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Sell Arma Rasa/HK-55 recovery mission for 2- 5$ on web as digital extension of Kotfe.


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Pricing schemes would be up for debate.

I'd probably look around the £2-5 mark for an item or companion, £10-15 range for a bonus chapter.


I wonder if there's room to explore other methods of raising the capital to fund certain content if subscriptions alone aren't cutting.

Many moons ago I suggested maybe crowd-funding as a potential proof of interest.

You want a new Warzone you have to raise $10,000, a new operation $100,000 (again values just for illustration).


You miss the point. Most people arguing against the idea don't argue about the price, they argue against the possibility of putting it on CM.

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You miss the point. Most people arguing against the idea don't argue about the price, they argue against the possibility of putting it on CM.

Not missing the point at all as I was responding to a specific query about the charge I would consider fair.

I think early access and free is still a good deal for a subscription incentive.

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The fact Bioware actually put real effort into the thing the fewest people will see while refusing to even fix the huge problems with the chapters everyone gets stuck with just blows my freakin' mind.


Yes but it may be the fewest number (that is debatable), but it is a number of CONSISTANT subs for a period of time. And I see practically everyone on fleet and odessan running around with Zo-om so I don't think that number is as small as you try to make it out to be.


I dont see any issue with rewarding consistent subs with bonus, exclusive content. I think the issue is that some people, who only like to sub here and there to get 4 or 5 chapters of content for a single month payment are the ones that are upset. And if that is the case, maybe just maintain a sub, and you wont miss out.

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So i have read most of this thread and i think it would be a mistake for BW to release the bonus chapter to everyone now or in the future. Do not get me wrong i would love to play the chapter and get the companion but i didn't know about the HK chapter and rewards. I do not however regret not getting them because i was not subbed and wasn't around when BW wanted money for that stuff.


If you didn't already know i was not subbed or even aware of the rewards but i do not care much that i don't have them i was not around for them and did not see any or maybe not pay much attention if there was advertisement for them wherever else i was online. i did however enjoy the chapter somewhat through youtube i didn't agree with the choices the YTber made but it was not my play through i was there just to see the chapter and what it contained.


It was very nice IMO and i think its great that those who decided to stay subbed for it did if they found it "worthy" of their money but i don't think it should be made available to the entire player base. why? because it was for the "Loyal" subs as i see it. also it would basically be a brutal beating to they who remained subbed for those rewards.


This is just a bit of info about me I do not like being unsubbed to SWTOR because of the CRED CAP what is it 200K for F2P? and 350K for pref? too low I cannot stand it. i have played for awhile as F2P and Pref and find it tooo limiting for me.


The 2$ to 4$ for the chapter thing is totally stupid it should be way way way more expensive for the way it was advertised and how the only way to gain it was. IF (pretty sure it will never happen) it was to go on sale in the CM or the website i would think the lowest price would be 130$ USD or higher (or CC equal to 130$ ro higher) since it was not advertised to be available to anyone anytime. and yes i don't think they would make much money from that price (i would not be able to get it unless i saved for month's :p ) but it is an Exculsive thing/One time thing as i see it and those that don't have it simply missed out like me.


If they want such things i would suggest to look to the future and BE subbed and remain that way if they can and quit looking to the past for things that have come and gone And yes again i would very much love the option to get the chapter and everything but i missed out when it was advertised/promoted. trying to change it is cool of some people but then if there was nothing exculsive to get how many would actually stay subbed with out lapsing as i've seen it put if anything and everything could be gained as F2P or Pref ? I simply think BW would lose so much profit if nothing was to be exclusive not saying anyone is saying everything should be made so but trying to make a few things here and there change to be available to anyone anytime when some had to remain subbed for month's on end is not good business to me.


Sorry for my bad spelling, and structure if any (pretty sure there's alot) but this is my ViewPoint/Opinion?

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Not missing the point at all as I was responding to a specific query about the charge I would consider fair.

I think early access and free is still a good deal for a subscription incentive.


I disagree. "Early access" and "free" is hardly incentive, IMO. Why would Johnny care about having access now, if he can wait a few months and pay a PITTANCE of what it would cost to have it a few months earlier?


I would like to see BW go to a mixed reward system, with some veteran rewards while still keeping the time specific subscriber rewards system in place, with different rewards available from each method.


I do not think that time specific subscriber rewards should be available to those that were not subscribed at the appropriate time and any veteran rewards should be available only to those that have held a subscription for the appropriate total amount of time.


That, however, is a decision that only BW can make, and should only apply to FUTURE rewards.

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To date, BW has not released any BONUS content that has any bearing on the core game.


I hardly think that BONUS chapters that have NO bearing on the core game are detrimental to the game or the player base. I doubt we need to "nip anything in the bud" due to concerns about BONUS content being detrimental to the game.


The only "principle" here is Janey wanting something that Johnny has and that she KNOWS she is not entitled to have.


