stack by the third cleave, your stacks will fall off just after compound 17 release is finished. It probably is enough to take the first tick to be protected from fall off, but last tick is completely safe.


4. Thus, if you get first or second pool dropped on you, take one stack from the pool and hug your friendly tank during the third cleave.

If you get third pool, stand a bit behind the tank on third cleave, take two stacks from that, and then take one stack from your pool. Counting "one, two, three" after cleave has finished and then start running does the trick.


5. The compound 17 damage is not during the "Compound 17 release" channel, but starts 2 seconds in on the "Compound 9 reload" channel.



3 or 4 stacks?


If you have any absorb shield with a cooldown of 44 seconds or less, you surely want to take 3 stacks. If you healer is better on burst, you most surely want to take 3 stacks.


On my companion (probably with less DR than your toon), the C9 ticks do damage like this:


1 stack 3275

2 stacks 6551

3 stacks 9827

4 stacks 13103


They tick every three seconds, and it's six ticks from the last stack you take until they fall off.


Compound 17 does four ticks of damage, each tick doing damage scaling quadratically like this:


4 stacks 3916

3 stacks 7833

2 stacks 15666


If you take 4 stacks instead of 3 you get 15668 less burst damage from C17 (15664 vs 31332), but you get at least 19656 extra damage from the mandatory 6 ticks of C9 (unless you can purge or cleanse them after C17 release). On top of that, you will take extra damage for the time you spend carrying extra stacks.



Stuff hitting the fan?


If someone dies, you have a problem. The third pool will now drop on the tank, and if the tank takes more than one tick from this pool, you are guaranteed to not have the stacks drop off before first C9 blaster of next round. If tank takes exactly 1 tick, it just might be okay. Maybe. If someone can taunt mokan and eat first blaster cone, tank can be okay. Sin/shadow tanks can use the "shroud on stealth" to clean the stacks, at the cost of later problems.


If you only take stacks before the third C9 scatterblaster on tank starts, you will be without stacks before the end of C17 release. This will most likely kill you unless you have powerful DCDs available.


Never ever take stacks even as a dps/healer after C9 reload channel has started, unless you need that tick to not drop off stacks completely. Taking stacks after that channel has started, you will have those stacks when the first pool appears in next cycle.



Some untested theories for the enterprising bunker visitor


1. I have a hunch that the order pools fall in is not random. My guess is stacks fall in threat order, from 2nd highest, 3rd, 4th, and if anyone was dead, the tank. If anyone on TRE with starparse wish to check this, I'm game.


2. Evasion stops C9 from building stacks while it's in effect. Possibly, it might also prevent C17 ticks. Thus, an enterprising operative or sniper could take 3 stacks in last pool, hit evasion as soon as C17 starts ticking, and probably get just one tick of C17 damage. This would save considerable amounts of damage. Assassin dps probably can do the same. Holler if you test this!


1.Tank gets 2 times a cone attack on him, giving him 2 stacks each time (4 in total)


Tank gets 3 * 2 stacks, so two cleanses is needed for tank unless they can purge them. For cases when stuff go downhill, it helps if the healer has less than 11 seconds cooldown on cleanse, so they can clean tank thrice before pool lands on them.

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2. Evasion stops C9 from building stacks while it's in effect. Possibly, it might also prevent C17 ticks. Thus, an enterprising operative or sniper could take 3 stacks in last pool, hit evasion as soon as C17 starts ticking, and probably get just one tick of C17 damage. This would save considerable amounts of damage. Assassin dps probably can do the same. Holler if you test this!


Unfortunately, no. Both are purges and hence remove all stacks C9, yes. But While Evasion nets the user with +200% M/R defense, Force Shroud awards +200% F/T defense. C17 is a tech attack, thus whereas Force Shroud indeed makes the assassin dps completely immune during the channel (assuming <5 seconds C17 left), the operative dps is horribly massacred and to the sniper it has no use whatsoever, since their evasion doesn't purge debuffs anymore.

Disclaimer: Tested this with L60 pre-nerf. It might have been changed since then.


Other than that, very informative post. Although C9 wearing off on the tank just in time after C17 is common knowledge (and using the last cleave to top off the companion when playing solo is almost mandatory), I have never seen any group where dps or healers actually used the cleaves to their advantage. This is an innovative idea that sooner or later could help anyone who runs into problems here.

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Unfortunately, no. Both are purges and hence remove all stacks C9, yes. But While Evasion nets the user with +200% M/R defense, Force Shroud awards +200% F/T defense. C17 is a tech attack, thus whereas Force Shroud indeed makes the assassin dps completely immune during the channel (assuming <5 seconds C17 left), the operative dps is horribly massacred and to the sniper it has no use whatsoever, since their evasion doesn't purge debuffs anymore.

Disclaimer: Tested this with L60 pre-nerf. It might have been changed since then.


Then Mr Operative will have to purge after C17. Still, if you take your stacks late in the cycle, you can get three stacks just before C17 and only hold on to three stacks for about two ticks of C9 and four tics of C17. OTOH, if you're lethality, the dots aren't that upsetting anyway... :)


The sniper has some use of evasion. Even if it won't get rid of any stacks, you should be able to have 75% DR on 3 out of 4 ticks on C17 release (plus maybe one C9 tick if you're lucky). You might be able to roll the fourth tick.


C17 only last for 3 seconds, so a sin can shroud one second in on the C9 reload channel and skip the whole C17 part.


(All of the speculations in this message are completely untested. Caveat emptor. :) )

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