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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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Yeah... the original post was way too long to keep my attention past "/m"... mostly because I hate macros and people who want them want an easy mode. The more complicated the better IMO and simplifying the game is just bad.... very bad. The last thing this game or any game needs is something to make bad players better.


I'm sure you'd love to have a 20 attack macro set up so you could click auto follow, get up and make a sammich come back and auto follow macro kill someone else but that's not fun nor competitive. It's just bad.... let me repeat...





Yeah.....cause that's actually playing the game. Jesus, dude......what made you so cynical? Also, complexity simply for complexities sake is bad. There are a myriad ways to differentiate an unskilled player from a skilled one (notice the lack of judgement in the words there.) The entire /point/ on a massively multiplayer game is to appeal to a wide variety of skills and player levels. It is NOT to allow you to point at someone and deride them or make them feel bad for lacking your ability, or even your play style.


The attitude that any game should be made complex simply to exclude people (for whatever reason) is wrong. Would it not be better for the community as a whole if you took what you say as a 'bad' player and tried to help them improve themselves? Doesn't that give you a larger potential pool of people to pull from for ops and flashpoints? Oh, wait, I forgot, they're 'bads', so who really cares. They don't deserve to play.


P.S. I agree that anyone who would BOT (what you're describing when you're trying to talk about macros) shouldn't be playing b/c they aren't really doing anything but wasting $15 a month. Personally, I pay to play, not watch a movie. That's what Netflix is for. And at half the price.

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i decide to do a marathon but since i sux at running i go by bicycle (i am smarter i go faster and do get way less tired)


i call the other lame because they could get a bicycle as well but they didn't my skill was to think about a bicycle and buy a bicycle (i still sux at running is not like i got any better)


rule explicitly say bicycle are not allowed (bw said it over and over) but it's so much easier to win the marathon this way why shouldn't i do it plus my bicycle is invisible so nobody really notice

running is tiring and difficult you need to train u sweat... no point in that


I am all for macro in game and bicycle in marathon


people is just stupid


sport is based on equal condition to create challenge... obviously there are way to make thing easier why use a bow and arrow when there is a gun?


People that use macro are people that are not good enough to play on fair field and need a boost to keep up sometimes the boost is so great that they win easy and they think they are good but take away the unfair advantage and they sux even worst because they got use to cheating and never actually learned to play

Edited by Pekish
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Yeah.....cause that's actually playing the game. Jesus, dude......what made you so cynical? Also, complexity simply for complexities sake is bad. There are a myriad ways to differentiate an unskilled player from a skilled one (notice the lack of judgement in the words there.) The entire /point/ on a massively multiplayer game is to appeal to a wide variety of skills and player levels. It is NOT to allow you to point at someone and deride them or make them feel bad for lacking your ability, or even your play style.


The attitude that any game should be made complex simply to exclude people (for whatever reason) is wrong. Would it not be better for the community as a whole if you took what you say as a 'bad' player and tried to help them improve themselves? Doesn't that give you a larger potential pool of people to pull from for ops and flashpoints? Oh, wait, I forgot, they're 'bads', so who really cares. They don't deserve to play.


P.S. I agree that anyone who would BOT (what you're describing when you're trying to talk about macros) shouldn't be playing b/c they aren't really doing anything but wasting $15 a month. Personally, I pay to play, not watch a movie. That's what Netflix is for. And at half the price.


Honestly I just think simplifying the game is bad but I'm competitive and I would hate to see players get better simply because the game made it easier for them. I started out very bad... know how I got better? Research and practice and I feel everyone should have to do the same thing. It's not the most complicated thing in the world... I went from bottom of the totem pole to the top within a couple months of dedication. I'm not even an MMO player... This is the first MMO I've taken seriously so if I can do it... anyone can.


I fail to see why giving players an easy mode option is a good thing. Obviously I'm more competitive and enjoy a challenge more than anyone that likes this idea.


On top of that... once I become comfortable with a classes key binds I actually feel like I'm in control if their movements and attacks. Something I feel macros takes away from. The game is very situational and macros will not help anyone IMO. I don't attack a healer the same way I attack another DPS... etc.