Yes, go ahead. Keep pressing your irrelevant arguments onto someone who doesn't remotely care and has a completely different perspective of the situation than you do.


I already stated I don't care about rewards for being a sub. I'm on the subscriber side of the fence here. I'm not asking to get things I'm not entitled to because I AM entitled to them, as per BW's promotional rules.


However, you are right on one account, they haven't released bonus content that is core to the gameplay. But... that seems like a moot point because the very definition of "bonus" content is that it specifically doesn't pertain to the core game. So, what exactly are you trying to imply?


Regardless, even though BW has never released any bonus content that alienates the player base, they HAVE released CORE content that does. Or, I should rather say, they have restricted core content that does. The moment the game went free to play, it gave every single one of it's players (EVERY one of them, subs included) a mountain of restrictions and frustration.


For free players, this is fine. They don't pay for the game, and they know full well going into that situation that they need to pay to expand the game. This is perfectly fair. But for subscribers? Who, for all intents and purposes, pay their subscription for the specific reason have having zero game restrictions imposed on them? That is absolutely intolerable. We don't pay to have some restrictions removed. We pay to have them ALL removed.


This is a multiplayer game with a virtual society. Something that you do or don't do will impact other players in the virtual society.


For example, let's take the credit limit for example. As a subscriber, I don't have a limit. But free players do. However, as a subscriber who likes to craft and sell items, I have to also keep in mind that free players (likely the majority of players) are not going to be able to buy the things I sell. Now, their lack of ability to hold more than 5 credits is directly impacting me and my preference in gameplay. Even though I've already paid my subscription and should not be having to deal with these restrictions.


Now, I understand why there is a credit limit. I understand why free players have restrictions. What I don't understand is why these restrictions are so heavy handed that they impose their bearing on people who pay not to have to deal with them.


This bonus content is the same way.





This is not a matter of haves and have-nots. I really don't give a two craps if Billy wants what he isn't entitled to. All I care about is getting what I paid for and not having to deal with the things other people DON'T pay for.


It's a matter of people paying for something and not being given the service they paid for.

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That, however, is a decision that only BW can make, and should only apply to FUTURE rewards.


I wonder if BioWare did bring in some form of continuous subscriber reward system, which was token based, and made all current / future / previous rewards available, how that would impact on subscriber retention.


Such as making the Party Jawa available through that system, however you have to gain the same amount of tokens as someone who would have had to subscribe from launch through to the game going f2p, and you only get one token each month. So in effect you would have to maintain your subscription to gain those rewards.


I wonder how many players would maintain their subscription in that situation. Would it outweigh the players who would be upset by that?


It's not really any different than making the specific armour sets available from the Chevin Event / Original Rakghoul Event available again. Something that was time sensitive and wasn't available for a long time after. Something that to gain now, involves participation in the game and community.


Or perhaps it is, in your opinion. I wonder how many people don't share that opinion.


I do however think that as per the title of this thread, $2-5USD is far too low a figure.

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Look, I understand some people are complete newbies and didn't even know about the time frame and I also know some people just can't afford to pay $15 a month.


But! On the other hand, Bioware gave out clear instructions on how to receive HK-55 AND his bonus chapter. You MUST be subscribed ON or before Date X. To get his Bonus Chapter, you MUST have remained subscribed from January 2016 until August 2016.


If you did not meet either rules, set forth by Bioware, you aren't entitled to get the rewards. My husband gets Nico and HK-55. But he was not subbed the entire time so he can't get the bonus chapter. Is he upset, yes because he didn't sub due to RL issues.


But even he, at 41 years of age, knows he didn't meet the requirements so he's not getting the chapter.


I see this AS a punishment. Not to the new players, they didn't even know the rewards existed. But at you people who have been here months, or even years, going 'well Bioware isn't giving me much for my $15, I'm going to wait until the end and then sub, so much cheaper!!'


Well, you waited, you lost out, you're not getting him, Nico or his bonus chapter.


Next time, for KoTET, how much keeping your sub continuously running, on the off chance Bioware does a bonus chapter or whatever again. If you can't be bothered to keep your sub going, they can't be bothered to give you rewards. You didn't meet the rules, you'll not be rewarded.


Simple as that.


Solution? Want a shiny? Do what the rules tell you to do.

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I wonder if BioWare did bring in some form of continuous subscriber reward system, which was token based, and made all current / future / previous rewards available, how that would impact on subscriber retention.


Such as making the Party Jawa available through that system, however you have to gain the same amount of tokens as someone who would have had to subscribe from launch through to the game going f2p, and you only get one token each month. So in effect you would have to maintain your subscription to gain those rewards.


I wonder how many players would maintain their subscription in that situation. Would it outweigh the players who would be upset by that?


