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Why is everyone wanting all companions back


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I want my love interest ones back most of all, Quinn, Vector and though he's not a LI technically, he is to me, Scourge.


People are different OP, not everyone has the same reasoning, tastes or playstyle as you. You might even have a different purpose for your companion than others.


They're more than just a 'skin' with 3 disciplines to me. Also more stories and interactions with the comps would be welcome too.

Edited by Lunafox
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I want my love interest ones back most of all, Quinn, Vector and though he's not a LI technically, he is to me, Scourge.


People are different OP, not everyone has the same reasoning, tastes or playstyle as you. You might even have a different purpose for your companion than others.


They're more than just a 'skin' with 3 disciplines to me. Also more stories and interactions with the comps would be welcome too.

This is my very same case. I want back all my love interests, thats it, and some lets say "special" companions like Scourge. They brought some love interests back but definitely not enough, and however they added a metric TON of new companions. Imo they should add the original ones back or at least the love interests, they are much higher priority than just random folks nobody is attached to.

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At the minimum, I want each class to have their companions back. But there are also companions who would interact in interesting ways - Risha and Vette, or Qyzin and Mako for a couple of examples, or how about Scourge and Sith Warrior as an example of interesting companion and player class interactions. I may only use six for crafting reasons, and each character sits around with one as a preferred companion, but I want to have fun interacting between character and companions of different classes from time to time as well.


Honestly? The new companions - Senya, Lana, Koth, Theron? I don't use them. On each class, I use the companions that character likes, and those are different ones for each one. But I do like having my strongholds filled with non-holograms.


"Everyone" however, is a misnomer. There are people like the OP, who don't want them all to come back.

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It's a bit odd that characters that fought alongside the player characters for years (the base game spans more than one year) and in some cases formed close relationships with him or her, would just disappear permanently. The Outlander at this point is well known and the Alliance well established, so it does not make sense from a story perspective that some of these characters would not be actively seeking out the Outlander.


Some fans are also rankled that Bioware decided to stagger companions returning, saving some of the more popular ones for down the road, likely to keep people subscribed longer. It's beginning to look however like no companions will be returning in KOTET, perhaps an indication that Bioware's plans have changed and opening the possibility that no further companions will return. So people may be stuck with Yuun instead of Elara Dorne, Xalek instead of Khem, and Rusk instead of Kira or Scourge. While I'm sure Yuun, Xalek, and Rusk have their share of fans, the majority would probably not rank them as their favorite companion characters.


Assuming for a moment that we aren't getting any more former companions back, it would also be a bit uneven. The Trooper has four of his or her five companions back for example, while the Consular only has one and the Jedi Knight two.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Vanilla game invested a lot emotionally and mechanically in those companions - which made me do the same. So, why do I want them back? It just doesn't feel like the same game I started playing. There are a handful I really enjoy - Quinn, Vector, Scourge - and my satisfaction of Kotet would have been higher if they were written into the story.


I don't like them being used as a carrot to keep my interest in the game. The major companions for each class should have been back in the first expansion, no question. It was a mistake thematically to keep them gone for so long. And it is also a mistake to keep your customers in the dark as to what is happening.


It was either too hard and too costly or their priority in the game dropped in the devs eyes. Which makes little sense to me, the writers promoted this Alliance so hard. Who better to have by your side than your closest companions, rather than a bunch of weird looking aliens you have no emotional investment in and who never do anything but grunt?:rak_02:

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For as much as I've grumbled on these forums and others about Bioware games suffering horrible companion bloat with the Fallen Empire stuff having that in spades, I do at least want to see the love interests come back.


My Warrior's missing Quinn something fierce especially after all they'd been through together, my Beefy McLargehuge doofy of a Trooper misses Elara, my Consular's missing her Iresso who actually went head to head with the Council for a sanctioned marriage, and my Knight's missing her fun loving Doc.


I totally understand if they want to write some companions out just because it would make sense with the five year absence thing and it's not like we need a separate companion to handle a particular combat role anymore. I could see a DS Jaesa not coming back as being so consumed by the Dark Side that she's obsessed about power, or Lord Scourge striking out to do his own thing whether it's prep for another go at the Emperor or find a cure for his immortality. But that we've been given so many extraneous companions like the ones connected to the Star Fortresses that I'll probably only use for whatever achievement dings they have, it stings that we're given so many companions other than the ones we're wanting and waiting for.


It wouldn't rankle so bad if we just had some sort of callbacks whether it was Lana or Theron mentioning they're still looking or they've heard a rumor that they're following up on, or even if we got further emails from the MIA companions, but with absolutely bupkis being said we're presuming the worst which considering how much the story with the companions was touted as one of the standout things SWTOR had that other MMOs didn't does feel like a kick to the sensitive bits.

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I want my love interest ones back most of all, Quinn, Vector and though he's not a LI technically, he is to me, Scourge.


People are different OP, not everyone has the same reasoning, tastes or playstyle as you. You might even have a different purpose for your companion than others.


They're more than just a 'skin' with 3 disciplines to me. Also more stories and interactions with the comps would be welcome too.




