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Those who are resistant to change are destined to perish


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No more like casual players will now be able to get the best gear in the game without having to try to find an Op where you will not get kicked for not knowing the strat.


This is the death of Eliteisim not SWTorR.


I too think this is the best thing for the casual player.


As for PvP don't like it, not interested in it, not going to do it and yes I have played PvP games before, I have tried it and NO I do not like it.


I'm confused ... was it the departure of "casuals" or hardcore players that caused all but four servers to die? Everything Bioware has done over the last 22 months has been directed at casuals. Seems like every server should be teeming with players if casuals really make up that much of the population of this game.


Here's the fun thing about statistics, especially overly broad topics such as video gaming, there are always exceptions that defy the "rule". Rome isn't burning, it's burnt.


You are all deluding yourselves if you think another well timed expansion + movie will bring in more players long term. We just went through that experiment this time last year. This year's results will be no different.

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I win! 790 and I still haven't got the remnant resurrected Agent's wrist.

I know, you can't even see it, but I need the whole set or it looks scruffy in the inventory pane :o


I haven't seen the bracers, I'm not sure they even included that piece in there!


Also, to the OP... RE'ing gear is a completely different thing. You do it once and then never do it again. That's not how gearing works.

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This all depends on just how long it takes to get a crate and what are the chances of the gear you need dropping.


Well let see...


4 years into the game and I still do not have ANY end game gear. So how ever long it takes I am sure it will NOT take 4 more years. As far as getting what I need, since most casual players do not EVER get any end game gear this will allow them to finally get end game gear that previously only the Elitists were allowed to have.

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This is nothing like that. You don't have to beat specific bosses at all. You can do whatever the hell you want and still work on your gear. You can do the HMOPs you want to in order to get the gear you want.

There is no limit to the gear you can get.


And work how long and do how many things before getting these chances? And work how long and do how many things again to get more chances because the drop was bad? This is a terrible system. If they wanted to take the gear off of bosses, they could have the crates drop random cosmetics, but use tokens for the actual gear. That is a system that actually makes sense and would probably make the vast majority of players happy.

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Well let see...


4 years into the game and I still do not have ANY end game gear. So how ever long it takes I am sure it will NOT take 4 more years. As far as getting what I need, since most casual players do not EVER get any end game gear this will allow them to finally get end game gear that previously only the Elitists were allowed to have.


That was the case until they just crapped on PvP. That gear was pretty easy to get. Now we have to grind for the stupid best PvE gear to be competitive. :t_mad:

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I've always thought it weird that MMOs typically have to bribe their players with rewards to play. I wonder if SWTOR could learn anything from a game like Kerbal SPace Program that has a sandbox mode that just puts the game out there for people to play with.


Would a free for all phase where you can build up any ability combination, and a full disclaimer that it won't be balanced be that bad if it was fun but had no credit/ comms/ vanity fluff reward?

I would probably find it appealing. I don't know about others. I've long been a fan of sandbox games, my first sandbox love being SWG pre-CU. But it seems like sandbox either doesn't work for the mainstream MMO market, or the suits are scared stiff of trying after the disaster that was buggy pre-CU. I say disaster because it was, in many ways, hated, hemorrhaged players, and stuffed full of bugs. But I can't help wondering how it would have been received if it had been polished from the start, ya know?


I don't know of any other released game, single or multiplayer, that has come close to its original design since. The profession system and the way people had to work together was mind-blowing. Nowadays, if you want something and can't get it on one character, you switch to an alt lol. Which is not inherently bad, IMO. It's just different... and I prefer the organic community of sandbox pre-CU any day.


It's funny, cause I had stepped away before I saw your post and was just thinking about sandbox games and content. MMOs are constantly stuck in this problem of people wanting content, but devs not being able to make enough quickly. The seemingly obvious solution is to give people toys that they can make their own games out of (in a sense). But I don't know how well that works in the mainstream. Sims 4 is doing pretty well, I think, and a lot of it is a sort of "create your own experience" style of design, especially with the character and home building.


And you have stuff like strongholds in this game, but then the decos all cost currency to collect, which puts a barrier to creativity. Same with outfits. I think the reason pre-CU stands out to me so much is because it had that room for creativity in the professions, but it wasn't just "let's hope people entertain themselves alone, in a darkened room." It was "people work with each other and find entertainment in the mixed dynamic of gameplay freedom and freedom of human interaction."

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Hot Rod quote. lol.


For real though, the playerbase is so rooted in this old-school loot system, I really don't care if you all leave. You will all get replaced in droves when all the new players arrive. I'm not even worried.


LOL! Good one.

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For real though, the playerbase is so rooted in this old-school loot system, I really don't care if you all leave. You will all get replaced in droves when all the new players arrive. I'm not even worried.



Where are all these new players?


The ones that arrived during this DvL event under the bad old system that you decry and presumably enjoyed it enough to stay around?


The hypothetical ones that apparently are out there in the millions and will arrive when the next film is released (yet don't seem to manifest-almost as if being a fan of the IP doesn't mean you are interested in every manifestation of it)?

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I really don't care if you all leave. You will all get replaced in droves when all the new players arrive. I'm not even worried.


Yes, like all the new players that came in with 4.0?


Oh right, the ones that stayed for a month or two then left... The servers are almost empty, this will only drive off even more of the players...


Have fun with your empty game...

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Why RNG is bad:


A guild raid team can get a fellow guildie fully geared in 216 in a few hours and teach him the basic tactics of bosses. They can then move on to EV/KP HM and have a 220 6-set bonus + crafted items to get HM/NiM gear level. So you have a ready raider in maximum 2 days.