It's not really any different than making the specific armour sets available from the Chevin Event / Original Rakghoul Event available again. Something that was time sensitive and wasn't available for a long time after. Something that to gain now, involves participation in the game and community.


Or perhaps it is, in your opinion. I wonder how many people don't share that opinion.


I do however think that as per the title of this thread, $2-5USD is far too low a figure.


And here again we have someone who is trying to find some way to "bargain" and "justify" trying to allow those who did NOT qualify for certain subscriber rewards obtain something which they KNOW they are NOT qualified to have.


As many have stated, allowing any of the past subscriber rewards to be made available again, by any means, undermines the viability of any future subscriber rewards. No past subscriber rewards should ever be made available again, by any means, IMO. BW's history with subscriber rewards not being made available again would seem to indicate that they may think the same way.


GOING FORWARD, a veteran reward system in addition to a time specific reward system would likely provide something for most people, although i do think the rewards should be different and separate for both types of reward system.


BTW, it IS VERY different than making those outfits available again, as those outfits were NEVER subscriber rewards. I do not thin they should have made those outfits available again, but they chose to do so. Those outfits being made available again does NOT set any precedent for making subscriber rewards available again, though.

Edited by Ratajack
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Yes, go ahead. Keep pressing your irrelevant arguments onto someone who doesn't remotely care and has a completely different perspective of the situation than you do.


I already stated I don't care about rewards for being a sub. I'm on the subscriber side of the fence here. I'm not asking to get things I'm not entitled to because I AM entitled to them, as per BW's promotional rules.


However, you are right on one account, they haven't released bonus content that is core to the gameplay. But... that seems like a moot point because the very definition of "bonus" content is that it specifically doesn't pertain to the core game. So, what exactly are you trying to imply?


Regardless, even though BW has never released any bonus content that alienates the player base, they HAVE released CORE content that does. Or, I should rather say, they have restricted core content that does. The moment the game went free to play, it gave every single one of it's players (EVERY one of them, subs included) a mountain of restrictions and frustration.


For free players, this is fine. They don't pay for the game, and they know full well going into that situation that they need to pay to expand the game. This is perfectly fair. But for subscribers? Who, for all intents and purposes, pay their subscription for the specific reason have having zero game restrictions imposed on them? That is absolutely intolerable. We don't pay to have some restrictions removed. We pay to have them ALL removed.


This is a multiplayer game with a virtual society. Something that you do or don't do will impact other players in the virtual society.


For example, let's take the credit limit for example. As a subscriber, I don't have a limit. But free players do. However, as a subscriber who likes to craft and sell items, I have to also keep in mind that free players (likely the majority of players) are not going to be able to buy the things I sell. Now, their lack of ability to hold more than 5 credits is directly impacting me and my preference in gameplay. Even though I've already paid my subscription and should not be having to deal with these restrictions.


Now, I understand why there is a credit limit. I understand why free players have restrictions. What I don't understand is why these restrictions are so heavy handed that they impose their bearing on people who pay not to have to deal with them.


This bonus content is the same way.





This is not a matter of haves and have-nots. I really don't give a two craps if Billy wants what he isn't entitled to. All I care about is getting what I paid for and not having to deal with the things other people DON'T pay for.


It's a matter of people paying for something and not being given the service they paid for.


Show me where BW promised that if you subscribed that you would be able to sell you crafted products to ANYONE for millions of credits. BW never promised any such thing.




I see nothing in there about being able to sell crafted goods to ANY player for millions of credits.


Subscribers get what they pay to receive. The fact that Billy feels he is not because Johnny isn't subscribing is NOT the fault of BW. That is a problem with Billy expecting MORE than BW promised.


Subscriber rewards are fine.


How does Billy having access to the BONUS chapter affect Johnny who didn't subscribe and therefore does NOT have access to the BONUS chapter?

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And here again we have someone who is trying to find some way to "bargain" and "justify" trying to allow those who did NOT qualify for certain subscriber rewards obtain something which they KNOW they are NOT qualified to have.


Well I thought I made my motives clear previously. I don't want the HK-55 chapter (I unsubbed because of the HK-55 rewards). So what you're now typing is pretty irrelevant to the topic at hand isn't it? Party Jawa? Not bothered, others are. Other rewards like holo-trainers? Stronghold? Equally, not bothered.


You seem to be of the mind set of anyone who asks for the developers to be inclusionist when creating subscriber rewards, is after something. That isn't always the case, and to propose otherwise is a straw man argument.


Which part about making things available to all players is so hard for you to accept? Or do you prefer to continue to be an exclusionist? Negatives tend to breed contempt.


Either way, your opinion on the subject is duly noted. No requirement to keep repeating yourself in an attempt to stifle the debate.

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Well I thought I made my motives clear previously. I don't want the HK-55 chapter (I unsubbed because of the HK-55 rewards). So what you're now typing is pretty irrelevant to the topic at hand isn't it? Party Jawa? Not bothered, others are. Other rewards like holo-trainers? Stronghold? Equally, not bothered.


