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Sell Arma Rasa/HK-55 recovery mission for 2- 5$ on web as digital extension of Kotfe.


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How about a bad analogy?


Go into work, don't do any overtime all month, while everyone else is pulling 14 hour shifts. Now, when it gets to pay day and they get the extra money in their pay, go to the boss and ask if you can have the same amount of extra money if you do one 14 hour shift.

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If you threw $15/month at BW/EA for a potentially short and unknown episode you didn't really know anything about. Then the question you gotta ask yourself now is: was it worth it? Was this 1-hour playthrough worth "$120"? Pretty sure most would say 'no', if that was the ONLY thing they were paying for. With that kind of money they could've bought 2 AAA titles for Day 1 and gotten a lot more value out of the same amount of money.


You'd almost think that the vast majority of the people subbed at the time were regular subscribers and would have stayed subbed regardless.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Fixed that for you.


What makes you think that someone who is NOT willing to pay the minimal cost of $15/month to play with no restrictions and to have access to any subscriber rewards is going to spend MORE on the CM than someone who actually subscribes?


Let's not forget that BW has already stated multiple times that the VAST MAJORITY of CM sales are made by SUBSCRIBERS.


If the VAST MAJORITY of CM sales are made by SUBSCRIBERS (those who already regularly financially support the game), how do you expect anyone to believe that the freeloaders spend more than the subscribers?

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Most of those subs would have subbed anyway. Also, $5 for the chapter is completely at odds with the pricing in the cartel market and deliberately unrealistic and disingenuous.


This is true, 5$ is a pittance, it obviously should be 20$ or so or made available through a future sub reward.


Although... granting it as a reward for completing the shroud (macrobinocular) story would be the most useful thing they could do with it. Of course I know that wont happen so, please, lets stay on the subject of bonuses and their supposed legally binding exclusivity.

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What makes you think that someone who is NOT willing to pay the minimal cost of $15/month to play with no restrictions and to have access to any subscriber rewards is going to spend MORE on the CM than someone who actually subscribes?


Let's not forget that BW has already stated multiple times that the VAST MAJORITY of CM sales are made by SUBSCRIBERS.


If the VAST MAJORITY of CM sales are made by SUBSCRIBERS (those who already regularly financially support the game), how do you expect anyone to believe that the freeloaders spend more than the subscribers?


Because otherwise his/her point would fail

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If the VAST MAJORITY of CM sales are made by SUBSCRIBERS (those who already regularly financially support the game), how do you expect anyone to believe that the freeloaders spend more than the subscribers?


And right here is where we get to the real reasons you oppose this.

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I've got a bottle of Tanqueray on my counter, that's $25 I'm sure I could have spent elsewhere. I've got a motorcycle in front of my apartment, that's $256/mo that I wouldn't strictly need to be spending, seeing as I do also own a car. I've got a 40" telly that I mostly use to watch Amazon Prime videos on, despite having a computer that could do the same. (I've also got Amazon Prime.)


I often spend money on little things to make my life more enjoyable. I'm sure you do, too. 50¢/day isn't too much to get a groovie new companion and an extra chapter on all my toons that I care to take through KOTFE.

Ah... so you wouldn't really let it lapse, then, would you? Even though you could've saved a lot of money?

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You'd almost think that the vast majority of the people subbed at the time were regular subscribers and would have stayed subbed regardless.

No way! :eek:

EDIT: We all know the only reason why people sub is because of the rewards! :mad:



Notice how he keeps saying "sales" and not cc purchases. I want a source on where this idea that subs buy more cartel coins comes from.

Me too. But we'll never gonna see it.

Edited by Riftgrinder
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Ah... so you wouldn't really let it lapse, then, would you? Even though you could've saved a lot of money?


Sure I would. I ride my bike almost daily, I watch Amazon Prime almost daily. If I don't regularly get that little bit of pleasure from something, why would I continue paying for it? KotFE was getting a bit boring after chapter 9, and I was seriously considering unsubbing and just buying a month at the end to get the last few chapters for the price of one, as many people are known to have done. The main reason I didn't was the pretty large carrot BW was holding for me.


Yeah, I enjoyed all the other perks through it. I was only pulling one character through KotFE, so it wasn't the story itself that kept me subbed. Most of the other perks I could have just bought unlocks for. But I wanted that bonus chapter, because playing as HK seemed interesting af, so I maintained my sub.

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Oh, btw, anyone who says they think the chapter should cost $120 because that's how long an 8-month sub costs? Kindly refund the 4000cc you also got for being subbed. Also, roll back any level gains your characters got to where they would be with preferred xp gains. Also, give back any gear you got doing heroics (or credits from selling them). Also, give back anything you bought on the GTN because you didn't have a credit cap.


Huh, it's almost like subs already get a ton of stuff back for what they pay.


