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BOYCOT until FPS is fixed


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Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.

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Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.



hmm do post your system specs if you please... I have no problem what so ever on my computer in performance, even in crowded places.


Intel core 2 Quad ~2.8
Gforce GTX 570
8GB Ram DDR3 ~1033ghz
Win 7 x64 bit

Edited by Mylordbone
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Internet connection has nothing to do with FPS.
Your internet connection WILL cause you to have frame rate problems, especially in high traffic areas with particle effects. I know people who played games like Star Wars Galaxies who had less than 30 fps due to poor connections. When those connection improved their fps did as well.
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Your internet connection WILL cause you to have frame rate problems, especially in high traffic areas with particle effects. I know people who played games like Star Wars Galaxies who had less than 30 fps due to poor connections. When those connection improved their fps did as well.


Apologies dear friend, but internet connection will only cause framedrops due to being unable to process data from the server.

But this has nothing to do if you are either in a crowded area or not.

Agreed in a crowded area you will have to process more information but a poor connection will result in a constant framedrop no matter where you are.

So lets say he starts at Tython, and he does not have problems playing but then comes to corruscant and has problems with framerate, then its NOT the internet connection but the grapical or processor speed.

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:o DEFRAG YOUR HARDRIVE!!! I love people who blame games for their fps problems. My comp can run BF3 on ultra too because I know how a comp works. Maybe you haven't update your drivers. Maybe you have some background program eating up resources. Maybe your computer isn't as good as you make it out to be. Whatever it is, it isn't the game.


why do i even come to these forums....

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So cancel your sub and go take an arrow in the knee! :rolleyes:


In terms of boycotting the game until the FPS is fixed... you could be waiting a very long time.


Why? Because its not the game or the engine... its how YOUR computer is displaying the game to YOU.


Tweak your settings. Change your rez if need be.


Saying that you can play BF3 on ULTRA settings, but you can't play this on HIGH doesn't describe anything. What is your memory usage when playing the game? Is your CPU bottle-necking your video card?


Your internet connection plays a big factor as well.

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It's probably people like OP that complain about the lack of people too. Why can't we have thousands of players fighting a open word PVP battle. Geometry. Not the mathematical discipline, but what game environments and game avatars are made of. The more that your card has to render; the slower things are going to happen. BF3 has a maximum of 64 players in a single zone, and much of the terrain is battlefield sparse. You are rarely going to run into all 64 players at once, if ever. While BF3 is not a single player game, it is optimized for a fixed number of players.


Not so with an MMO where you can literally have hundreds of players in a much smaller area. If you are in a geometrically dense area like Coruscant, and you have hundreds of players running around your general area, then your FPS is going to go down. How that effects you is based on what your FPS was to begin with. If you could run around the world with no players at over 100 FPS, chances are you will barely notice, unless the population gets really dense. However, if you are already only running in the 30s in an empty world, then you are in for some serious lag when the avatars start piling up.


This is why MMOs often sacrifice graphics for game play.

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I have had no issues with FPS. Everything at max settings, crowded or not, nothing lags at all. I have a 12MBps connection running a 3.7G Processor, 16G 1333 RAM and a 560 Ti video card running W7 64 Bit Ultimate. Not sure what the OP's issue is, but nothing wrong here.


Now, on my old system, I had lag. Starting a quest, I would wait about 20 seconds for it to start, then it would never finish 'painting' the background and characters while the video went on. That system was a 32 bit system: 2.4G Duo core, 2G 833 RAM and 2 8750 video cards in SLI running W7 Pro. I fully expected it to lag and accepted I needed to build a new system, which I did. Add in 2 more 24" LED screens, gaming KB and mouse and I topped out at $1200 for the new system. Everything was bought during Christmas sales and was completed the day the game went live.


Someone else stated it's probably your internet connection, and I'd have to agree. If you machine runs Skyrim on Ultra, the difference between the 2 games is TOR is Online, and that is where the bottleneck is happening. Get a new ISP, this should correct your issues. It's not the game.

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I have no FPS issues on my gaming rig. The game could run better on my laptop if I could actually lower the texture settings and view distance- but it's my laptop, I don't care about it really.


So no, I won't be boycotting anything.

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I have a beefy system that can run BF3 on ultra too.


I get 110+ fps constantly in this game.


User error here, move along.


Seriously, go boycott the game then for all we care. While you're at it, build a proper PC this time because if you can run BF3 on Ultra there is NO WAY you can't run this game smoothly.

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Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.




I have a 6 Gig dual core machine with an on board video card and I can run the game on high with a pretty solid frame rate. BUT, I do turn off the shadows.... they do make my system freeze for some reason.

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If you are able to post your current PC configuration would at least give us a base to help you solve this problem.


I am an owner of ATI Radeon 6870 cards (in crossfire) and if you overide the application setting in the Catalyst center (driver of your graphic card) you can put even the beffiest machine on her knees...


Usually with all setting set to high, your computer supposed to play this game smoothly.


Waiting for your update buddy !!


Have a nice day !

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Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.


I have a pretty beefy system with a hefty internet connection and usually run OK not great but OK. However last night there was a lot of hitching on Alderaan. There were no other players other than maybe 4 and it was laggy.

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Going to cancel my subscription, the games FPS is barbaric, even with my beefy system that can play BF3 on Ultra, Skyrim on ULTra, with no frame drop problems.


The game engine for this game is harendous, so i will be taking my money elsewhere.


Im going to cancel my sub, and go elsewhere.


Its a damn shame, as this could have been a great experience.


It is not the responsibility to EA/BW to provide you with a decent computer.


Being the interwebz any amount of excuses will do. Provide facts.


Else you're just complaining because of your own fault.

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If you are able to post your current PC configuration would at least give us a base to help you solve this problem.


I am an owner of ATI Radeon 6870 cards (in crossfire) and if you overide the application setting in the Catalyst center (driver of your graphic card) you can put even the beffiest machine on her knees...


Usually with all setting set to high, your computer supposed to play this game smoothly.


Waiting for your update buddy !!


Have a nice day !


100cr he's playing on a laptop or some sort of brand name comp.

Edited by IPaq
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