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Change the Chiss Jedi's name


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I could swear the twitter post I read 2 days ago said the dark side had taken the lead.

IIRC, the tweet said that the dark side is gaining on light side, not that it had actually taken the lead. Which could just mean dark side gained 0.0000001% closer to LS. :p

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I love how people here are gonna be telling the makers of the game about what they can and can't do with Chiss. Reminds me of the people that told me I didn't know how to RP a Togruta 'cause she wore boots (hint, I was born Catholic and I don't get ashes smeared on my head every year).


Y'all want interesting characters, then stop trying to limit and restrict them so much. We don't even know what Ranos's story is yet.

Way to exaggerate. I'll assume this is directed at me, seeing as noone else in the thread has really complained.


I haven't said what they "can or cannot do" with Chiss. While it's true I'd much rather they made the jedi companion a Jawa or Rodian, I haven't protested the choice of Chiss. And I haven't said it's not an interesting character. I have no way of knowing that, seeing as they have told us exactly nothing about the character. If you like I could say it's an uninteresting character, but I'd be lying as I typically find Bioware's writing to be good.


I'm saying the name doesn't sound very Chiss. Because when I hear "Ranos" I first think "vamos" which is some Spanish word. Then I immediately think "Hey, isn't that the annoying brutish green jedi?" and I imagine the poor woman wearing that ridiculous Queen Amidala jedi garb in green. I guess most people won't make the former association, but the second isn't far-fetched to anyone who's played TOR through the Imperial campaign. Now tell me, does "dumb, angry, smashy jedi" sound very Chiss to you? Are Chiss just space orks?

Edited by Pscyon
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Okay, they should totally call him Ramirez, and his battle call thingy after killing someone is 'There can only be one!'


Her. She should be called....



I approve of this suggestion. I also approve of having a Darth Kurgan somewhere be a FP boss battle. Darth Kur'gan?

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I really don't care what they call her. It's not as if my head canon will acknowledge that everyone else has met and recruited a Chiss Jedi named Ranos. My point being that I (and my friends) rarely call my (and our) Companions by their "official" names anyway. Yes, even the most casual search of my post history will reveal my comments about "Nadia," "Qyzen," et al. I only make that accommodation because few of you would follow my statements about my Sage's young Kabuki-faced Apprentice, "Amyreth."


This practice began when my friends and I started playing SWTOR at release. We three played together: my Sage healer, my friend's DPS Trooper, and my friend's husband's DPS Smuggler. Needing a tank to complete even the H2s back then, we usually used Qyzen (he was the best-equipped Companion any of us had, and as a Sage standing in the back row, I could survey the battlefield better and direct him where to go). The problem was, the game was so new to us that none of us could remember his name. "Quzyn" ... "Qysin" ... etc. We conquered that hurdle by simply calling him "Gorn" ... as in, upon entering the "Fall of the Locust" H4 on Taris, "Give me a sec to summon Gorn to tank" or, during a FP, "Do either you mind if I roll Need on that Aim Shield ... Gorn can use it."


Since then, I remained in the practice of renaming all my Companions. It personalizes them. My Sniper is one of the few Agents with a Ratataki cohort not named Kaliyo. I nicknamed my BH's Blizz after a decades-old D&D character ... a Halfling named Philmore. Philmore Pockets, to be exact.


TLDR: They can call the Chiss chick whatever they want ... I'll just change the name anyway.

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I really don't care what they call her. It's not as if my head canon will acknowledge that everyone else has met and recruited a Chiss Jedi named Ranos. My point being that I (and my friends) rarely call my (and our) Companions by their "official" names anyway. Yes, even the most casual search of my post history will reveal my comments about "Nadia," "Qyzen," et al. I only make that accommodation because few of you would follow my statements about my Sage's young Kabuki-faced Apprentice, "Amyreth."


This practice began when my friends and I started playing SWTOR at release. We three played together: my Sage healer, my friend's DPS Trooper, and my friend's husband's DPS Smuggler. Needing a tank to complete even the H2s back then, we usually used Qyzen (he was the best-equipped Companion any of us had, and as a Sage standing in the back row, I could survey the battlefield better and direct him where to go). The problem was, the game was so new to us that none of us could remember his name. "Quzyn" ... "Qysin" ... etc. We conquered that hurdle by simply calling him "Gorn" ... as in, upon entering the "Fall of the Locust" H4 on Taris, "Give me a sec to summon Gorn to tank" or, during a FP, "Do either you mind if I roll Need on that Aim Shield ... Gorn can use it."


Since then, I remained in the practice of renaming all my Companions. It personalizes them. My Sniper is one of the few Agents with a Ratataki cohort not named Kaliyo. I nicknamed my BH's Blizz after a decades-old D&D character ... a Halfling named Philmore. Philmore Pockets, to be exact.


TLDR: They can call the Chiss chick whatever they want ... I'll just change the name anyway.


I will note that the NPC nameplates facilitate this by not showing the companion's name, only $PLAYERNAME$'s Companion. Now, if only we could put in our own companion names there...

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Yeah, pretty sure, and hopefully this will be preemptive of others being serious, but you'll probably end up with a lot of people requesting it be changed to Bates.


Um, Ok, Um, Oh you mean Norman Bates, Right? RIGHT? ;) You know that guy that lives with his mother in that old creepy house over looking a small motel where you probably be murdered in, while all along he sits in his bed room with the door locked, looking at National Geographic Magazine? While his mother is looking for her bottle of Hand Lotion and jars of Vaseline all over the house. While all along there is 4 empty jars of Vaseline and 7 empty bottles of lotion all over Normans BATES bedroom floor, that is what you mean, right? RIGHT? :eek:




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Think I would call mine Master Card


At least then I know she would be accepted everywhere 😀

Heh. That's actually brilliant :) If only I'd thought of that when I made my jedi.

This may come as an absolutely huge shock to you, but there are literally millions of people in the world of African decent that don't have African names.


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I'm voting for Mitth'raw'ranos, if that combination is possible for a female Chiss ( I really have no idea how Chiss names are built / made up ).


That name would give far enough possibilities for drama to get projected into the future. :D


Remember, that we already have these names in The Old Republic : Rieekan, for example

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I'm voting for Mitth'raw'ranos, if that combination is possible for a female Chiss ( I really have no idea how Chiss names are built / made up ).


That name would give far enough possibilities for drama to get projected into the future. :D


Remember, that we already have these names in The Old Republic : Rieekan, for example


Chiss names are quite odd if you don't know what they mean. A Chiss name has 3 parts, each separated by an apostrophe.

The first part is their family name, the second part is their root name and the third part is their occupation, clan or 'second' family name (like a military family).


These 3 names form another name, which is usually used in game. It's a combination of the last part of the first name, the whole middle name and the beginning of the third name.

For example: If the full name is Sorr'emow'acer, the shorter combo name could me Remowa or Remowac.




So for Ranos it would be something like;




Assuming that the naming convention linked above is correct.

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