To me adding macros to an MMO is like adding auto aim to a FPS... easy mode = bad.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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I get it. I really do. As a person who spends /way/ too much time with spreadsheets and math in order to min/max a toon I respect and appreciate anyone who is willing to devote that much time to learning how to be the absolute best. I would like to point out that there is a vast difference in a macro that will allow you to spam one button repeatedly to do everything in exactly the right order at exactly the right time, (Vanilla WoW warlocks come to mind here....very boring and utterly NOT the way any game should be played), and a macro that will either type a commonly used phrase (/ops ADDS!) or save you a few buttons on your bars (one button that contains four abilities but only uses one of them depending on whether you're holding a modifier or not....e.g One button that is both slash and cyclone slash that simply changed depending on whether I hold down shift or not....ie Button Paging)


I don't think anybody who is honestly into PLAYING this game would want to simply spam auto follow and afk. That's, once again, a huge waste of money. I will reiterate however that a middle ground between the two extremes is viable and if limited properly (1 key press per action, no /wait commands, no cast sequencing, etc, etc...) The entire debate feels as if people are reacting to the absolute worst possible use of a macro system without being willing to ever consider something less..... ab-usable.

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I get it. I really do. As a person who spends /way/ too much time with spreadsheets and math in order to min/max a toon I respect and appreciate anyone who is willing to devote that much time to learning how to be the absolute best. I would like to point out that there is a vast difference in a macro that will allow you to spam one button repeatedly to do everything in exactly the right order at exactly the right time, (Vanilla WoW warlocks come to mind here....very boring and utterly NOT the way any game should be played), and a macro that will either type a commonly used phrase (/ops ADDS!) or save you a few buttons on your bars (one button that contains four abilities but only uses one of them depending on whether you're holding a modifier or not....e.g One button that is both slash and cyclone slash that simply changed depending on whether I hold down shift or not....ie Button Paging)


I don't think anybody who is honestly into PLAYING this game would want to simply spam auto follow and afk. That's, once again, a huge waste of money. I will reiterate however that a middle ground between the two extremes is viable and if limited properly (1 key press per action, no /wait commands, no cast sequencing, etc, etc...) The entire debate feels as if people are reacting to the absolute worst possible use of a macro system without being willing to ever consider something less..... ab-usable.


I was exaggerating with my sammich comment to make a point... I am just simply against anything that makes things easier and can possibly get people closer to my level with less work. That would be like giving a clicker special little boxes that he can click a rotation instead of an ability... let the clicker click and let the clicker be bad.


People should have to learn to be better instead of having tools to be better.

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chat macro are not a problem as 99% of the people already ruin the "fair common ground" using ventrilo


ventrilo is like macro honestly...

If something is not "in game" whoever use it taking the "easy" way

I dont see any difference in wanting the macro or using Ventrilo


everybody can use ventrilo as everybody can use software macro so whoever say macro are lame and then use ventrilo is just as guilty of trying to cheat


you should only be able to use what is in game they want us to chat to eachohter add an ingame voice chat they want us to do macro add an in game macro system


I am so sad that people cannot understand the concept of "fair game" anymore nowday

whatever give you an advantage and is not IN GAME is in my opinion a way or another to cheat


I do use ventrilo and i am as guilty as everybody else but i do because 99% of the premade use it so actually it's more "fair game" to use it then don't if you meet a premade


but i would be the first to stop using it if everybody would... part of the game is to deal with little comunication in my opinion strategy will became much more evident if people cannot real time talk to eachother. It's not easier or it's not harder it's just different like a marathon is different form a bicycle race


using ventrilo is a different game then not using the complexity is different you get real time info and the game get a higher speed of execution more speed obvioulsy add complexity in a way (reflex-reaction time) and remove a part of complexity (strategy)


why turn game are called strategy game as opposite to real time shooter that are more solo/reflex type of game

because the slower the infomration you recive the more time u can reflect on them the more strategy the game involve


Ventrilo/Macro is the FPS style MMO

noVentrilo/noMacro is the strategy style MMO


they are 2 game just different no one better then the other I personally like the strategy part more...but that's just my taste

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No, no matter what you say, macro=less skill.


The people who love macros are the same people who try to make fun of others for keyboard turning but they can't find the 't' key without looking at their keyboard.


No one having macros evens the playing field and the game can be balanced on that.


I hate it when a new patch comes out in other MMOs and I spend hours updating my add ons and macros. Anyone who does not want to play the meta-game of trying to find all the ways to have the game play for them will not be able to compete.


Let macro building be a needed skill for other games.

