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Still no new ops and flashpoints.


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Has there been any word as to if BW is -ever- going to add anything aside from story into this game now? I know they say people mainly play for story, but of course that is what the statistics are going to show if you -only- add that stuff in.
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Has there been any word as to if BW is -ever- going to add anything aside from story into this game now? I know they say people mainly play for story, but of course that is what the statistics are going to show if you -only- add that stuff in.


Maybe watch the main page and/or Dev Tracker for updates? Just a thought.

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Has there been any word as to if BW is -ever- going to add anything aside from story into this game now? I know they say people mainly play for story, but of course that is what the statistics are going to show if you -only- add that stuff in.


Well they said they were working on group content. What that content is? Your guess is as good as mine.

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I havent played and havent been following this game since march. Yeesh. I see the rude posters are still at large.


Interesting what people will claim when they are in the mood to grind axes.


I can see from your posting history that you were actively following this game and posting in the forums in June of this year.


At a very minimum, any player interested in the status of the game would surely read through devtracker for the period when they were "inactive". You know.. to come up to speed on what the studio has said or not said since one left the game. You don't even have to look that far into Devtracker to see results either. ----> http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9055279&postcount=11

Edited by Andryah
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Has there been any word as to if BW is -ever- going to add anything aside from story into this game now? I know they say people mainly play for story, but of course that is what the statistics are going to show if you -only- add that stuff in.


nah. You're getting a new blur trailer instead of OPs at launch.


The best you can hope for is some 4 man content similar to star fortress or KDY (yea fairly crappy FPs I know but what can we do?) come the expansion and redoing 1-5 year old OPS over and over again for the next 6-12 months after the expansion. I excluded the mediocre story because that isn't anywhere near "best" we can hope for.

Edited by Quraswren
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Maybe watch the main page and/or Dev Tracker for updates? Just a thought.


Well this was a interesting subject to bring back from page two... but come on alien...their is hardly anything posted their at all. We didn't even get a official post from Eric or whoever about the blur trailer on THEIR OWN FORUMS, and instead had to resort to someone else linking their Twitter.


This is gold.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Thing is, SWTOR would not be alive without story. It would be alive without ops.

Group content should not be ignored of course. But i just hope what ever they add in is good. Personally i would LOVE to have improved coop, i would love to properly be able to play trough this game with a friend. That could well turn him into sub. Story is what makes people play this game, they really should let us properly play from level 0 to 65 by playin COOP story. Ideally be separate from player's own SP story. It does not need to be different story, just the same story where we can experience everything together. Both should get the same gear and experience and loot (and they would not get it again from SP).Literally nothing else is needed i think for it to be great.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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Interesting what people will claim when they are in the mood to grind axes.


I can see from your posting history that you were actively following this game and posting in the forums in June of this year.


At a very minimum, any player interested in the status of the game would surely read through devtracker for the period when they were "inactive". You know.. to come up to speed on what the studio has said or not said since one left the game. You don't even have to look that far into Devtracker to see results either. ----> http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9055279&postcount=11


I wasnt actively following, I made a few posts. So, again, I see the rude comments are still in swing here. I stopped actively following this game back in march, as in playing it often , and coming on the forums often. Did you really have to search my posts for the few posts I made to be rude? I guess some people.....

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nah. You're getting a new blur trailer instead of OPs at launch.


The best you can hope for is some 4 man content similar to star fortress or KDY (yea fairly crappy FPs I know but what can we do?) come the expansion and redoing 1-5 year old OPS over and over again for the next 6-12 months after the expansion. I excluded the mediocre story because that isn't anywhere near "best" we can hope for.


This is literally all I was asking for. Thank you.


There is no need for other people to be rude / stalk my few posts in June to BE rude. Seriously, didn't their mothers ever tell them " If they have nothing nice to say, then dont say it."


I guess not. :(

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Thing is, SWTOR would not be alive without story. It would be alive without ops.

Group content should not be ignored of course. But i just hope what ever they add in is good. Personally i would LOVE to have improved coop, i would love to properly be able to play trough this game with a friend. That could well turn him into sub. Story is what makes people play this game, they really should let us properly play from level 0 to 65 by playin COOP story. Ideally be separate from player's own SP story. It does not need to be different story, just the same story where we can experience everything together. Both should get the same gear and experience and loot (and they would not get it again from SP).Literally nothing else is needed i think for it to be great.


The only reason those metrics say that is because there has been hardly any group content in years. Of course the statistics are going to be skewed.


I do not want to turn this into a debate / flame war though. I was simply curious, and kind of surprised that there was no news at all up until this point.

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SWTOR had to switch to a F2P model to survive because of the lack of endgame/group content.


Revisionist history at work. Here's what actually happened. "SWTOR had to switch to a F2P model to survive because [the story content ran out and was never continued]."


Whether we get new operations or not, only BioWare knows. What I can say is this has never been a raiding game and operations have never been the focus. They were always an optional feature that appealed to the raiding niche, but SWTOR was never solely about raiding. For whatever reason (likely because raiding content isn't worth the money it costs to develop), BioWare is focusing more on other aspects of the game.


If not having new raids added every six months to a year is enough justification for you to quit, then you are probably playing the wrong MMO anyway. There are actually MMOs that focus solely on raiding as the premiere feature of the game. SWTOR is not one of them.

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Thing is, SWTOR would not be alive without story. It would be alive without ops.

SWTOR had to switch to a F2P model to survive because of the lack of endgame/group content.


It needs both, it's a themepark MMO, the sum of its parts better than indivudal parts by themselves in theory. Story players had little to look forward past vanilla content. 2 expansions were rather light on story (neither ROTHC or SOR took more than 6 hours tops) and story patches were few and far between as well. However, new Operations helped quite a bit with retention. Now there's a lot of story to look forward to, but little fresh group content to keep the players in between story breaks.


Bioware needs to simply strike a better balance. 1 Ops a year is the minimum IMO. We're approaching 2 years with no new Operations.

Edited by Pietrastor
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It needs both, it's a themepark MMO, the sum of its parts better than indivudal parts by themselves in theory. Story players had little to look forward past vanilla content. 2 expansions were rather light on story (neither ROTHC or SOR took more than 6 hours tops) and story patches were few and far between as well. However, new Operations helped quite a bit with retention. Now there's a lot of story to look forward to, but little fresh group content to keep the players in between story breaks.


Bioware needs to simply strike a better balance. 1 Ops a year is the minimum IMO. We're approaching 2 years with no new Operations.


I will never understand the either or mentality. Balance is always the most successful method, always has been always will be. But some people really cannot think passed "me me me"

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The only reason those metrics say that is because there has been hardly any group content in years. Of course the statistics are going to be skewed.


I do not want to turn this into a debate / flame war though. I was simply curious, and kind of surprised that there was no news at all up until this point.


I agree with your top bit.


"until this point" is inaccurate, however, "still to this point" is more accurate because nothing has been said about group content except "we know it's been a topic of discussion, and we're working on ... something."

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SWTOR had to switch to a F2P model to survive because of the lack of endgame/group content.

EXACTLY!!! This FACT is lost on so many people because it doesn't fit the current narrative.


And NO Op. No new Ops, no new FPs that any of us know of. NONE.

Edited by TUXs
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