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Returning Guardian with spec questions.


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Hi there!


I've been away for quite some time but decided to come back to my favorite galaxy.


I was asking about the viability of Guardians/Juggernauts for 1v1 on the class forums and was informed in detail that we're in a pretty bad place right now in that regard. It seems that Concealment Operatives and Arsenal Mercs are pretty much running the table when it comes to dueling.


So, I decided to change my approach. Which spec can I run that will allow me to live with the least amount of humiliation from Concealment Ops and Arsenal Mercs? I guess since the odds of straight up winning are low, is there a spec that will allow me to survive long enough in a warzone for them to get tired and seek other prey?


I'm thinking straight up Defense or maybe Defense in DPS gear, but if anyone has any insights on how I can avoid bending over and taking it as much as possible, I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!



Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Honestly, all specs for guardian/ jugg are great at the moment. I only know jugg specs. Rage has some insane burst. Vengeance hits hard and has dots which are good. Immortal spec in dps gear (skank tanking) is currently the best, because you have insane survivability and can hit as hard as rage. I enjoy all specs.
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