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Change the Chiss Jedi's name


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Seeing as we'll end up with the Light side winning the DvL event unfortunately, we'll be getting that Chiss Jedi companion. Since nothing ever gets changed or fixed after it goes live, I guess it's better to ask for it now, pre-emptively. Please change Ranos' name to... something else. For one, it doesn't sound very Chiss. Secondly, it's much too similar to that of Master Ramos, an angry, arrogant, useless, stupid-hat-wearing and just plain unlikeable green Jedi in the Imperial Corellia campaign.


I'm sure there's plenty of lore-savvy forumites that can come up with better and more fitting name suggestions, so knock yourselves out!

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Yeah, pretty sure, and hopefully this will be preemptive of others being serious, but you'll probably end up with a lot of people requesting it be changed to Bates.

Bates lol...how immature. Obviously it needs to be spelled Bátes cuz it's alien...right?

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Seeing as we'll end up with the Light side winning the DvL event unfortunately, we'll be getting that Chiss Jedi companion. Since nothing ever gets changed or fixed after it goes live, I guess it's better to ask for it now, pre-emptively. Please change Ranos' name to... something else. For one, it doesn't sound very Chiss. Secondly, it's much too similar to that of Master Ramos, an angry, arrogant, useless, stupid-hat-wearing and just plain unlikeable green Jedi in the Imperial Corellia campaign.


I'm sure there's plenty of lore-savvy forumites that can come up with better and more fitting name suggestions, so knock yourselves out!

What about Stamos? That way we could pretend her father was Grand Master Stamos.

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Seeing as we'll end up with the Light side winning the DvL event unfortunately, we'll be getting that Chiss Jedi companion. Since nothing ever gets changed or fixed after it goes live, I guess it's better to ask for it now, pre-emptively. Please change Ranos' name to... something else. For one, it doesn't sound very Chiss. Secondly, it's much too similar to that of Master Ramos, an angry, arrogant, useless, stupid-hat-wearing and just plain unlikeable green Jedi in the Imperial Corellia campaign.


I'm sure there's plenty of lore-savvy forumites that can come up with better and more fitting name suggestions, so knock yourselves out!


"Ranos" would be her Core Name (the name that Chiss with names that are unpronounceable to us idiotic low-lifes in the Core take on to avoid us being embarrassed and them being offended).

Her real Chiss name would probably be something like Hira'nosaiko'mrorkoi.

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"Ranos" would be her Core Name (the name that Chiss with names that are unpronounceable to us idiotic low-lifes in the Core take on to avoid us being embarrassed and them being offended).

Her real Chiss name would probably be something like Hira'nosaiko'mrorkoi.

Lol, now I want her name to be Hira'nosaiko'mrorkoi

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Unfortunately? Nothing unfortunate about it.

Darth Maul with **** was a HORRIBLE design choice for them. Why did they not make the companion a race not naturally available to imps? Light side has a chiss, so why was the dark side not a miriallan? At least then it would have been unique regardless of who won.

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Not sure but it's possible some violate Bioware's naming policy. :p

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Not sure but it's possible some violate Bioware's naming policy. :p


Henceforth and hitherto, she must now be know as Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm!

I, personally, cannot think of a more fitting name for a mighty Knight........

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I love how people here are gonna be telling the makers of the game about what they can and can't do with Chiss. Reminds me of the people that told me I didn't know how to RP a Togruta 'cause she wore boots (hint, I was born Catholic and I don't get ashes smeared on my head every year).


Y'all want interesting characters, then stop trying to limit and restrict them so much. We don't even know what Ranos's story is yet.

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I love how people here are gonna be telling the makers of the game about what they can and can't do with Chiss. Reminds me of the people that told me I didn't know how to RP a Togruta 'cause she wore boots (hint, I was born Catholic and I don't get ashes smeared on my head every year).


Y'all want interesting characters, then stop trying to limit and restrict them so much. We don't even know what Ranos's story is yet.

Those folks are why I could never get into RP. The sticklers for factual precision. Not that it's their fault; I was never big into it anyway and I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it. But it didn't exactly encourage me to try.


I prefer freewheeling creativity, where there are no rules, or I get to make them up if there are and then I know them intimately cause I made them.

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