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Which 5 companions *must* come back to you?


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Since it seems that every other thread is someone asking about original companions, I was interested in who we all *really* need to come back.


There are 20 left, 15 of whom are supposed to be the love of our life. There are only 9 chapters left? Crap, that's a little scary. It looks like we're either not getting them all back, or they're going to have to cram them into the story somehow (which doesn't sound good, either).


So, in an emergency, who *must* make it back to you? You can only pick 5! Go!

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It was hard to choose between Mako (my female bounty hunter's sister/best friend), Lord Scourge (the person my knight really doesn't trust but is way too fascinated by him to tell him to go away), and Nadia (my consular's beloved padawan; he romanced Lana, as there is a giant age gap between him and Nadia...that, and he views her as more like a little sister or a daughter - nothing romantic). .-.

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There actually aren't too many who I'm all that desperate to see again. For the most part, I just want more back, but don't care too much which ones, so I actually had trouble thinking up five "must haves" for this list.


-Scourge, because even though I'm not super fond of him or anything, this whole emperor story won't feel complete without him.

-Akaavi because my 'pub main is a Scoundrel and because I freaking love everything about her romance. Not to mention that they already had a great chance to re-introduce her in Chapter XIV and they didn't. Akaavi, come back to me!

-Jaesa, mostly 'cause I'm curious to see how they'll work her two possible outcomes in.

-Khem Val, for kinda the same reasons as above.

-Ashara, because my Imp main is an Assassin, and while I don't love her quite as much as Akaavi, I still want her back.


Akaavi is really the most important, with Scourge and Ashara tied for second place.

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I pick, in no particular order...


Quinn - I don't think he's fully proven his loyalty, so he better have been up to something good all this time. Many of us *really* need some closure on this guy, one way or another. :mad:


Lord Scourge - Dude was the Emperor's Wrath. He MUST come back and SHOULD have been the first person I found to help me deal with Valkorion. Whats he been up to? And how hard would it be to make him romanceable upon his return? :rak_03: Sorry Theron.


Elara - I really enjoyed having her on my squad. She's smart and capable and her unique history could really help in this fragile Alliance.


Risha - She's Queen now! Her and Elara are the 2 most realistically adult women in the original game and I would be their friends irl.


Vector - He's just a total weirdo and I really miss him.

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Holiday (Theren could come along, too)


Andronikos (would be fun to watch him feud with Koth)



Honestly, though, the first two are the only ones I want that haven't already come back.


Lol, Holiday?!?! Never considered that one, much less as in my top 2.

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For me,

1. Iresso: My Fav 1-50 male romance, he and my JC are a perfect match, I imagine she'd be really missing him.

2. Quinn: He and my SW have been through so much together already, she really wants him back.

3. Vector: He was always a rock for my IA to lean on when things got tough, someone to talk to and rely on.

4. Akaavi: Perfect match for my DS Smuggler, I can imagine them just running off and disappearing not really caring about the whole Alliance thing.

5. Khem: My main SI wants his favourite monster back.

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Its more important to me which ones *do not* come back, as I do not like the current story line/team. The only ones to come back that felt genuine and real was Gault and Vette. Also the only chapter of KOTFE I enjoyed.


Also, any time a companion comes back as an alliance member, I lose them from my GSF crew. (Annoying!!!)

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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Fun topic! :)


1. Andronikos, simply because my longtime main is an Inquisitor and I've used Andronikos a ton. My first though when I encountered Koth in KotFE was that it should have been Andronikos piloting the getaway ship.


2. Akaavi Spar. I love her character, and I think a proper reunion with her would be touching (and my Smuggler is female).


3. Lord Scourge, because I really want him for my Inquisitor.


4. Quinn. He has great plot potential, but mostly I just want him on another character.


5. Jaesa, but only if I can get her light version. She's so sweet.


On a semi-related note, I am going to be royally annoyed if Akaavi has forgotten how to use a staff as a weapon when she returns. :mad:

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