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Is this lack of communication normal?


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Watch it, youll get a lecture about how "hardcore fans aren't important and that casuals make the game successful" :rolleyes:


It's not hard to understand that the hardcores are are just as important as the casuals.


I don't know what a "hardcore" or a "casual" is but I'm just going to run with those terms. I agree that ALL the customers are important and the developers shouldn't (and they aren't) be looking to dump any of them. I don't understand the mindset that thinks Bioware is sitting around looking for ways to lose customers, that's some serious fantasy in my book. Bioware makes the most out of the resources they have and it appears they are doing enough to remain profitable at this point. Note I said appears, I don't have any facts and I'm basing my opinion on the fact that the lights are still on and the last financial report painted the games earnings in a positive light.

Edited by Bruticis
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I've just gotta say something here. I know E.M. won't read it, but what the hey.


Keep in mind that Eternal Throne is a continuation of the story in KOTFE. There are things that are not yet wrapped up or completed, and that is intentional. You aren't through the whole story yet...


That may be true, but it's really not a sufficient excuse for the convoluted and incomprehensible nonsense that made up the main plot of KOTFE. There are multiple threads with people who are defending the KOTFE story having to write walls of text full of head canon just to explain what the hell happened in the main storyline -- things like who Valk really is and how he can be both Valk and Vitiate at apparently the same time, things like that. The story is a tangled mess of spaghetti. A lot of it -- and I mean a LOT, not just Valk -- makes utterly no sense, right now, at the end of sixteen chapters.


It is simply not acceptable (nor is it wise from a narrative perspective) to write a story that cannot be comprehended until the 2nd installment -- and no good storyteller does that. Expand and force people to reinterpret what they think was true -- yes. But make it incomprehensible until book/movie 2? No.


Consider some of the best first stories in a longer sequence. In Star Wars ep. IV... you understand the whole movie as it happens. Nothing is incomprehensible. Are you wrong about who you think Vader is? Maybe ("from a certain point of view"). But Ben Kenobi is able to explain in a couple minutes screen time everything you need to know during the original Star Wars movie, to understand it. When ESB and ROTJ came out, yes, you had to revise your thinking. And re-watching Star Wars after that gave it a new meaning. But at the time in 1977, I did not have to wait until Empire to understand what the heck happened in ANH.


Or take another example: The Hobbit. The book stands on its own and is completely understandable. Is there more to the story, especially the One Ring, that you find out later? Yes. Does the reading of LOTR force you to re-think what you thought you saw happen in The Hobbit? Sure. But *during* reading The Hobbit, you understand all the scenes as they happen. You aren't left going "HUH?" at the end of the riddle scene.


Finally, take the example of Harry Potter. A lot of stuff happens in that first book that seems to mean one thing, only to mean something else in later books. Again you have to revise your thinking. For example in the very first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore says that Voldemort has powers Dumbledore could never have, and McGonagall says "Only because you're too, well, noble to use them." This can be taken 100% at face value and the story completely understood. In later books, we find out what they're talking about -- the Unforgivable Curses (Cruciatus, Imperius, and Killing) and even later we find out about Horcruxes. Only in book 6-7 with Horcruxes do we at last understand why Harry did not die that night of the opening chapters However, during book 1, none of that info. is necessary to understand what happened in the book. Again, you are not left at the end of Sorcerer's stone going "HUH?"


In KOTFE, at the end of the whole entire 16 chapters, I and a lot of other people were left sitting there going "HUH?" The story makes no sense, chapters contradict each other's basic premises, and everything is a spaghetti mess. I contend that even if there is a reason behind some of the stuff and you clean it up in KOTET it is too late. The damage has been done. The impression of the story being a random mess of ideas pulled out of a hat cannot be undone. This doesn't even account for the fact that I honestly don't think you people even noticed half the self-contradictions you put into the story so I have no faith that you will explain them or correct the record in KOTET..


