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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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disintegrating crates into CXP

no rerolling or anything.


thats it.


Disintegrating to get GXP is, effectively, rerolling, at least as long as the conversion rate is high enough. (and by high enough I mean you get close to or even as much as a new GC level at cap if you disintegrate an entire crate or its contents).


Need to know if gear is based on mods and can be transferred via legacy shells. Your galactic command and legacy systems will work against each other if you can't extract the mods from new gear and transfer it. Why even play on alt characters if you have to max out galactic command on each one and get no benefit from playing on your main once you have full gear.


They'd have to change their entire end-game gearing model. Not sayign they wouldn't, but I rate it unlikely.


Also there needs to be a better system in place besides just random drops. You should be able to disintegrate items you don't need in order to get ones you do need rather than just having RNG dictate everything. Also please tell me the game knows if you are tank spec or not so you don't get worthless gear because that means any class with tank or heal spec will gear up slower than dps spec if you get the wrong type of drop.


Disintegrating items is stated to give you GXP towards a new crate. I would hope the drops take your spec into account if it's not a 1 to 1 converstion (so you can cycle gear until you get what you want).

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F2P and Preferred players will be unable to earn end-game gear since they will not have access to Galactic Command (GC). If they were a subscriber who went preferred and had earned gear through GC we won't take it away, but they will be unable to earn additional gear (through Command Ranks) until they subscribe. They can still get gear through Crafting, that is unchanged.




So is this means that the price on Artifact Quality Items Unlock price will be reduced? because in 5.0 yo can't earn the gear like now...


And the 5.0 change to Pvp gearing will it not make it an Pay To Win model?

Edited by Nebdar
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F2P and Preferred players will be unable to earn end-game gear since they will not have access to Galactic Command (GC). If they were a subscriber who went preferred and had earned gear through GC we won't take it away, but they will be unable to earn additional gear (through Command Ranks) until they subscribe. They can still get gear through Crafting, that is unchanged.



Really Musco?


What is the point of the products bought with REAL MONEY (the artifact authorization??) if you can't even EARN GEAR as F2P?


WHAT IS THE POINT? You've literally cheated people out of cartel coins! What the hell?


At least merge all the weekly passes into one pass and call it the galactic command pass or something? This is ridiculous. We have loyal players who won't resub to your game due to no new raids and won't resub to continue to play that old content, they'll just quit. This change will do POTATO to gain you subs, it'll just remove them.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Yup, the drops will be random.




No NO NO No No NO No


No No No




















Eric stop this train, this is a *********** horrible, terrible horrible idea. This cannot happen.


This shows a complete lack of comprehension about why people enjoy raiding. Do. Not. Do.. This. Period.


Forcing teams to grind for a random piece is bad. It's a **** idea that does not do what you think it does. No. No. No.

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Please, half the people I have ran across can't even do a solo flashpoint. I heard a number of people over the weekend that just couldn't do it. They complained that their droid died and then they just stopped doing it.


I did False Emperor on Solo mode yesterday and lost my droid twice (once with HK-he pulled us across the area, which is the first time that happened to me but I went with it. The droid died by me and Koth managed to kill HK and all the other droids and turrets around).


Then recalled my droid got to the final fight with Malgus and my droid gets knocked off the walkway. No droid so I moved Malgus back up the stairs into the little area and fought him with just me and Koth.


Defeated Malgus, took a while but I did it. Part of the problem is they rely on the droid too much.


I guess it depends on which class one plays, but as a DD in solo mode I do not even need the droid... having a level 50 healing comp is easily sufficient, given how powerful they've become since 4.0.


But to honestly seriously fail at a story mode flashpoint is pretty sad, actually... there's not just the imba backpack bot that can heal, tank and deal damage all at the same time, there's also the solo bolster and more often than not the boss mechanics are missing their most difficult bits as well... how someone can fail beating that level of challenge is utterly beyond me, even at the risk of sounding arrogant, which isn't my intention.


That's on the same level of epic failing as those guys asking for help for their legacy character story missions... so I guess what I am trying to say with that is:


If you are that bad of a player, your gear level is next to irrelevant as even with BiS you would still fail horribly.

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No NO NO No No NO No


No No No




















Eric stop this train, this is a *********** horrible, terrible horrible idea. This cannot happen.


This shows a complete lack of comprehension about why people enjoy raiding. Do. Not. Do.. This. Period.


Forcing teams to grind for a random piece is bad. It's a **** idea that does not do what you think it does. No. No. No.