You seem to be of the mind set of anyone who asks for the developers to be inclusionist when creating subscriber rewards, is after something. That isn't always the case, and to propose otherwise is a straw man argument.


Which part about making things available to all players is so hard for you to accept? Or do you prefer to continue to be an exclusionist? Negatives tend to breed contempt.


Either way, your opinion on the subject is duly noted. No requirement to keep repeating yourself in an attempt to stifle the debate.


Perhaps you try actually reading what is written and NOT simply seeing what you want to see. Here is the post to which you responded:


And here again we have someone who is trying to find some way to "bargain" and "justify" trying to allow those who did NOT qualify for certain subscriber rewards obtain something which they KNOW they are NOT qualified to have.


As many have stated, allowing any of the past subscriber rewards to be made available again, by any means, undermines the viability of any future subscriber rewards. No past subscriber rewards should ever be made available again, by any means, IMO. BW's history with subscriber rewards not being made available again would seem to indicate that they may think the same way.


GOING FORWARD, a veteran reward system in addition to a time specific reward system would likely provide something for most people, although i do think the rewards should be different and separate for both types of reward system.


BTW, it IS VERY different than making those outfits available again, as those outfits were NEVER subscriber rewards. I do not thin they should have made those outfits available again, but they chose to do so. Those outfits being made available again does NOT set any precedent for making subscriber rewards available again, though.


Now, show me where I said anything about you wanting those rewards to be made available so that YOU could have them? I did not. I said we have someone who is "trying to find some way to "bargain" and "justify" trying to allow those who did NOT qualify for certain subscriber rewards obtain something which they KNOW they are NOT qualified to have. "


We get that some want to make those rewards available again to those that did NOT meet the requirement to receive them and are therefore NOT entitled to have them.


We also get that there are those who are simply asking BW to hold to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria they set forth in the terms and conditions.

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Perhaps you try actually reading what is written and NOT simply seeing what you want to see.


It's what you imply from the posts that you make, and other posts you have made. Perhaps wrongly perceived, however that is how it comes across when posted.


Either way.


On the subject of subscriber rewards, time limited or not. Which would you say is the better method of retention when BioWare has the opportunity to capitilise on the new movies, also when you factor in the transient nature of gamers;


- A subscriber reward system that is inclusionist and gives everyone equal opportunity at content produced and any bonus content produced, depending on length of subscription.


- A subscriber reward system that is exclusionist and doesn't give access to content and bonus content due to time limited nature.


Which would you rather see?

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It's what you imply from the posts that you make, and other posts you have made. Perhaps wrongly perceived, however that is how it comes across when posted.


Either way.


I would say that some people, at the very least, allow their prejudices to color their interpretation.



On the subject of subscriber rewards, time limited or not. Which would you say is the better method of retention when BioWare has the opportunity to capitilise on the new movies, also when you factor in the transient nature of gamers;


- A subscriber reward system that is inclusionist and gives everyone equal opportunity at content produced and any bonus content produced, depending on length of subscription.


- A subscriber reward system that is exclusionist and doesn't give access to content and bonus content due to time limited nature.


Which would you rather see?


Given the way you put that question leads me to believe that you want me to choose only ONE of the two choices. In that case, I think the second is the better option.


I say this because:


1) IMO, NO past subscriber reward should be made available again, by any means. What is past is past. Those who did NOT meet the requirements for any of the past subscriber rewards can learn to live without those shinies and maybe will be more likely to continue subscribing in the future., so as not to miss out on any future shinies.


2) Time specific subscriber rewards, IMO, provide a greater incentive to subscribe due to their LIMITED TIME availability. Johnny thinks "Subscribe now and get the shiny or don't subscribe and miss out. I guess I better subscribe and get the shiny."


3) Under the "every reward always available for X total months subscribed", Johnny thinks "Why subscribe now, I'll get it eventually. I don't even need to worry about subscribing for X continuous months, just X months total."


Now, as I said before, I think the best option for BW is to incorporate a veteran reward system alongside the time specific subscriber reward system, with DIFFERENT rewards for each system.


This allows BW to reward those long term subscribers, even if they did not maintain a continuous subscription, while also providing the "sense of subscription urgency" incentive that is a time specific subscriber reward.

Edited by Ratajack
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I'm not reading this whole thread. It's the same arguments over and over again. But I will say this:


Subs got the content FOR FREE (no additional cost to the price of your subscription for 8 months). That's your reward for fulfilling the condition: FREE content. Anyone who wasn't there or let their sub lapse, shouldn't get the chapter FOR FREE. They should have to pay for it, and should have the option to do so.


This is CONTENT, it's not some mount or helmet or confetti-throwing gibberish monkey or some other cosmetic item that fulfills the purpose of telling people you were there, at the right time. Those things serve their purpose. You see someone wearing HK-55's helmet, you know they were subbed that month, for what that's worth to you and them.