Meh... I'm tired of ringing this same bell over and over again. BW used to be about good, tightly plotted, logical stories that made sense and were fun to play over and over again. No more.

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I don't know what a "hardcore" or a "casual" is but I'm just going to run with those terms. I agree that ALL the customers are important and the developers shouldn't (and they aren't) be looking to dump any of them. I don't understand the mindset that thinks Bioware is sitting around looking for ways to lose customers, that's some serious fantasy in my book. Bioware makes the most out of the resources they have and it appears they are doing enough to remain profitable at this point. Note I said appears, I don't have any facts and I'm basing my opinion on the fact that the lights are still on and the last financial report painted the games earnings in a positive light.


Another perfectly timed arrival! :rolleyes::D

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How did complaining about the way they nerfed it, right after saying it was "working as intended" work out for you? Pretty sure the complaints fell on deaf ears.... even though a number of people presented reasoned and level headed objections with suggestions to make it a more tempered adjustment. Crickets...


I personally never used the silly slot machine, but I very definitely reacted to the way they deceived players with the "working as intended" followed almost immediately with a heavy strike with the nerf bat. Any way you slice it, they failed big time on that debacle.


Well, with BW complaining only works for 1 change - never twice. The complaint on slot machines was unfortunately used up to nerf it.


And it was a nerf nuke- bat just implies a much lesser form of nerfing happened

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Desperate attacks now?


Ah, he's doing that all the time. It's not even about defending the devs or anything. He's just one of those people who need to be contrary and to disagree with everyone, regardless of the topic. Probably the only thing that makes him feel like he's a special individual and not one of the masses or something. It's actually quite interesting to watch.

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I've just gotta say something here. I know E.M. won't read it, but what the hey.




That may be true, but it's really not a sufficient excuse for the convoluted and incomprehensible nonsense that made up the main plot of KOTFE. There are multiple threads with people who are defending the KOTFE story having to write walls of text full of head canon just to explain what the hell happened in the main storyline -- things like who Valk really is and how he can be both Valk and Vitiate at apparently the same time, things like that. The story is a tangled mess of spaghetti. A lot of it -- and I mean a LOT, not just Valk -- makes utterly no sense, right now, at the end of sixteen chapters.


It is simply not acceptable (nor is it wise from a narrative perspective) to write a story that cannot be comprehended until the 2nd installment -- and no good storyteller does that. Expand and force people to reinterpret what they think was true -- yes. But make it incomprehensible until book/movie 2? No.


Consider some of the best first stories in a longer sequence. In Star Wars ep. IV... you understand the whole movie as it happens. Nothing is incomprehensible. Are you wrong about who you think Vader is? Maybe ("from a certain point of view"). But Ben Kenobi is able to explain in a couple minutes screen time everything you need to know during the original Star Wars movie, to understand it. When ESB and ROTJ came out, yes, you had to revise your thinking. And re-watching Star Wars after that gave it a new meaning. But at the time in 1977, I did not have to wait until Empire to understand what the heck happened in ANH.


Or take another example: The Hobbit. The book stands on its own and is completely understandable. Is there more to the story, especially the One Ring, that you find out later? Yes. Does the reading of LOTR force you to re-think what you thought you saw happen in The Hobbit? Sure. But *during* reading The Hobbit, you understand all the scenes as they happen. You aren't left going "HUH?" at the end of the riddle scene.


Finally, take the example of Harry Potter. A lot of stuff happens in that first book that seems to mean one thing, only to mean something else in later books. Again you have to revise your thinking. For example in the very first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore says that Voldemort has powers Dumbledore could never have, and McGonagall says "Only because you're too, well, noble to use them." This can be taken 100% at face value and the story completely understood. In later books, we find out what they're talking about -- the Unforgivable Curses (Cruciatus, Imperius, and Killing) and even later we find out about Horcruxes. Only in book 6-7 with Horcruxes do we at last understand why Harry did not die that night of the opening chapters However, during book 1, none of that info. is necessary to understand what happened in the book. Again, you are not left at the end of Sorcerer's stone going "HUH?"


