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Change the Chiss Jedi's name


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I wonder if a systematic purging of information might have taken place at some point, by the Chiss or by an enemy of theirs?


I suppose that's possible... if they disappeared from public knowledge, Palpatine could very well have erased any references to them in the Grand Galactic Google or whatever data repository the Star Wars universe uses, in order to protect his secret weapon, Thrawn.

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I suppose that's possible... if they disappeared from public knowledge, Palpatine could very well have erased any references to them in the Grand Galactic Google or whatever data repository the Star Wars universe uses, in order to protect his secret weapon, Thrawn.


Or even if the Chiss did it themselves. This was a long time, they might have undergone a societal change that wanted them to be more withdrawn from the rest of the galaxy and thus tried to make everyone forget about them.

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Isn't there at least one intervening period that's Nataly a Dark Ages as far as knowledge retention goes? Collapse of the "current" galactic republic, I mean.


Well, between current old rep and the movies there is no "collapse" but there is plenty of reason to just forget and for information to become extremely rare. We know for a FACT that the empire of the game loses and completely collapses. The Republic wins this war for it survives completely in tact from now till the movies. However, the Chiss could retreat from the empire itself as the backward slide becomes fully evident and taking on an isolationist policy. Did whatever reparations the Republic itself requires, then chose to remain quiet in isolation. Eventually common knowledge of their species would fade out.


Heck what was common knowledge a hundred years ago we seem to have completely forgotten already today. They have 3k years to forget things.

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True, but they're not even supposed to know about them. They weren't "discovered" until between Episode I and II by the Republic.


Sure, it's possible that the Sith Empire knew about them and didn't share, but then Republic NPC's and players should react with suprise. "Who are these blue people?" and such. Instead they're just like "oh those are Chiss". This implies that the galaxy knew about them 3000 years before Outbound Flight, and just.... forgot?


Anyway all that being said, I don't see a problem with the name. Both the core name convention and the adopted name theory hold true. I'm hoping for some back story at least.



This is the Bennu Heron.

It was sacred to the Ancient Egyptians, appearing on tomb art and in the Book Of The Dead.

It was CRAZY important.

Everyone knew what a Bennu was.

And until just a few years ago it was considered mythical, nothing more than an unusually large Phenox stand in.

Then they found its' bones and determined that there really WAS a giant heron throughout the Ancient Middle East.

It had just been extinct for about 3000 years, give or take a millennium or two (some think it may have survived until the early 20'th century, but this is currently believed to be highly unlikely).

3000 years is MORE than enough time for the Galaxy at large to forget about the Chiss.

Oh, there are likely old copies of "The Alien Spotters Field Guide To The Outer-Rim" with a two line blurb about weird blue people with creepy red eyes, and some seldom bothered with database in an old library somewhere almost certainly has a long out of date description of them.

But, like the Sacred Bennu before them, they have faded away to myth and legend, or been forgotten entirely.

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This is the Bennu Heron.

It was sacred to the Ancient Egyptians, appearing on tomb art and in the Book Of The Dead.

It was CRAZY important.

Everyone knew what a Bennu was.

And until just a few years ago it was considered mythical, nothing more than an unusually large Phenox stand in.

Then they found its' bones and determined that there really WAS a giant heron throughout the Ancient Middle East.

It had just been extinct for about 3000 years, give or take a millennium or two (some think it may have survived until the early 20'th century, but this is currently believed to be highly unlikely).

3000 years is MORE than enough time for the Galaxy at large to forget about the Chiss.

Oh, there are likely old copies of "The Alien Spotters Field Guide To The Outer-Rim" with a two line blurb about weird blue people with creepy red eyes, and some seldom bothered with database in an old library somewhere almost certainly has a long out of date description of them.

But, like the Sacred Bennu before them, they have faded away to myth and legend, or been forgotten entirely.


A very good point, punctuated by a Terry Pratchett quote. Ook ook, to you sir.


But there are differences. Scale, for one thing. Ancient Egypt was somewhat secluded from the world, as most cultures were at the time. I doubt the Roman, Germanic and Brittanic worlds were aware of the Bennu as the Egyptians were. For the Bennu to be familiar to the entire world it would have to be common enough to be seen everywhere.


Technology is another. Most of Ancient Egypt kept their records and stories on their walls and on papyrus scrolls, in their own language barely understood by us today, much less by other cultures at the time. Alot of that was lost or destroyed over time. They didn't have the internet, worldwide sattelite news and portable computers, which we do today, and which the Galactic Republic has apparently had for thousands of years (weird how technology works in the SW universe) .


I realize all those novels are now considered non-canon, but they still, mostly, build upon and add to their own canon. I'm still not entirely sure whether the KOTOR games follow that canon or establish their own, and so I'm fully aware that none of this truly matters. But it's fun to speculate and debate.

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Oh, there are likely old copies of "The Alien Spotters Field Guide To The Outer-Rim" with a two line blurb about weird blue people with creepy red eyes, and some seldom bothered with database in an old library somewhere almost certainly has a long out of date description of them.


And amazingly "blue skin with red, pupilless eyes" doesn't even stop at describing one race in this universe.



Edited by ZanyaCross
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There's another Sith Incursion about a thousand years before Yavin (about two thousand years after SWToR) wherein the war is so nasty, so completely insane, and so destructive that (force sensative) *kids* are given lightsabers and sent to the front lines.


That's some nasty destructive hard-reset on civilization there. In order for things to get that bad, well, most urban centers have to be knocked out... the loss of data would be one of the very minor elements of that particular war for survival. I mean, that's a war that pretty much drops Galactic Civilization down to a pretty humble state (technology wise).

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There's another Sith Incursion about a thousand years before Yavin (about two thousand years after SWToR) wherein the war is so nasty, so completely insane, and so destructive that (force sensative) *kids* are given lightsabers and sent to the front lines.


That's some nasty destructive hard-reset on civilization there. In order for things to get that bad, well, most urban centers have to be knocked out... the loss of data would be one of the very minor elements of that particular war for survival. I mean, that's a war that pretty much drops Galactic Civilization down to a pretty humble state (technology wise).


Source? I'm always interested about learning factoids of the Legends EU

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