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Too Much Huttball,,,, need a way to change it up


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So tired of huttball....



On Vulkar, the Imps far outnumber the Reps, and we end up having little chance of getting any warzone other than huttball.



I've played 45 war zones today, and 41 of them were huttball



I'm sorry, but I don't even particularly think this game is that good, I didn't before live either.


I'm definitely not interested in the pvp being my only content after level 50 if all I ever get to do is play 90 percent huttball.



This is getting a bit ridiculous.

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I had that same problem. Then I rolled a Republic character... problem solved. You're probably like I was though. I wanted to play Empire ever since this game was announced. I absolutely loved the overall feel of it and the story as I leveled up... but I absolutely hated the constant Huttball vs. my same faction for PvP, and after a long wait in queue.


So I decided I would do a simple experiment to see how it was on the Republic side. Level a character to 10, queue up for a warzone or two, and see what I get and how long it takes.


As soon as I hit level 10, I queued up for a warzone and it instantly popped... and it was Voidstar. I kept queueing, it kept popping instantly, and it was usually Alderaan or Voidstar. I've obviously never played Republic vs. Republic Huttball.


At the end of the day, I'm a PvPer. The story was certainly more intriguing for me on the Empire side, but I'm not in it for the PvE. At some point, you will be out of quests and you will have experienced all the story there is to experience for your class. At that point... you're either going to do raids or you're going to PvP. You sound like a PvPer...


You need to go Republic. That's about the only way you'll be satisfied, just like me. If you're at all into PvP... if you're doing 30+ warzones per day... you need to go Republic or you'll go crazy.


So the answer is to reroll. Eventually, maybe they'll cap it so you can't make any more Empire characters on servers with severe imbalances. Maybe they'll give double XP or other leveling (but not balance/racials) incentives to Republic players to entice more people into playing the underdog faction... but that's a long term solution. Unfortunately, in the short term, there's really no solution for your problem other than to reroll Republic.


I know it sucks to think of that. It took me a while to come to terms with it, and it certainly put me a bit behind. But now that I'm about caught up with my Empire character... I have to say it was completely worth it. As a PvPer, I absolutely love playing on the Republic side. It's sort of unfortunate, but it is what it is.


Do what I did... level a character just to 10. Maybe 14 for Sprint because PvP without it is rough. It only takes a few hours, and the starter worlds on Republic aren't bad. Just queue up for warzones. You'll see just how much better it is.

Edited by Maxxacre
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If I can't play a certain faction because of a pvp queue issue, that's broken.



"play the other side" isn't a fix, its putting a blind eye towards the problem.



Also, I'm not a nice person in real life. The thought of playing the nice side makes me ill.


A guy at work fell down the stairs last week and broke his wrist. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.


I'm not really Republic material.

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A guy at work fell down the stairs last week and broke his wrist. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt.


Well im laughing so hard at you for complaining, that my sides hurt. seriously; Go republic and go darkside at the same time, its possible. Annnyways, im pretty sure there will be more same side warzones coming out, in the meantime, more huttball. ive grown to like huttball as all the other warzones lag a lot more, and you can just kill people, without worrying about bombs or bases, etc. its fun.


Also, its not broken, without huttball, you wouldn't get pvp pops. ever.

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Pretty sure I already said that telling someone to play the other side doesn't really address the issue.


The solution to Reps not being able to get huttball and Sith not getting anything else is not rolling multiple characters.


In this case telling you to roll another faction is justified. Huttball same faction combat is there to prevent 4hour warzone queues for the overpopulated sith. Your options are reroll, leave all huttball games (letting you play around 5-10 games a day), or deal with it.


Nothing is broken, nothing needs fixing.

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Pretty sure I already said that telling someone to play the other side doesn't really address the issue.


The solution to Reps not being able to get huttball and Sith not getting anything else is not rolling multiple characters.


Then state a solution. Other than reroll. Because as long as WZs are centered around fighting the other faction this problem will continue

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Simple fix really. They need to open Alderaan/Voidstar for Imp vs Imp and just change the cutscene/voiceover at the start if the game happens to be same-faction. No reason why all three game types can't be Imp vs Imp.


On the topic of rerolling Republic... I would do it for sure if there were a Legacy bank system or something along those lines. I'm not interested in using a neutral GTN with a vig system in place to exchange items from my Imp to Rep characters


I'm going to create another 50 anyway... give me a reason to do it on the Rep side.

Edited by LaughingMountain
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I like it. Working as intended IMO.


If you play the overpopulated side, you get to deal with the irritation of nonstop huttball.


Give some PVPers a reason to roll Republic, cause right now, there isn't much of one besides this!

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I too grow weary of endless games of Huttball. My biggest beef with it is not that it's what I'd be spending 99% of my time on on an imp at level 50. My biggest beef is that it is (usually) supremely one-sided and there is no reason to actually try to play the game. Either your team spends the entire match trying to kill random people and not worrying about the ball, usually ending in a 6-0 match and only getting a couple thousand XP and minimal rewards, or you're on the winning side (not very often for me) and people on your team care about the game and the other team cares about random killing. Random killing is fine in other warzones because it generally accomplishes the point of them, but in Huttball, it's play the game or stroke your ego by trying to get 8 or more medals.


I agree that the Alderaan and Voidstar warzones could very easily be imp vs. imp. I would suggest though that instead of having Imp Vs. Republic, have it be how you're aligned to the force; light or dark and change the objectives slightly. Until then I will definitely be avoiding warzones on my Imp until I absolutely have to go at it again.


Also, I would hope that as the population gets closer to 50 people start frequenting the open world spot(s) (I only know of the one on Tatooine, if there are others please enlighten me) instead of warzones, thus thinning out the ranks a little bit, though it would be supremely one sided if all 16 Imps in one game of Huttball instead went to the open world to thrash...

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There's a possible solution for those just sick of Huttball. When you queue, have an option the player can select: "Face opposite faction only."


For those so sick of Huttball that they're willing to wait longer to play another scenario, that's a good solution I think.


Personally, I love Huttball. For whatever reason, on my server, the Republic just constantly pushes our **** in. Vs. another Empire team, we have a 50/50 chance to win. :D

Edited by McVade
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I would like to point out that our serverat night is pretty much dead and its always empire vs empire.



And the rotation is simply all 3 maps over and over untill eternity. My guess is the more peopel are playing the more of these rotations exist and break down the fact that some people are getting huttball only or other maps only is pure chance -.-

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Me and my friends tried to keep track of what faction populations were likely to be via polls etc pre-launch. we had always intended to roll as Empire and upon being granted early access proceeded to roll Empire chars.


at level 10 we started queueing BG's and found we only got Huttball vs Empire. We then rolled chars on servers both sides and began conduction "who" checks on level ranges to see what people we rolling. it seems most were rolling Empire on all PvP servers.


We therefore decided to roll Replubic against out initial desires and we get great queue times, varied BG's and win around 50% of the time.


My advice would be do more research before rolling, having misses that window re-roll as Ruplubic. I know it's not ideal, but it is a solution.

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Honestly. Rerolling is the only solution, because pop's need to be even'd out anyways. You level fast in this game anyways. I'm already 50 after a week and if you want fast queue times for all warzones (which I get on repub) you'll do it. Edited by Polly_Pocket
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Here's the root of my beef.



They didn't fix this, even though it could have been anticipated, had been talked about in testing, and here's the kicker......


This had already happened but with different factions in SWG, and it was a problem there as well.



Basically, they either didn't plan for a fix on this, or their fix was that if everyone rolled one side, they'd be punished forever by never getting full use of the game on that faction.



And that, ladies, is what we call broken.

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