I've come out against making past limited edition items available after the fact, and I stand by that. For ITEMS. This is CONTENT. Bioware is saying that you can't play the entire game if you joined up late. Frankly, I think it was a petty ploy by them to gate content behind conditions like these. You want to reward loyal subscribers during that time? Give them content free, make everyone else spend coins, or real money. What's so offensive about that?


For the record, I willingly let my sub lapse knowing I wouldn't get this chapter. I DON'T want it for free and I probably wouldn't buy it anyway. I'm just saying, content should be replayable and you're limiting alot of players and potential players from doing that.

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I'm not reading this whole thread. It's the same arguments over and over again. But I will say this:


Subs got the content FOR FREE (no additional cost to the price of your subscription for 8 months). That's your reward for fulfilling the condition: FREE content. Anyone who wasn't there or let their sub lapse, shouldn't get the chapter FOR FREE. They should have to pay for it, and should have the option to do so.


This is CONTENT, it's not some mount or helmet or confetti-throwing gibberish monkey or some other cosmetic item that fulfills the purpose of telling people you were there, at the right time. Those things serve their purpose. You see someone wearing HK-55's helmet, you know they were subbed that month, for what that's worth to you and them.


I've come out against making past limited edition items available after the fact, and I stand by that. For ITEMS. This is CONTENT. Bioware is saying that you can't play the entire game if you joined up late. Frankly, I think it was a petty ploy by them to gate content behind conditions like these. You want to reward loyal subscribers during that time? Give them content free, make everyone else spend coins, or real money. What's so offensive about that?


For the record, I willingly let my sub lapse knowing I wouldn't get this chapter. I DON'T want it for free and I probably wouldn't buy it anyway. I'm just saying, content should be replayable and you're limiting alot of players and potential players from doing that.


It may be CONTENT, but it is NOT anything EVEN REMOTELY resembling CORE CONTENT. It is a one off, side story with NO bearing on the game as a whole.


The criteria to eligible to have access to the BONUS chapter was CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY set forth in the terms and conditions. Those terms and conditions did NOT say "until and unless we decide to sell it to the 'entitled, have to have it even though we KNOW we did NOT meet the criteria to have access to that BONUS chapter, and we KNOW we are NOT entitled to have it, but we want it anyway, so GIVE IT TO US NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' crowd". They CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated that to be eligible for the BONUS chapter, one had top be continuously subscribed from January 11- August 1, 2016. Anyone NOT subscribed for that period of time is NOT entitled to have access to the BONUS chapter, even if they want to pay a PITTANCE to access it now.


You acknowledge that you KNOW this and you KNOW that you do NOT qualify to receive the BONUS chapter. You acknowledge that you CHOSE not to subscribe, even though you KNEW when you made that decision that the BONUS chapter was "CONTENT", and now you want to complain that you are NOT entitled to have that "CONTENT". YOU CHOSE not to receive that "CONTENT". BW did NOT keep you from it. YOU did that. Now, you regret that decision and want to have what you are NOT entitled to have, and you probably want to pay a PITTANCE for it.


Anyone who is eligible to access that BONUS chapter paid $120 at the single month rate of $15. Whether or not they got any other benefit from that $120 is irrelevant. THAT is what those who are eligible for the BONUS chapter had to pay to be able to access that BONUS chapter.


Those who did NOT meet the criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter should NOT have access to that BONUS chapter. BW should hold true to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria set forth in the terms and conditions. To do otherwise would negatively impact any future subscriber reward incentives.


To those who did NOT qualify to receive the BONUS chapter, i would recommend that they subscribe going forward so as not to miss any FUTURE subscriber rewards.

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It may be CONTENT, but it is NOT anything EVEN REMOTELY resembling CORE CONTENT. It is a one off, side story with NO bearing on the game as a whole.


*snip* boring


To those who did NOT qualify to receive the BONUS chapter, i would recommend that they subscribe going forward so as not to miss any FUTURE subscriber rewards.


Thank you for repeating the same tired argument. I got that from reading 5 responses earlier in this thread and the dozens of others similar. We understand how things ARE, you don't need to remind us of that like a boring corporate shill.... we are asking for things to be DIFFERENT.


It's that last sentence, that reflects the pettiness and desperation of gating content behind time. SUBSCRIBE FOREVER SO YOU DON'T MISS ANYTHING! To me thats almost worse than DLC gameplay, because at least you have to option to do that content if you choose.

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In the future, you DO have the option to do content offered as subscriber reward. All you have to do is to meet the criteria to be able to access that "content".


On this point I'll add my voice.


If BioWare choose to gate content like this again, I'll do exactly what I did last time if I feel that content isn't worth it, I'll unsubscribe.