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The funny thing is people like this are the ones who would actually use a cast sequence macro. wtb /tar party1,2,3,4[dispel] clicking PLAYER FRAMES is so horrid but i am reduced to DOING IT IN THIS GAME!

Cheers on the amazing post i support this, We need macros its just that simple.


This is exactly my problem with macros. How did mashing your macro button take any skill? You didn't even have to notice which teammate needed a dispel, or even if ANY of them needed it. You're now able to mindlessly mash the key four times and know that you've covered your bases.

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This is exactly my problem with macros. How did mashing your macro button take any skill? You didn't even have to notice which teammate needed a dispel, or even if ANY of them needed it. You're now able to mindlessly mash the key four times and know that you've covered your bases.


wrong...IN SO MANY WAYS..specially with the clueless misunderstanding of how the dispel macro actualy works


not even gona comment on the fact that u actualy believe that people at a competitive level use macros the randomly disple a team member...just ROFL




anyway like i posted before



MACROS CAN BE DONE IN THIS GAME in other ways until they implement it(and they will..because only the sub par underachievers that blame everything in the game before judging their own skill are against macros.


U can have the best macros in the world..and jsut liek it happens in wow U WILL STILL NOT SUCCEED jsut like when u had no macros...MACROS ARE NOT RELATED TO SKILL.


Macros improve your gameplay and allow you to adapt ur UI to ur personal preferences,PLUS IT ALLOWS FOR FASTER GAME PLAY AND BETTER RESPONSIVENESS of the sistem.


i have had macros in swtor since day 1!!!NO WARNINGS NOT BANS AND NOT RAZOR EQUIPMENT


heres how u do it



1:download AutoHotKey

2:google "how to make simple key macros

3:use brain

4:code ur macro in a Wordpad file

5:run the macro/script with AutoHotKey




u can make MOUSE OVER HEAL MACROS...MOUSE OVER CHARGE MACROS...TRINKET+ADRENAL+SELF BUFF IN 1 KEY MACROS..etcetc...pretty much any macro u used in other games...









ps-To the "chalenged" person saying people that defend macros are the ones that mock keyboard turning and clicking...guess what..YOU ARE RIGHT! because clicking and keyboard turning are BAD at a competitive level..u will not EVER get on the same level of people that bind...so obviously people that try their best to improve game play and game speed with macros will obviously tell you that keyboard turning and clicking are terrible..

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After going back and rereading the original post, it really doesn't seem like the OP is really asking for macros. It sounds more like he's asking for a modifier key that lets his next ability cast be cast on his focus target, or on the target he has his mouse over. Maybe it's just me, but those don't sound like macros to me and would be something that I support.
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I can see its usefulness in several places. Even minimally like /party /ops /say macros in certain situations like ops where you have instructions and don't have voice over ip it's nice to have a button you can assign a phrase to say to prep people. If you've done an op enough times you could even have one to give rundowns on the op as people join instead of having to repeat yourself over and over. In PVP a reminder to vote before they leave etc. I can see it helping a lot for healers if you had targetting macros too. If we had seperate targetting for healing and damaging like some games it would be better I though.

Macros definately have a place in this game, it just needs to be implented.

The big issue will be finding free slots to assign such things.

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wrong...IN SO MANY WAYS..specially with the clueless misunderstanding of how the dispel macro actualy works


not even gona comment on the fact that u actualy believe that people at a competitive level use macros the randomly disple a team member...just ROFL




anyway like i posted before



MACROS CAN BE DONE IN THIS GAME in other ways until they implement it(and they will..because only the sub par underachievers that blame everything in the game before judging their own skill are against macros.


U can have the best macros in the world..and jsut liek it happens in wow U WILL STILL NOT SUCCEED jsut like when u had no macros...MACROS ARE NOT RELATED TO SKILL.


