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New Operations


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As far as I know from your most recent live stream, that you guys are not looking to add new raiding content in 5.0. Could we get an explanation why, or is it because the mind set is not geared to create new ops. Sadly, I have been a subscriber since release and have seen the ups and downs of this game. 1.0 was fantastic it was a highlight for this game and with only 1 raid to start off with. At the end of 1.0 it had a system of 3 raids.. 3 raids in a full year. Then 2.0 dropped with 2 new raids of SnV and TFB. Great operations, then 2.5 came 2 new raids Dread Fortress and Dread Palace just the HM's then later release NiM for those operations. 4 new operations in 2.0. In 3.0, released 2 new raids that were exceptionally difficult though never touched after being nerfed. So a year passes by.. still no new raids, What is going on? Ok, 4.0 release no new operations, but rehashed raids of the past. I could see that being done to relive all the raids in its former glory, but then going one step further we :mad::mad::mad: EV and KP NIM no longer available. Then in a recent developer live stream, it is released that no new raids are most likely not to be added. We really need an explanation. As a subscriber from day one, we all deserve an answer why this decision is made. This is a big change in aspect of the game of any MMO. For one I know at least 4 guilds worth of people that is finishing there subscription on the release of 5.0 due to the fact that no raiding content is being added. Please the raiding community no matter how small it is already, please for the sake add at least 1 to 2 new raids for 5.0. Edited by ShadowLordIV
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I want new raids as well. A lot of people I know have unsubbed and more going to unsub due to lack of MMO content. The forums are full of people who want new raids. And if level cap is raised and we have new gear level, we need new raids. Would love to sink my teeth on something new.


And not just raids: we need some new FPs, some new WZs, and new events. DvL was not even an event it was just rehashing old content.

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I want new raids as well. A lot of people I know have unsubbed and more going to unsub due to lack of MMO content. The forums are full of people who want new raids. And if level cap is raised and we have new gear level, we need new raids. Would love to sink my teeth on something new.


And not just raids: we need some new FPs, some new WZs, and new events. DvL was not even an event it was just rehashing old content.


DvL was a terrible event I agree.. A time consumer to establish players to keep them busy for the release of 5.0 in the upcoming months, but even that has drawn its final straw as it is still out. If people are not done with DvL by now then they are simply taking there time or only play for a small amount each day. Not having a new raid is killing this game. I mean 4.0 rehashing the old ops was actually a stimulating Ideal, they were fun and great to run back on tier and actually challenging. To do it for another year of content is extremely daunting and ugly for this game. No way it will be able to compete with WoW who released a full on expansion with raiding and dungeons in the end game. FFXIV will get more players along with other new MMO's that would be considered a breath of fresh air compared to the stale air that the D team of EA/Bioware Developers are bringing to the table for this game while the original for this team was pulled off this game and focused else where. I feel like EA does not want this game and is only doing little to keep it up to make a certain amount of people happy to keep profit.

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I think you wonder why you didnt get much replies, well people that care have unsubbed and cant post :)


Anyway you are right the rate at which we were getting NiMs was great in the past. It was best with DP/DF with NiM buff!! That was great back then and kept people busy. Now we only got SM/HM ops but yes, the HM was like a NiM mode, but after that..... nothing.


They even said specificaly there will be no more Nightmare mode since metrics showed that people do not do them! Only around 5% of the game population actually did NiM operations. yes you see streams and you hear people are doing them, but what is the rest of the 95% people doing? Story i guess, thats why bioware shifted focus. From what know we will only be getting something in the way of Star Fortress in 5.0 so yes, the death of raiding in SWTOR. If you imagine that all the old operations will just be buffed to lvl 70 and you can start your gear grind all over again..... Well some abilites change and are added so you can experience the bosses with those new features, but that is about it!!

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If there are no new operations in 5.0 then I may leave, as well. I hated that 4.0 didn't come with a new op, but instead focused on "new" content that anyone could do, not just one class or another. There hasn't been any new class story since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. And making heroics having more money than dailies on Section X, Black Hole, and even Oricon? I personally would love to see new class story missions, as well as new operations. Hell, even expanding current ones to 32 man operations would be a good idea. I doubt cross faction operations would work. And stop nerfing abilities because the PVP'ers are having so hard of time with it. Screw the PVP'ers, and let us that actually play the game have our full abilities.
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You do NOT need new raids to keep a game thriving and alive. You DO however need to keep putting out fresh and new group content in general. Raids in and of themselves are a dying game play style, and frankly if you aren't in the dungeon for 3+ hours it isn't a raid...it is just a short bum rush of content...and lacking in the legs to truly make it into a raid.