In KOTFE, at the end of the whole entire 16 chapters, I and a lot of other people were left sitting there going "HUH?" The story makes no sense, chapters contradict each other's basic premises, and everything is a spaghetti mess. I contend that even if there is a reason behind some of the stuff and you clean it up in KOTET it is too late. The damage has been done. The impression of the story being a random mess of ideas pulled out of a hat cannot be undone. This doesn't even account for the fact that I honestly don't think you people even noticed half the self-contradictions you put into the story so I have no faith that you will explain them or correct the record in KOTET..


Meh... I'm tired of ringing this same bell over and over again. BW used to be about good, tightly plotted, logical stories that made sense and were fun to play over and over again. No more.


correct. after 16 chapters we still have no idea why we built an alliance when they have yet to do anything. Never even in passing as "outlander you go invade that ship while we have teams of fighters distract and occupy them." Nope just you and the same small band every time.



Then we have the new weapon we must forge to defeat arcann and it is completely optional and not to mention hardly used in the fight




Marr also foreshadows "shame so many have to die" in chapter 9. Seven chapters later - nope nothing yet.



Just wait - in season 6 you'll see

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I've just gotta say something here. I know E.M. won't read it, but what the hey.




That may be true, but it's really not a sufficient excuse for the convoluted and incomprehensible nonsense that made up the main plot of KOTFE. There are multiple threads with people who are defending the KOTFE story having to write walls of text full of head canon just to explain what the hell happened in the main storyline -- things like who Valk really is and how he can be both Valk and Vitiate at apparently the same time, things like that. The story is a tangled mess of spaghetti. A lot of it -- and I mean a LOT, not just Valk -- makes utterly no sense, right now, at the end of sixteen chapters.


It is simply not acceptable (nor is it wise from a narrative perspective) to write a story that cannot be comprehended until the 2nd installment -- and no good storyteller does that. Expand and force people to reinterpret what they think was true -- yes. But make it incomprehensible until book/movie 2? No.


Consider some of the best first stories in a longer sequence. In Star Wars ep. IV... you understand the whole movie as it happens. Nothing is incomprehensible. Are you wrong about who you think Vader is? Maybe ("from a certain point of view"). But Ben Kenobi is able to explain in a couple minutes screen time everything you need to know during the original Star Wars movie, to understand it. When ESB and ROTJ came out, yes, you had to revise your thinking. And re-watching Star Wars after that gave it a new meaning. But at the time in 1977, I did not have to wait until Empire to understand what the heck happened in ANH.


Or take another example: The Hobbit. The book stands on its own and is completely understandable. Is there more to the story, especially the One Ring, that you find out later? Yes. Does the reading of LOTR force you to re-think what you thought you saw happen in The Hobbit? Sure. But *during* reading The Hobbit, you understand all the scenes as they happen. You aren't left going "HUH?" at the end of the riddle scene.


Finally, take the example of Harry Potter. A lot of stuff happens in that first book that seems to mean one thing, only to mean something else in later books. Again you have to revise your thinking. For example in the very first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore says that Voldemort has powers Dumbledore could never have, and McGonagall says "Only because you're too, well, noble to use them." This can be taken 100% at face value and the story completely understood. In later books, we find out what they're talking about -- the Unforgivable Curses (Cruciatus, Imperius, and Killing) and even later we find out about Horcruxes. Only in book 6-7 with Horcruxes do we at last understand why Harry did not die that night of the opening chapters However, during book 1, none of that info. is necessary to understand what happened in the book. Again, you are not left at the end of Sorcerer's stone going "HUH?"