For the most part all the assorted "new" companions from kotfe are meh to me.


A few throwaway lines when you get them and thats it, no compelling reason to want them around, especilly for the SF ones...


Again, they sure went all out on trying to pretty up Lana for everyone, and give her lots of conversation, but everyone else? Not so much. (Plus she will always be SoR Melty MethFace Beniko to me:p)


Each character i play has a connection to the comps from their stories, -they- are who should be huntd down and found first, not "Sewer Rat with a grudge against Zakuul #13"


ESPECIALLY when its someone they were married to!

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I want my love interest ones back most of all, Quinn, Vector and though he's not a LI technically, he is to me, Scourge.


People are different OP, not everyone has the same reasoning, tastes or playstyle as you. You might even have a different purpose for your companion than others.


They're more than just a 'skin' with 3 disciplines to me. Also more stories and interactions with the comps would be welcome too.


And there's that you've forged some kind of real connection with even the most "boring" comps from the original story, like Skadge and Rusk that's missing from the new comps. You know their stories, their foibles, because you had the chance to talk to them and interact on story quests in ways that Senya, Koth, et al. are still complete mysteries. Never mind all the "new" companions like the Whiffid and Ithorian.


I felt way more connected to Jakarro and C2-D4 than I ever have to Lana, TBH.

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For me, enjoying a RPG is all about story and characters. I love different characters having backstories, I love swooning over ingame love interests, and most importantly, I love experiencing game and story content with those characters who have been introduced and I have a vested interest in.


For me, KOTFE feels like what it might feel like in Final Fantasy 7 if you're at the part where Cloud ...

...disappeared and you can't figure out what happened to him or progress the story because your PlayStation disc keeps skipping... for a year, now. ;)


Edited by Edyn
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Other than some achievement hunting, and outside of the actual KotFE chapters, I don't use any of the new companions remotely regularly. Not being able to customize their appearances is a deal breaker for me.


THIS is one of the main reasons that outside of KotFE, I NEVER use any of the new companions. It's a "slap in the face"! :D (somebody had to say it lol) I've spent in game & real life $$$ on specific armors that I only use on certain companions. I like being able to change up their looks just like I do my characters whenever the urge hits. I refuse to play with identical Lana #3487 (And I actually kinda like her character).


And then there's my characters love interest. Aside from one JK (who was a "start at 60 character) I've only taken my LS Sith warriors completely through KotFE because they're the only ones who've gotten their LI back. All the rest are sitting somewhere between "haven't started and chapter 12".

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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THIS is one of the main reasons that outside of KotFE, I NEVER use any of the new companions. It's a "slap in the face"! :D (somebody had to say it lol) I've spent in game & real life $$$ on specific armors that I only use on certain companions. I like being able to change up their looks just like I do my characters whenever the urge hits. I refuse to play with identical Lana #3487 (And I actually kinda like her character).


And then there's my characters love interest. Aside from one JK (who was a "start at 60 character) I've only taken my LS Sith warriors completely through KotFE because they're the only ones who've gotten their LI back. All the rest are sitting somewhere between "haven't started and chapter 12".


I do admit to having picked up certain armors for companions for the looks. It's kinda funny in that I never really played with dolls when I was little but *damn* do I go all out playing dress up with my characters and companions in MMOs. For me, it's the true endgame.:D


I am also one of those who is holding back running their main characters through the Fallen Empire stuff until we know what's happening with the rest of the companions. I know it sounds silly to do this, but until we know more, I'll just keep my DvL event toons around longer to play the new content and just knock out heroics on the others for credits.

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Because they have storylines to them that are far superior to what we get now.

That's not exactly true, maybe on their own planet where you get them from, but other than that, they have little to no impact on the actual story line. Unlike Lana, theron and Koth.


Your companions would just kind of disagree or agree with whatever and not have much of a real opinion. Not something like Koth leaving because you made a poor decision, etc.


The only thing your companions had was their side story and if your Li was your very first companion, you'd get to do extra stuff.

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LI's, can customize them. I don't even need back the non LI ones. They, for the most part, weren't all that interesting, except for a couple exceptions.


LIs, usually more interesting, not always, but still, they're LIs, have them back for everyone. Even better, make them possible LIs for everyone!


I like Lana and Theron, but I don't want them for LIs on all my companions and with how this game started, it's important to me, that my character runs around the galaxy with their LIs :p

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why? I haven't used a single original returning companion since I got the new ones its neat using a different on on each and every toon


As you can see by the responses it is not necessarily wanting ALL companions back, but (we do want) the fan favorites...especially love interests.


I think the other big problem is that we don't know what happened to them. I think that if there was some news about the LIs - even if they were dead - it would make the populous feel better about the situation. Instead though all we get is a letter and then we are twisting in the wind, hoping against hope that someday some way those companions we love will come back to us.

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Ever since the cantina tour, I feel like they'll come back in alliance alerts rather than story.


Especially with that person saying "too spoiler to say more"


There's no way all LI's would fit in the 9 chapters, size and most likely not suitable for story. I don't see how companions like Andronikos or Mako would fit in.

Edited by Eshvara
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