Now think that now the drops are specific for Advanced Class, not Discipline. That means that my PT dps will get at least half the gear for tanking when I am not tanking at all and is useless for me. So it means I'll need to grind for months to get raid level gear on my PT dps. And the same goes for heal/dps classes, and tank/dps classes.


Also imagine that you need either armor or head for that last set piece. And you open crates, and open more crates and open more crates, and all you get is everything else EXCEPT one of the items you need.


That means that raiding teams are screwed, and will have to wait for all of their members to get geared before attempting harder content.


Also if the armoring is not transferable but it's like the DVL armor, it means that those of us with same class/discipline alts are totally screwed, as we will have to do the galactic command again and again.


And all that without any new end game content. No new ops, events, conquest, FPs, PvP...

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Most of the arguments used why it is a bad system revolve around OPs. This hasnt been the focus of SWTOR since forever. This system might well work for casual gamers, which I bet is what they are counting on.


I agree that getting the same gloves 10 times in a row would be frustrating, but I am not sure how they are going to implement this RNG and how random it will truely be. So I am going to go ahead and not go banana's over this...

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I can see OP wasn't here back in the release state. Battlemaster packs were reminded.


How about the good ol' ops loot when you had the tokens based on the basic class. And now the random fun element. If you were insane enough to have only troopers/consulars you could have received jedi warrior/smugglers token.

(IIRC they then changed it to reward you with tokens for classes presented in combat)


Why are they returning to this which was changed because people hated it?!

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Well let see...


4 years into the game and I still do not have ANY end game gear. So how ever long it takes I am sure it will NOT take 4 more years. As far as getting what I need, since most casual players do not EVER get any end game gear this will allow them to finally get end game gear that previously only the Elitists were allowed to have.


There is something I don't understand.

You don't want to find some team for operations and I can totally understand that. You would have to pay me to make me play ranked warzones ... but I absolutely don't care I don't have a full 208 pvp set.

So why do you want the end game gear ? You don't need it to play HM FPs, Eternal championship or heroics. And if you just want the skin, there are easier ways.

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There is something I don't understand.

You don't want to find some team for operations and I can totally understand that. You would have to pay me to make me play ranked warzones ... but I absolutely don't care I don't have a full 208 pvp set.

So why do you want the end game gear ? You don't need it to play HM FPs, Eternal championship or heroics. And if you just want the skin, there are easier ways.


Its a social game, so I tend to seek out working with others.


I have been pulled into a group for group ranked once, it was fun, but for some reason people are bat crazy afraid of it. Whats the worst that can happen, you lose or get a bad rating? The rewards are pretty laughable this season, just go and have fun.


For FP's and OP's, the fun for me is trying to maximize how my character is moving and acting to work with the other characters in the group.


My problem with the random system, will be people with no social will, and a toxic personality, trying to run content they do not enjoy to try to grind out the "best" gear as rapidly as possible. FP's, GSF, PVP, and pug OP's will become near imbearable at launch from the toxicity of "but giveme mah CxP".


I remember a conquester having a meltdown when I refused to use an exploit in BH HM, he wanted his darn conquest points. I was on a character with a taunt, and was able to keep the exploit from taking place. Boy was he/she pissed. I just que-ed for BH and Manaan only, those were the fun ones I wanted to do, not grind them for gear or conquest. Getting the conquest farmers loading in stating "I hate this FP.", or just leaving, made running these too a lot less fun. This will now get applied on a much larger scale.


That said, it was also freakin' fun running with first timers on BH HM when it got cleared. The first timers would be estactic, totally worth que-ing in for just BH HM to see the real people of the game get a nice difficult achieve. The sad part, was the sheer mass of toxicity loading into FP's that running just BH HM or Manaan revealed.


Sadly, 4.0 killed grouping while planet questing.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Most of the arguments used why it is a bad system revolve around OPs. This hasnt been the focus of SWTOR since forever. This system might well work for casual gamers, which I bet is what they are counting on.


The funny thing is I think that's going to be worse than the actual system for casual players : right now, there are so few people left (on my server at least) that anyone asking politely would find a team for some story or HM op and finish his evening with 3 or 4 pieces of 220-224 gear.

With that new system, sure you won't have to ask anyone for a team but you will have to grind FPs and heroics to earn your GC crate. Obviously, that won't hurt the hardcore player who can spend 6 hours a day grinding. But if you were the guy who plays 3 hours one evening a week.. well good luck.

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I was just trolling the people like you because you think these changes are bad.

The people in gen chat, they're the garbage of the population, often.


I am happily in a guild that's growing and doing more content every day. Running everything from Ranked WZs to NiM content. I've never been happier in this game.


So I'm saying good riddance to all the complainers because you can't see the benefits of these new updates


Nice to see you're admitting to trolling. :)

The problem is, we've all (those of us who've been here since launch) seen this type of loot system before. So we don't have to wonder how it will work, we know exactly how it works. How every RNG system EA uses works. And they just don't work very well, unfortunately. And since we don't have much communication with the tin gods at EA, in any direction, the only option left is rage on the forums till our subs run out or we find something else to play.

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there is always angst and agitate whenever change happens. Very few people openly seek change. Most will accept it, albeit reluctantly. If the change ultimately is an improvement, most people will then accept it.


However when the change is actually a step backwards, outcry will be louder.


Imagine instead of gearing thru RNG, they regressed to a cooldown on quick travel and Fleet Pass? no more legacy gear? etc.


Normally I'm cautiously optimistic about new things, but to me this seems like a regression back to a less optimal experience

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