In KOTFE, at the end of the whole entire 16 chapters, I and a lot of other people were left sitting there going "HUH?" The story makes no sense, chapters contradict each other's basic premises, and everything is a spaghetti mess. I contend that even if there is a reason behind some of the stuff and you clean it up in KOTET it is too late. The damage has been done. The impression of the story being a random mess of ideas pulled out of a hat cannot be undone. This doesn't even account for the fact that I honestly don't think you people even noticed half the self-contradictions you put into the story so I have no faith that you will explain them or correct the record in KOTET..


Meh... I'm tired of ringing this same bell over and over again. BW used to be about good, tightly plotted, logical stories that made sense and were fun to play over and over again. No more.


A well reasoned post, eloquent even. I do hope that BioWare realise that although the format may "work", that the points you have raised put the whole format into question. I completely agree about the "Huh?" part, it certainly isn't a return to the classic BioWare story-telling I'm used to from other BioWare studios.

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I've just gotta say something here. I know E.M. won't read it, but what the hey.



That may be true, but it's really not a sufficient excuse for the convoluted and incomprehensible nonsense that made up the main plot of KOTFE. There are multiple threads with people who are defending the KOTFE story having to write walls of text full of head canon just to explain what the hell happened in the main storyline -- things like who Valk really is and how he can be both Valk and Vitiate at apparently the same time, things like that. The story is a tangled mess of spaghetti. A lot of it -- and I mean a LOT, not just Valk -- makes utterly no sense, right now, at the end of sixteen chapters.


It is simply not acceptable (nor is it wise from a narrative perspective) to write a story that cannot be comprehended until the 2nd installment -- and no good storyteller does that. Expand and force people to reinterpret what they think was true -- yes. But make it incomprehensible until book/movie 2? No.


Consider some of the best first stories in a longer sequence. In Star Wars ep. IV... you understand the whole movie as it happens. Nothing is incomprehensible. Are you wrong about who you think Vader is? Maybe ("from a certain point of view"). But Ben Kenobi is able to explain in a couple minutes screen time everything you need to know during the original Star Wars movie, to understand it. When ESB and ROTJ came out, yes, you had to revise your thinking. And re-watching Star Wars after that gave it a new meaning. But at the time in 1977, I did not have to wait until Empire to understand what the heck happened in ANH.


Or take another example: The Hobbit. The book stands on its own and is completely understandable. Is there more to the story, especially the One Ring, that you find out later? Yes. Does the reading of LOTR force you to re-think what you thought you saw happen in The Hobbit? Sure. But *during* reading The Hobbit, you understand all the scenes as they happen. You aren't left going "HUH?" at the end of the riddle scene.


Finally, take the example of Harry Potter. A lot of stuff happens in that first book that seems to mean one thing, only to mean something else in later books. Again you have to revise your thinking. For example in the very first chapter of Sorcerer's Stone, Dumbledore says that Voldemort has powers Dumbledore could never have, and McGonagall says "Only because you're too, well, noble to use them." This can be taken 100% at face value and the story completely understood. In later books, we find out what they're talking about -- the Unforgivable Curses (Cruciatus, Imperius, and Killing) and even later we find out about Horcruxes. Only in book 6-7 with Horcruxes do we at last understand why Harry did not die that night of the opening chapters However, during book 1, none of that info. is necessary to understand what happened in the book. Again, you are not left at the end of Sorcerer's stone going "HUH?"


In KOTFE, at the end of the whole entire 16 chapters, I and a lot of other people were left sitting there going "HUH?" The story makes no sense, chapters contradict each other's basic premises, and everything is a spaghetti mess. I contend that even if there is a reason behind some of the stuff and you clean it up in KOTET it is too late. The damage has been done. The impression of the story being a random mess of ideas pulled out of a hat cannot be undone. This doesn't even account for the fact that I honestly don't think you people even noticed half the self-contradictions you put into the story so I have no faith that you will explain them or correct the record in KOTET..