Macros improve your gameplay and allow you to adapt ur UI to ur personal preferences,PLUS IT ALLOWS FOR FASTER GAME PLAY AND BETTER RESPONSIVENESS of the sistem.


i have had macros in swtor since day 1!!!NO WARNINGS NOT BANS AND NOT RAZOR EQUIPMENT


heres how u do it



1:download AutoHotKey

2:google "how to make simple key macros

3:use brain

4:code ur macro in a Wordpad file

5:run the macro/script with AutoHotKey




u can make MOUSE OVER HEAL MACROS...MOUSE OVER CHARGE MACROS...TRINKET+ADRENAL+SELF BUFF IN 1 KEY MACROS..etcetc...pretty much any macro u used in other games...









ps-To the "chalenged" person saying people that defend macros are the ones that mock keyboard turning and clicking...guess what..YOU ARE RIGHT! because clicking and keyboard turning are BAD at a competitive level..u will not EVER get on the same level of people that bind...so obviously people that try their best to improve game play and game speed with macros will obviously tell you that keyboard turning and clicking are terrible..


also let me illustrate the "agaisnt macros" crowd


to be aware of macros i take it u played some other games..pvp wise at least...

i would bet the majority of you would come from a WOW background..so ill use Wow as an example




they go arenas..and strugle to reach 1600...they google a bit..research abit..and find out about macros that improve gameplay.


they copy paste some macros..get used to them..and get back into arena...



"*** i still cant go over 1600 rating"


"might as well give up on the macros and add macros to the lsit of things i blame for my unsuccessful ratings"



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wrong...IN SO MANY WAYS..specially with the clueless misunderstanding of how the dispel macro actualy works


not even gona comment on the fact that u actualy believe that people at a competitive level use macros the randomly disple a team member...just ROFL


Well after googling a "dispel macro" I still stand by the fact that you are less skilled for using macros (i.e. not really playing competitively, but letting the computer play competitively for you).


Rather than having to select your target, and then dispel them you press a single button. Consider you have two healers in your group, one using macros and one not. Both healers recognize that party member 1 needs a dispel, the healer without macros selects party member one and casts his dispel. The healer with macros casts his dispel player 1 macro.


How can you possibly think it took more skill to do half the work?


Maybe I'm just an old school gamer and think hand eye coordination should still be part of the equation.

Edited by nellosmomishot
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Well after googling a "dispel macro" I still stand by the fact that you are less skilled for using macros (i.e. not really playing competitively, but letting the computer play competitively for you).


Rather than having to select your target, and then dispel them you press a single button. Consider you have two healers in your group, one using macros and one not. Both healers recognize that party member 1 needs a dispel, the healer without macros selects party member one and casts his dispel. The healer with macros casts his dispel player 1 macro.


How can you possibly think it took more skill to do half the work?


Maybe I'm just an old school gamer and think hand eye coordination should still be part of the equation.


dude the eye coordination is EXACTLY the same


u still need to look into the frames...realise who needs a dispel and then take action..the only diference is the CLICKING involved..and when its an overall understanding that CLICKING is bad in pvp because it DELAYS your actions, logicaly having a macro that lets u dispel the PARTY 1 player will amke it faster and mroe efective then CLIKING and therefore better...Now,where is the "LESS SKILL" in that,because as i see it :


1:clicking takes no more skill then tapping a key since the awareness,eye coordination and understanding of the game has to be the same


2:clicking is ACTUALY less skiled then having a bind,since it will take u more time to perform ur actions...and fast reactions = PVP

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The only game I ever played that had macros was Anarchy Online, and since I played some class with 3 pets (Meta-physicist I think?), it was quite helpful to have those macros:


- One button that would set my heal pet to target and then heal me

- One button that would set my heal pet to target and then heal my attacking pet

- One button that would set my heal pet to heal my current target

- One button that would set my attacking pet to attack whatever I was attacking

- One button that would set my attacking pet to attack whatever was attacking my character

- One button that would set my mezzing pet to mezz whoever was attacking my healing pet, under the condition that my attacking pet wasn't already attacking it

- One button that would set my mezzing pet to mezz whoever was attacking my character, under the condition that my attacking pet wasn't already attacking it




Mind you, without macros, this class would have been a pain to play. The class already took a good number of macromanaging your three pets around, plus your own character, but having to try to target each pet and then having all their abilities on the quickbar at once, coupled with my own abilities, it'd be literal nightmare.


In SWTOR, I can't think of too many ways to use macros. Obviously a button that targets your character, and self-casts heals, probably a button that selects and heals the target of your focus target, etc. I think it'd be more useful for healers than any other class. Not even sure what I'd use for macros on my Marauder or Sniper other than maybe popping all relics+adrenal at the same time, or using Undying Rage followed by Rakata Medpack, etc.


I've heard someone speak of "Prioritizing abilities", which was described as one button that would try to do the highest priority move first, then the second, then third, etc, until it found a move it could use. I'm not sure if WoW had this, but these kinds of macros seem a bit too easy, however.