Looking at the business model alone for one second, ignoring any and all previous bonus content or subscriber rewards. Having an additonal DLC model, and gating that content behind an additonal paywall is tried and tested. Equally, having a business model where you get all of the additional content for free is tried and tested in the form of a Season Pass.


Perhaps BioWare should look at this from a different angle in the future.


Subscription = Season Pass. You essentially get any and all bonus story content while subscribed, on top of early access to new story content (plus the benefits of being a subscriber).

Additional DLC model = Bonus story content purchasable at a later date, new story content purchasable at a later date (excluded benefits of being a subscriber).


Then let that content stand on it's own feet, players get to pick and choose what addtional content they decide is worthwhile.


Obviously using the Season Pass model, those players get additional extras on top of the bonus story content, such as, going back to KotFE momentarily, HK-55 related toys. The Additional DLC model doesn't provide the HK-55 related toys if purchased.


These are tried and tested methods which do work on other games.


This way, those who do not wish to subscribe to the game have to pay properly to access additional content provided by an expansion. Remove the ability to get any and all access to previous expansions purely by subscribing for one month after all the content is released. If a player had an active subscription at the time of the expansion (and during) then they retain access to that content, or there is the option to purchase it as DLC at a later date.


(Please note: I'm not saying make all previous rewards available in this post, I'm suggesting what happens going forward.)

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On this point I'll add my voice.


If BioWare choose to gate content like this again, I'll do exactly what I did last time if I feel that content isn't worth it, I'll unsubscribe.


Looking at the business model alone for one second, ignoring any and all previous bonus content or subscriber rewards. Having an additonal DLC model, and gating that content behind an additonal paywall is tried and tested. Equally, having a business model where you get all of the additional content for free is tried and tested in the form of a Season Pass.


Perhaps BioWare should look at this from a different angle in the future.


Subscription = Season Pass. You essentially get any and all bonus story content while subscribed, on top of early access to new story content (plus the benefits of being a subscriber).

Additional DLC model = Bonus story content purchasable at a later date, new story content purchasable at a later date (excluded benefits of being a subscriber).


Then let that content stand on it's own feet, players get to pick and choose what addtional content they decide is worthwhile.


Obviously using the Season Pass model, those players get additional extras on top of the bonus story content, such as, going back to KotFE momentarily, HK-55 related toys. The Additional DLC model doesn't provide the HK-55 related toys if purchased.


These are tried and tested methods which do work on other games.


This way, those who do not wish to subscribe to the game have to pay properly to access additional content provided by an expansion. Remove the ability to get any and all access to previous expansions purely by subscribing for one month after all the content is released. If a player had an active subscription at the time of the expansion (and during) then they retain access to that content, or there is the option to purchase it as DLC at a later date.


(Please note: I'm not saying make all previous rewards available in this post, I'm suggesting what happens going forward.)


If BW continues with subscriber rewards, including BONUS chapters that have no "connection" with the core game and do NOT impede progression in any way, and you CHOOSE to unsubscribe, then you CHOOSE not have access to that BONUS chapter, just as at least one poster in this thread did.


If Johnny CHOOSES to give up access to the BONUS chapter, he should NOT expect any support from those those who DO meet any criteria set forth by BW to access that BONUS chapter when he comes to the forums to whine, cry, beg, plead, clamor and throw temper tantrums because he can't see that "content".


As I said, I think t he best option for BW is to implement a veteran reward system alongside the already existing time specific subscriber reward system, with SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT rewards for each.

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No one here who wants the option to pay extra is whining. No one who wants that option said anything about being entitled to it. The whiners are the ones, like you, who are against it for no other reason than "those are the rules". I mean, you're the one who's resorted to mockery and name calling. Explain to me how it negatively affects you if I can pay extra for something that you got for free? Explain how it diminishes your "achievement" if I get to do something months later, that you got to do immediately., for free?


To be fair, there have been some whiners who demand rewards for free that they didn't earn. This isn't that.


Asking for something ONCE is a simple request. Continuing to ask (for whatever reason, either because the answer is 'NO' or 'they never answered') for something you KNOW you are not entitled to have is whining, crying, begging, pleading and pestering like petulant child, IMO.


It makes no difference whether those that actually MET the criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter got it "free" or "early". The fact IS that those players who actually MET the criteria set forth by BW are the ONLY ones who are entitled to have access to that BONUS chapter at all, according to those CLEAR AND EXPLICIT CRITERIA set forth by BW, no matter how much the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am NOT entitled to have it, but I want it so GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" crowd wants to "pay".


Yes, change is a thing that can and should happen once in a while. Still not sure why you're so angry and afraid of the idea of change. Once again, nobody did any of those things asking for an option. The tantrums, the crying, the whining is all coming from your end. You seem like the type of person who'll threaten to unsub if someone gets the option to buy something that you got for free.


Sometimes things should change, and other time they should NOT, even though they "can". This is one of those times when things should NOT change, IMO.


