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Sell Arma Rasa/HK-55 recovery mission for 2- 5$ on web as digital extension of Kotfe.


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If you are complaining about the Shroud aspect of it, give up on it or fall upon your own sword already. The Shroud was not completed by a lot of people. Of those that completed it, they tended to complete it while they were a subscriber, thus...by logic, making it a subscriber bonus meant that the people who completed the Shroud missions would get to see the finale of it.

You chose to not keep your sub up, you deserve to lose out on it. You are not entitled to it.

As for purchasing it...15 bucks is quite low considering keep on raising that price tag anything under a hypercrate isn't enough.

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Clearly BW is okay with giving away content for free that previously had to be paid for ( as illustrated by my example in the previous paragraph ) so what is the real difference between now and then?


The difference is the time-limited window to obtain stuffs and declarations of "subscribe on/by/during <DATES>" to obtain the stuffs.


These special stuffs aren't just 'fluff', they have meaning behind them, meaning that becomes meaningless if they're just given away or sold to anyone at any time.


What the stuffs are (ie. item/title/companion/chapter) and what they are 'worth' (ie. time/money) DO NOT MATTER, it's the MEANING behind them that matters, and THAT'S why people want them.


Not everything is available to everyone all the time and that's OK.

Edited by PetFish
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I hate to miss exclusive content like this and then being unable to get it later.


Yet what would be the point on making this special offers? They made it to motivate people to subscribe. If we were getting it for $5 later why would non subs pay a $29 two months sub if they could simply wait for the quest to get sold later. Same with Nico Okkar offer.

And they gave you a really long time for you to save some money for your sub if you really really want it. They kept advertising it on social media during all that time in case you missed it. If you didn't get it during that time is because you didn't wanted it.


I suggest you to take more seriously limited time events like those so you don't need to end up here asking for a second chance.

Now that LvD event is here you should run to complete your Eternal Rank quests before you miss your chance for the new companion.

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If we were getting it for $5 later why would non subs pay a $29 two months sub if they could simply wait for the quest to get sold later.


As several people have explained earlier, subscriber rewards are NOT the only incentive or reason why people subscribe to this game. So people really ought to stop trying to speak for the entire player base saying that if BW/EA released previously implied "exclusive" content that it would set a precedent or that it'd cause a large number of subscribers to no longer subscribe. As seen when BW/EA gave away RotHC & SoR away for free despite them previously having to have been paid for in order to be played. (Meaning they were "exclusive content" as well.) A few people probably got upset but a majority of the players shrugged it off and a lot are still subscribing to this day.


So let me say this again, subscriber rewards ARE an incentive to continue subscribing but are not the ONLY incentive for doing so. While I'm sure there are some who did decide to subscribe because of the little extra incentive given, a large portion of the player base were already subscribing for other reasons such as PvP, PvE and No Credit Cap.


The difference is the time-limited window to obtain stuffs and declarations of "subscribe on/by/during <DATES>" to obtain the stuffs.


These special stuffs aren't just 'fluff', they have meaning behind them, meaning that becomes meaningless if they're just given away or sold to anyone at any time.


What the stuffs are (ie. item/title/companion/chapter) and what they are 'worth' (ie. time/money) DO NOT MATTER, it's the MEANING behind them that matters, and THAT'S why people want them.


Not everything is available to everyone all the time and that's OK.


That's irrelevant. That was a specified requirement just like paying $20 was for access to SoR and $20 for RotHC.

That doesn't differentiate them at all other than what the requirements were and doesn't differentiate the situation.

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The difference is the time-limited window to obtain stuffs and declarations of "subscribe on/by/during <DATES>" to obtain the stuffs.


These special stuffs aren't just 'fluff', they have meaning behind them, meaning that becomes meaningless if they're just given away or sold to anyone at any time.


What the stuffs are (ie. item/title/companion/chapter) and what they are 'worth' (ie. time/money) DO NOT MATTER, it's the MEANING behind them that matters, and THAT'S why people want them.


