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Why the hell would anybody want Shae Vizla as a companion?


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Interesting that redheads seem to be almost as common as humans with darker skin tones in EA's galaxy, and definitely more common than those who have what we Terrans would call 'east Asian features'.


I can think of three companions that could be considered to have black/African skin tones, one with remotely Asian facial features, and two redheads (despite red hair being the rarest color by far among Earth's humans- 2-6% among Europeans, obviously much lower among other ethnic groups).


I guess a galaxy far, far away tends to have a lot more planets with heavy cloud cover?


Your problem is that you are applying science into Star Wars. That does not work.

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The weirdest thing about her as a companion for hardline Republic characters is that youll just have to look the other way on the whole "You're a war criminal who helped sack Coruscant" thing.


Though it'd be funny to run Blood Hunt with her as an active companion to make her fight herself... speaking of that, I hope the companion version doesn't just yell "Try harder!" and "Now the real fighting starts!" like the boss version as combat banter..Ive heard enough of that from blood hunt to last a lifetime already.

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The weirdest thing about her as a companion for hardline Republic characters is that youll just have to look the other way on the whole "You're a war criminal who helped sack Coruscant" thing.


Pushing 30 years ago, she was a wartime enemy of the Republic. She helped sack the Temple, but War Criminal is pushing things. The Jedi Temple was (and is) a legitimate target of war in a hot war; being the headquarters and training grounds of a group that provides force-using soldiers to the Republic.


As of SoR, she's not even working for the Empire any more, and I got the strong impression she (and her clan) hadn't since the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant.


Using her as a comp is no more horrific than using Xalek, Broonmark, or even Dr. Lokin as companions.

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Pushing 30 years ago, she was a wartime enemy of the Republic. She helped sack the Temple, but War Criminal is pushing things. The Jedi Temple was (and is) a legitimate target of war in a hot war; being the headquarters and training grounds of a group that provides force-using soldiers to the Republic.


As of SoR, she's not even working for the Empire any more, and I got the strong impression she (and her clan) hadn't since the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant.


Using her as a comp is no more horrific than using Xalek, Broonmark, or even Dr. Lokin as companions.


What did Dr Lokin did because I forgot?

But to be fair Xalek did more damage to the empire then to the Republic and Broonmark well he was a enemy from day one and he is crazy who would even take him and promote that you will have the option of having him as a companion.

Edited by adormitul
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What did Dr Lokin did because I forgot?

But to be fair Xalek did more damage to the empire then to the Republic and Broonmark well he was a enemy from day one and he is crazy who would even take him and promote that you will have the option of having him as a companion.


Dr Lokin is a long-time operative of Imperial Intelligence. He plays with the rakghoul plague in his spare time, and was, at least during the Agent's story, an Imperial patriot. All three of them helped do tremendous damage to Republic interests as companions to their respective classes

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The weirdest thing about her as a companion for hardline Republic characters is that youll just have to look the other way on the whole "You're a war criminal who helped sack Coruscant" thing.


Though it'd be funny to run Blood Hunt with her as an active companion to make her fight herself... speaking of that, I hope the companion version doesn't just yell "Try harder!" and "Now the real fighting starts!" like the boss version as combat banter..Ive heard enough of that from blood hunt to last a lifetime already.


If they're clever enough with attention to detail, you'd be restricted from using the Shae Vizla-companion for Blood Hunt.

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Dr Lokin is a long-time operative of Imperial Intelligence. He plays with the rakghoul plague in his spare time, and was, at least during the Agent's story, an Imperial patriot. All three of them helped do tremendous damage to Republic interests as companions to their respective classes


No more so than the Wrath, Darth Blank, the Champion of the Great Hunt, or the Super Agent (never played the story, don't know what if any title the character gets at the end). I'm sure some Imperial characters would look at her with awe and respect while many Republic ones would look at her with contempt if not outright rage.

The idea that my Trooper would tolerate her as a companion is absurd. It was bad enough being forced to work with these violent psychos in chapter 14. My headcanon has him as a soldier who is defending the Republic from unprovoked threats- as far as he knows the Republic didn't seek out the Sith and attack them, it was the other way around.


Of course in the real world the US and Britain worked with former Nazis to oppose Soviet influence so I suppose alliances are extremely fluid.


Perhaps Nico should have been saved and Republic characters could have gotten him while Imps got Vizla? It's not like the game can't tell which faction a character belongs to.

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No more so than the Wrath, Darth Blank, the Champion of the Great Hunt, or the Super Agent (never played the story, don't know what if any title the character gets at the end). I'm sure some Imperial characters would look at her with awe and respect while many Republic ones would look at her with contempt if not outright rage.

The idea that my Trooper would tolerate her as a companion is absurd. It was bad enough being forced to work with these violent psychos in chapter 14. My headcanon has him as a soldier who is defending the Republic from unprovoked threats- as far as he knows the Republic didn't seek out the Sith and attack them, it was the other way around.


Of course in the real world the US and Britain worked with former Nazis to oppose Soviet influence so I suppose alliances are extremely fluid.


Perhaps Nico should have been saved and Republic characters could have gotten him while Imps got Vizla? It's not like the game can't tell which faction a character belongs to.


So, uh, don't use her? It's not like we're short of companions any more.


She's a mercenary who is no longer aligned with the Empire. That's good enough for my trooper.

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Hey BW Marketing Department, it's okay for women in their 50s to exist, you don't need to be scared of showing them, even in your promotional art.


EDIT: Edited to focus my gripe at BW's marketing department - BW actually does a good job of having middle-aged female characters in the game itself, it's just their promotional images / art that seems scared of featuring them.


Yes, as a middle-aged woman myself, I really appreciate the fact that not every female NPC in the game is 20 years old. You're right that marketing doesn't seem too happy with showcasing that, though! :)

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Semantics, we all know what he meant, if in doubt google for redheads and see how many male's you find compared to the females.....not saying that I would do such a disgusting thing or recommend it....:D


I didn't know he only meant women, so I fully agreed with him. So many women I know have a thing for redheads! (and there are a lot of hot websites dedicated to ginger guys...) Really who wouldn't with dreamy men like Eric Stoltz around :o

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Seriously tho, who wouldn't want Cougar Queen Vizla as a comp?


Me. She deserves to die for what she did to the Jedi.


It's not something you forget or forgive. I might not be able to kill her now as BW made sure of that but I can at least RP it a little. Maybe feed her to a rancor or something.


She will come to an end and not be used one way or another.

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Nope, it sounds like why on earth do we need another companion. The all do the same. They have no tie-in to us. She's just another dumb side character with three or four lines of convo.


Same as why do we need another saber,blaster, mount, dye, armor set, etc. They all do the same things as a basic set


the answer- look, uniqueness and "hey I personally like this vs that"

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