I'm not the one continuously pestering for BW to change the rules so that I can have what I CHOSE not to have, but have now decided that I want, after all.


I am the one who is merely asking that BW hold to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria that they set forth to be entitled to the subscriber rewards, including that BONUS chapter.


Which of us the whining, crying, begging, pleading, pestering one?




I'm not sure what you consider a "pittance" but let's not pretend the value of the reward is equal to the value of 8 months of subscription. You get SO MUCH MORE for subscribing than you'd get FTP.


Whether or not those who qualified for the BONUS chapter got anything else for that $120 or not is IRRELEVANT. The fact is that each and every one of those who ARE entitled to have that BONUS chapter, unlike you, DID choose to remain subscribed for those 8 months and DID pay the 8 months of subscription cost.


Anything less than the cost of 8 months is subscription IS a PITTANCE, IMO.


Thanks for reminding me what I did again. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm sure your response to this will be more of the same, since that's your only real ammunition. You've truly given me something to think about. For my part, I'll remind you that nobody is taking anything away from you by putting this CONTENT, something YOU got FOR FREE, up for sale. You've still won. You got something for free that I had to pay extra for, and you earned it. No one is saying that you didn't, and no one is demanding the same thing that you earned for free.


I will continue to remind you that you are NOT entitled to the BONUS chapter for no reason other than a CHOICE that YOU made, KNOWING full well that you would NOT have access to the "content" of the BONUS chapter.


I have something that according to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria (of which you were aware) set forth by BW, you should NEVER have, no matter how much you want to pay. You KNOW this and it really must stick in your craw, that YOUR DECISION cost you something that now you want sooooo desperately and cannot have.

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As I said, I think t he best option for BW is to implement a veteran reward system alongside the already existing time specific subscriber reward system, with SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT rewards for each.


In my post I suggest a completely different business model, which in my own opinion would be the best option going forward.

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Asking for something ONCE is a simple request. Continuing to ask (for whatever reason, either because the answer is 'NO' or 'they never answered') for something you KNOW you are not entitled to have is whining, crying, begging, pleading and pestering like petulant child, IMO.


It makes no difference whether those that actually MET the criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter got it "free" or "early". The fact IS that those players who actually MET the criteria set forth by BW are the ONLY ones who are entitled to have access to that BONUS chapter at all, according to those CLEAR AND EXPLICIT CRITERIA set forth by BW, no matter how much the "entitled, have to have it even though I KNOW I am NOT entitled to have it, but I want it so GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" crowd wants to "pay".


There's so much wrong here, I don't know how to start. You keep using that word "entitled" and CLEARLY don't know what it means, seeing how it still doesn't apply to this thread. OP CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY asked in the title for the OPTION to PAY for the extra content. Nobody at any time asked for it to be free, and nobody at any time felt they deserved anything other than a second chance. You're just making stuff up now, because you don't have a real opposing argument other than "NO!!! *pouty face*"


You've never fought for change, I see. Otherwise you would understand that it's alot more involved than just asking once. Imagine if all those who've achieved real change in the world just asked for it one time then went away. That's not how the world works. You fight for what you believe in, whether it's world changing or insignificant to everyone but you. You understand that on some level, since you've been in here CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY responding to everyone. By your logic you should've just said NO once and been done, but you fight. You believe in your cause and stand up for it. But anyone who opposes your opinion is a crybaby. Sure, that makes sense.


Sometimes things should change, and other time they should NOT, even though they "can". This is one of those times when things should NOT change, IMO.


I'm not the one continuously pestering for BW to change the rules so that I can have what I CHOSE not to have, but have now decided that I want, after all.


I am the one who is merely asking that BW hold to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria that they set forth to be entitled to the subscriber rewards, including that BONUS chapter.


Which of us the whining, crying, begging, pleading, pestering one?


Still you. You've been in this thread from the beginning insulting, bashing and condescending to anyone simply asking for a second chance. It's gameplay. It's not the usual participation trophy to make you feel special for having hung around during a certain time. You still get those. You can wear your special helmet and show the thousands of other subs that you were there too.


And no one is changing the rules. Those who fulfilled the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria still got rewarded for doing so. At no time did Bioware ever CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY say that there was no chance in hell of ever re-releasing this content. It's a win-win for everyone if they do: you got yours, free and early; we get ours for a fee; EA gets money.


You still haven't explained how it affects your experience, either positively or negatively. I just think you're the type who doesn't like it when others get to enjoy something. I mean, screaming and carrying on in opposition to others getting something that you have, having to work harder to get it, when it doesn't affect your life and experience in any way.... that reminds me of something...


Whether or not those who qualified for the BONUS chapter got anything else for that $120 or not is IRRELEVANT. The fact is that each and every one of those who ARE entitled to have that BONUS chapter, unlike you, DID choose to remain subscribed for those 8 months and DID pay the 8 months of subscription cost.