Not everything is available to everyone all the time and that's OK.


Yes, agreed, for items, decorations, mounts, etc. "Stuffs", as you coined them. Things you can wear and show off to say I was there. Those definitely have meaning. The same way ops gear and ranked PvP rewards do. They say "I accomplished this" and yes, ABSOLUTELY, it diminishes that accomplishment if just any Johnny-come-lately can just buy the thing later. I wholeheartedly oppose selling exclusive items such as these.


But we're not talking about that. This is playable content. This isn't something that another player can look at and see that you did. This is for YOU to enjoy. That's what makes this mission an exception, and why I don't see a problem with making it available for sale.


Note on achievements: I'm on the fence about this. I believe that all achievements should be... achievable, by anyone at any time . When I say anyone I mean someone with sufficient skill and investment. Not always easy but not impossible. But I concede that the achievements you get for this mission are maybe the only exception to my argument, in that they're the only thing you can show off about it. I suppose if one were to buy the mission, they wouldn't get the achievement, that might make people feel better?

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Note on achievements: I'm on the fence about this. I believe that all achievements should be... achievable, by anyone at any time . When I say anyone I mean someone with sufficient skill and investment. Not always easy but not impossible. But I concede that the achievements you get for this mission are maybe the only exception to my argument, in that they're the only thing you can show off about it. I suppose if one were to buy the mission, they wouldn't get the achievement, that might make people feel better?


If I understand what you're suggesting, that would "fix" nothing for me at least.

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If I understand what you're suggesting, that would "fix" nothing for me at least.


That's why I'm torn on this. I'd like all players, old and new, to be able to get every available achievement, but I also want those who earned limited time rewards to have something that makes those rewards special. There's really no way to do both.

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I knew when the chapter launched there would be floods of tears, glad to not be disappointed. Sorry folks, the terms were clear, time to move on to the next step of grief, and that is acceptance. It is not going to be sold of given away on the CM. BW has a clear precedent of such matters.


But the complaining, bargaining, anger all the levels of grief are so fun to watch. SO keeps it coming :p


Next time, try not taking the cheap route, and paying a month for multiple chapters, and actually pay a reliable sub, and you wont miss out on future such content.

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I knew when the chapter launched there would be floods of tears, glad to not be disappointed. Sorry folks, the terms were clear, time to move on to the next step of grief, and that is acceptance. It is not going to be sold of given away on the CM. BW has a clear precedent of such matters.


But the complaining, bargaining, anger all the levels of grief are so fun to watch. SO keeps it coming :p


Next time, try not taking the cheap route, and paying a month for multiple chapters, and actually pay a reliable sub, and you wont miss out on future such content.

this is reasonable
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  • 1 month later...

I understand about the uniqueness of items for subscribers.


BUT, if players cannot get a certain companion because they were not subscribed by a certain date then all achievements for said companion should be removed. As it is a constant reminder that it is something they (and me) will never be able to complete and will never hit 100%


All bonuses should be cosmetic only and not affect any story or game play enjoyment.


Anything story related should be an option on the cartel market at least so ALL SWTOR players can enjoy!


I'm Sure this has come up before, but i only started playing a month ago, it's stupid this isn't a thing.

Edited by Shakil_Khan
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I understand about the uniqueness of items for subscribers.


BUT, if players cannot get a certain companion because they were not subscribed by a certain date then all achievements for said companion should be removed. As it is a constant reminder that it is something they (and me) will never be able to complete and will never hit 100%


All bonuses should be cosmetic only and not affect any story or game play enjoyment.


Anything story related should be an option on the cartel market at least so ALL SWTOR players can enjoy!


I'm Sure this has come up before, but it's stupid this isn't a thing.


Cosmetic can affect game play enjoyment for some so you're argument is rather moot there. Achievement opportunities also reward long term players. This is an MMO, there will always be things the vets have that newcomers will never have access too. Any MMO with a subscription should reward the subscribers. You want to 100% on an MMO? You better adopt that MMO when it is released and never let your sub lapse.