Meh... I'm tired of ringing this same bell over and over again. BW used to be about good, tightly plotted, logical stories that made sense and were fun to play over and over again. No more.



honestly, i have never understood why some people considered the story good.



when they stared it by trying to convince me that the emperor has been secretly building a third empire, more powerful than the empire and republic, and nobody else in the galaxy even knew that they were there...



i lost interest and started spacebarring.

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"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"


Frankly I'm surprised that any serious raiders are left. This will be the third "fool me". I think we're getting into Fifty Shades territory.



That's classic and it's about how a lot of us feel. I think that's why 7OCT is the deadline for those who are left. They need to turn this ship around and if they don't do it sufficiently at the announcement then they never will.

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unfortunately, i think andryah is right about one thing: it isn't going to change. i know that stories about the death of swtor has been greatly exaggerated, but i honestly don't see how they can survive this. they have managed to drive off almost all of their most hardcore fans in exchange for...casuals. no doubt some of them will remain casuals, but what do the rest of them do when they realize that there is nothing else; that chapters are all their are now? i cry a little when i think about how they have determinedly driven off their most loyal fans, and i don't think that casuals will keep this game online.


And honestly, this is the main point they should be paying attention to. Not many casuals write guides, do podcasts, or otherwise spread the word. They often times don't bathe either ... those filthy casuals. All joking aside, a game without a loyal support base who participates in the community isn't going to last very long. There are people with a disproportionate amount of influence in any community and it's precisely those people who write guides, do podcasts, etc. Not casuals.

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And honestly, this is the main point they should be paying attention to. Not many casuals write guides, do podcasts, or otherwise spread the word. They often times don't bathe either ... those filthy casuals. All joking aside, a game without a loyal support base who participates in the community isn't going to last very long. There are people with a disproportionate amount of influence in any community and it's precisely those people who write guides, do podcasts, etc. Not casuals.


What? I'm not filthy, only my mind is. okay maybe a little filthy, I mean it's not my fault, I fell over on my way back to work after lunch. I was playing pokemon and didn't see the buckle in the sidewalk, and I had been drinking cider and wearing 4 inch heels, i just fell over, so not my fault I'm filthy! I blame the government, it's their fault, yeah, the governments fault I'm filthy. i want recompense for drycleaning, where's Johnny Cochran? Chewbacca is a Wookiee from Kashyyk, who lives on Endor, with Ewoks two feet tall. This does not make sense. I deserve to have my drycleaning paid for!

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What? I'm not filthy, only my mind is. okay maybe a little filthy, I mean it's not my fault, I fell over on my way back to work after lunch. I was playing pokemon and didn't see the buckle in the sidewalk, and I had been drinking cider and wearing 4 inch heels, i just fell over, so not my fault I'm filthy! I blame the government, it's their fault, yeah, the governments fault I'm filthy. i want recompense for drycleaning, where's Johnny Cochran? Chewbacca is a Wookiee from Kashyyk, who lives on Endor, with Ewoks two feet tall. This does not make sense. I deserve to have my drycleaning paid for!


This post still made more sense than KotFE

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Hey folks,


I thought this thread was a good opportunity to talk about the communication as of late. Although I may not post every day, I am definitely here, reading the forums. I know that there is frustration right now because you are all eager to learn more about what is coming in Knights of the Eternal Throne. We just aren't ready to talk about Eternal Throne yet, and so I can't answer your questions at this time.


But, I do want to make sure you know when we will begin really talking about Eternal Throne. That date is October 7th. The day/night of our New York Comic-con Cantina is when you can expect details about Eternal Throne. Once we have crossed the 7th (and through launch), I will be able to address questions in the forum more directly, we will be posting developer blogs related to the expansion, and more.


I know this post is an announcement of an announcement but were almost there, only a few more weeks.


Thanks everyone.