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See, here's where I disagree with the easy vs skilled debate: If you do your research and learn/practice the proper skills you ARE a better player. macros will never allow someone to approach the skill level of someone who sounds as devoted to their own performance as you are. I don't care how good your programming skills are, being able to move away from bad, being able to face the correct direction, having a sense of timing and knowing how to handle mob abilities, these things are the hallmark of a skilled and competent player.


I cannot wrap my brain around WHY you care if someone else uses something you feel is 'easy mode'. Unless we're grouped together, or competing for an ops spot NOTHING I do while playing effects you.


There are a TON of games that have varying levels of difficulty. A lot of them rely on the person playing it to pick the level of challenge they want.


Other then an emotional distaste for 'easy mode' in your MMO, do you have any logical, factual evidence (let's get specific in detail here) that demonstrates macros ruin the game? What have you seen that causes you to believe this? When was the last time you saw someone in a game that supports macros really be a top performer when they program their character instead of play it?

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I use macros and have been sense day one (Razer Naga), macros not only lets me enjoy the game more but also increases my skill, so in other words yes macros make you better then someone without, that being said I can play without macros but I just don't see the reason, if macros help me enjoy my game more then I see no problem so long as it's not cheating or botting.


Playing with macros helps me free up keybinds and lets my me focus more on what matters, that being the game play, to me nothing is more boring or un-fun then have to play whack-O-mole, Swtor is one of those game that without macros I won't even bother playing, so Bioware can send a big fat "Thank You" letter to Razer for keeping me around for the last 6 months.


I don't give a rats *** if some of you don't think macros should not be in the game and the reason is why do you even care? play your game and I will play mine I don't tell anyone how to play your game, on that note Bioware should add macros for the ones that choose to you them and for the players that don't like macros "DON"T USE THEM", you people sound like the same old people telling gays that they should not marry because you don't like it , basically mind your own ******* business if it's not hurting you don't worry about it.

Edited by Nijraw
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The only game I ever played that had macros was Anarchy Online, and since I played some class with 3 pets (Meta-physicist I think?), it was quite helpful to have those macros:


- One button that would set my heal pet to target and then heal me

- One button that would set my heal pet to target and then heal my attacking pet

- One button that would set my heal pet to heal my current target

- One button that would set my attacking pet to attack whatever I was attacking

- One button that would set my attacking pet to attack whatever was attacking my character

- One button that would set my mezzing pet to mezz whoever was attacking my healing pet, under the condition that my attacking pet wasn't already attacking it

- One button that would set my mezzing pet to mezz whoever was attacking my character, under the condition that my attacking pet wasn't already attacking it




Mind you, without macros, this class would have been a pain to play. The class already took a good number of macromanaging your three pets around, plus your own character, but having to try to target each pet and then having all their abilities on the quickbar at once, coupled with my own abilities, it'd be literal nightmare.


In SWTOR, I can't think of too many ways to use macros. Obviously a button that targets your character, and self-casts heals, probably a button that selects and heals the target of your focus target, etc. I think it'd be more useful for healers than any other class. Not even sure what I'd use for macros on my Marauder or Sniper other than maybe popping all relics+adrenal at the same time, or using Undying Rage followed by Rakata Medpack, etc.


I've heard someone speak of "Prioritizing abilities", which was described as one button that would try to do the highest priority move first, then the second, then third, etc, until it found a move it could use. I'm not sure if WoW had this, but these kinds of macros seem a bit too easy, however.


priority macros were not allowed in WOW since s2 dispel macro that allowed you to prioritize wich debuffs u wanted to dispel....that was the only time and quickly got removed,since then the game doesnt allow macros that will remove the player decision from the equation

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NOTHING I do while playing effects you.


SW:TOR is, in fact, an MMO. Which mean, by definition, everything you do while playing affects the whole community of players. If you want a game in which your actions are separated from the gameplay experience of others, find one that doesn't require an internet connection.


As for the macro debate, the only reason they weren't added to the game was obviously to force people who wanted to use them to buy $500 worth of branded peripherals, and you can bet your *** EA is getting a kickback from Razer. If you really find this game difficult or complicated to play without macros, then you're a crappy player. If you absolutely insist on removing the dexterity requirement from gameplay, at least use a program like AutoHotkey and code the macros yourself. "I'm good with computers and programmed this tool that does half the work for me, therefore I should have an advantage over you." is an infinitely more valid excuse for using macros than "I bought a mouse/keyboard that does half the work for me, therefore I should have an advantage over you."