Achievements in MMOs have been around before WoW but they were typically just badges on a character sheet only a single group could ever earn. WoW...the father of the current achievement system infecting everything, has a TONNE of achievements you can't get if you weren't around, and even stories that you can't ever see due to an expansion changing everything (cataclysm). Aion has achievements you can only get if you can get ranked int he top 5 players of PvP on your faction.


Nature of the game, this is not a single player offline achievement game like Deus Ex you play on steam and work on getting every achievement. You work on the ones you can work on, and accept that you don't have access to some as they were before your time, or you chose to not sub and thus chose to not have access to that content.

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You want to 100% on an MMO? You better adopt that MMO when it is released and never let your sub lapse.


Except even that's not good enough when there are 6 achievements that no one has ever been able to get :p


Achievements in MMOs have been around before WoW but they were typically just badges on a character sheet only a single group could ever earn. WoW...the father of the current achievement system infecting everything, has a TONNE of achievements you can't get if you weren't around, and even stories that you can't ever see due to an expansion changing everything (cataclysm). Aion has achievements you can only get if you can get ranked int he top 5 players of PvP on your faction.


Doesn't WoW have some Feats of Strength thing? (although I don't know exactly how it works) And this game doesn't have to do what WoW or any other MMO does...

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Except even that's not good enough when there are 6 achievements that no one has ever been able to get :p




Doesn't WoW have some Feats of Strength thing? (although I don't know exactly how it works) And this game doesn't have to do what WoW or any other MMO does...


Not saying it has to, I am saying that when the most successful MMO doesn't even allow you to go back and get achievements for old things, don't expect the lesser cousins to do it.

MMOs are living changing worlds (yes even the themeparks) and when you miss something, you have missed it. No do-over. You missed your chance and the achievement isn't going to go away just to mollify someone's OCD.

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I want a 1968 Dodge Charger!


I wasnt born yet when they were made, and thanks to The Dukes of Hazard/Multiple crash & trash shows/movies most are gone, but I demand Dodge start remaking that exact model and sell me one because im entitled!



Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I have a good friend who didn't get the chapter but funny thing is she not coming to the forums saying to let her have it because of xx. She knows there are things she can't always have.


You can't always get something you want no matter what. There are times you will be disappointed. Time to learn how to handle disappointment and move on.

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I took a long break from the game, so I missed HK-55 and am only just now playing the expansion he shows up in. I've never been a big fan of the HK droids, but this one I like, so I was bummed when he died and more bummed to find out I've missed the chance to regain him forever. So yeah, I'd like the option to get him in some way.


I don't really understand the mindset that some people have of, "It's exclusive and no one else can EVER have it because then MINE will be less SPECIAL!!!" I have quite a few of the other subscriber rewards, like Nico and the Hutt statue, and in no way does someone else having that thing at all diminish the one I have or my experience with having it. If other people have to NOT have something for you to appreciate the one YOU have, you probably need to rethink your priorities in life.


Look at it this way, if they made these available as high-priced items on the Cartel market, you still would have gotten for free something that is now (at that point) $20 or whatever. That's still a win.

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Look at it this way, if they made these available as high-priced items on the Cartel market, you still would have gotten for free something that is now (at that point) $20 or whatever. That's still a win.
They would have to charge a little over $100 for it since that's the amount subscribers shelled out over that time frame in order to earn it.


I think it would be entirely fair to offer it for sale at that price point for the people who didn't qualify for it to purchase it.

I'd even be willing to consider granting credit for whichever random months people had been subscribed during that time, but that's probably too much hassle on the back end.


Personally, I'm a big fan of letting people purchase rewards like these... as long as they have to pay an equivalent amount of money for them.

I'd love for them to offer a digital version of the Collector's Edition, as long as they sold it for at least $150.