Yeah, because subs only use their 500 CC/month and no more, while preferred players buy 1000+ CC per month


That's assuming that the number of preferred players is equal to subs, instead of vastly outnumbering them. :rolleyes:

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Sure I would. I ride my bike almost daily, I watch Amazon Prime almost daily. If I don't regularly get that little bit of pleasure from something, why would I continue paying for it? KotFE was getting a bit boring after chapter 9, and I was seriously considering unsubbing and just buying a month at the end to get the last few chapters for the price of one, as many people are known to have done. The main reason I didn't was the pretty large carrot BW was holding for me.


Yeah, I enjoyed all the other perks through it. I was only pulling one character through KotFE, so it wasn't the story itself that kept me subbed. Most of the other perks I could have just bought unlocks for. But I wanted that bonus chapter, because playing as HK seemed interesting af, so I maintained my sub.

Good for you. But reading through this I don't get the sense you seriously considered to unsub. It's sounds more like you're just rationalizing, but I could be wrong.

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It was clearly stated at the beginning. You KNEW what the rewards were and how to get them, decided NOT to sub, and now are crying because you can't get them.


Change the rules cause someone actively chose not to follow them? Weird how I didn't see any of you complaining about the rules back in January. But now everyone else has the toy, the tears and tantrums start.

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It was clearly stated at the beginning. You KNEW what the rewards were and how to get them, decided NOT to sub, and now are crying because you can't get them.


Umm, no. I've been subbed for 4 years, I have the content and I completely support putting it on the market because I actually want more players to experience a genuinely well-written chapter. I want more people to appreciate the work of the people who obviously put their best work into this. When I experience something good, my first instinct is to share it with others, not horde it all to myself.


Don't make assumptions when you obviously just walked in and didn't read the discussion going on.

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It was clearly stated at the beginning. You KNEW what the rewards were and how to get them, decided NOT to sub, and now are crying because you can't get them.


Change the rules cause someone actively chose not to follow them? Weird how I didn't see any of you complaining about the rules back in January. But now everyone else has the toy, the tears and tantrums start.

Who are you talking to? I've been sub for over 2 years now, consistently.



Don't make assumptions when you obviously just walked in and didn't read the discussion going on.

You really thought they wouldn't make any assumptions? Oh, sweet summer child... :p

Edited by Riftgrinder
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It was clearly stated at the beginning. You KNEW what the rewards were and how to get them, decided NOT to sub, and now are crying because you can't get them.


Change the rules cause someone actively chose not to follow them? Weird how I didn't see any of you complaining about the rules back in January. But now everyone else has the toy, the tears and tantrums start.


You didn't read the thread to see that many of us have access to these rewards and are simply lobbying for further access to be granted through other means.


Good try jumping in though, I don't like the 'and now are crying..' bit much as no one is and it belittles whatever point you think you are making.

Edited by Monumenta
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Like many other posters here I've been a subscriber to SWTOR since launch and have received all the subscriber rewards over the years. I don't believe that all the little doodads that have been given to us should be made available to everyone on the Cartel Market.


That said...I do agree with the op on this one. I think it would strengthen the game to allow people to BUY this subscriber only content. I'd set a higher price than suggested though.


This chapter and the HK-55 quest were provided to us for NO EXTRA CHARGE as a reward. How would it hurt any of us by allowing subscribers who missed part of the requirement from buying this content?

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Umm, no. I've been subbed for 4 years, I have the content and I completely support putting it on the market because I actually want more players to experience a genuinely well-written chapter. I want more people to appreciate the work of the people who obviously put their best work into this. When I experience something good, my first instinct is to share it with others, not horde it all to myself.


Don't make assumptions when you obviously just walked in and didn't read the discussion going on.


You can upload that BONUS chapter to Youtube and all those who did NOT meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter can see it.


Alternatively, you can invite anyone who did NOT meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter over and let them watch you run through that BONUS chapter so they can see it live.


Those of us that did MEET the criteria to receive the subscriber rewards can enjoy our rewards knowing that NO ONE is being "punished".

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You can upload that BONUS chapter to Youtube and all those who did NOT meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter can see it.


Alternatively, you can invite anyone who did NOT meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter over and let them watch you run through that BONUS chapter so they can see it live.


Those of us that did MEET the criteria to receive the subscriber rewards can enjoy our rewards knowing that NO ONE is being "punished".

You REALLY like CAPS, don't YOU?

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You can upload that BONUS chapter to Youtube and all those who did NOT meet the CLEARLY AND EXPLICITLY stated criteria to have access to the BONUS chapter can see it.


By that logic you can just watch the entire game on Youtube, so why are you even spending money to be here? :rolleyes:

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That might be because, unlike some, I actually MET the requirements to have access to the subscriber rewards, including that BONUS chapter.


And Bioware can change the rules whenever they want. It's their game, and you know it or you wouldn't feel the need to argue so vehemently here.


Instead of wanting others to enjoy every part of this game, the people fighting this want to hold on to something they can lord over those nasty "freeloaders" you seem to hold in such obvious contempt.

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