But do not claim to be a more skilled player. The more skilled player plays the game as designed, and does not resort to external programs or expensive peripherals to get an edge.


I look forward to outplaying you all with my laptop keyboard and 2-button mouse.

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SW:TOR is, in fact, an MMO. Which mean, by definition, everything you do while playing affects the whole community of players. If you want a game in which your actions are separated from the gameplay experience of others, find one that doesn't require an internet connection.


As for the macro debate, the only reason they weren't added to the game was obviously to force people who wanted to use them to buy $500 worth of branded peripherals, and you can bet your *** EA is getting a kickback from Razer. If you really find this game difficult or complicated to play without macros, then you're a crappy player. If you absolutely insist on removing the dexterity requirement from gameplay, at least use a program like AutoHotkey and code the macros yourself. "I'm good with computers and programmed this tool that does half the work for me, therefore I should have an advantage over you." is an infinitely more valid excuse for using macros than "I bought a mouse/keyboard that does half the work for me, therefore I should have an advantage over you."


But do not claim to be a more skilled player. The more skilled player plays the game as designed, and does not resort to external programs or expensive peripherals to get an edge.


I look forward to outplaying you all with my laptop keyboard and 2-button mouse.



sigh....about to give up on the "Macros take away skill" crew..






like it was illustrated before...from a healer point of view


without macros:You are in a WZ, u NOTICE the first player on the ops group needs a dispel, you CLICK on his nameplate, and then u CLICK on the dispel bind(hopefuly is binded and ur not cliking it with the mouse...else ur bad no matter u use macros or not)


WITH a mouseover macro: You are in a WZ, u NOTICE the first player in the ops group needs a dispel, you MOUSEOVER his nameplate and CLICK the dispel bind


WITH a "DISPEL Party 1" macro : You are in a wz, U NOTICE the first player in the ops group needs a dispel, U CLICK ur "DISPEL PARTY 1 MACRO" or ur "DISPEL MODIFIER MACRO to party one.


now tell me WHERE IS THE FKN SKILL DIFERENCE?!?! IN ALL THE CASES U NEED :eye coordination,game awareness and fast reflexes!the only diference i see is HOW FAST u can dispel,and as i see it and AS THE MAJORITY OF COMPETITIVE PVP COMUNITY SEES IT>>>>> FASTER=BETTER..and CLICKIN STUFF just MAKES IT SLOW...NOT in ANYWAY related to skill




so drop that fkn MACROS REQUIRE NO SKILL bullcrap...its just yet ANOTHER justification players use for being underachievers...its never...EVER theyre skill...its obviously the GAME BALANCE,,THEYRE CLASS...THE GEAR...THE OPONENTS CLASS...AND MACROS


geez...CLUE!...get one




PS-for the clueless peeps believing macros are NOT allowed...




Quote: Originally Posted by Beruthien - Customer Service Representative

Greetings everyone,


When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:


No automation

No delays or looped commands in macros

It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed


These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


Hope this clears it up a bit, but if you have further questions regarding the topic please get back to us!


BOOM! roasted...


like i have been saying..macros ARE allowed...and using AutoHotKEy to amke them(in case u dont own a razor product) is NOT banable...

Edited by filipesantana
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*Truncated because walls of CAPS LOCK and speling erors are painful to look at*


Please show me where in my post I said macros require less skill. My post was a response to people saying all skilled players use macros, which is ********. This game is one of the most simplified MMOs I've ever played and I find macros completely unnecessary. You can use them if you want, but claiming I'm a scrub for playing the game as designed is simply not true, and playing the game well using individual keybinds unarguably requires more dexterity. Soccer cleats, shin guards and other athletic gear might give you an edge and make your life easier, but Pelé could still whoop your *** barefoot.


EDIT: On that note, you'd lose even harder if you played barefoot too, and he'd win even more if he played with proper athletic gear...so on some level, macros do compensate for a lack of skill. They won't create skill where there is none, but they will make a little skill go further.

Edited by matslarson
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Yes we all want to press 1 buttom and that they character then run out pic up ball kill the enemy heal and run and score in Huttball, would make it so much easyer instead off having to press abunch off keys and move / click with mouse.
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