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Nah, it didn't cost subscribers over $100 for the companion. How many subscribers do you really think never played the game during that time and only paid that for the comp? It was a 'free gift with purchase' and what you paid for was the subscription time.



We had to be a subscriber from January to August so figure the math. We didn't get the gift without being a subscriber from that time period. Miss one month you lost the gift.


$15.00 x 8 months= $120.00



So for a person to get the gift they would need to pay the price subs had to pay in order to qualify for the gift and that would $120.00.


And that is me being generous agreeing with the idea.


I honestly think it is time for people to understand there will always be something they can't have in a game and learn to deal with the disappointments.

Edited by casirabit
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I don't think this would be right. I stopped subscribing for a very long time and missed a lot of content but that's okay. I didn't earn that content. For me or anyone who didn't earn it to have access would be a slap in the face to those who were here for it.


To me it seems like it would be the same as BW granting every user the founder title I love so much from being one of the first players (I was a beta tester and I pre-ordered). It would suck if someone who just started playing tomorrow were given those things.


If they re-release it into the cartel market it just furthers the idea (that they're honestly already pushing) that those who pay can get anything they want. It makes the game "Pay to enjoy" basically.

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As a subscriber, I wouldn't much mind if they did it. I was gonna be subbed anyway, and I sure am glad I got it, but its worth is not necessarily dependent on other people not having a way to get it. Realistically, though, it'd be a whole lot more than $2-$5. Given Treek costs $20+, I would assume any future companion unlocks will be priced similarly.
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To me it seems like it would be the same as BW granting every user the founder title I love so much from being one of the first players (I was a beta tester and I pre-ordered). It would suck if someone who just started playing tomorrow were given those things.


Well giving the Founder title to someone who's not a founder doesn't make sense... Other sub rewards though, IDK.

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Nah, it didn't cost subscribers over $100 for the companion. How many subscribers do you really think never played the game during that time and only paid that for the comp? It was a 'free gift with purchase' and what you paid for was the subscription time.


I know I didn't play during that time.


I had just gotten burned out on the game and still wasn't happy about the loss of companions. However, I figured I wanted the sub perks, I'd be getting the CC too, so I just kept it on my monthly sub for it.


Then I came back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't think this would be right. I stopped subscribing for a very long time and missed a lot of content but that's okay. I didn't earn that content. For me or anyone who didn't earn it to have access would be a slap in the face to those who were here for it.


To me it seems like it would be the same as BW granting every user the founder title I love so much from being one of the first players (I was a beta tester and I pre-ordered). It would suck if someone who just started playing tomorrow were given those things.


If they re-release it into the cartel market it just furthers the idea (that they're honestly already pushing) that those who pay can get anything they want. It makes the game "Pay to enjoy" basically.


This is where I am as well, especially the bolded/underlined.


I was lucky at the time to have subscribed, but wasn't playing, and received the initial HK (Arma Rasa) mission... didn't get the second HK Bonus Chapter... not sure if I was subscribed for Shae Vizla... either way, its fine... especially since companions are basically the same...

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Just got a friend into SWTOR and when she saw me HK chapter with Z0-OM she excitedly asked at what point she could get that. :(


Signed (the price should be a bit higher, though. $12 to get back HK, and maybe $20 to unlock the escape chapter).


I agree with this. I missed this but loved 55 in game but can't get him because I missed the window.


As to those who are against it, why be so nasty/antagonistic to other players who just want cool things in a great game? Surely more people getting what they want in a game that is on the decline in numbers would be a good thing to keep people in game....? Why do some people think "Oh you didn't support the game then, so you don't deserve it now," when people just want to enjoy the game in all aspects? One person having what you had "earned" by paying for it doesn't eliminate the fact you were awesome to earn it - it helps keep the game going when people pay for stuff.


There's a few times I've felt this game is stingy. Get people back, get people subbing, get people buying things like these chapters/extras, get people happy by inclusion not exclusion.

Edited by dobbsyoz
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