Eric I don't really care about things that can't be disclosed at this time, I'd prefer you guys be more active on matters like the Bug Report section instead of picking and choosing ones to reply to and pretty much ignoring some.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Meh... I'm tired of ringing this same bell over and over again. BW used to be about good, tightly plotted, logical stories that made sense and were fun to play over and over again. No more.


I cut most of your post for ease of reposting but I agree entirely with your post. It's how I feel about KotFE and why it doesn't deliver.


The lines I quoted sum it up quite well anyway. There is no excuse they can make for this story writing that will hold any water. In that sense it's good it's no longer canon. Not sure why Lucasarts thought this story is great since they are supposedly involved but really these guys should read your post.

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[*]Player choice is an interesting topic. KOTFE in many ways had more impact for your choices than our previous stories. One of the pieces of feedback we saw is that sometimes you may make a choice, but not see the consequences until much later on (Koth!). This can definitely lessen the feeling that those choices had impact, since the choice and impact of that choice were far apart.


Just want to reference my post http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9057436&postcount=13


But here is where choices matter has to show itself.



So the big choice matters that has been shown is Koth leaving - then returning in ch 16 blocking scorpio and taking the gravestone. So let's analyze whether or not this really mattered.


1a) Keep Koth happy, he sticks around & he hits the button and stops Scorpio

1b) Make Koth mad, he leaves and returns to hit the button and stop Scorpio


I don't call that a difference. Same outcome and no additional work on character's part needed.


Now, to be seen:

2a) Keep Koth Happy, you still have gravestone

2b) Make him mad, he runs off in it


Now the gravestone thus far is just a story prop. We don't get to hang out and use it so it being there or gone in story makes little difference. Now if KOTET comes and not having the ship requires you to do a mission to get it back, or have to do the same task only have to take longer to do it then there was some consequence. But if it comes down to when gravestone is needed and Koth jsut shows up with it and we go on just like we would if we had it still - or - no real use of gravestone happens again, then that choice will not have mattered either.



by saying that Koth is example of a choice that "mattered" already- I think that as I showed in the spoiler tag for 1a/1b, it didn't really matter did it? Unless you are defining choices that matter as choices that lead to the same outcome but have a slightly different cutscene

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Just want to reference my post http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9057436&postcount=13




by saying that Koth is example of a choice that "mattered" already- I think that as I showed in the spoiler tag for 1a/1b, it didn't really matter did it? Unless you are defining choices that matter as choices that lead to the same outcome but have a slightly different cutscene


It won't matter since BW has already said that you don't need to play KoTFE to access KoTET.

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Hey folks,


I thought this thread was a good opportunity to talk about the communication as of late. Although I may not post every day, I am definitely here, reading the forums. I know that there is frustration right now because you are all eager to learn more about what is coming in Knights of the Eternal Throne. We just aren't ready to talk about Eternal Throne yet, and so I can't answer your questions at this time.


But, I do want to make sure you know when we will begin really talking about Eternal Throne. That date is October 7th. The day/night of our New York Comic-con Cantina is when you can expect details about Eternal Throne. Once we have crossed the 7th (and through launch), I will be able to address questions in the forum more directly, we will be posting developer blogs related to the expansion, and more.


I know this post is an announcement of an announcement but were almost there, only a few more weeks.


Thanks everyone.




>communication 'AS OF LATE' .... try the last, like, 3 years.

>'''frustration right now''' yeah dude, the frustration at no communicaiton is only present now, again, try the last 3 years. Not to mention general frustration with how the game's doing.

>We know we always do announcements of announcements and you hate it when we do them....................but here is one anyway just because we dont care.



solid post 10/10 would read again

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link please. just curious have not heard that. far as I know we wont know if were able to or not until Oct


EA announced the next expansion pack for Star Wars: The Old Republic Saturday evening at Star Wars Celebration Europe. During the EA Games panel at the convention in London, England, Knights of the Eternal Throne was announced, a major expansion for the game here in its fifth anniversary year.