Anything less than the cost of 8 months is subscription IS a PITTANCE, IMO.


LOL. No. That's just plain stupid. It's one chapter. Anything over $15 for a character and an hour of gameplay is a ripoff, and simply exists to show players what the can't have. It's like those items on the GTN that go for $200 million. Nothing is worth that much, and noone is paying that much. They're just there so the seller can show off to everyone what they have, and we can all gaze in wonder at this person who is so favored by the RNG Gods


I will continue to remind you that you are NOT entitled to the BONUS chapter for no reason other than a CHOICE that YOU made, KNOWING full well that you would NOT have access to the "content" of the BONUS chapter.


Whoops, there you go using that word wrong again. Don't worry, eventually you'll get it right.


I have something that according to the CLEAR AND EXPLICIT criteria (of which you were aware) set forth by BW, you should NEVER have, no matter how much you want to pay. You KNOW this and it really must stick in your craw, that YOUR DECISION cost you something that now you want sooooo desperately and cannot have.


Nah, not s much as the very idea of someone daring to ask for a second chance sticks in yours. The sheer amount of effort you've put in to this counter argument is laughable. Do you even play the game anymore? It says a lot about who you are that you'll defend a meaningless participation trophy this hard.


What I find most amusing is the first slide on the front page of the website, regarding the bonus chapter. Who is that for? Players knew the chapter was to be released on a certain date, and are surely aware as of that date that it was live. New and returning players are greeted by "Hey! Subscribe now and you still don't get to do this content, but maybe, we're not saying definitely but we're implying, you'll get something similar if you hang around for another year! Subscribe today!" Again, that's almost worse than the hated pre-order bonus, because at least those tell you what digital trinkets you'll get. But that's marketing for ya.

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I'm not reading this whole thread. It's the same arguments over and over again. But I will say this:


Subs got the content FOR FREE (no additional cost to the price of your subscription for 8 months). That's your reward for fulfilling the condition: FREE content. Anyone who wasn't there or let their sub lapse, shouldn't get the chapter FOR FREE. They should have to pay for it, and should have the option to do so.


This is CONTENT, it's not some mount or helmet or confetti-throwing gibberish monkey or some other cosmetic item that fulfills the purpose of telling people you were there, at the right time. Those things serve their purpose. You see someone wearing HK-55's helmet, you know they were subbed that month, for what that's worth to you and them.


I've come out against making past limited edition items available after the fact, and I stand by that. For ITEMS. This is CONTENT. Bioware is saying that you can't play the entire game if you joined up late. Frankly, I think it was a petty ploy by them to gate content behind conditions like these. You want to reward loyal subscribers during that time? Give them content free, make everyone else spend coins, or real money. What's so offensive about that?


For the record, I willingly let my sub lapse knowing I wouldn't get this chapter. I DON'T want it for free and I probably wouldn't buy it anyway. I'm just saying, content should be replayable and you're limiting alot of players and potential players from doing that.


I agree, in fact the entire KotFE expansion was free for active subscribers ( meaning you got the content in addition to the perks for being subscribed ) and was the only way to gain access to it. But people weren't complaining back when BW decided to hand off SoR and RotHC for free even though people spent money IN ADDITION to their subscriptions for access to the content previously. So they shouldn't be complaining now.

Clearly BW is okay with giving away content for free that previously had to be paid for ( as illustrated by my example in the previous paragraph ) so what is the real difference between now and then?


BW never stated that SoR would be forever exclusive content to only those who'd paid for it though, right? So by that reasoning BW was completely within their rights to do so. The same could apply here, as BW did not once state that the bonus chapter would be exclusive content forever to those who were subscribed on specific dates, just that those who were subscribed on those specific dates would be granted the bonus chapter. So by that same reasoning BW would be well within their rights to release it for free or for a price or otherwise down the line if they wanted to. So if as many people have said, that BW releasing the bonus content later for a cheaper price ( Let's say $15) would be a breach of the ToS, then wouldn't them giving away SoR/RotHC for free also be a breach of their ToS? I mean, previously you had to pay an extra $20 or so dollars in addition to subscribing for expansion content ( specific requirement ) in order to be able to play that content, yet oddly enough I never saw that many people whining about it as they are now when it comes to this HK bonus chapter.


So truly, what is the real difference? $100?

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Clearly BW is okay with giving away content for free that previously had to be paid for ( as illustrated by my example in the previous paragraph ) so what is the real difference between now and then?


It was relevant to the core story, or some such, ignoring that it's relevant to The Shroud core story arc. I'll probably be berated or some such for making this post though, while it's pointed out that I'm "entitled" or whatever, or I didn't meet the clear and explicit terms etc (which also applied to RotHC and SoR!.... but that wasn't bonus content and was an expansion or some such)



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