I could not agree more...random drops?! Are you freaking kidding me???
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F2P and Preferred players will be unable to earn end-game gear since they will not have access to Galactic Command (GC). If they were a subscriber who went preferred and had earned gear through GC we won't take it away, but they will be unable to earn additional gear (through Command Ranks) until they subscribe. They can still get gear through Crafting, that is unchanged.




That's actually a really... really... really bad idea. You're basically screwing over all the people who stay Free to Play but are on raid teams, do Ranked PvP, or do regular PvP.


~ Eudoxia

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  • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
  • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
  • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
Wow. Going to ranked to gear up? Needing to level command rank before being viable in PvP, due to the item rating gap this will create?


You've officially killed the game for whatever little enjoyable competitive PvP it had. If this change goes through, I will definitely be unsubbing for good. Congratulations.

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I could not agree more...random drops?! Are you freaking kidding me???


It's not just the random drops. It's the fact that to even get ready to enter ops you have to grind whatever BS they've thought of because the lockouts are staying in place.

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Disintegrating to get GXP is, effectively, rerolling, at least as long as the conversion rate is high enough. (and by high enough I mean you get close to or even as much as a new GC level at cap if you disintegrate an entire crate or its contents).




They'd have to change their entire end-game gearing model. Not sayign they wouldn't, but I rate it unlikely.




Disintegrating items is stated to give you GXP towards a new crate. I would hope the drops take your spec into account if it's not a 1 to 1 converstion (so you can cycle gear until you get what you want).


dont think that u can disintegrating a crate, get gxp to level up 1 level to get another crate...

and so forth... not going to happen mate... u can call bioware a lot of things but stupid?

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Forcing teams to grind for a random piece is bad. It's a **** idea that does not do what you think it does. No. No. No.

To be fair, isn't that how it already is? You don't go into an Ops knowing one way or another what you'll be getting by the time you're done.

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As a resident of a dead server, I'm damned excited about this! Operations never happen, even Warzones are rare, and HMFPs rarer than those. Yet I still have a chance to be a gear whore and get top level gear from Tac FPs and Heroics!


All of my love, BioWare!!


But cross-server would still be neat...

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What about below 70 gear? We will be naked?


You will still get gear from all of the normal sources pre-70. Flashpoint bosses, Mission drops, etc. The only exception is that you can no longer get gear for Commendations. The planetary vendors which sold mods for Commendations will now do so for credits instead.



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Well that's the other side of it and I see this system potentially increasing such things.


And deserves as such. We will see more people gearing the wrong thing I.E a Healer in DPS set bonus gear?? I would kick just for that. A tank in DPS gear can be pulled off if properly planned and with a group that has been doing it on a prog basis, but naturally should be removed. Its not a sense of elitism, it is a sense of a base understanding of the class you play. You can get a way with no set bonus in SM and some HM's. Not having a complete set bonus can be given in sense that person is trying, but wants to continue and can do some HM's but not all. I.E would not be able to do HM Styrak as that is one of the most intense DPS checks in HM in the game. To be honest gearing check is still going on in the game as is.

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To be fair, isn't that how it already is? You don't go into an Ops knowing one way or another what you'll be getting by the time you're done.


Actually with a proper raid group you know exactly which token will be dropped by which boss and who will get it long before you even set foot in the operation.


That's the biggest argument against RNG crate gearing from a subscriber's/raider's point of view: up until 5.0 you could efficiently and effectively plan a precise and predictable route to get your entire BiS set bonus token gear... with the changes of 5.0 you cannot anymore.

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Hi Eric,

Reading through the information you have given us I can't help but read it as you are abandoning all but the people who go the will and time to grind? No way to gear up alts as it all comes from command crates? No way to get a decent pvp experince unless you are a sub and have grinded gear? How will this do anything other than scare away people who like doing casual group content?

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You will still get gear from all of the normal sources pre-70. Flashpoint bosses, Mission drops, etc. The only exception is that you can no longer get gear for Commendations. The planetary vendors which sold mods for Commendations will now do so for credits instead.

Will credits from missions rewards be adjusted to account for this? Or is this intended to be a deliberate sort of credit sink? Also, if missions are, presumably not going to give out Commendations/Data Crystals, will they be giving out something else?

Edited by JLazarillo
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Actually with a proper raid group you know exactly which token will be dropped by which boss and who will get it long before you even set foot in the operation.


That's the biggest argument against RNG crate gearing from a subscriber's/raider's point of view: up until 5.0 you could efficiently and effectively plan a precise and predictable route to get your entire BiS set bonus token gear... with the changes of 5.0 you cannot anymore.


With this idiotic system it's going to be impossible to find a replacement if someone leaves.

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