Eternal Throne is a direct sequel to the current expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire,which brought the deep solo gameplay and BioWare’s signature storytelling to the game in a significant way. While it will be playable on its own (you don’t have to play "Fallen Empire" to do so), anyone who purchases Eternal Throne will have access to Fallen Empire, and game director James Ohlen highly recommends fans do, just to fully experience the story.

source: http://dulfy.net/2016/07/16/swtor-knights-of-the-eternal-throne-is-the-next-expansion/
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Uhm, on that "choice really matters", I just played as a chaotic neutral sith inquisitor Chapter XI. Don't insult me with choice matters. All my choices were ignored, at least he could have slapped me, insulted me, ANYTHING. Sure, as long as I was running it with good guys choice mattered :D Moral of the day, you have to choose the right choices, then they matter :D
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honestly, i have never understood why some people considered the story good.



when they stared it by trying to convince me that the emperor has been secretly building a third empire, more powerful than the empire and republic, and nobody else in the galaxy even knew that they were there...



i lost interest and started spacebarring.


I didn't space bar through it... but now I kind of wish I had. After all, I don't think I'd have understood the story any less by skipping all the cutscenes and story parts, than I understand having watched them. It still makes no sense to me.


I can't remember what movie it was, one of these artsy high-falutin' ones, you know the type, only played in art houses and high critical acclaim but only like 50 people ever go see it. And I'd heard it was 'great' from the culture snobs where I work, and this friend had seen it and I asked him about it. He said don't bother. When I asked why he said, "I sat there for 2.5 hours, and when it was over I had to get someone to explain it to me. Then, I had to get someone else to explain the explanation. And I *still* don't understand it."


KOTFE reminds me of this. The story doesn't make sense, I come here to see if anyone can explain it, and nobody really can, and when someone tries, someone else always had to come in, quote their post, and then explain the explanation.


The whole thing reminds me of a great quote from Roger Ebert: “If you have to explain to the audience why your story means something, then it doesn't.”

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KOTFE reminds me of this. The story doesn't make sense, I come here to see if anyone can explain it, and nobody really can, and when someone tries, someone else always had to come in, quote their post, and then explain the explanation.


The whole thing reminds me of a great quote from Roger Ebert: “If you have to explain to the audience why your story means something, then it doesn't.”


And for contrast try the story through Stormheim (this zone alone has more content, and replayability than the entirety of KotFE) in WoW:Legion - including the bit where for a brief second you feel cheated by "plot armour" and die and get sent to Helheim and witness one of the most atmospheric zones I have seen in any MMO and a story chain that just keeps getting better and better as you seek to escape the after-life and return to the world of the living. Blizz have made it easier to engage with the story, and it has started to shine through.


All The Best

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And for contrast try the story through Stormheim (this zone alone has more content, and replayability than the entirety of KotFE) in WoW:Legion -


You don't even have to go outside of SWTOR to find stories that make sense. The Havoc Squad story for the Trooper makes sense, at least throughout Chapter 1 (all I have played so far).



Everyone in Havoc Squad but you defects to the Empire, and you have to (1) rebuild the squad, and (2) hunt down and determine the fate of the defectors. See? I explained the entire chapter in ONE SENTENCE. I defy anyone to do that and make it work for KOTFE.



The JC story made sense (Chapter one was stupid, but it made sense... I didn't have to ask anyone to explain it to me). Same with the SW story, the IA story, the JK story. Are there dumb parts to these stories? Sure. Are there some minor points that don't really make sense, plot holes, etc? Of course. But the basic premise of each story can be explained in a couple of sentences and all of them are easy to understand and better written (and have more choices and far more consequences) than the KOTFE story.


And BTW, to the 'wait till season 2 to get season 1 explained' crowd... I did not have to wait until chapter 2 of the trooper, SW, IA, etc. story to understand what the heck was going on in chapter 1 of those stories.

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