Honestly if they were pumping out FPs every 2-3 months that actually were challenging in HM, most of the crying would stop. Survival FPs like colicoid games would even be worth playing.

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And stop nerfing abilities because the PVP'ers are having so hard of time with it. Screw the PVP'ers, and let us that actually play the game have our full abilities.


Screw the raiders, apparently losing them hasn't hurt the game's profitability to the point that it would be worth wasting development time and money on creating a new one (that one group would manage to beat, then the rest follow that strategy like lemmings, then complain that they're bored again after they finish beating the bosses like the loot-filled pinatas they are).


BTW since when does running the same raids over and over constitute 'actually playing the game' as opposed to running the same warzones over and over?

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Screw the raiders, apparently losing them hasn't hurt the game's profitability to the point that it would be worth wasting development time and money on creating a new one (that one group would manage to beat, then the rest follow that strategy like lemmings, then complain that they're bored again after they finish beating the bosses like the loot-filled pinatas they are).


BTW since when does running the same raids over and over constitute 'actually playing the game' as opposed to running the same warzones over and over?



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As far as I know from your most recent live stream, that you guys are not looking to add new raiding content in 5.0. Could we get an explanation why, or is it because the mind set is not geared to create new ops. Sadly, I have been a subscriber since release and have seen the ups and downs of this game. 1.0 was fantastic it was a highlight for this game and with only 1 raid to start off with. At the end of 1.0 it had a system of 3 raids.. 3 raids in a full year. Then 2.0 dropped with 2 new raids of SnV and TFB. Great operations, then 2.5 came 2 new raids Dread Fortress and Dread Palace just the HM's then later release NiM for those operations. 4 new operations in 2.0. In 3.0, released 2 new raids that were exceptionally difficult though never touched after being nerfed. So a year passes by.. still no new raids, What is going on? Ok, 4.0 release no new operations, but rehashed raids of the past. I could see that being done to relive all the raids in its former glory, but then going one step further we :mad::mad::mad: EV and KP NIM no longer available. Then in a recent developer live stream, it is released that no new raids are most likely not to be added. We really need an explanation. As a subscriber from day one, we all deserve an answer why this decision is made. This is a big change in aspect of the game of any MMO. For one I know at least 4 guilds worth of people that is finishing there subscription on the release of 5.0 due to the fact that no raiding content is being added. Please the raiding community no matter how small it is already, please for the sake add at least 1 to 2 new raids for 5.0.


*cough* check 5.0 datamine on redit *cough*

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You do NOT need new raids to keep a game thriving and alive. You DO however need to keep putting out fresh and new group content in general. Raids in and of themselves are a dying game play style,


Yes i see that WoW died with their model of constantly adding new raids and dungeons.....


Anyway, with Biowares move of introducing level scaling in operations and making 5 year old content "current" content again only says one thing: There will be no more raids. They dont want to add anymore, but in order to please the crowd they need to make the available operations attractive, so they are scaled up. This has however caused a large decline in player base and will cause an even bigger one if this strategy does not change.


The people doing story and pvp wont keep the game running.

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Yes i see that WoW died with their model of constantly adding new raids and dungeons.....


Anyway, with Biowares move of introducing level scaling in operations and making 5 year old content "current" content again only says one thing: There will be no more raids. They dont want to add anymore, but in order to please the crowd they need to make the available operations attractive, so they are scaled up. This has however caused a large decline in player base and will cause an even bigger one if this strategy does not change.


The people doing story and pvp wont keep the game running.

Ehm, they are ignoring PvP players too and IMO even more than raiders. That's why I don't understand the animosity between PvE and PvP players in this game. There's no new proper PvE endgame content for almost 2 years. Sure, in PvP they added new ranked season with epic rewards! Also they are keeping the servers clean from cheaters! And both new WZs are globally loved and appreciated. Also they didn't ignore the PvP content for almost 2 years :)


Both groups get the same treatment. And both groups won't keep the game running because what just happened to raiding community happened to PvP community some time ago.

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I play story, HM+ raiding and PvP. I'd like to see more of both OPs and PvP as well. I personally see no reason to keep my recurring sub going for an MMO that gives us nothing new and challenging to play in larger groups. If they aren't going to offer the meat and potatoes of the meal why should people continue paying for it? I could watch the story on video sites for free or click once a year for 7 days free sub to play through the chapters once, but instead I invested in the game hoping for full game content. The few Ops available are so old and played out and in no way representative for an MMO that has been out for 4 years. WOW is much older and still has millions of loyal players mainly because they constantly get new endgame content to keep their base busy playing together. Edited by AriaHimmelberg
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